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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1922)
THE, NOftTm - MkAT'CEt fllflMl-WEEKKY TRIBUNE V 4; ; I " '-if-?!-, tV ' 1 Chats with your GAS MN ,Whilo the uso of gatf for light Ing dates tack for moro than a hundred years;., gas has been a standard "domestic fuel, partic ularly In our' cftles, for less than fifty years. .Within that remarkably short tune, however, gas has como Into ubo for cook ing the moals of forty-five mill ion American people, In addi tion to heating millions of gall ons of water,; each year. So universal has become Us use tha If" the residents of our larger cities wcro suddonly forced to return to coal Instead o' gas, It wouldrequlro nearly all the streets, alloys and va cant lots" (bstore it. Further more, coal fires could not be built hi apartment houses, be cause no provision has been and the tenants of our modern buildings would have to camp out In the open in order to get cooked food. Take away gas service from our big cities, and the next day people would bo living like gypsies In camps around each coal pile! North Platte Light & Power Co. DK. 0. II. CItESSLEIt GRADUATE DENTIST Office over tho McDonald State Bank. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Clinton's for.Ej'o Service. Meet your - friends at Danceland, ovory Saturday nlto. Geo. Gleason of Omaha spent uovoral days in North Platte last week visiting his father Pat Gleason. Bradley Sweaters for Men, Women and Children at Wik.ox Department Store. Miss Francis Dolph and sister Dora left Saturday for Denver where they : will spend a few days. Jack Palmatro of Grand Island -visited with friends in tho city on routo to Colorado Springs. ; Pat Carey of Lincoln spent a few ' days In tho city with friends last ;.week enrouto to Torrington, Wyo. Leonard Itedmond loft Sunday evening for Omaha to attend a re union of the 89th division. E. O. Cool came Sunday from Ju4es- burg to spend Sunday with his fam ily. , Mrs. Will Swancutt returned Sun day from Ansloy and Mason City after visiting relatives a few weeks. Mrs. Florence Troxler. returned Saturday evening from her Europ ean, trip. -Mr. and Mrs. John Den returned Friday from Omaha after a weeks, visit with relatives. Harry Plzer returned Sunday from Denver where ho attended tho wed ding of his cousin Joe Plzer. Hi has taken a position at tho O'Connor store began work Saturday. She Tho NIcifegeo campfiro will bo en tertained this evening at tno nome Miss Ruth Hogsctt. Ernest Itlncker left Saturday Wr Wayne. Nebraska, to attend tno wedding of John Dressier. W. J. Tiloy loft Sunday for Omnlha where ho will transact business foi q fow das. Mrs.' J. B. Elliott, suffered fiac- tures of each arm when sho fell d(Jwn i. ntnnlr '. tho steps of her homo-last weelo Mrs. Decker of Sioux City, l'i is visiting this week at tho Dr. l home. oin,i rimaa nf Sidney under. ucas Vent an operation Saturday at tho ltlatto Valloy Hospital for Appendicitis. Roland Locko who la attending tho University at Lincoln 1ms pWdgoa for the Phi Gamma fraternity. Mrs. II. P. Henckol and daijghter Julia arrived homo Saturday opening from a several weeks visit wltt rela tives and friends in Salt Lako and Los Angeles. ) Mr. and Mrs. John Halllgan 'return ed Sunday from a summer ,trip to Europe. Thoy woro with th() Killon party whlqh left hr about $io first of July. ACTIVITIES OF THE i Y WHAT IS BKING DONE BY THE DIFFERENT LODGES AND , SOCIETIES The Trlbuno Invites contributions to this department from all organizations in tho city. Advance notices of meetings and spocial program of attractions should bo given. Thoso aro considered as news and no chargo la mado. We take advertising rfoticcs at regular rates, and they are printed elsewhere. CHRISTIAN There will bo no mooting this week of tho Ladies Aid, duo to tho Fair. EPISCOPAL Ladles Guild -will moot in the church basement atv3 o'clock. Every-! ono Is asked to bo present. PRESBYTERIAN ' Ladies Aid society will hold a fooa salo In tho building formorly occupi ed by tho Nowton Book Store on Sat urday September 23rd. I COMMUNITY CHORUS Thoro will bo a called meeting of i tho Community Chorus to bo held In Franklin Auditorium Thursday, Sep. '21 at 7:30. Business of Importance , to bo transacted. METHODIST , , Ladles Aid will meet Thursday afternoon at tho church with the following aa hostesses: Mesdames Krusen, Forbes, Stone, T3vans and Davis. Carl Westcnfeldt leaves today for York to attend tho American Legion convention which is to bo hold in that city. Mrs. John Horrod left yesterday for Alliance to visit with her dau ghter Mrs. William Nelson for a few days. Mrs. Margaret Taylor returned to her homo in Fort Collins Saturday' alter visiting Mrs. Howard McMlch ael. Miss Freda Schuman has resigned her position at tho Tramp ready-to- wear storo and left for her homo in Grand Island, Friday. 3fa Jjfjj as In yi 1 1 ORGANIZATIONS i Start; rfi . aJll By Americas Greatest Story Teller. ivlcu Who Will Rud Grain Growers, Inc. Thc complete reorganization of the U. S. Grain Growers, Inc., has been made, E. H. Cunningham of Cresco, la., secretary of the Iowa Farm Bu reaus, was elected president of the Board of Directors and chairman of the Executive Committee J. F. Rccd of St. Paul, president of Min nesota Farm Bureaus and R. A. Cowlcs of. Bloomington, I1L, are the other members of the executive com mittee Children with crossed eyes sh6uld be takon care of as early as possible as the condition Is usually caused by and error that can bo tofrccte,(J. by glasses. Consult the Dixon Optical Co. REE' N F" i Friday Another tale of thte Old South Opie Read E39 limit; m Mr. and Mrs. Julius Hoga left last evening .for AurttrfiPIll.'-Vhcre Whore tli s UldojsH of E. Keltic. 'refo called by the' serious Mrs. Hogn's roQthorY.MrsVE. left Mrs;. Mlko McFaddort ofl'axton, A marrlago Hconso was Issued who, ttv Zn If J HtL, r'Bpcnt ,ft9t weok ,n U! visiting Tuesday to John O. Sltarloua 26 and IZlZs-T ? ' wUh ii6r pAronl8 Mr' nnrt Mr8' Jo,m " E Nichols,- 27i rrioth several weeks. . tt .. . .. . Herrod. nVo at Gothenburg. Wo would bo pleased to havo you - -J - .. . ' - luiioiiii. us auoui your eyes, oiop inio ... our store at any Umo nnd you twill be wolcomo. Dixon Optical Co. 1 UNION PACIFIC TIME TABLE.- Westbound No. 1 4:45 p. n. No. 3 1:45 a. m i No. 7 4:25 p. m j No. 11 2:04 p. m. No. 13 8:10 a. mj No. 15 12:40 .a. la No. 17 G:25 p. m No. 19 9:10 a. m. No. 53 8:50 a. in. No. 25 , 7:00 p. m. Enstboand No. 2 , 12:20 p. No. 4 11:00 p. No. 8 12:05 p. No. 10 2:25 p. No. 12 11:30 p. So. 14 10:55 p. m. m. m. m m, in. No. 1G --r 8:55 a. ra 'o. 18 1:15 p. m No. 20 7:20 p. m No. 54 10:10 p. m. No. 2G 5:40 a. m. Two French workmen woro talking at a public bar. Of course, slnco tlioy wcro not talking about horso racing, they wero talking about politics. "Tho various national debts go up Into trillions of francs," declared one, with tho nlr of a man who Is saying something astounding. The other didn't blink. "Trillions, I say," thundered tho first. "Do you know what n trillion is?" "Yes," drawled his friend, "tho same as a billion, only n lot moro zeios." i L. & S. Grocce in s DON'T MISS You will find Wilcox Department f jtore jlfefalquartersfprj good wearing ltiodWf plced shoes ifor Women nntl 3hfltjrojw . ' ; ................... v.vv.w..w.v...vWM.v'...v.....'.v.iv. :-i . i j HERSHBY, Saturday, Sept. it 100 Good Stock Hogs Weighing from 50 to 150 lbs. Have nil been given Double Serum Cholora Immune 11 Treatment by a qualified Veterinarian. jf GEO. BROWN FIELD Col. I. D. Brownfieltl, Auct. Bank of Lincoln County, Clerk. f ............ ........ ............... a.... Aft.. z NORTH PLATTE'S HOLEPROOF HOSIERY STORE FOR WEN AND WOMEN ffaleprcDf ffosi&rg Men's Holeproof Extra Heavy Pure Silk lloso Special Prlco-- $1.00 Best (Juallly Filter Special Prlco Hose 75c Why don't you wear these good and stylish hose, since you must know that they wear longer, look hotter and cost less .than any hose you can huy for man or woman. t North Platte's Exclusive Holeproof Hosiery Store ERIAL 1 1 enwinrae uouse 11 COPYRIOHT, Tnrr-"BEU. SYNDICATE, INC., "Periwinkle Hpuse" is not a lon novel; rather, a novelette, but it is the latest work of Opio Read and therefore an event in liter ature. It contains some new manifestations of the author'o humor and philosophy, some character types, a lovo story, and a treatment of episodes, all en tirely different from anything heretofore written by him. Read ing it is ljko turning back the pages of time and going into an eanierandmorerpmanticperiod. IT. Miss Evnngollno Horrod roturnod Wednesday frpnflicr Eure Bho spoilt a fOwuays In .0 fpro rojuriiln liotmo. , I Eurppeftfr.trlp. In .OhtcaM be- JU JHJ NEBRASKA. 23, at 1:30 p. m. Holeproof Hosiery Special for Women EXTItA HEAVY i'UKESILK with ribbed top Special Prjco--. $1.95 All. Popular Colors. FLNE QUALITY with ribbed top Special Price. PUHE SILK -$1.65 KINK SILK FACE HOSE with ribbed top Special Prlco 95c Hosiery Specials Heavy Pure Silk Special Prlco Hose 50c a. Mens Lisle Hoso Spoclul Prlco 35c OPIEJRgAD ILLUSTRATED BY R.H.LIVINGSTONE :.t ft it :.t t.t V 8 i m