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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1922)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE SgmMMeeklu (lirilnme. Gold Strike at Washington, D- C WILSON TOUT. Editor snd L'thllaher. Bntorod ut the North Platto, Nebraska Pnstoffico hh Socond Clan Muttor. Ono SUnSCIUl'TION I'ltlCEi Your, In advanco $1.00 TUKSDAY, AVGVSr 2D. KW2 EDITOKIAL Christ mid "Tako My yoko upon ' you, and loam of Me; for I nm inook and lowly In heart; and yo shall find rot unto your oul" MatUiuw 11:29. Wellington suld "We muat cilu oato our pooplo to discriminate; the spirit of llhorty from that of IIcoiiho." Yostorday wo sunt n telegram to Omaha and tho samo toloRnun to Den Vor. Tho rilstanoo Is practically tho samo. The Omaha mosaago cost 38c p.nd tho Donvor mossaKo 74c. Ono costs twlcti as much an tho other bocnuao It had to cross a Rtato line. Doos that fit in with nny p-irt of your reasoning procoss? It doosn't with us. Horshoj Wolch, city water com missioner roports Hint during tho woolc from August 17 to 24 lnclu slvo tho water worka pumped 12, 3G7.800 gallons of water. This Ta more than a million and a half gallons a day. North Platto pooplo Will romombor that theso wcro tho hottest days, eight of thorn contlnu-' ous. Tho avorago citizen has no, conception of what a million and a ' half gallons of water would amount nor 1,1 Lincoln county would do as to. Waal Ads LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. Itoso Louden has taken position at Dr. Twinems office. WATCH YOUR SALE DATE Aucust 30 Public sale of horses, Take that noxt can of croam to cattlo, farm machinery and housohold KOH SALE Spring chickens, alive or drossed. G02 E. Sixth or phono 971 FOR SALE Spring chickens. Mrs. E S. OHnos. Phono 5G4 J. KOH SALE Got your cucumbors for pickling at Doollttlos. WAN TE D Girl work. Mrs. J. for general S. SImms. house- Warding Cream Station. John Shnffor of Paxton wus busi ness visitor in tho city Thursday. Harry Snow of Staploton trans, acted business in tho oily Friday. John Illto of Wollflect was a busi ness visitor in the city yostorday. Mr. and Mrs. Alox Thompson spent the week end in Paxton visiting relatives. goods at tho Goo. Lioss farm, C miles southwest of North Platto, 4 miles west and MUo north of tho Exper imental Farm. H. M. Johanscn, Auct. . -;u; 1 Clinton's for Spectacles. . :o:' KOH SALE Six hole rango good as clly with relatives. New. Inqulro 014 E. 11th st. Mrs. Marton Movor of Paxton came Tuesday to visit sevontl days In tho ty' Nobraska. Goo. N. Gibbs, Attornoy. NOTICE OF PETITION Estate of Hrtdgot Jonos, deceased, in the County Court of Lincoln Coun- Frank Starr of Gonoa, Nebr, spent The Stato of Nebraska: to all per sons intorsted in said estato tako notice that Owen Jones did on tho WANTED Woman for 'general house work. C21 west 4th stroot. FOUND Gold watch. Owner phono Sunday in tho city visiting his cousins ll)Ul (irty 0f August, 1022 file a pot 1243W.' Identify. L. L. and W. E. Starr. ,t!on ,n 8ni(1 actlou soUiUg forth that Wo offer tho highest quality that is Nicholas McCnbo, executor of said mado in leather goods Cordova cstnto did tho 8th day of August, Loathor. Dixon, the Jowolor. 1922 die. rrul said potition prays for WANTED A widow or man and wity Mrs. D. Stafford of Paxton came , tho appolntent- of Owen Jones, and to keep house. Give reference. Writai Thursday to visit several days at tho ' that letters of administration -with Ilox GOO, Maxwell. Nebr. Herman LeDloyt home Mrs W ANTED fi wonn for wnrktni? mill- M. U. U. JOIinSOIl returned bat- ator covors, etc. in our sowing "rday from a two weoks visit wltli oom. Platto Auto Trim Co. er parents nt Gibobn, Nebr. T-n,i r, . t ' , , , , Chas. Brotornltz Jr. returned Sat- FOlt SALE Spring chickens, drossed , , n ii ti n. t i i urday from Sidney where ho spent or alive. Call P. W. Olson, phono 42gw a week at the John Hajek home. will annexed bo granted to him, which has been set for hearing heroin on tho 22nd day of Septombor. 1922 at 10 o'clock n. m. Dated this 25th day of August, 1922. T. S. HLANKENBUHG Acting County Judge. :o: Panning gdld almost within the shadow of the capitol building at Washington, 13. C, is now being done. The strike was made across the Potomac. The picture sh6ws Senator William H; King of Utah, a gold expert, looking on while discoverers of thcjjlaccr mine pah the gold for his inspection. . . Wo havo Just received n shipmont WANTED High school girl wants a of bobbed-haIr combs, barrettes and place to work for board and room. ixncv hftlr plns Como ln nml soo thom Inqulro this office. c s Cn,llon & Son. - FOR SALE Fresh home grown . Mrs- H- E' Sm,th leaves Thursday cucumbors. Thos. Hayworth, phono, for Amarilla, Texas, wliero sho will 793F3. Join her husband, they "will mako 'their future homo ln that city. Mra if UK uunt & room modern House ex- SmIth wag formerly Miss Helen cent heat. 229W. 618 Lincoln Ave. Phono J Bakor. Wo wondor If North Platto appre ciate the lino water oyslom wo now have. At tho lust meeting additions woro ordered which will placo a num bor of families on tho sorvlco and which covers all d tho cloBcly settled parts of tho city with wator sorvlco and flro protection. During tho hot OBt weather of last wook tho pross- uro was good and tho supply abund- of Uie3o Chamber of Com woll as tho singlo gardner did, wo mtixo secretaries who are advortis- woud havo an exhibit which rn'ould lm: their communities would make compel tho wholo world to stop and good automobile salesmen", says J. FOR SALE Now BIrdsell Alfalfa pay attontlon. It would bo sftiply V. Ronilgh. Continuing he said Seed Hullor. "Write R. C Knapp, wonderful. Why can't we each ttfke "Wh'-n you read one of theso "Come, Odessa, Nebr. tho Invitation of tho men or tho I'lvo in our city" tracts, is always stato fair commltteo as if It wcro' a stresses tho pure water, tho good FOR RENT Newly furnished room, pcrflonnl honor nnd mako It a com- schools, tho fine churches, Uio good gentleman preferred. Inquire 114 S. munity effort for tho credit of Lin- transportation facilities and a lot Dewey. coin county? Lot's do It. of other things than merely houses - .n. and lots. So what a cJty has to sell FOUND Along north bank of river, Miss Lonn Gartner arrived Friday aro tho things that mako It pleasant L. & S. Grocetorid. silver cigarette case. May bo iden ant. In Lincoln all klnda of rcstrlc-! from Durclmrd, Nebraska. Sho attend- and profitable to llvo there. What's, UIl0U at irlmuio omco. tions woro placed ln force and at ono 1 Ul rylo-Hlnds wedding Sunday, that got to do Kvith selling and atuo- FQR SALEThroo boarg thoroush. time It was thought all lawn watQ A party consisting of P. P. Maddox mobile? Woll. when you sell a car, Po,antl.ChInuSi ? monthg m weigh 250 pounds. $30 each If taken THE BOYS' STORE Tiie Hirschield Co THE BOYS' STORE An Easy Problem'9 ing would havo to bo forbiddon. Other places havo Buffered tho samo incouvonlonco. North . Platto has had an abundance of wator and good pressure. Do wo approclato It TEhd aro wo -willing to pay for It? J. II. McDonald, H. D. Wolso and W. H. McDonald spent Sunday in Koy stono. Mrs. R. G. WIer and daughter Ella roturnod Sunday to their homo In Sterling attor visiting with friends In tho city for a fow days. quick, Mac Westphall, phone 785F21.I :o: i what you really sell are tho advnn ta'prs that ownorship of that car will bring to tho purchaser. Not tho least of theso advantages ln tho mind of tho present dny motor-wise prospect Clinton's for Eyo Service. '-in fact tho basic advantages on Ei M. Schatz left Sunday on a which all othors depend aro tho weeks fishing trip to tho mountains. dealers readiness nntl desire to ron- Miss Matilda TUndnl rntnrnnrl lutst Wf fill rnnntTfilvn flint nnniniiinltv effort is what counts, Ju making a Tho unoml ot tho lllte w,Ilmin lor good sorvlco nt honest prfces, his ' wook to hcr homo ln 0gallala aftor i Q1inimni1n iU1 tin liil(l H1!,!! rutlil V n f - ..t.ttfi.. aa 1 . . ,t.n i . ... buccoos of any ontorpriso. Wo aro all Inclined to bo individualists and want to go It alone. If Dorryborry & Forbes would go to almost any North Platto gurdner and ask him to propuro an exhibit of his best garden products for display in tho store window, tho gardnor would fool honored and do his best. Tho exhibit would bo a credit to tho in dividual gardnor but strangers would not bo especially Interested becauso tho exhibit would bo so smart and Incomplete. Now If ovory gnrd- Shormann will bo hold Thursday af- ability to supply any parts that may :vlglt,ng sovcral daya with hcr cousln NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS. Woods within tho city limits must bo cut by Soptembor 1. If samo aro not cut by Soptombor 1, I shnll pro ccod to cut thom and char go to prop, orty owners. By ordor of John Jonos, Streot Commissioner. j.t j.t j.t il j.t it it j.t j.t j.t J.t J.t J.s. j.t j.t j.t j.t $ j.t jt J.T tornoon from tho Presbytorlan church. Tho Amorlcnn Legion will bo in chargo. Burial will bo made in tho Fort McPhorson comotery. Mr. Sher mnnn dTod Sunday morning at the homo ot his nlcco Mrs. Florenco Wld- -:o: later be required and his constant i MlsH FrC(la HasmeIor. friendly intorest ln tho owner s satis faction and l.v.olfnro. At least, that's tho basis on which wo soil cars." :o: NOTICE Miss Mabol Churchill spont Sunday Got thom at tho fam fresh, mol-1 Btrandj lining livo miles south ot In Sutherland with friends. ons, potatoes and plums, call mo up Stove MoWi1lllnms lett. Sunday for and get prices. Phono 784F5. Four Donvor to visit his brother Robert miles oast of Stato Farm, for several days. , Austin S. Gregg, Jr. tho city. Ho vrnB 7G years old. Ho llvod for a numbor of years at Bird-wood. You Cant Look Pleasant When you're on tho 8 broad of your back with 8 f. ii. . i . & nothing coming In, and tho j.t doctor and grocery bills to J.t pay. j.: You can smile oocasion ally if you had tho fore pight to take out a health H and accident policy when g u you woro woll and kicking. jj Bottor get one today j l while you're up, for you w 8 can't get ono whon you're t down. ix C. F. Temple, The Travelers Man. Insuranco of. all Kinds, B. & L. Bldg. Phono o. G3. Trees and Telephones The limb of a tree hanging against a telephone wire may put the line out of order, and is certain to make it "noisy", especially in wet weather. Your co-operation in the proper trimming of trees along our lines will be appreciated because it will be helpful to the tele phone service of everyone. And when properly done by our trained men, it will help the trees also. This company has experts who know how to trim trees in such a way ns to keep the branches nway from the telephone lines and yet improve the appearance of the trees and lengthen their life. Northwestern B ephone Company Outfitting the youngsters for school is an easy and profitable problem at this store. Where our immense stocks, wonderful varieties and extraordinary values make buying here a positive pleasure. BOYS '2-PANTS SUITS Beautiful fall patterns in wear proof lancy cassimeres, smart ly tailored Trousers full lined and reinforced, sizes 6 to 18. A $12.50 value g BOYS' 2-PANTS SUITS Stylish pleated models in dark medium and light, extra qual ity fancy cassimeres Trousers full lined, Sizes 6 to 18. A $16.50 value ( Boys9 Small Wear Specials Boys "Kaynee" Blouses Blue, grey and fancy patt erns. Size 6 to fkj?, M 95c Boys "Kaynee" Shirts Blue, grey and lancy patt erns. Size o to 14 95c Boys Sweaters Blue and green mixtures. Sizes 28 to 34 heather $1.95 Boys Overalls Made of heavy quality demin just like Dad s. Size 4 to 16 ... . 95c Boys "Ironclad" Hose Triple knees, heels and 35c toes 11. Sizes 6 to Boys Stylish Caps Blue, Brown and fancy patterns 75c Boys $2.50 School Shoes Brown Elk blucher school shoes, sewed and nailed soles. Size 10 13v. Special Price $195 Boys $4.00 School Shoes Brown and black Calf skin and brown scout shoes. Sizes 1 to 6. Special Price $2.85 School Commences Tuesday, Sept. 5th. The Real Boys Store in North Platte. BOYS' HEAD-TO-FOOT-OUTFITTERS. Boys Knee Pants Fine quality cassimeres. Size 8 to 04 IE 18 M.ld Boys Corduroy Knee Pts Extra quality cord. Espec ially reinforced, fl 4 iff Size 6 to 17....fP1.43 We Teach Your Dollars To Have More Cents. r i.