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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1922)
TUB NORTH PLATTE STCMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. HOW TWO WOMEN APED OPERATIONS Doctor Advised Use of LydiaE. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound ' Happy Results in Both Cases StJoseph.Missouri. "Both of my sides swelled and hurt me so that I could not move or do any of my work. , There was heavy pressuro and pains through my lower organs ana tho doctor told mo to try Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound for theso troubles. He said I had this ono . chance, and if tho Vegotablo Com pound did not help me nothing but an operation would. After taking several bottles I felt it was helping mo and now I am able to do my own work. If my testimonial will help others I shall be glad for them to read it and hopo your Vegetable Compound will do them as much good as it did me." Mrs. "Wm. Lockman, 513 N. 4th St, St Joseph, Mo. White Plains. N. Y. "I had such a pain that I could hardly walk and tho doctor said that I needed an opera tion. I was sick for n year beforo I started taking your medicine and I could not work. I saw your advertise ment in a little book and that is how I came to take Lydia E. Pinkham'a medicines. I have been taking tho Vegetable Compound and Lydia E. Pinkham'a Blood Modlcino, also Lydia E. Pinkham'a Liver Pills and used Lydia E. Pinkham'a Sanative Wash and tho capsules and prescrip tion recommended. I am doing all my work and havo gained twenty pounds. I am taking tho medicines still, but I feel fine. You havo my permission to use this letter for the good of others. " Mrs. MARYMARK37HamiltonAve., Whito Plains, N. Y. Somo female troubles may through neglect reach a stago when an opera tion is necessary. But most of tho commoner ailments aro not tho sur gical ones; thoy are not caused by serious displacements, tumors, or growths, although tho symptoms may appear tho same. When disturbing ailments first ap pear, tako Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg otablo Compound to relievo tho pres ent -distress and prevent more seri ous troubles. Many letters have been received from women who have been restored to health by Lydia E. Pink ham'a Vegetable Compound after op crationshavebeen advised by attend ing physicians. Ijydla E. Pinkbam's Private Text-Boole upon 'Ailmonts Peculiar to Women" will bo sent you free upon request. Writo to tho Lydia IS. Pinkbnm Medicine Co., Lynn, Massachusetts This book contains valuable information. EXCURSIONS TO WESTERN CANADA Hound Trip for Single Fare Plus Two Dollars Good First and Third Tuesdays in Each Month A splendid opportunity is now offered those who desire to make a trip of inspection to look over Western Canada's Farming Possibilities Recent advances in the price of farm products and the possibility of further increases will warrant an increase in the price of Western Canada Farm Lands, now exceptionally low considering their producing value. The depression is now over, and normal times are at hand. Western Canada came through the late trying period with a stout heart and a pre paredness to take advantage of the better times that we are approaching. To take advantage of the low rates now in force, and for other information, apply to W. V. BENNETT, Rm. 4, Bee Bldg., Omaha, NeB. Authorized Canadian Government Agent Mothers!! Write for 32- Page Booklet, it Trj.i .r U.YAKJ LI ICl S Ul nits vvuriu I Pat. Process cm & Ni Loom Products , Baby Carriages Gturnitun Use This Coupon The Lloyd Mfg. Company Htnoraln.4 Mich. Tho Lloyd Mfg. Co. Dot. U M.aomlM. Mich. Pleue stnd tnm your booltlt,"Uothn of tb World." 3trt en suu W. N. U OMAHA, NO. 15-1922. Produces Like Effect. The force of examjUe Is shown by tho fact that when a razor loses Us temper It is npt to muke the user loso bis also. Very properly a girl 1ms little faith In a mirror that tells her she is homely. When the rides. ghost walks the Dum Cold. Bert Acosta, tho air champion, said at a banquet In Omnha: "It Is so cold In an alrplnno when you reacii great altitudes that If you try to describe the weather up there you feel like n liar. "Yes, you feel like tho fa!m hand who said: '"Yep, mighty cold day, but 'tnln't nothln' tu what I seen to hum wunst In tho Vermont mountings. Why, one day in plg-klllln' time It wns so dum cold that wo had n kittle of b'liln wa ter settln' on tho stove, and when we tok It out In the yard it friz bo dum quick the Ice was hot.' " Cat and Kitten. i Kitty That man over there Is star ing right at my nose. Kat Maybe he's a reporter. Kitty But why bhould a reporter stare at my nose? Kat Well, they'ro supposed to keep their eyes on everything that turns up, aren't they?" Bed Cross Ball Blue Is the finest product of Its kind In the world. Ev ery woman who has used It knows thin statement to bo true. Advertisement. Half of genrus Is tho desire to "excel. nctor I A swell affair makes a misfit of a man's hat. From a Bride: "As a young housewife of only two and one-half years' ex-' perience I am glad to find that even we amateurs can cook successfully if we use Royal Baking Powder Mrs. J. L. M. ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste Send for New Royal Cook Book IV FREE Royal Baking Powder Co.,'l30 William St, New York (Copy for This Department Supplied r the American Lesion News Service.) LUKE FOUGHT HIS OWN WAR Young Lieutenant's Devotion Lives on In Sister Now Cheering Ex-Sol-diera In Hospitals. Frank Luke's devotion to duty lives on In the character of his sister. Tho American acowho so gallantly gave his life ono day In tho early autumn of 1018 found tho same Joy In serv ice to his country thnt Anna Mario Luke now finds in serving ex-sol-dlers In the hos pitals of Phoenix, Ariz. Her songs aro known wher ever veterans arc quartered, and her popularity at the Amorlcnn Legion post, which benrs her brother's name, Is often remarked. Further honor was recently paid the memory of Lieutenant Luke when the Italian Croce dl Guerro was awarded him posthumously. Tho cross, with n certificate of award signed by General Diaz, Is now In possession of tho late ofllcer's family, together with a Con gressional Medal of Honor, n Distin guished Service Cross with oak leaf cluster, and several minor decorations. The lieutenant wns ono of the best known and most picturesque flyers in nny army. Work ing for tho most part without or ders, he practi cally fought hla own war. lie would load up with bombs, fly far back Into Ger man territory, take on any odds that happened to fall to him, and work destruction wherever ho went. Known by reputation to every man in the A. E, F he represented all thnt was romantic In modern warfare. He fell In action with enemy nirmen near Murvaux, after a forced landing of his plane. He hud previously shot down three German balloons while un der terrific Are from ground batteries. THE TYPICAL YANK FIGHTER Sergeant William Mettlen, Omaha, Stacks Up With All the Required Dimensions. now would you look If a slacker back In the States hnd taken your Job and married your girl? No, that didn't happen to Sergeant William Mettlen of Oma ha, Neb., but he was told to Im agine that it did while signal corps p liotog raphers were taking his picture to repre sent tho "typical American fighting man." The pho tographers, on an official mission from the government, scratched their heads a long while beforo they thought of anything that would make him look llerce enough. If you want to be "typlcnl" you will have to stnek up ns follows: Height, 5 feet lO1 Inches; weight, 100 pounds; hair, light brown, nnd eyes, blue. Mettlen's other specifications aro that he enlisted when nineteen years old, while Btlll a freshman at Nebraska unl versify; that he was cited four times for bravery; that ho is as active In the American Legion now as he was in the Sixteenth infantry then, and that, In addition to being a typical American, he Is Scotch-Irish. LEGION WINS COURT BATTLES Damages Allowed National Organiza tion In First Litigation Instituted Two Editors Indicted. From the first court action which It ever instituted to protect Its name, tho American Legion emerged victori ous. Judgment by default and dam ages were awarded the Legion In the suit against Francis H. Shoemaker of Omaha, Neb., who wns quoted as say ing that the Legion was "subsidized by big interests" and was "opposed to or ganized labor." Shoemaker, who Is nn alleged radi cal worker, made a speech last Decem ber In Omnha, during tho course of which he Is said to have referred to the Legion as "an organization of trained murderers opposed to organ ized labor." Suit was brought by the Legion commander In Nebraska on the ground that the statements wero "wicked, false and malicious" and for the purpose of "stopping such con temptlblo lies and showing union labor that wo resent charges of being op posed to them." Tho Loglon has also secured Indict ments against two editors of tho Illi nois Stents Zcltung, a German-language newspnper, for an editorial which appeared In their paper libeling ex-service men, e From 8lx to Seven. Tho Woman was entertaining two email nieces, who between sips of cam brie tea nnd bites of Jelly Bnndwlchcs wero giving her n glowing account of eomo recent festivities. "How very Jolly 1" commented tho Wontnn; "and of courso you played games nnd had lco cream and a birthday cako?" "Yes, indcedy," afll-med Dolly; "a splendid rosy-pink ono on It I" cried Nelly. "How lovely I" enthused tho Woman ; "and how many candles wero thero?" "Wo didn't count 'era, did we, Dolly?" was tho reply, and then, with a puzzled frown, "and she's seven years old, nuntlc, seven years old, nnd she looks Just exactly tho very snmo as Bho did laBt Sunday, when sho was only six I" Chicago Journal. A Blowout. Suitor What would you do If I kissed you? Electrician's daughtcivl would use ono hand for insulation nnd with tho other I would crcnto a short-circuit by n quick connection ngnlnst your cheek." Scienco nnd Invention. Doubtful. North Mrs. Jonus said that I re minded her of her husband. West Is that a compliment? Fortunntcly tov tho average man, brains aro not on exhibition. Wm Mafastine ASK your local dealer to rec ommend a practical dec orator. If you are unable to. secure one you can do the work yourself, tinting and stenciling your walls to (five beautiful results. Instead ofKalsomtnc or Wall Paper Alabastinc is a drv nowden mixpe with cold water; directions on each package. Used on plaster, wall board ana ail wall surfaces. White and artistic, durable tints. Cross and circle printed in red on each package. SPECIAL, STENCIL OFFER We will mpply cut stencils to any uier of Alabaitine one stencil for each room requiring not lesi than two package, if you will end the large wordi ALABASTINE cut from the face of tho packages over the cross And circle, &ccompanicd by ISc in stamps or sdver for each stencil desired, covering postage and packing. Write for free booklet, "Nature Beautiful Tints." THE ALABASTINE COMPANY IMS GrancMlta Arenuo Grand lUpIdt, Michigan if 3S The Royal Honeymooners HALT SHIP FOR STORIC Princess Mary of England and her husband, Viscount Lnscellen, enjoying n shortvalk Jja tho' gardens of Weston park, whero they spent part of their honeymoon. Told thnt tho stork was about to vlsltf Mrs. Frederick Sandmeler of Bowdlc, S. D., Cnpt. Axel J. Schmidt of tho Oscar II halted tho ship in a storm. Tho baby, nuraed Atlanta, Is seen here with tho ship surgeon and Miss Betty Prcstmnrk, who took u keen interest in 'Atlanta's arrival. ' Up on Arithmetic. She Isn't of school ago yet not by n year. But she knows her arithme tic. Tho other evening n neighbor asked whether Httlo Miss Wisdom knew her A, B, C's. "I know only n few pf thqin," wns the reply. "I can count good, though." "Oh, Is that so? You cau count let's hear you." There was a brief pause and then sho began: "One, two, three, fonr, five, sir, seven, eight, nine, ten, Jack, queen, king." Pride' Is said to go before a fall. Anyway, a woman's pride usually gives way beforo her tears full. An optimist Is a man who stl" be lieves he married for better or for worse. 8enslblo Question. She had the money and ho a small Job. Ho wished to get married very badly, but sho was rather undecided. Ono night as they Bat talking about the future, ho having conxed her Into a half-way engagement, ho snld: "And we'll ho very careful and not run Into debt nnd havo trouble ,as tho Slssons did. We'll always pay casb, won't we, dear?" A suspicious look camo to her face. Quickly she put forth tho question: "Whoso cash?" Quick Luncn. Pig nnd hen chatting together on the railroad tracks. Toot-toot I Ham and eggs. American Legion Weekly. Dry. "How did tho wedding go off? Any hitch?" "No. nor hootch." Very Cureoryl A, huntsman called nt tho farmstead! to settle for damages dono by tho hounds, and found only tho farmer's wifo nt home. "Has your good man made an exam ination yet?" ho asked. "That ho have, sir," replied Mrs Hodgo. "Rather n cursory examination, II suspect?" . "Oh, dreadful, sir I Such language? I never, heard never 1" And tho dame held up her hands at tho bnro recollection. Tlt-BUs Evident. i 1 Ted Is Tom henpecked? Ned Judge for yourself. His wife went to tho barber's and left Instruc tions as to how his hair was to be cut. New York Sun. Men who drink hard llnd It easy. When Will There Be A Disarmament of Dining Tables ? Suppose everybody would recognize the fact that there's no gain but much loss in keeping up hostilities with the stomach I Suppose the ancient aggrava tion of improper food on indig nant digestive organs should be settled with guarantees of sen sible diet and tranquil digestion 1 The saving would bo beyond all possibility of counting. Yet millions go on declaiming war on the stomach and accept ing War in return loading up on starchy, heavy, unbalanced and highly-seasoned food at breakfast or lunch and wonder ing why comfort, hap piness and efficiency are out of reach. Grape-Nuts makes a friend of the taste and an ally of tho stomach. There's a charm and satis faction to this delicious food which prompts appetite to say, "There's a meal!" and digestion to answer, "Thank goodness, here's peace at lastl" . Grape-Nuts is the perfected nutriment of wheat and malted, barley sweet, crisp, and won derfully nourishing. It digests quickly, and provides the neces sary elements, including the vital mineral salts, for body, nerve and brain. Order Grape-Nuts from your grocer today, and let a delighted taste pass a treaty of peace along to an enthusiastic digestion and assimilation. Grape-Nuts the Body Builder "There's a Reason" Xlada by Poatutn Coraal Co., Inc., DattU Cra elf Mich