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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1922)
V .V- 3;? . . rvj TUESDAY and FKIDAU THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR.' NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, APRIL 21, 1022. NO. 30. (Che ftf 1 I SHOR T STORIES OF PEOPLEAND THINGS ITEMS OF INTEREST. ABOUT RE CENT HAPPENINGS IN TniS COMMUNITY .A At the regular mooting of the HiY next Wednesday noon an election of , olccrs for the coming year will bo held. The Senor class of tho high school is to hold a hard times party this evening but tho place was not an nounced. Notice has been received here of a hearing before tho state board of pardons and paroles on May 9, of tho application of Fred Shiek for roleaso from tho penitentiary. He was sent up in Juno 1920 for grand larceny. The Junior class of tho local hlijli school will have a party in tho bail ment of tho "W. H. Cramer homo this evening. Games and dancing will be tllb amusement Class colors will bo used In decoration. The track team will leave next Fri day for Cambridge whore a track meet will bo hold. Those that will txflo part in tho meet aro Shaner, Locko, Deats, Rector, R. Simon, Yost Healey and Stroup. In February tho price of common labor ranged from 13 to 20 cents an hour in the southern states, 23 to 30 cents an hour in. the middle western states, and around 45 cents an hour in the. Pacific states. The prices of leans without, drivers ranged from 24 to 42 cents an hour. Those entitled to Night school certi ficates will find their names posted on tho bulletin board. If somo one is en titled to credit and his namo is not posted, report to tho qfficqand. sue about cfoflifs". This announcement was made yesterday at the office of Superintendent C S. Littel. Tho district championship debato will bo held at the Auditorium Satur day evening when Grant will compete with North Platte for honors. Next Friday the North Platte team will de bate with Cambridge. The money tak en In at the door Friday will be used to defray the expenses of tho tean when it goes to Lincoln. Yoemen supreme and state officers, Hoffman, Wilson, Pitkin, Brayant, Morrill, Schabolka, Spencer will on fer the Rhadamanthus degree hero on April 26. A banquet and social will follow. This degree is only for Yoe men who aro cligiblo to have tho Moritorlous ervico pin. Tho evening of tho 25th will bo regular initiation and social. Tonight at the Methodist church a tervlce will bo held for tho junior ARBOR DAY America's Hope Day As Americans wo colobrato many worthy holidays, most of which re call illustrations names and ovouts in our national history. But Arbor Day Is not a day in tbo past It bolongs to tho futuro, and brings with it each year ronowed hope, courage, visions of nchlovmont. Arbor Day this year should havo an especial significance. Wo aro en tering a period of greater and moro stablo prosporlty than our country has over boforo known. The Platte Valley State Bank COMMITTEES ARE READY TO LOOK AFTER ROYS' RAYS PARADE Tho following committees have boon appointed to go to tho different schools on Monday at 3! 45 and escort tho boys to tho Keith theater for tho frco plcturo show and on Tuesday at 1-.45 to escort tho boys .to the great boys parade to tho Fair Grounds: "Washington Herbert Tramp and Dr. Rcdfiold; Lincoln Thurston Wood hurst and Ernest RIckner; Jefferson Harry Portor and William Simants; Central Newton Buckley and Carl Donner; Franklin Otto Thoelccko and Dr. Kerr; St. Patricks Arthur Rush and Frank Piolstlcker. Tim big parade on Tuosday will be headed by the Cadet band and other organi zations. and intermediate pupils of the Sun day school. Tho prayer servico will bo led by D. H. Brooks. Tho pupils o tho Sunday Bchool classes aro ex pected to sit In classes. Minute speakers wll bo B. A. Gamble, B. M. Reynolds and C. J, McNamara, with a short sermon by the pastor, Rev. II. B. Hess, on tho subject ''God's Magic." Everyono is invited. Tho story is told that Washington Hiuman owned tho block between Lo cust and Dowoy and Sixth and Front at. one time and ho decided to replat it Ho did so running two alloys north and south and connecting them with another alloy, thus forming the letter "H" within Hho block. This was intended to commemorate his name. But when tho Ottcnsteln gar gae was built tho connecting alley was closed but tho two parallel al loys still remain. Robert R. Peale of Denver spent several days In North Platte return ing to Denver Wednesday night. He accompanied the body of his father hero for buria.l. Bob, as he is famil iary known Jiore, was born in North Platto and grow to manhood here. He knows all of the old timers who wero hero up to twenty years ngbl HeCJs a't'Jpreaent1 in the painting busf- ness in Denver, having a .shop at 3826 Osceola. Mr. Peale made a call at this office and in a lengthy conversa tion told many interesting anecdotes of early days in this city. :o:- SCO UT TRACK MEET- IS HOTLY CONTESTED BY FIFTY ROYS Troop eight, Boy S outs, won tho first annual track and field meet Tuesday afternoon at tho Fat Grounds. Its score was 57 with Troop sovon taking second with 40 points. Tho boys wero classed according to weight and only efficiency scouts could compete. Troop eight stands very high in , efficiency and so all boys wero on hand. Troop throo mado 8 points, Troop four, 8 point?, Troop five, 2 points and Troop nine, 13 points. James Moran, roadmaster on the third district, attended a staff meet ing nt Choyenno Thursday. ELMER WILCOX SHANER Dodicatod to tho father and mother of this Lincoln County hero who fell at tho Battlo of tho Marno in Franco. So young to go, you say? Porhaps. So full of life's fair hopo and strong, Facing each day with hopo, strength, and faith, As caroirco ns a thrusirs song. Ho heard tho call of man-mado war Ho answered and in answorlng foil; Ho did his part as bravo men! will, Ho played his rolo and piayed It we'll. Ob.1 mothor with your toar-dlmmed oyes, And you, his father, o'or-wholmcd with grief, You think his stny on earth was short, - ',, But earth's life is so brlof. His doop brown locks, your hair tlngod gray, Aro measurements of fleeting yoars; IIo Journeyed faster, that was all In passing through this va1o of tears. ; But think you well each cventltle, Tho whijo you pray to mrfet again,. That he knows loyalty to God Who first learns loyalty tS men. His country was moro dear than life, You gave, ho gavo tho all ho had; Bo satisfied, bo glad, content; , Be proud to know ho was jjour lad. O. O. II. Wcidricr, Maxwell, Neb. BUSHMEN AND - LfGIOHO TRYQN SATURDAY TO RE RIG DAY AT MC PIIEHS0N COUNTY SEAT - Tho NorthVPJajttf iricrce'wiil send a ndmber of repre sentatives nnd a band to tho Good Roads meetingat Tryon tommoro.v fornoon nnd at the dedication of tbo Amorican Legion hall at the same place during tho "Afternoon and even ing. Tho Legion and the citizens of Tryon have Invited everyone in thl .... t . ' . t pan 01 mo, country to attona mo meet ings and many havo promised to be there. Secretary Bare of. tho Chair bor of Commorco gavo out word last night that those who Intend to make tho trip to Tryon, bo(h car owner- and passengers are requested to as semble nt tho court houso square In time to start promptly nt 9 o'clock. The American Legion post at Tryon will furnish tho lunch at noon. Tho High School Cadet Band will ac company tho delegation.' A number of local Legion officers and members will spend all or part of the du thpro. ENGINEERING' STUDENTS AT UNI VERSITY INVITE ALL FRIENDS April 24-29 is engineering week at tho University of Nebraska and the students from North Platto who are enrolled In tho Engineering College aro inviting all of tholr frlonds to at tend. Thoso enrolled are C. B. HIrsci:. D. II. Nowton, C. D. Schulz, L. O Troxlor and R. A. Oglor. During the week an opportunity for observing both tho routine work of tho college and a number of special displays ..r ranged by tho students will bo given. Thoso special displays will bo oput) to tho public Thursday night, April 27, in tho different laboratories. Tho Electrical studonts will give a con Gort by wireless telephone, while tho Civil Engineering studonts tie iron rods, tho size ot a porson's wrist, into figure eight knots nnd tho Mcchan lclal deafen cvoryono near by tho ex hausts from tholr big onglnos. The Chemical, Agricultural, and Architec tural Engineers and Applied Mechan ics departments aro all planning on displays of cither work already done along tholr rospoctlvo lines, as by uso of models, or will havo original displays typical of their work. In Ad dition, all posBtblo laboratories will bo running at 'full speed with guidea fto oxplain tho uses and methods of work being done in tho routino woik of tho Engineering studont :o: J. B. Sebastian returned yestordav hnorning from Omaha, whoro ho at tended a meeting of tho members of tho oxocutlvo commlttco and offlcors of Stato association of local insurance men. Mr. Sebastian is ono of tho of ficers, being Becrctnry-trcasuror. IS TO PLANT TREES ARDOR DAY WILL RE CELEBRAT ED QUIETLY RY THE- '"-k : CITIZENS -:m ArboTday which is a holiday In Nebraska will bo passed over In North Platto with loss attention than usual because school is not being hold and business takes tho attention of mnny who might got away on other days Appropriate oxerclsos aro being lmlrt today In ,mnny of th schools nnd a number aro planting treos this week and will plant othors noxt week be cause they cannot get away to plant them on Saturday. Rain Is locally needed to put tho ground in tho best of condition but whoro city water Is obtainable, n good planting can bo mado. Both fruit and shndo trees will bo planted as well as somo kinds of vlns and shrubs but snlesmon report a decreased demand for all kinds of nursery stock this year and attribute It to tho financial conditions. Most of the states havo somo kind of an Arbor day but not all como on tho 22ml. That dato was set for Nobraska part ly bocauso it is in tho right season and partly to commemorate tho birth day of J. Sterling Morton, tho founder of Arbor dny. :o:- NORTH PLATTE WOMANS' CLun IS GOING TO HAVE ART EXHIBIT Tho art department ot thoWomane' club will sponsor an amateur art exhibit on Monday, April 21. -It will bo hold in Miss Whlttakor's Millinery storo. Miss Whlttakor and (Mrs. Mo Reynolds nro tho committee nnd thoy aro socurlng tho namos ot all am atour nrtists in tho city. They aro asking that all work bo taken to the oxhibltlon boforo G o'clock on tho ovonlng of tho dato sot and thoy will ba glad to loarn of nnyono wjio dooa any kind of art work, not Including noodlowork. Light rofrshmonts will bo sorvod and tho gonoral public la cordially invited. -:o:- Thoro will bo a chlckon Buppor at tho South Bluffs school houso, two mllosoast of tho stato farm Friday, April 28. A full program will bo given after th supper. ;o; Tlioro is some talk of a booster trip by tho North Platto business men but thoy do not agrco ub to tho kind o a trip nor tho diroctlon it should tako. Somo say two days is about tho length of tlmo to spond on such a trip, somo say only ono dnv can bo spared, Somo want to go in autos and somo on tho train. Somo want to go north, othors south, othors cast and still othors west Somo want to combine all directions and mako a circlo of It. Tbo dlroctors will havo to work out tho problem and will do tholr best to harmonize tho dlfforcnt idcnB. SATURDAY PHELPS COUNTY AGENT COMES TO NORTH PLATTE TO WED John L. Gilmoro of Holdrego and jMiss Florence B. Aton of tho same placo secured a marriago license at fthoy)fflco of County Judge Woodhurst laBtr' Wodnonday nnd wero married nt tho home of Row P. R. Stephens of tho First Chrlstlnn church tho samo ovpntng. Mr. Gilmoro had resisted tho charms of Uio ladles for so many years that It was generally thought j'ho was Immune. Ho Btolo awny from (his friends and persuaded Miss Aton to accompany him. Sho is said to have boon his stenographer. Ir. Gilmoro is a brother to Professor Gilmoro, who was formorly an instructor In tho history doparttnont nt tho University nnd who is un authority on Indian MANAGER HAWLEY ANNOUNCES MARK TWAIN PHOTO PLAY "Fun with a purposo" is whnt Mark Twain gavo tho world in "A Connec ticut Yankoo in King Arthurs Court," which is billed for Saturday and throo following days at tbo Keith theater. Mark Twain wroto this groat comlo romnuco first to mako th0 worjd laugh nnd socond to "show up" King Arthur. Twain bad not n very high opinion of tho Knights of tho Round Table. Ho had heard too much about thorn. Ruskin nnd William Morris had bo&n fooding tho public on tho Middle Ages, and it had bocomo tho fashion to bellovo that ovorybody dead and gono was bottor than ovorybody-allvo. Tennyson's "Idylls of Uio King" mode (Mark Twain sick. Ho was tlrod of tho Mtddlo Ages. LadloB languish ing in high, inacccsslblo towors, waiting for knights to como nnd res cuo them, did not o.ppoal to him at all. Ho had boon brought up on tbo Mississippi, and ho had tho idea that ono Mississippi rlvermon was as good as several 0 tho Knights of tho Roun-I Table, and probably a lot bottor. Sir Galahad ho considered a wishy-washy sort of horo; ho preforrod Tom Saw yer. I'll show up King Arthur and his woll known knights," said Mark Twain, in offect So ho wroto a book describing tho ndvonturos of a mcd- orn, smart, clovor Amorican at tbo Court of King Arthur. o: R. B. Robinson, onclnoor IM. of W. t department for 'tho Union Pacific, 'was in North Platto a short tlmo this morning. Rov. N. P. Pattorson ot tho Firs Prcsbytorian church porformod th marriago ceremony for Hardy A. Bui of this city and Miss Mario Jncobso) who also lives hero. Tuesday a marriage license wns Is sued to Thos Readdy of Bartcsvllle Oklahoma and Mrs. Delia H. Watson of Omaha, customs, etc. Marriago llconscs woro Issued to Gcorgo Iljmmorlto nnd Mrs. Hazel Grady, both ot this city and Hardy A. Ball and Miss Mario Jacobson also of North Platte. True Automobile "The ability to got what you want, whoii yt6i want it, and at a fair price." Wo have for tho past six years supplied our Dodge Brothers car owners with this im- mediate service by carrying adequate part stocks and by providing good working facil ities, right hero in North Platte. With such assurance, you can rely on ob taining daily service from any Dodge car, and not havo expensive delays or high charges for necessary maintenance. After having tried some of the other kinds, would you not bo pleased to obtain such service with your next car try it tho noxt car you buy. J. V. ROMIGII, Dealer B0S' DAYS TO BEGIN SUNDAY KHVAMS AND 'ROTARY CLURS TO HAVE ROYS AS THEIR GUESTS Following1 Is tho prog'ram for Boys' Dnys as planned by tho committees ot tho Ki wants nnd Rotary clubs ot North Platte. It Is part of a nation wido celebration for tho boys: . Sunday, April 23 Every boy In church. All ,boys over 11 will bo nskod to alt In a body as guests of tho church and special oxerclsos will bo conducted for thorn. No paront should stand in tho way of allowing eVory boy to got tho bonofit of this tpt"ilal service. Monday, April -24 Committees fvnm tho clubs will bb at tho dlfforcnt schools ot tho city when school is out in tho attornoon and will Conduct tho boys In a body to tho Kolth theater whoro tho moving plcturoa ot tho Clinton, Iowa, Boy Scouts on tholr trip to Yollowstono Park will bo shown. Botwoon tho reels a demon stration of scout work will bo given by picked teams. All adult citizens aro cordially Invited to occupy tho seats not needed for tno boys. Tuosday, April 25 School will con vono as usual and boiys will bo mark od on tholr attondanco. Thon tho commlttocs from tho clubs will call at each school and conduct tho boys to tho Central High school whoro a pa rado will form and headed by tho Cadot band, will march to tho Fair Grounds. Horoa track and field moet will bo hold with tho boys divided into classes according to age so that all may havo a fair chnnco. Sultablo words will bo ndo. Tuosday oon'ng a public meeting will be hold-at tho Franklin building whoro tho prizes will bo proBontod to tho wnors of tho fiold meet nnd a progrnm will bo glvon. -:o: KNIGHT'S OF COLUMRUS COUNCIL BANQUETS ROY SCOUT TROOP Wodhosday night at St Patrick's school, the Knights ot Columbus gavo a banquot to Troop sovon, Boy Scouts In honor of its winning tho Scout basket ball (mnmplonshlp of tho city. Tho Scoutmaster 1b Joe Schatz with Cyril Doncgan and loorgo Young as usBlstants. Tbo lommltteomon aro Fathor McDaid, W. a. Mnlonoy, John Horrod, M. C Inyes and John DoRolf. There aro twenty-two boys In tho troop. Short addresses wore mado by tho officers ind mombets of tho troop committer w'th W. It (Moloney as toastmaster. :o: Miss Clara Soronson loft this morn ing for Omaha to Bpond sovcrnl weeks visiting Mrs. Homer Peterson. Mrs. Clark LoDIoyt loft this morn ing for Grand Island whoro sho will visit frlonds for soveral days. Service Is