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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1922)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE THEKK AllB NO TUlSUItCULAlt CATTLK IN T1IK STATE i FAMl HKltO I . - t Ono hundred fifteen cattle wore tested at the Experimental substation I during several days of Inst weok and (not ono reacted to the tuberculin .test.. Dr. W. S. Alford of tho depart t0M UyI Hie Still Small Vtoice Uncle jo ment of animal pathology of tho Uni versity of Nobraska did tho testing. This Indicates that tho stato farm hord is absolutely freo from bovino tuberculosis. A FIMKNDJjY CALL Howdy, Qine'ral! Come right in an set awhile. with us. . . . I rcckoi you-.ain't anxious now, to stop nnother' fuss so, como on in an' have ii cheer, an pass th0 timo of day. ... An' tell a feller what you know of happenin's, by tho Way. ... I rlckollcct in days gono by, wo used to call you "Jolin"-!you know, I'm half-way sorry that them good old days is gone? An' I ketch myself n wishln' in Bplto of all ycr fame, that there hadn't boon no bloody war an' John was still yer name. ... Yes ho was mine. . . . That fair-haired boy, with eyes of deepest ulue I reckon, Gineral, ho was mighty nigh as tall as you. . . I'm glad to -hear yo say it, though I grievq about it some. ' . . . Ho led a charge at Argonno. . . . John 1m mighty glad you como! DB. 0. II. CliESSLEIt GBADDATE DENTIST Offlco over the McDonald ' State Bank. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Dr. and Mrs. B. W. Fetter spent Sunday in Gothenburg. Mrs. Theo. Nichols of Sutherland spent tho week end in tho city. Did your wife toll you to subscribe for Tho Tribune? Paul Schwalgor has accepted a pos ition with tho Hendy-Ogler Auto Co. A. S Coates of Sutherland visited in North Platto over Saturday and Sunday. Gordon Lovo returned to Cheyenne Sunday after spending thp week end visiting friends. Dixon Optical Co., tests' oyes. C. P. Temple, left Saturday for Om aha where he wHl transact business for a. few days. r It. L. Cochran returned Sunday from Lincoln where he spent a week trans acting business. . Harry Stevens left this morning for Alliance whore ho will spend a week transacting business. A. It. Rorabaugh arrived here. from OmahaSunday to attend the funeral of the late' J.'Iir Moran: ' You can let tho children read The Tribune. They will not find anything In it that will be offensive. W. H; Moran, brother of tho late JVL. Moran, arrived here from Sayro, Okla., Monday morning. ' Mrs. A. J. GInn left Sunday for Norfolk where she will visit her son, Itoland, for several weeks. hoe Simon,' Carl Simon, and Fr.ed Ilanloh lert today for Overton to nt tond the funeral of Thos. Coonoy. ' Frances Dolph relumed yostorday from Paxton where she spent the week and with her slater, Miss Rona Dolph. Mrs. . Howard McMlchaol and son. peruldreturhed Sunday from Omaha where the latter received medical troatmont. Dr. L. J. KKAUSE, Dentist, X-Itny Diagnosis. .McDonald Rank Building. Phone 7. " Mrs- Theodore Lowo and son Don ald will leave in tho near futuro for Norway where thoy will visit Mrs. Lowo's parents. T. C. Patterson returned the latter part of last weok frdni Rochester, Minn, where he received medical treatment at the Mayo Bros, clinic. :o:- FOR SALE 1921 Dodgo touring, llko now. 1919 Oakland sedan, bargain. 1918 Maxwell touring, cheap. 1918 Ford touring, good. 191G Ford roadster, cheap. J. V. Romigh Garage. Last Showing Today AT THE KEITH Do Not Miss'It William C presents ' m LYftxJ A IM P) NICHOLS NEWS Tho Nichols Ladies Aid will meet nt tho homo of Mrs. Henry Tolllon next Thursday afternoon. Tho Platte Valley and Nichols ball teams playod a "rattling" good game of ball at Nichols Sunday, the score being 2 to 1 in favor of Plntto Valley. The Rev. W. II. Wright an evangel ist of Omaha opened a series of re vival meetings at tho Nichols . school house last Friday evening which will last during the present week. Beet planting has started in tho valley but tho ground is so dry that a great many farmers cannot get thoir ground pulverized fino enough to plant beets. But those that are planted will never como up until we get rain. . Burdetto Clemens 'tho 4-ycar-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Clem ens had a nnrrow escape from death last week when he was kicked in the face by a horso. His forehead was laid oen clear to tho bone an it was necessary Jo take several stitches in his forehead' and lip. Ho is get ting along alright at tho present. o:- 1'UISLI C ATI ONS It EC E I V E I) Each of the following is on file In I this office and is open to inspection by anyone. Como, in and look them over. , , 21. BART DOCKET ForThirlcenth Judicial District of Nebraska, Lincoln County for the Fobruary term, 1922. George 13. Prosser,. clerk. 22. MAP OF AUTO TRAILS. Map of Nobrasnn for automobillsts. Issued by the Standmd Oil Co., of Nobraska. 23. HOUSE ROLL NO. I. Copy ct I tho appropriation bill passed at tho . last special session of the State Leg islature with tabulations showing or iginal appropriation, special appro priations and saving. 21. POPULATION IN NEBRASKA Number of Inhabitants by countluB and minor civil divisions according to the 1920. census. Population' by precincts for last three census enu merations. 25. NEBRASKA ROAD LAWS. A complete copy ' of tho road laws ot tho state with tho laws of 1921 in black face typo. Compiled and Issued by an Omaha printing company. 2C DEPARTMENT OF STATE of tho federal government An Illustrated account of tho work of tho stato de partment. 27. ANNUAL REPORT of tho Di rectors to tho Stockholders of the American Tolephono and Telegraph Co., 1922. 28. DRAINAGE ' IN NEBRASKA. Statistics for the state and tho conn-, ties compiled by tho govornment from tho 1920 census. 29. THE DINNER AND THE DOUGHBOYS, by Harvey Smith Mo Cowan. A story in defense of the Y M. C A. in wartime. 30. SAW SENSE. All ono should know about saws, their handling, fil ing and caro Cotton out by E. C. At kins & Co., manufacturers of Atkins Saws and Trowels. :o:- EXPRESSING THANKS For all tho kindness and sympathy extended nt tho timo of tho death of hor father, John F. Hinman, Mrs. Maudo Helmond doslres to express hor thanks and slncero appreciation. -:o:- WALL PAPER At cbst for ten days, 7Ms cents single roll and up. RItner Bldg., 113 West Sixth St. Phono 570W. H. II. Landgraf. L. & S. Groceteria. -:o:- FOUHTH WAHI) ITEMS Mr. Chas. Sandnll Is visiting rein tives In Choyenno for n short time. Mrs. M. C. Rogors and daughtor, Marjorio, spent Thursday in Kearnoy. Mrs. Lnwson and daughter Violet, spent tho weok end in Kearney, visit ing fricndH. i Mrs. Russell Wymnn will entertain tho Ellto card club this afternoon nt lior homo.' Miss Beulah McGraw visited pver Sunday with Miss Goffio In Suther land. Mary Eugenia Is tho name glvon tho baby girl which was born on Wednes day to Mr. and Mrs. D. Macomber. Huldnh Johnson who has been visit ing her parents Mr. and Mrs. Hans Johnson returned to hor studies in the-State Teachers College in Kearney yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Stryker and son of Kearney aro visiting Mrs. Strykor's paronts, Mr and Mrs. Hans Johnson, this week. They spent part of the time in Sutherland where they visited Mr. Stryker's family. Mrs. Theodore Sandall, living on west Eighth street entertained twelve ladioe Wednesday evening at Flvo Hundred. Mrs. Edgar Inman took first honors in tho games. A splendid two course lunch was served. Mrs. Chris Johnson celebrated hor sixtieth birthday " last" Wednesday. Many of her old friends and neighbors joined in the celebration and present ed her a sot of dishes. Mrs. Potct Johnson and daughter helped tho hos tess, to. serve the refreshments.' -:o: NATIVE RED CEDAR FOR SALE I will soil at public autlon on May 8, 1922 tho material in tho old North Platto Stock Yards.-conslsting of board fences, G to 7 feet high, somobarbed wire, some woven wire, a lot ot lobso lumber, some large "gate postsiotlSo iuk, wuiur uuiks, ieeoing ounits, wind mm lowers, stocic scalos arid many other articles too numerous to men tion. Romombor tho posts aro all native cedar. Srfle to begin at 1 p. m. sharp. JOHN BURKE, Owner. r PASTURE FOR LEASE Six sections in Lincoln Countv, Nebraska; nine miles north west of Sutherland; two wells, mills and tanks; rolling land mixoil grass; immediate posses sion. I will bo in Sutherland about May 1st. Write for informa tion and I will adviso by lot tor or wire exact dato to meet mo in Sutherland. JOHN IV. HAUGIIMAN Address Liberal, Kansas. !La S fE EE "T1 We will purchase a limited amount of Liberty Bonds at par (full face value) and accrued in terest in exchange for investments bearing a - higher rate of interest, or will pay cash less a very small handling charge. GOODMAN-BUCKLEY TRUST CO. 114 East Front Street. fWffiRESSDMEnflRS FOT)B iYou'll feel better as soon a3 you swallow the first one. Two or three pills usually stop all the pain. DR. MILES' MNTI-PAIN PILLS are absolutely free from all narcotics and habit forming drugs. They relieve without danger and without bad after effects. Your druggist sells themu PLANTS GET OWN MOISTURE Ingenious Device That Will Assuredly Be Welcomed by All Absent Minded Husbands. Stay-at-home husbands are prono to forget to wnter tho flowers that adorn tho sitting room, even though specially charged to do so by absent wives. They will doubtless welcome n device Just Invented by a Frenchman, M. Pin son, which ennbles plants literally to water themselves and to do so with efficiency, taking neither too much nor too little to drink. This device, which obtained n gold medal in France, con sists of a flower pot of tho usual shape, but having a double wall. Tho description runs, according to tho Lit erary Digest: The spneo between tho two walls constitutes a reservoir of water. Into this there extends two to four curved tubes, according to tho shnpo of the pot. Each of these tubes contains a wick. The lower end of? the tube dips Into thu reservoir of water while the other end Is bont so us to dip beneath the surface of the soli in the inner pot. Consequently wo really have n sot of siphons which arc sot In action by the capillary attraction which causes the wnter ,to rise in the wick. Thus there is a gentio but stendy flow of moisture to the plant, v In order to adapt tho appuralus to tho needs of any individual plant It Is only necessary to remove the Innor pot after the end of 24 hours and note whether tho outer pot still holds any water. If so, the plant Is ovorsup plied, since tho excess of water has' been drawn by gravity to tho bottom of tho Inner pot and escaped through the hole In the center Into the outer pot. For Religion's Sake. I Tho continuation class slowly filed into the pews. Angelic little faces of i erstwhile mischievous youngstors boro ! rapt expressions, partly due to tho serious occasion and partly to fright. Little gasps of pleasure and delight were uttered by fond paronts and friends. "My dour, I thought wo were a half hour too early and here they lire be ginning the service! Something is amiss." My curious frlcmf sought an usher. "Yes, .widnuie, the bishop was' kind enough to come earlier to ofilcluto. One of tho youngsters being confirmed Is duo nt the theater by eight. She Is a mermaid." No, I was not perplexed," she told mo -afterward, "but, 'The. world do move.' " Chicago Journal.. lEI C Mrs. A. It. Rorabaugh came from Omaha Saturday night to bo with hor sister, Mrs. J. L. Moran, for a fow days. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Pease of Paxton spent Saturday in tho city visiting friends and transacting business. fCS fHti Demonstration CHI-NAMEL DEMONSTRA TOR will be at Our Store on the dates given below, to give Valuable Suggestions for finishing old or" new. hard or soft wood floors, furniture, woodwork, doors, walL, ceilings, radiators, stove pipes, porch furniture, screens, autos, etc. with Chi-Namel High Quality Enamels, Paints and Varnishes. . The Ready-to-use, Practical and Inexpensive Method. Simplifies and Beautifies, by giving old and dingy softwood furniture and woodwork that New, Lustrous, Hardwood Effect , Costs only 3c per sq. ft. and OUTWEARS most Hardwood iffhtahos. THIS FREE COUPON fWSJSJK our Store upon purchase of a 25c Varnish Brush to insure a fair trial or will be accepted as 30c upon purchases of larger cans of Chi-Namel Products. Name DEMONSTRATION '9 AT THE Wednesday COUCH E IIKOS. Known iih tho Qlobo Trotters Took a coniploto trip around tho world in vaudeville and with tho American Expedition forces Ber vlco In Franco. Tlioy haye playod to n million and a half of Dougli Boys as well as I'rosldont Wilson and 'many foreign notables in Franco. Tlioy woro tho only ontortnlnors that Wont to Sihoria and Russia us membors of tho NV V. A. MICKY SISTKHS Aro a charming pair of Bruntottos wIiobo ability to portray child ren roles, undor Uio captain of "Mother Gooso Up to Dato." Costumed as two klddlos with rompors and nl that goos with them, Uioso un usually gifted slngora offor an oxcellont roportorlo of popular songu. and ballads that its dollars to doughnuts every member of tho audl onco would llko to show their appreciation In a moro friendly mannor than applauding with thoir hands. oi:m: riNViiitAN - Tho Dancing Laddy A vory llkeablo chap with a novel and or iginal offorlng. Tho chnractor song ho usos "Ilonpockod," Is a classic. Tho atorJos aro humorous and plovor. Drofisod in an olnborato Scotch Kilt It makos a vory pleasing picture OTTO HA It DULL k OTTO Is a European novelty net that surpasuos anythlng.'thnt over wont ovor tho circuit. Which has tho audlonco guosalng 'from Uio timo tho curtain goos up, what will tlioy do noxt". It must bo soon to bo appreciated. ALSO A GOOD FHATUltl! PICTUltK RARE BARGAIN IN PIANO Wo hnvo a high-grade piano in our poscsslon nt North Platto. For quick disposal wo will greatly sacrlflco tho prico. Terms if responsible Write at onco It interested to tho Denver M.islo Co., Denver Colo. and .Exhibition Address DAYS MAY 1 AND 2 KEITH BS3SS3SJC 1 Only