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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1922)
M orth TUESDAY and FlilDAY THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, APRIL 18, 1922. NO. 29. 59 SHORT STORIES OF PEOPLEAND THINGS ITEMS OF INTEREST ABOUT HE : CENT 1IATTENINGS IN THIS COMMUNITY Tho annual ninth grade party and dance will bo held In the Franklin Auditorium next Friday evening. An attempt was made Sunday by two prisoners in the county Jail, Sheets and Byrne, to break out ot prison. They were trying to loosen tho brick about tho window casing so they could forco tho window bars. Sheriff Salisbury promptly locked them in the steel cage. One of our' local dealers reported today that thero aro two milk dealers whose cows havo been tested and tho report Is 100 free from tuber culosis. There is a demand for milk from that kind of cows and of they would advertise the fact a llttlo they could get a little above the market price for their products. The members of tho High school debating team and tho coach wore entertained by the Rotary club at luncheon yesterdny and each was called upon to take a part in the program. Miss Gibson gave a read ing from Kipling and brief remarks were made by Albert Shenk, Louis Breternitz, Robert Iloagland and George Dent. Tho night school is entering upon, the sixth week of tho second term with only two weeks after this ono is finished. There is said to bo more good work being done now than at any time during the school as only those who are really in earnest aro still enrolled nnd attending. About seventy ladies were expected last ...everilhg.'to-attend thw uirferent class U.B. Thrifty sAys NOV SCOUT CAMP TO HE MOVED TO LOCATION NEAR THE OUT At tho regular hicetlng of tho Boy Scout council last week It was decided to move tho boy scout tamp from the Roberts grovo oast ot hero to tho Dillon grovo. The Robert- grovo made a fine camping place but It was In fested with poison ivy in nbundan o and no way was found to overcomo the bad results from It. Plans will be mado for moving, tho camp the now location in tho now future. :o: NORTH PLATTE WOMAN'S' CLUB IS GOING TO HAVE ART EXHIBIT The art department of the Womans' club will sponsor an amateur art exhibit on Monday April 24. It will bo held in Miss Whittakor's Millinery store. Miss Whittakor and Mrs. Mc Roynolds are the committoe nnd they aro securing the names of all amateur artists in the city. They aro asking that all work bo taken to tho exhi bition before six o'clock on tho oven- nig of the date set and they wll bo glad to learn of anyone who docs any kind of nrt work not Including needlework. Light refreshments will bo served nnd the general public is, cordially Invited. es in millinery and they camo with all kinds of hat bags full of millinery goods. Howard Elliott was a welcome vis itor at Tho Tribune office last Satur day. Mr. Elliott is editor of tho Union Pacific magazine and In that way is Avell known to a largo number of North Platte people who read the Issues as they como each month. Mr Elliott is enthusiastic about tho pub' lication and believes it has a mission Tho Tribune editor finds time to look it through each month and occasion ally, clips an item as of special inter est 'to Tribune readers. GAMP GROUND NOW . OPEN TO TOURISTS POPULAR STOPPING PLACE FOR AUTO TOURISTS IS FOR USE itfiADY FIRST FILING FOR COUNTY COM M1SSIONER MADE YESTERDAY Tho North Platto Free Public Camp ground, opened last Saturday when water was turned on for tho use '"of visitors. Several tqurists have been parked thero but thoro woro no con veniences until Saturday. Now toilet and lavatory plummblng has been In stalled, ropalrs havo boon mado to tho roof, now stovo pipes havo been supplied, and a concrcto floor has been placed in tho entire building, Tho grounds hnvo been raked and cleaned of all rubbish nnd ovorythlng is in readiness lor fifty thousand tourist visitors which are expected here this summer. Gcorgo Finn is again in charge and will give t)io travellers a hearty welcome. :o: STA'JK FARM HENS AIIE STILL TAKING THE LEAD AT LINCOLN Tho Travel and Study alub met Monday evening at tho home of Mrs. I. L. Bare, 514 "West Fourth stroet Tho- program for the evening consist ed of a Travelogue on his recent trip to Europo by Rev. N. P. Patterson. Tho trip covered France, England and Ireland, and was given in an original and most pleasing manner. All tho members present agreed that they had spent a very enjoyable and profitable evening. At tho close de licious refreshments were served bv the hostess. In the Nobraska National Egg Lay ing contest being held at tho Univer sity of Nobraska, a pen of ten single comb Whlto Leghorn hens from tho iNorth Platto Experimental Substa tion is sixth in tho lot of forty-one pens. Tho breeds stand ns follows: White Orphlngton, Buff Orphington, Whlto Plymouth Rock, Rhode Island Red, Brown Leghorn and White Leg horn. Of yio twenty-threo pens ot White Leghorns, tho North Platte birds easily stand first and ot the 410 hens entered in the contest one North Plattp bird is tho sixth in tho total number of eggs produced so far, :o: PLATTE JEWS RAISE THOUSAND FOR WAR RELIEF E. II. Springer paid tho fee yester day for filing for a plnco on the pri mary ballot as a cnndldnto for county commissioner from tho second dist rict Ho files for tho nomination by tho Republican party. Mr. Springer has served Lincoln county for a ninn- bor of years and Is at present commis sioner from tho second dlsctrlct, which embraces tho oastorn half of tho coun ty. Ho has tho confidence "ot tho peo plo and if elected will mnko a good of ficial. :o: ALL HOYS OF NORTH PLATTE TO HE GUESTS AT PICTURE SHOW TOMORROW IS TO BEDOLUR DAY ALMOST oO LOCAL MERCHANTS JOIN IN DIG DA EGA IN ,'' EVENT One of tho interesting nnd Instruc tive features of tho Boys' Days pro gram will ho the showing nt tho Koith Theatre, Monday aftornoon, April 24. at 4:15 to all boys tho film, "Across tho Great Divide." This plcturo shows tho trip of the Clinton, Iowa boy scouts to Yollowstono Park, thru tho park and back homo again. Part of tho picture shows tho sojourn at North Platto. Evory boy should bo interested in tho film ot tho buffalo hord of Yollow stono Park, of the pralrlo dog towns, deer, and otlier wild animals, pictures of which were secured only with groat effort and patlonce. Tho commlttco in charge wishes ov er boy In North Plattto to remember UTsrt membors of tho Klwanls nnd Ro tary Clubs will bo at each school, pub lic and parochial, that Monday after noon to escort you to tho Keith Thea tre They want every boy in North Platto td bo sure to sec this film. Soldom If over boforo in tho busl nosB history of North Platto has thoro been such a systematic co-op-oratlvo effort ot thq retail bustness mon to place a great bargain day bo foro tho people of Lincoln county. All nowspnpers havo carried big two-page advertisements tolling of the bar gains. Fivo thousand lnrgo bills havo boon distributed by mail nnd carrlor and window signs hnvo told tho story to all passers by. Tomorrow Is tho day. Real bargains mark tho offer ings of each business house. It is a sincero effort of tho retail trade to attract business and It np prociatod. Farmers, ranchmen, citi zens of neighboring towns and North Platto people, will be on tho Btrcots early. Study tho offorings nnd mnko out a list of needs. And while do ing it, dont' forgot to drop in nt Tho Trlbuno office nnd subscribe for Tho Tribune at $1.50 for a wliolo year twico a week. NORTH PLATTE WINS WITH S II AN E It AS INDIVIDUAL . STAR In the dual triok mo' with Goth enburg high school, th. local boyts tooK tho h'i'ora by n h.: .' of 40 to 0!).' Shnnor wns the high winner ot tho wot with 31 V& points to his indi vidual credit Last yenr Oothcnburg w ii by a small margin. The track work fs under tho supor. Ulou ot K. Stophons nnd it stands a good chanco of winning the state meet. scout council'to foster a father and son han-quetnsoon -:o:- DECLAMATORY CONTEST AWARDS HONORS IN THREE CLASSES :o:- NOltril TWO penn'ic s of our dollars Here is a problem for your solution: An equestrienne was making a trip from coast to coast and lost her wny on the praries. She came to the Com munity church nt Dexter, Nebr. which is 25 feet square. She tied her horse to tho corner of tho church with a 100 foot rope. How many square feet could tho horse graze over? Hero aro isome of tho answers Clarondo E. Wonzel of Toledo 30.42S.42; ' Sanford F. Beatty of Cincinnati amlvJS. C. Brown of Sutherland is 30,428.47 and A. J. Beatty of Sutherland 30,434.25. What is your answer? of your farm the total re- Figure the cost buildings from placement side. What would a total loss mean to yt)u at this time? You cant afford to take the chance of meeting with such a calamity when an INSURANCE POLICY will safeguard you against FIItE HAIL or TORNADO Protection by insurance shows your good business judgment. Wo are prepared ti write your insurance today in a good, reli able company. COME IN AND TALK IT OVER UNION STATE BANK Superintendent Snyder has Just called our attention to a mistake that is being mado by some people who yislt fho Experimental substation. Tho vino clinging to tho walls of tho stuc co buildings on tho Experimental Sub station farm is Virginia Crcopcr (Ampolopsis Englemanll) nnd not Boston Ivy (Ampelopsls Vetchll) which Is not perfectly hardy north of Albuquerque, although it may live three or four yoars In this cllmnto bo foro being winter killed. Ho got this information from W. H. Dunman, sup erintendent of grounds, University of Nobraska, Lincoln. H. H. Lapedus and Henry Monijky of Omaha woro in North Platto Sunday and completed tho district organiza tion of tho committee on Jewish War Relief by tho election of Julius Pizer as president, and A. B. Leo as secre tary. The followihg subscriptions wore mauc: juiius iizor, $utu; m Hirscbfield, $350; Joo Hirschfeld, $250; Harry Block, $275; J. H. Stono, $150; L. LJpshitz, $109; A- B- Lco $100 r Chns. Cornell, $100, and Mrs. Pizer. $25. This is a total of $2,000 The natlonnl fund has been over subscribed but the Nebraska quota was still to be met. North Platte Jews certainly did tholr part. :o; Tho American Legion held a meet ing last evening nnd completed ar rangements for tho.rlp to Tryon Sat urday when a largo delegation will attend tho dedication of ,lho new Lc glon hall at that place. They also talked ovor tho plans for tho con templated auto . races for tho Fourth. MrB. Will Collins was completely surprised when tho members of tho I. F. F. club greeted her upon hor re turn from church and said thoy had como to cat Easter dinner with her and help celebrate her birthday. Tho dinner was Indeed bountiful and all woro among those who 'wished Mrs. Collins many moro happy birthdays. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Kronqucst and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. Cypher and family, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Heist and family, Mr; and Mrs. J. E. Schram and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Connor and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Mogonson, Mr. and Mrs. Joo Nolson and family. Art Eckborg, Alec Anderson, M. E. Col lins and Kark Kammer. County Agent W. II. Kollogg has handed us a copy of a lottor ho ro coived from L. I. Frisblo at Lincoln. Mr. Frisblo Is tho stato leader of boys and girls clubs', whlch is a part NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASICA of tho Extension service of tho Unl- i Tho oNrth Platto 7 AVoman's dub will hold a bazaar Saturday, April 22 in tho Crystal theater building. There will bo for snlo aprons, children's clothes and many fancy and usoful articles. Tea will bo sorved during tho aftornoon and evening. MAY WO 01) TO HOLD THREE DAY RACE MEET AND CELE-RIIATION Fred L. Burko, secretary of thp Southwest District Fair Association has Just anounced that at a meeting ot tho board ot directors of tho As sociation April 12, it wns docided to hold a throo day race meet and cele bration at Maywood on July 3, 4, and 5 Tho entertainment will consist of horso races, automobile racos; carni val and many other attractions. Mr. Burko writes 'We aro planning one of tho biggest celebrations ovor held in this part of the state." The annual homo contest was hold at the Franklin auditorium last Friday ovening nnd tho following woro wln nors in tho dlfforont clnssos: Ida Payno In tho humorous clnss, Dorothy Eldor In tho dramatic and Mildred Skinner in tho oratorical. Thoso young Indies will roprescnt tho local school In tho district contest to bo hold nt Gothenburg next Fridny night. :o: Tho annual scout father and son banquet will bo hold on April 28 It plans recommended by Scout Etxo cutlvo Stophons aro carried out. Each fathor of a scout will bo urgod to nt- tond this banquet and bring his -boy with him. Scouts without fathers will bo provided with a big brother in tho form of a man who has no Bcout boy. All mon without boys In tho scouts who will tako a scout to tho banquet aro urged to notify Mr Stophons. Good spoakors and cntortnlnmont will bo provldod. -:o:- STORM COST STATEMENT MADE BY LOCAL TELEPHONE MAN AGER ABOUT STORM E. V. Cooper, local manager ot tho Northwestern Boll Tolephono Com pany hns Issued tho following Btatc mont about tho slcoi storm ot Inst wook which was so destructive eoBt of horo.: Tolophone sorvico which was cut off botweon moro than half ot tho towns in Nebraska becauso of tho breaking down ot tho long distnnco linos is being rapidly rcstorod. Sixty crows with about 1,200 men havo boon at work in tho storm nroa Binco Tuesday. Twonty-sovon crows havo boon working botweon Central City and Gothonburg In order to open Nobraska has advanced from third plnco In tho United States in per cap- tho main lino ot telephone communl ltn automobile ownership to second cation betwoon tho eastern nnd woat- placo, tying with California and South orn part of Nebraska. Dakota, according to a roport com piled by the Bureau of Publicity. Iowa is still first placo with ono auto for each 5.2 persons. Nebraska, California Tlio tolephono' company, had about 18,000 poles down In Nebraska nnd 5,000 In tho territory outside of tho state. Ono hundred cars ot poles and cars of Wlro and polo lino and South Dakota have ono auto for sovoral each 5.3 persons. Alabama stands at materials havo boon hurried to tho tho bottom of tho list with ono auto storm nroa from Chicago, Minneapolis for each 28.5 peoplo. I Kansas City nnd other points. I Dollar Day Specials i !JF5 AT Hi Chas. Dixon left last night for Om aha to comploto tho preliminary ar rangements for tho annual meeting ot tho Nebraska Association of Optomo trists which ho will moot on Wednes day and Thursday of this week. From thero ho will go to Lincoln whero ho will nsslst on Friday nnd Saturday on giving tho stato examinations in optometry. Mr,' Dixon Is secretary of tho stato association. vorsity of Nobraska. Tho letter reads as follows; Dear Mr. Kollogg: Inclosod pleaso find certificates of achievement and club seal for tho Boxolder's Best Cookers, of which Mr. Rosso ot Max woll, is the loader. Wo found tlio final reports In very good shape, and wish to congratulate tills club on tho flno ploco of work thoy havo done. They havo finished aa a 100 por cent completion nchiovo- mont club, which is an honor to any club. Wo havo boon moro than pleased to noto tho interest that has been re ported in this club, and wo fool that it is ample indication that tho hot lunch plan is profitable and onjoyable. Mr. Rosso Is tho only gentleman on our list of Hot Lunch Club loaders, nnd wo feel that ho has put across u very uuu picco 01 worK. LADIES' OUTFITTING. STORE NORTH PLATTE. NEBRASKA You have not forgotten the great values you got at our last Dol lar Day. Well, here is a repeater. Try the strength of your Dollar again at this store and .you will find bigger and better values al this Dollar Sale. HERE IS WHAT YOUR DOLLAR WILL BUY DOLLAR DAY ONLY Muslin Night Gowns Muslin Teddies Muslin Petticoats Voile Waists Bungalow Aprons Silk Camisoles Infants' Dresses Infants' Coats Silk and Fabric Gloves Q Corsets Merode Union Suits $ $ $ Girls Gingham Dresses Girls White Voile Dresses Brassieres Fibre and Silk Hose Childrens Coats