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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 31, 1922)
ftp 8, To ma TUESDAY and FBIDAY NORTH PIATTE, NEBRASKA, kARCH 31, 1922. JNO. 24. THIRTY-EIGHTH YEAR. Wfflttttt Tnnn i i i unin iir PEOPLE THINGS ITEMS OF INTEREST ABOUT DE CENT ltAl'PENINGS IN TniS COMMUNITY TO AMERICAN LEGION PART IN BIG TRY ON CELEBRATION TAKE' NEW OWNER FOR Culvert Navluux of troop nine, boy scouts lias Jiiat been nwnnlod two moro morlt badges maklng'soventcen in his possession at this time. Only 21 uerit badges are required to bo an J oaglo scout which Is tho highest honor in scouting. . At a meeting bold last night tho ! American Legion post of tills city j voted to accept tli Invitation of the Art arcy post or Tryon to aticnu a big celebration in that placo on April 22. N Tho Chamber of Commerco will Join with tho Legion in putting on a booster trip In tho interests of good roads and tiio afternoon at Tryon will bo dovotod to a good roads meeting. At noon thoro will bo a "Dutch" treat, with everyone bringing his own dinner. Following tho good roads SERVICE STATION JAMES R. ROBINSON. IJUYS FILL ING STATION NEAR CATHOLIC CHURCH A committee of ten from Tryon was in to'wn Tuesday and discussed with tho good roads commltteo of tho Chamber of Commerco tho possibility of securing Improvements on tho Lincoln county portion of tho road between that village and North Platte. mooting tho Legion will put on some Bpoaklng and other entertainment ondlng with a basket supper and a dance. Tho Tryon post Is working to build a now homo for itself at Tryon and this colobratlon is to holp tho project along. Tho Christian Endeavor and tho Loyal Workers of tho Christian church hold an April party in tho church par ors Wednesday evening. During tho evening a short play "Doctor Curo All was given by a fow of tho members ;and after tho play refreshments were served. About fifty peolo attended tho iparty. Tuesday night the boy scout troops met In their respective headquarters and invited their parents to meet with them. A numbor took advantago of tho opportunity to moot with tho boy i and seo tho work dono by Uio troops him severely in order to got him to oboy orders. . Tho Standard Chautauqua system is preparing for a six-day program for North Platto this coming summer. Tho program Is ready and includes many fine attractions. The dates have not yet boon set. High points in tho program aro a pageant "Conquests of Peaco," given by the Junior Di rector and young peoplo nnd a pla; "Tho Shepherd of tho Hills," by Hur old Boll Wright, given by a New York cast. C. H. Walrath and his son Fred Walrath were guests of tho Rotary club last Monday. Mr. Walrath was called upon and spoke briefly of his interests in North Platto. Ho is presi- in tholr regular meetings. Scout Ex- dent of tho Walrath & klherwood ocutlvo Stephens visited all of the Lumber Co which took over tho Coates troops and spent a fow minutes with 'each. Contractor Backers says that with a few moro days of nice weather tho water extensions will be com pleted. Tho testing will -take placo before long but the final acceptance yard here. Mr. Walrath thinks that North Plntto is favorably located as a Jobbing point and that is will only bo a matter of a short time until this fact will bo generally, recognized STATE CONVENTION OF LOCAL INSURANCE AGENTS IS A SUCCESS Tho filling station ut tho corner of Fourth and Cheslnut streets which has boon oporatod by tho S. & R. Sorvico station in connection with its station at Sixth and Locust, has been sold to James. 11. Robinson and ho will take possession tomorrow. Ho has been connected with the S. & R. peoplo for some tlmo nnd knows tho business thoroughly. Ho will enry gas anti-oil, tires and tubes and accessories. A now departure in tho business is his decision not to keep open on Sunday. Mr. Robinson be- liovos that most peoplo will provide thomsolves with gas and oil on Sat urday and allow tho filling station man a day of rest and ho Is relying on his patrons to do this. Tho Trib uno welcomes Mr. Robinson into the circles of business in North Platto and trusts his policy will meet with favor among those who will patron izo him. :o: REPORT OF EXPENDITURES OF Tho Btato convontion of tho No braska Association of Local Insur mice Agents closed a twojlays' sos slon in this city with a banquot-nt tho Lutheran church laBt cVo'iilng. Tho business sessions had boeii hold in tho Elks Homo and tho Keith the ater nnd woro attended by about 120 members. ,13. R. Goodman of this city was prosident nnd J. E. Sobns taln wns seer etary-troasuror. Among tho principal speakers woro Frod B. Ayers, Clovolnnd, Ohio, a mombor of tho executivo commltteo of tho Na tional Association; Gcorgo B. Mnl daur, of Chldago, Jroprcfiontlng tho Underwriters laboratories; Bruco loung or Lincoln, insurance com missioner of Nebraska, and a long list of men prom'nont in tholr local communities both In tho flro InBiir nnco business nnd in other linos. Tho mombors loft for tholr homes last night and this morning speaking en thusiastically of tho convention, tho entortalnmont and tho promising re sults which aro anticipated. WORK PAVING HAS E NORTH PLATTE ASSOCIATED CHARITIES :o:- "VKTC'ENCY SCOUTS ARE BAN QUETED BY SCOUTMASTERS AND OTHERS Moro than ono hundred boy scouts, Hcoutmnstors and troop committeemen attonded tho banquet in tho Methodist church dining room last Monday night. Tho occasion was tho anval rocog nltlon of tho scouts who aro on tho mo report oi uio expenditures or efficiency list for local scoutinc A- tho North Platto Associated Charltloa Uout 25 of thoso assembled woro men up uj fliarcn i as iouows: jbut jt was difficult to toll from tholr L. & S. Groceteria ? 153.4 i j actions which woro men and which Rush Morcatilo Co. 132.99 jWore boys. Tho mothors had prepared uumwt iviecaiuuo o. iuo.t& the dinner and it was Borvod by Uio aarah Kelly, salary 100.00 Field Birgo Co. l 83.G5 George W. Maldaur of Chicago, ropresontlng the' Underwriters' Lab of tlio job. will, be. delayod gr ouc 'oratory,, gavenn; interesting, address .year. Tho contractor is under bond atrtho Keith Wodnesday afternoon to for that length of timo and should 'an j the members of tho Nebraska Associ imnerfoctlon develop ho will bo ation of Local Insurance Agents and liable unless he fixes it. 59.84 58.13 35.2a a number of North Platte citizens. Tho lecture was illustrated by inter- , Lao tuhr, Secretary of Agriculture estInf; moving pictures showing how for Nebraska and J.kP. O'Brien of the ( tij0 laboratory is working to test tho State fish hatchery werp In the city flro imzurtis and possibilities of Bafe yesterday looking after matters con- guartHng against flro risks. Tho lec nectod with the location of the turo was weu rocotvcti and deserved now western Nebraska fish propo- a crowded house. Many business men nation lako. They did not have any attended. decision to announce. Tho lake and station is to be located in either Lin-1 A fair size crowd of farmers and con or Garden counties accordlns to labor representatives attended the uonuiJdoaddB oiu opum ipwAV mq oin ' mooting at the Lioyd Opera house Wednesday afternoon and heard fhas. Lester Clapper and Jack Ross of w Maor formerly grand chief of tie .1 ...til l.n .vtimr. '1 lirtnrlni til 1 .1 . . i . . - wanuuu wui uu b"' " uroinernoou or Locomotive Firemen afternoon1 before Judgo Woodhurut, jnU( Engineers. Mr. Maor Is a dignl on tho chargo of possessing and trans- f,.d ol(oriy Kentleman who has bee.: porting lipuor. They were brought to R ,-ailroad man and a labor leader for North Platto tho first of the week. ' moro tlmn lmlf a centuryt Ho is heart Ross will also nave 10 answer iu u rj (l soul ,n the work Hud t,0 cnargo oi resisuim an umcui , members of his audloncc a lot of constable Oscar Jenkins had to handle EOod tillngg to thmk auout. n0 8poico ' to a much larger crowd in the ovenlng nnd thoro were many business and professional men in his audlenco. Kirls of Lookout Campflro, Tho table 'i-ipifons woro in scout troop colors and largo cardboard numbers told what troops wore being honored. Placo cards woro In tho form of scouts cut 32.13 .from heavy paper and hand painted Jl.feU. bv'tho . enmnflro cirls. Rlohmnnrt y wi. uire . 3lUjifgoloairin"thosInglnynin(rEvBi'(5tt wairaui & biierwoou uo. 24. , u ca'rr was toastmaBter. James Sebastian Rodden Rooming Houso 15,0.0 Rnoko on Sincerity and Rov. Stovonq Waltomath Lumber & Coal Co. 13,60 ' Spoko on Championsaftor which ho Artificial Ice Co. t 13.80 nrosentod troop soven with tho champ J. W. McMIchael A. II. Turpln . John Herrod Wilcox Department Store Johnson Department Store Kelly & Son Palaco Cafe , Clins. Lind . W. R. Maloney ' RIncker Drug Co. II. Splcer C. H. Stamp F. Oschler 1 Brodbock & Sons L. Sobblns W. J. O'Connor 1 ''5j'onnhIn basket ball banner. Rov. IIes3 4,05 Bavo a toast on organized offort nnd 3.50 ( vag followed by Will Mnlonoy who 3.50 -nn'fe on Tomorrow of Scouting and 2.35 j Will Ilondy took Sorvico for his sub 2.25 ject. Carl Hollman prcBontetl pins to 2-00 fno followinp; scouts: socond class 1.20 pjns to Ralph Millor, Arthur Soltow, .80 1 ryl Lloyd and Roy Mooro; first 35 1 class scout pins to Louis Loudon nnd 30 Merit Badgos for First Aid and for Cash on hand 150.14 civics to Cavort Navlaux of troop nino. Tho banquet was a success from overy SHRUBSTREES ear w "PiWjSL Trees, shrubbery and growing plants aro as important to the homo beautiful as tho choice of paints for tho houso And thoro is just ns much need of caro in selection and arranso-ment. All Prlcos Reasonable Permit us to assist you in soloctlon wo havo trees, shrubs, rose buahes ofr Any thing that can bo had from any nursory or greenhouse. NORTH PLATTE FLORAL CO. Tho Literature, Music and Art dopartmont of tho North Platto .Woman's club was entertained Tucs day afternoon nt tho homo of Mrs. Voorhce3 Lucas. Mrs. C. E. McRoy- nolds was reelected chairman for tho following year. Mrs. L. L. Zook, .vico chairman, and Mrs. E. V., Cooper, secretary and treasurer. Tho subject at this mooting was South America and papors woro read by Mrs. W. W. Curamings, Mrs. G. L, Cooper and Mrs. c. E. Mcuoynoius Miss Marguerite Campbell sang two vocal selections. Dollcious refresh. monts woro served nt tho closo of tho program by Mesdames Duko Beelor, Macho, Schlemmor nnd Sna voly. Tho High school cadet band gavo an exhibition for tho entertainment of tho Nobraska Association of Local Insurance Agents at 1 p. m. Wednes day and then led a parado of the mombors through tho principal streets, Tho band was in khaki uniform and its forty odd membors mado quite showing. Tho music was bottor than what they furnished last year and shows tho boyB to bo making progress Someone had reported that a girl had beon allowed to Join tho band and numbor of tho curious woro out co soo how sho would look in a cadet organization. Thoy were disappoint ed for all passed muster as real boys. Dixon Optical Co., tests oyes. ACTUAL WORK H VS STARTED AND 31 ANY MEN AND TEAMS A HE AT WORK The oxenvnting and proparlng ot tho stroots for tho laying of paving has begun. A forco of mon was sot to work on East Fourth street Tues day morning and tho road bod hits beon excavated for flvo blocks. A special mnchlnc, drawn by a cntet pillar tractor, digs Uio dirt, aud passos it up nn iiiolino whoro It is rocolvod by a dump wagon nnd haul cd away. Tho wagon Is mechanically unloaded and thoro is an ondless pro cession of wagons carrying away tho ljlrt which has composod tho strcot In aomo places quito a depth must bo excavated before tho proper lovol is roaahod. This dirt ib boinir nlaccd where needed on other streets under tho direction of John Jones street commissioner. A mountain ot sand has boen hauled to n point near tho oast ond of, tho work and two big concreato mixors aro in placo ready to begin proparlng tho mixture for tho foundation. With favorahln woathor Uio work will bo, pushed as fast ns possible Butlor Buchanan and Perry Buchan an, loft Wednesday for Rochester, Minn, whoro tho formor will receive medical treatment. R. S. Lovott, chairman of tho board of directors of tho Union Pac ific ralroad passod through North Platto Wodnesday onrouto to tho const. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BAN QUETS STATE INSURANCE CONVENTION Moro than ono hundred members of tho Nobraska Association of Local Insurance Agents gnthorod at tho LuUioran church banquet room 'last, night as tho guests of tho North. Platto Chambor of Commerco. Tho dinnor was sorvod by tho ladles ot tho church in a manner which ro colvod many compliments. Follow ing tho banquet a short program was rondornd nnd a numbor of speoches woro mado with "A. H. Wood of Oma ha ns tonstmastcr. Short addresses woro mado by F. L. Moonoy, E. R. Goodman, Pat Walsh, Bruco Young, John Morrlsson, Frod B. Ayers, W'm. II. Almonson, J. E. Sebastain, Wm. Loyoll, Allen P. Tukey, T. C. Patter son, W. T, Stanton, Frank B. Martin, Sam Waugh and Frank Ilolvoy. :o: Enginoor Smith ot tUp United States Roclnmntion Sorvico was m North Platto yestorday. Ho said it would tuko but a day or two to fin insh tho Hold wbrk on tho preliminary survey ot tho South Bldo irrigation project In Lincoln County. From horo thoy will go to Dawson county for a fow days final work nnd thon tho data which has been collected will bo sont to tho Donvcr offico of tho Reclam ation sorvico nnd thcro Uio exports will take it in hand and about tho first ot August it is hoped Uicy will glvo out somo approximato flguea asr to cost. Under tho revised plan which Is still unsettled, It is proposed to tako tho wator from the North Platto river ut a pqW Just west ot Koystono and carry it oast to Paxton, near which tho canal will cross tho South Platte. Tho big reservlor can bo locatod in Sunshine procinct south nnd wost of Sutherland. Dixon Optical Co., grinds lonses. $1,077.31 1 standpoint -:o:- Mrs. A. H, Wiseman returned to her homo in Caldwell, Idaho, Wed nesday. Mrs. Wiseman has beon in ( friends and transact ( business North Platto tho past week visiting will spend tho reniaindor, of R. V. Ilunklns arrived Wednesday from Hot Springs. S. D. to visit Ho tho her sister Mrs. E. W. Wright. week horo. COMFORTABLE COLLARS: New collars are comfortable, and when they are properly laundered they retain their smooth, comfor table edges for a long timo. The starched collar is being worn today by all well dressed men. If you have ever been annoyed by saw-edged collars, perhaps you havo tried the wrong laundry. The customers of this modern laundry know that they invariably receivo tho kind of service which satisfies. Because our clausing methods aro scien tific and modern in every respect, we are able to of fer you a service which cannot be excelled anywhere. We aro careful wo know our business. Wo can pleaso you. Just phono and tho driver will call for your bundle. Send it to "Your Ilosom Friend" Dickeys Sanitary Laundry The Soft lVntor Jauiulry. 108 Wost Sixth St. riione 7 ' Easter April 16th Buy Now 8 if K t.t it :.: .t Jt it it Jt J.t j.i j.i j.t B i.t t.t if i.t it i.t J.t Jt J.t J.t K j.t i.t j.t j.t J.t J.t i.t J.t j.: it t x i.t it i.t it it i.t i.t j.t j.t j.t &" Avoid the Rush Scotch Woolen Mills Single Price Idea Choice of Any Two Piece Made to Order Select Any Pattern From the Scotch Woolen Mills Line-All One Price Choice of Any Full Suit $2960 You can't realize what wonderful values wo are offering until you see the goods strictly all wool finest quality we have seen in years! $25 buys any two-piece suit, all one price. Full suits are $29.50, all one price. - Everybody is buying these clothes! Gome in and let us show you the greatest value in America! This Store is Exclusive Headquarters for the Scotch Woolen Mills One Price Idea Burke's gr 606 y3 Dewey St. UP STAIRS j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t $ j.t v j.t j: j.t j.t v j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t jt .j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t jt j.t j.t a j.t j.t j.t j.t jt j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t jt j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t jt j.t jt j.t 11 j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t t ,t t j;t 8 j.t j.t j.t j.t j.t j; jt H jt j.t j.t j.t jt