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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1921)
0 (Tribune. THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., NOVEMBER 15, 1921. No. 89 r 1 . i ANOTHER OLD PIONEER GONE M1US. MA.IOR WAWCElt DIES AlTER LIVING irERK OVER, FIFTY YEARS FHtb'MKX ARK PROMISING HOOK SUCCESS WHEN YQU TELL K3I iS GIVEN' .Mrs. L. W. Walker, Sr. died this 4aornlng,at six o'clock from' .compli cations incident upon old age and .poor health. She has been confined to hpr .bod for some months and re cently her condition became so grave that no hopes were entertained for "her recovery. The end came peace fully while she was surrounded by tor family. Miss Georgia Warren as she was "known in her early life, was born in Columbus, Georgia, Oct. 22, 1837 and died in North Platte, Nebr. .on Uov. 15 th, 1021 at the ago of 84 years. She attended a girl's college at Macon, Ga. Her family was one of thp vicflms of Sherman's March to the Sea, the home town boins Taided by the Union Cavalry, in 1867 she married Major L. W. Wal Tcor In South Carolina, who had been ordered there to assist In the recon struction of the state. In 186 D he -was ordered to Fort McPherson, Ne braska and a year later he and Mrs. "Walker moved to North Platte where she lived continuously for over flrty 'years. Mrs. Walker was the mother or two children, L. W. Walker of this city who survives her and Miss May Tlckots for tho Flremens' play wero plnccd on salo Monday and ro ports at noon wero tlat they wore going rapidly. They are on salo nt tho Rexall. Mr. Harding spoilt most of the time from noon until midnight yesterday in rehcarual and this hard work produced results. This morn ing ho got his crow of scenic artists carpenters and electricians together and they began work at tho Keith pre paring tho big Bcenlo effects. Stam- pfer Schmalzrted is expected to repeat . . . V- ABOUT PEOPLE AND THINGS CURRKNT COMMENT AJIOUT TEC I'LK AN1 THE THINGS THEY A HE DOING HE HE. ' , 'J Contractor McMlchaol Is assembl ing tho material for tho new C'tiu'rt House. Tho brick for tho footings Is on, tho ground, tho excavation Is his success In tho scenic effects of tho , complete and things nro about ready Follies. Trovlyn Doncet will have ' for pouring of cement. ' charge of tho orchestra for tho nro ductlon of You Toll 'Em and ho in Sup't. C. L. Littol returned Suitduy preparing somo very clover, numbers from Omnlui and Lincoln. While Mil for both during and before tho per- Omaha he nttended the State Teaeh tortnance. Miss Francis Burns, one 0rs Association. In Lincoln ho attend of the leading designers of costumes 0L the Cambridge-Lincoln foot '.bull In the country, Is hero and will per- gmnc nnd Mr. Llttel says that North sonally supervlso tho dressing of pintto will win from Lincoln on story of Hawaii and tho Hawailans and Is full of tho tropical charm of thoso southorn Islands. Tho pro ducer has caught tho fancy of tho audience In the Bingo settings nnd In securing Miss Ann Header to play tho part of Princess Lunna ho has pleased tho dramatic critics and re vlowors. The play carries olio along with Its story and tenches a lesson which It wore woll tftal Americans would learn before their democratic toudoucluH cause thorn to throw down tho bnrrlcrs of race. Tho play Is as good as nhy wo havo scon here recently and the cast Is said to be worthy 'of tho play. LODGE, CHURCH AND SOCIETY COMING MEETINGS IN TUB VAIUOI'S OHGAN1ZATIONS OF THE CITY. ALTAR SOCIETY ' of the Catholic church will moot at the home of Mrs. Curt Illiimnu, 108 So. Oak on Thursday nftornoon. the play. -:o: THE COLUMBUS-NORTH PLATTE CiAMK WAS ANYBODY'S GAME TO THE END John LeMastora averted nn acci dent Sunday by shn.rply turning his car into tho ditch and up over a sidewalk. It happoned as ho wasi, going up Third street 'In company with Mrs. LeMnsters and two lady Trionds. John had tho right-of-way at a crossing but the driver of the other car pain no attention to that fact and sped on. John Baw that I i . i . 1. 1 J ji... n. .... A pilot car was to leave North , ,s cai 1111 "u UU,U1 tm l4 will. Mm onmniHlno'lOSS llO did Something SO llO Wheeled appointed to select a route for the I Blmrply and went into tho ditch. The REGULAR MEETING of tho Homo Missionary Society oi tho M. E. Church will bo held Frl day afternoon In tho church pallors. Thanksgiving day. menu consists of cream chlckon, nmshed potatoes, biscuits, cabbago sal ad, pickles, cruttborrtos, bread, but ter, coffco and enko. Price 50c ALTltUlST Diblo class of tho Mi E. church will hold its regular meeting Thurs day afternoon nt tho homo of Mrs. Saunders, at tho oxporimontnl sta tion, All members will meet at tho church nt 2.30. Thoso who havo cards nro requested to bring, thorn. BAPTIST Auxiliary will moot afternoon at tho home of Mrs. Mun slngcr, 218 S. Dowoy. LINCOLN 1'nrcnLTeiicher Association will meet Wednesday afternoon nt 3 o'clock. Miss Garrison, kindergarten supervisor, will glvo a demonstration, Miss Mnrguorlto Campbell will glvo a solo, and Supt. Littol will glvo an address. Misses Blmson nnd McKay ! will play a duct. Thursday SENIOR HIGH pareiif Teacher , , , now road between North Platto and Armistice Day saw the biggest - vrni mm attended a foot-ball " -, : J " u crowd that ever pame lu North Platto, at tho Fair Grounds, and that crowd saw one of the best football games that has ever bteon played here. Columbus report on the one which in its judge ment is tho most practical. car was under momentum and wont j up out of tho ditch and over tho SALE PARENT-TEACHER Association of tho JolTorson School will moot Wednesday nftornoon nt 3 o'clock. ft,, .. sldowalk. One axlo was doubled up, one spring was broken, tho wind shield glass was shattered and other minor repairs wero necessary. Mrs. Tho ladles of tho Christian church will hold a Bale of fancy work Fri day and Saturday at' Dorryberry & Forbes store. Oiie or our entornrlsim: Lincoln LcMasters . was so badly cut thai WnrMr.snAV. High School was hero in full force Cmmty furmers has gone to the of- sevoral stltchos woro necessary. All Tho BUUjcct 0f tho lecture by How and showed Itself to bo tho. best flce q th(j County Treasurer for year tho occupants of the car wore BhakonT lfpch at tho mthoran Church team seen here this year. The JUul (iomamict tax receipt No. 1, pnv- up and more or loss sore following' (m wednosday evonlng is "Tho Bible score was 16 to 13 in favor of the lng h,B ,lg floou as tlle 000i8 tnc oxperlonce. Man's Book or God's Book Which? North Platte, boys but it was In doubt .w-er() rca(ly This yenr he has not right up to tho last. Tho feature or t cd yel aml a0incone hns sug- Tho Armistice Day Program at the r pnTpoNKD Association will meet Wednesday ovontng at 8. p. m. In tho Senior High Auditorium. Tho high Bchool orchestra will play a few selections, Miss Wild will gfvc a so cialized recitation, Miss Haycock will give n talk on botany nnd physiology and Miss Johnson will glvo" a roport of tho state touchers association mooting. tho game was a field goal drop kick gcgted Umt lf ll0 ls 11Uo tho othe.r Keith Theatre last Friday glvon by by Locke. Thrills were a-plenty ana rarmers i,0 Would rather have the Inst American region was iuiny wuu who' died about two years ago. Sne every spectator was satisfied with numuer than tho lirst this year.-; crnsf nn .iiint. of Mrs. F. E. Bullard. Mis Rhowlnir made by tho two teams. i nn niw imiiiiiH liii Liiti iiLLiTi 1..1,1 i MAKtn uintrn nr vnnra ii wuh i " - - IIU1U 1U Ul A Kiivu j - lilt 1 lniA . ,v.lm., linvo nrrlvml nnrl fur. -...on ...l... -.,..t T Ifnofn M'Ogmin WU UU pUUUBUUU iun., in her home in Boulder, Colo, yestcr- ' L1,iiiV nuvil ""'""" ... fnvtr ronrnKnntnHvn will lin liorr. In n....nnnin,l GJnt. Rnnnirlpil Tlnll- . . . i dav fitter visiting at the js. w. V"J .. UUUUUUICU v..v , . (jhkihtiain formerly of this city and sho has a Mrs Maude Wiseman returned to Tho dnto of the Community Con- .. ...!.,.. .,11,1 fm Tiirnnt lotll Hon- attended and has been pronounced " V-.nnnnrt frnin ono of the best meetings of that kind W C lub has been postponed o m i'iSOV. IK UIlVll IJVV. U. iiiu wii""v number of nieces and nephews 'Other places. Tho funeral will be held from the Wheolock home. Episcopal Church , on Wednesday, .:o: ttov. 16th, at, 2.30 and burial will bo DAUGHTERS OF AMERICAN WA ibhe North Platte Cemetery. I -OLirpON TO CEIRHATE . . I '.FIFTH ANNIVERSARY' , .iSlftliEAHSALS ...i'Oll TWENTIFTJli- U WASHINGTON Tho Parent-Teacher .Association of tho Washington School will meol Wednesday Nov. 16, at 3 p. m. at tho school building. The. program will bo proceeded by a businosa meeting and a roport on 'school lun ches." Papons avIII bo glvon by Miss Loretta Murphy on "Books" by Supl. Littol on "High Spots In Edu cation" and Row Alfred Oilman on "China." All puronts of pupils at tending tho Washington School nro invited to bo present. Tho University ciub was enter tained at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. V. r.rnahv Inst nvniilnir. Itov. p,., - 'GUmmi of China cava an intorcstlnc talk. About thirty members woro CENTURY CLUH PL AY START LAST NIGHT. a few days to put them in place, nor" by the liigu sacnooi unuei umm- wm mco fpijurS(iny nftornoon The two pumps to bo Installed in tho J Everyone Including the band stood ' ,ho 0UiGrtatnlng committee consist central plant have a combined capa and remained standing while Rev ) of Mos(jamcs Brooks, LoMnsters city of 3,000,000 Kallone whllo'tno 0. F. Koch gave tho Invocation. In a pravfr ' Tho indies one to bo placed-, in the -JCelley won Bhort address, Sonator Hoagland , laid - nsk6(L: to ,brin& or send their PfCVnt. At the closo of tho evening ,ment and said that wo should make fan0 artlclc9 for 1110 , Mrs. M. E. Scott enjertalned tho ' . t A I.. lIFnnl.ltinlnti n.lfl fill.' ........ - OUl SOlves ion. m umuui.ii "v- i JliiMblISUTUiN I'ro in the South nart of town The D. A. It. lodge will entertain , ,f Umt capnclly. its friends at a banquet on tho even- ing of Nov. 22nd at tho Episcopal Contractor Ca'rl Backers is wait-1 mnnd 'a lessoning of tho burdens of the s :o: Clinton & Son, Tile Ey'o Glass Men. Give thought to Xmas. Dixon, Service and Satisfaction. the Jeweler. FLOUR FLOUR 48 POUND BAGS. Kohinoor Brand Quality Guarantee on each bag. A limited quantity at $1.50 PER SACK. ALSO Sunbeam Flour Good since 1873. NOW BETTER THAN EVER. Buy your Food Stuff from a clean and sanitary gro cery, one that has served you in the past, who is here today and tomorrow, and who sells you good goods at fair prices, on regularly adapted terms without offering you schemes, premiums or any other induce ments excepting good merchandise and equitable service. Are You Using Chase & Sanborn's Seal. Brand Coffees and Teas. THE FINEST GROWN. Herrod Grocery, PHONE 208. orable a largo part of the water mains can bo completed this fall an winter.. Miss Good, director for the Rogers church basement. The banquet win jug for a supply of sower pipe In j getting ready for wnr. After tin iA,Ln.r n .i,i vontoriinv be served by the ladies of tho Epls- order to complete tho 500 or more reading of "Flanders Fiolds" by Mis innd rehearsals for the 20th Century copal uuiiu. a goou ioaai nut im jeei oi mains, mun umt jon wm iManon mummm, on. Club play "Katcha Koo" started last been prepared and a program will bo completed. However, he ls not for the Red Cross nnd what it Is do-, evening. The play will be staged ' bo given at the close of the banquet, idle for the men are at work in fuR ing, explaining "'J"110"0" J" t the Keith theatre on tho nights Pinal arrangements have not boon forco laylnB the water extensions and called to Sidney and ho v,as i spc mi, f Vnv in find Deo 1st made but the members Wet to in- good progress is being made in that for tho Judge. A male quartet lenuoi- vlto their friends and famines. line, if tno wenuior continues lav- eu lentuis iU.i.b..- l that an encore was uomunuuu. hub was followed by an ndress by Rev. P. McDaid In which ho spoke feel ingly of the horrors of tho European battlefields which he visited Inst yenr. The whole audience then stood in two minutes of silent prayer for peaco and for our country, which was fol lowed by singing "America" lead by tho band and the Invocation by Rev. rnul Shenk. :o; ' I Mrs. C. R. Moroy entertained nt a well appointed ono o'clock luncheon at her homo yesterday. Covers wero laid for twenty guests. Luncheon was followed 4iy' bridge. Mr. and Mrs. J- Q. Wilcox enter tained nt tholr homo Friday evening complimentary to tho Columbus foo, hnll team and the local foot ball team), n.inr Antn Pn. Thr number nlnto'nion Mm momberB of tho Senior class ns guests. A vorF pleasant oyodiub was spent In music and dancing after which a doliclous two course lunch M-na nnrved. FINE FELT HATS $5.00 AND $0.00 VALUES GO FOR ?3.88. JOHN R. EDWARDS CO During tho year 1922, tho auto numbers will bo on a different plan than heretofore. Each County boon assigned a number and this number will prececd tho sorlal num ber. Lincoln County is number 15. Number plates will bo given this mun bor and then will follow tho number of tho car In Lincoln County. For instance ono car will bo 15 31G. This will mean that it is number 310 In 'Lincoln County while 77310 will mean that it Is number 310 In Gar den County. About 30 auto llcensua for next year havo been given out already, the first being secured by John Kyne, supplyman for Heady- Travel and Study Club last ovening The L. A.' to tho B. of R. T. will at her homo. Mrs. Prior pf Maxwol hold a short business meeting Friday gave several readings. Mrs, W. H. nt 3 p. in. at tho K. P. Hall. Th McDonald read a paper on'Our For will bo followcd by a Kensington nin clgn Possessions" and curront events cupboard showor. Every member Itj woro discussed. About twenty ladles urged to bo present and bring dishes word present. Lunch wns served at or silver for tho cupboard. tho closo of tho evening. Mrs. Pryor ' and Mrs. Saraotta Harrison wero CLUH DEPARTMENT I lho only BUOfltSi The Homo Economics Department of tho 20th Century Club will meet nt the home of Mrs. A. P. Kelly, 705 West 2nd St., Tuesday Nov. 15th. Program, Exchange of IdoaB for Christmas Gifts. Members aro re quested to bring receipts for Christ mas candles. :o: IMI'RUSSLVi: A1UM8TICU 1.AY SKIU VICKS OX 11KANCH TRAIN' FRIDAY. BAZAAR Tho Lutheran Bazaar and suppoi will bo hold on Thursday, Nov. 17 at tho church. Fancy work and homo tnado candy will bo Bold. Tho supper should read 15 1. Theatre goers in this part of tho state will bo interested in tho an nouncement of "Tho Bird of Para dise" which gave such genuine sat isfaction hero Inst year. This is a Last Showingof "Son Of Wallinfo At The Keith, To-Day. AND "Godless Men" At The Sun. Two minutes of silent prayer wis obsorved on the branch train Armiti tlco day nt the apointed tlmo. Tho trainmen assembled with the passoa gors In ono coach and Rev. W. II, Mooro delivered nn appropriate ad dress. Rev. Mooro was going to Low ollon to lie present at tho oxcorclsea there. The first cost is practically the last I H " J. V. ROMIGH Dodge- Brothers 5 EUAN