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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1921)
warm, si j i, society iUox"- Ehe $ribuite. 4- THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAH. NORTH PLATTE,. NEB., NOVEMBER 11, 1921. No. 88 Matin a ! a ka Mm m.m m PARCEL POST SHOWS GAIN t'OUJt AUT03I0H1LISTS HUJtT IN ACCIDENT LAST EVENING NKAU CITY TOST OFFICE PARCEL TOST SHOWS GAIN IN BUSINESS OVER LAST YEAR Tho North Platto Tost Offico had a ton per cent Increaso over last ' year In .tho number of parcel post packages received during tho first fifteen days in October and a 21 per cent increase In tho number of pack ages dispatched during tho samo time. During tho first fifteen days of October each year, tho forco at the local post offico has been in structed to count tho number of parcol post packages received and feent out. This year tho number or packages received from other offices for delivery hero was 4,074. Thoro , wero 37 packages mailed hero for local delivery, making 4,111 pack ages received within fifteen days. 2718 of these packages wero deliver ed by foot carriers and rural carri ers. 1,577 packages wero mailed at tho North Platte offico for outsldo delivery. Of this number about ono half wero insured and 200 wero sent C. O. D. Compared with a year ago tho number shows a ten per cent increase in packages re ceived and a 21 per cent increaso In packages sent out. :o: ADULT PATHONS OF THE CITY LimtAItY TO HEAK EDISON RE-CREATIONS SUNDAY ABOUT PEOPLE AND THINGS CURRENT COMMENT AllOUT lEO I'LE AND THE THINGS THEY ARE DOING HEME. "Ted" Isdell, engineer on the Union Pacific, Wnltor Johnson, engineer and Mrs. Harry Raymond and Miss Dotty Blakley of Seatlo, "Wash. gucst3 at tho E. R. Humphrey home were hurt last evening when tho car in which they were riding turned tur tle on cast fourth street. Mr. Isdell was driving on the highway cast of tho city and lost control of the car when it Bkidded in tho sand. Tho car turned over and pinned tho occupants beneath. Tho men wero rushed to tho hospital whero Mr. Isdell is suffer ing lntornal injuries but Mr. Johnson expects to bo out this afternoon. Mrs. Raymond is suffering a cut head and Miss Blaueiy sugnt injuries, iiie uo- District Court Is still grinding cldont happened about five , o'clock away with a number of cases of yesterday evening. Tho car 13 thought mlnor inlcrcgt disposed of. Juan to bo a total wreck. TVf0,iin wnB i,,,!,! iih. nr Hi THE A-'Cnars r 8runtl larcony and was nneu n anu costs, ho is saw to jhavo stolen silks from tho W. J. O'Connor store. The carpenter shop which has been located on the southwest corner of tPIno and Sixth has boon moved n block east on Front Streot. It was used by Plcard's for a carpenter shop and will continue to bo so used bv them In Its now location. :o: LADIES AUXILIARY OF MERICAN LEGION TO OFFER RIG CARNIVAL. i Miss Loretta Murphy, city llbrap lan, Invites the adult patrons of the J library to a concert Sunday after-1 noon at 3.30 o'clock. Tho visitors,, will be entertained by a choice Bo lection of Edison's Ro-creoUons. , :o: Vincent Frances of Potter trans acted business in tho city Tuesday. -Vm. Blnogar'p! Sutherland ,wns a cltyisitor Tuesday. 'Attorneys C- L. Raskins and M. E. Crosby returned yesterday from Lin coln wlioro they transacted legal business. Tho Ladies Auxiliary of tho Amer- lean Legion met Thursday evening' Tlle Pnrl Hoard Is planning on and decided to give a carnival or "0u;nf tho Community Lako and lot tho purpose or raising funds for tho UB lfc ,) for skating this wlnteijj Auxiliary. A committee was ap-!If BOVoral olectrio lights could bo pointed with Mrs. Carl Brodbeclc as strll"S ovcr the lnko- wo rroakt it Mm.,-, hv Mrs. Harrv woul(l ,nect n community need for ,. r t r. ii,ntn ,i M1oI1'0tBrtaiiimont both day mid night anil Lowell, Mrs. L. B. Johnston and Miss ...,, ... . , J tv., m,, u ,v,t would be one of the most popular , .x, , places In tho city, yesterdayand f has sot the dates for the carnival as tho 5th and Cth ' pitms- nro going forward for tho of December. Tho carnival will bo wintor Poultry Show of tho Platto held in the Lloyd Opera House and Valley Poultry Association which is an admission of 10 cents will be to bo hold here next month. Tho main charced. They plan to havo many hitch Is in securinc a huildtnir in freo attractions and all tho booths which to hold the exhibit At the and shows which go to make up a same time that the poultry Is hown real carnival. A jitney dance will another organization will hold the . Lincoln County Corn Show. Further bo held each evening. :o: announcements can bo expected soon THE Goodman-Buckley Trus NORTH PLATTE, NEBR. Is a safe place to invest your money because it is limited by law as to the kind of investments-it makes -and is un der the supervision of the State Banking Board. . ; Small sums as well as large can be left with if for invest ment and idealize G per cent to 7 per cent interest. Make Your Money Earn You Something. MIsg Leona Watson of Hershey accprding to the officials. Bhopped in tho city yesterday. airs. Appleby, of Stapleton, is a Contractor Howard McMichael guest at the home of her mother, Bays hfe ,s plalmlnB on gotllngWl 0j Mrs. R. E. Humphory. the concrote work on tho foundations Harry Raymond of Seattle, Wash.. and footinK8 dono thig fall nd lha is visiting at the R, E. Humphrey mateilal nssembled on tho grounds uome. . Vj&uly to tiegln actual' conftniclfon Invitations are out for a free of th5 nfiw Coup(. Houbq ,n tho cap oyster supper at the Christian church sprln& An ,noop w, bo horo tonight. Tho supper 1b to bo given thg tQ m1 flnd d by tho Wido-Awako Bible Class and mluQ thQ dopth of thQ excavftUonB about 100 are expected. for Uj0 concreto work Tho Annual tied Cross Roll Call will start tomorrow all over Lincoln County. In each school district the teacher is tho chairman of tho Refl Cross Roll Call committee. Ho or sho will take memberships at ono (lollop ouch. Fifty cents from each member ship goes to tho National Red Cross and the rest Is kopt horo for the I In coin County work. Membership entitles tun holder to votiiiT privi leges when the. election is up next month and to a conclousness that lie 'cr sho has done something to support tho "Groatost Mother in tho World." Co. (Showed parts of Lincoln County lii which no rollglous sorvlccs nro over held and it was the Intontlon to havo thoso gospel teams visit those sections and hold religious sorvlccs. Any community will bo bettor for having Christian religious services hold in its midst onco in a while. Tho different churches of tho city will bo asked to woric along this lino and It Is probablo that sovoral teams will be organized among tho laymen for. work during tho noxt fow months. LOCAL AJfl I'EKSOiNAL j Goo. Myers, principal of tho Juu-, lor High School, Efflo V. Johnson,' principal of tho Senior High School, I C. L. Llttlu, superintendent, Miss Blenda Butts of tho Washington school, Miss Opal Hammond of tho Jefferson school, Miss Ocea Rawllngs of tho Junior High School loft yes torday for Omaha to attend a moot ing of tho State Teachers Associa tion. Tho Womans Auxiliary of tho Amorican Loglon mot Tuesday oven lug and decided to give a carnival In tho near future for tho purpose of raising funds for tho Auxiliary, A committee was appointed to tako charge and tho date will bo announc ed later. Alvah York entertained a number of her friends at a birthday party at tho homo of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. York on Tuesday. Games wero tho entertainment followed by refreshments. All roport a flno time. Coats Every modol has been caho fully solectcd from a largo assort ment and most of them havo beaut I tal fur collars blending with tho gar ment. Values of this kind mean a welcome saving to tho thrifty shop per. D, T. Tramp & Sons. Tho funeral of tho late Lucidn Stebbins ' will bo hold at 1:30 p. n. Friday from tho homo of his daugh ter, Mrs. Etta Bonner and interment will ho In North Platto Cemetery. TRAIN TAKES ANOTHER LIFE COiiUJiHL's man school to e HKJtK FOR AlUriSTICi: DAY STKUlfULK. NORTH IMjATTH MAN VAT ALLY IN.) UUi;i WHILE ON DUTY LAST NIGHT Frank O. Lllloy, Union Pacific conductor, was fatally injured last evening near. Finloy. Mr. Lllloy left the elty on tho beet special up tho branch and at Finloy told his brnkoman to put on tho car of beets. Ho ontorcd tho cabooso to got pack for a hot box and as ho stepped from tho car onto tho adjoining track ho was struck by tho englno which was to attach tho beet car. Ho was rushed to tho hospital at Bridgeport but died about throo o'clock. Mrs. Lllloy and two sons left last night on No. 3 for Bridgeport. :o: HUFVALO RILL GUN CLUB TO HOLi) TURKEY SHOOT RE FORE THANKSGIVING Tomorrow at 3 p. rii. the foot ball gamo between Coluntbus High School and North Plntto High will bo played at tho Fair Grounds. This gamo Is uncertain to tho North Platto boys for It is tho first gamo ever played with tho Columbus follows". Tho do feat of Omaha Central last week by tho Columbus team would placo thorn pretty high In tho list of stato teams. A largo crowd Is expected if tho weather Is halt-way good. -uk- WIUOW DIES SUDDENLY FROM PARALYTIC STROKE AT 1IEH HOME TUESDAY Ono hundred and fifty turkoys nro said to bo tho prizes In tho biggest turkey shoot hold In Western Ne braska In recent years which will bo pulled off by tho Buffalo Bill Gun Club on Sunday Nov. 20 and Wed nesday Nov. 23. During tho two days It Is planned to put tho whole number of turkeys up as prizes. Tho birds ao said to weigh from 7 to 10 pounds each and will reward tho lucky shots. Tho shoot is being hold to Interest gunners In tho Stato Shoot which will bo hold hero noxt May. Mrs. Allco S. Chamborlalu, widow of Wm. L. B. Chamberlain, dlca suddenly at hor homo Tuesday after noon. Mrs. Chamberlain visited with her nolghbors early In tho after noon and saying sho was tired loft them and wont to bod. Lator sho was found dead, death bolng duo to a paralytic stroke. Mrs. Chamber lain had not had q stroke for flvo years. Sho was Blxty eight years of ago and loaves to mourn her doath two daughters Mrs. Morton Cowy ot Colorado and Mrs. John Wotnborgor of Omaha. Also a brothor Edwin Whlto of Sharon Springs, Kaus. and a slstor Mrs. Robert TurnbuR" of Lin coln. Mrs. Chamberlain was born In Wost Virginia and comes from a very good family of tho south. Tho funeral will bo hold this afternoon at 2.30 from tho homo of Dr. Marie Ames. Rov. Stovens of tho Christ ian church will officiate. :o: -tor- Edwin Whlto of Sharon Springs, Mo., arrived yesterday to attend tho funoral of his sister Mrs. Allco Chamborlaln. Paul Caldwell of Springfield, Mo. .vlsttod local friends Tuesday. Mrs. J. M. Davenport loft yester lay for Portland, Oregon, to visit. Mrs. Robert Turnbnll ot Lincoln 1 arrived yesterday to attend tho fun oral of her Bister Mrs. Alice Cham ' borlatn. p 1 At TSae Sun 3 Days COMMENCING SUNDAY A Tremendous Climax Plunging onward through tho treacherous Southern Seas, tho schooner Deborah, commanded by the hardest man who ever trod a deck, is suddenly caught in the grip of a wild, tropical hurricane. Like super-men tho crew fight to keep tho ship afloat and win. But there comes another, and greater storm this time a clash of human emotions, father pitted against Son with a girl as the prize. Tho ruthless bravery and sarcrifice of tho victory that befalls will engrave itself for over on your memory. REGINALD BARKERS PRODUCTION OF Otto Gowlnnbr, Deputy Stato Gamo Warden swooped down on slx resldents of Maxwell this week and yesterday brought them Into County Court. Albert Snyder was ' fined f.S.;n, Robert Snydtr $28.35. For est Roberts, $21.55 and Jas. Thorn, pson $28.95, each for trapping-with out a license. Horbort Hdstottor was charged with buying hides with out a Hcenso but was declared not guilty. Jasper Lewis was charged ! with trapping without a Hconso and hunting without a hunting and fish ing Hconso but was Judgod not guilty Tho fines wore paid and tho parties loft for their homos. The following editorial comment from the Lexington Cllpper-Cltlzea has reference to ono of our towns men who has been honored by ap pointment and olectlon to positions of trust and responsibility horo many times: "C. J. McNamara of North Platte, was hero on Tuesday and Wednesday, and returned homo on Wednesday ovonlng. Ho is tho en gineer in charge of tho paving dono In this city and Bald that tho work as far as he Is concerned Is complete except that ho will bo here again at tho called mooting of Nov. 21. Ho has performed his work well and has tho satisfaction of contemplating a good job whonevor he thinks ot tho naving In this city. "Godless Men :o:- Adapted from the famous stoiy "Black Pawl" by Ben Ames Williams. At tho annual mooting of tho Lin coln County Sunday School convon- . tion horo last summor, It was voted unanimously to ask tho county pres ident to organlzo ono or moro gospel teams to campaign In Lincoln county during the winter. Reports wore received at that tlmo which Look inside the lid! If it hasn't this trademark, it isn't a Victrola ! if The Victrola js the embodiment oi all that is best in music. The excellence of any Talking Machine can be safely judged by the artists who make records for it, and bythe music it thus brings into your home. When such artists as Caruso, McCor mick, Heiletz, Farrar, Galii Curci and others, chose the Victor as the means of perpetuating their art, it can only mean one thing, that is, in their judgment the Victrola is the one most satisfactory instrument for the pnrpose. .CALL AND SEE OUR LATE SHIPMENT OF INSTRUMENTS A i Music 110 EAST FRONT STREET