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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1921)
TOUT. Editor ninl, Publisher. Bntored-at tho North Plutte, Nebraska Postoffico ns Second Class Mutter. SUHSCJtUTIOX I'JtlCEt Ono Year, In advance- $1.C0 FRIDAY, XHWIIIKK 1Mb, 1021." JilllTOJtlAL Who was tho first u'hlto nmn to eco Lincoln County and tell ut Ills oxporlonccs? Head about 11 In un darly isstio of tho Tribune. Ovor in tho south part of tho count thoro 1b ald to bo a road which Is particularly sandy and on which It Is vory difficult to make good tlmo. Somoouo posted ti sign which road something like this "Go tho Limit All speed regulations aro off." I ' THE NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBIiNIS favdrod. In his lottor, tho Idea giv en abovo Is so mixed up with per sonaj and buslne matters that wo thought host to rcproduco the thought for tho consideration of out roadora with tho suggestion that any ono approving or disfavoring Iho proposition will send us his Idea and let us place It boforo our readers, Lottors will bo welcomed and such as wo can uso will ho printed. . Saturday at 3 O'clock A. B. Leo has heen making somo nlco Improvements In tho offlco and salesroom of tho Gonornl'Tlro Co., horo. During his sparo tlmo h ha. systematized his oqulpraont so that ho can,tako car of tho rilah which he believes is coming with tho re sumption of normal business condi tions. Confidence In the futuro of North Platte, Lincoln Cotinty and of Westqrn ' Nebraska Is a characteris tic of moBt of our business men and la boat oxprosscd by gotting roady for tho good business which is coming. A report wus started this week thul a black list' of pupils who did not nnv nn assessment for tho danco held by. tho Ninth grado last weok, had boon) proparcd and was posted In tho Jun-! lor High School with a remark that l thoso on tho list wero traitors to tho I class. Wo aro Informed that thcro 1h no truth In tho roport. It Is nresuni . ed that It started from tho fact thnt n llRt of tho members of tho class was prepared and as fast as they paid their assessment for tho party their names woro crossed off the list Of course tho names remaining wore of Ihoso who did not pay. Tho mon ey, wo are told, was used to pay for tho refreshments and) not for the dance. It Is tho common practice to ralso money for tho clnss parties by assessing each n cortaln share and only those who pay aro oxpocted to come. No other plan has boon de vised and unless abused this plan usually works out satisfactorily :o: A UK it CAN LKGION MKMOMAL MASS MEETING AT KEITH AinilSTICK DAY BLOCK'S BOX PA RTY at 1 IS ifrom tho Attornoy Gonoral's offlco comos a ruling which Is reported In tho stnto press to moan that thous ands of mon and womon In Nebras ka will bo barred from voting at tho ischool olnctlons. Under tho law, says tho opinion, persona without chlldron cannot voto at school olec tlons unloss thoy havo $200 or moro personal proporty which was assess ed tho last prqvlous year before tho olection. This appilos to olectlonn for school bonds and for school offi cial. Ho claims this Is the law but othors claimed that in cities where the, election of mombors of tho Board of Education and voting of school bonds Is hold at tho samo tlmo that I he rogular city election Is hold, any logal voter could voto. Tho decision Is clear and has tho force of tho law until overruled by tho courts. Wo havo received a commuulca Uov rom n Mncoln County iaxpayor In ' which, ho su (tests that North Lincoln County Is entitled to a rep resentative on tjio Board of C6unty Commissioners and ho suggosla that tho numbor o'f Commissioners bo In creased to four and ono bo olcctod from a district which comprises tho part 6f tho county north or tho North Platto ntvor. Ho thinks that part of tho county Ik ndKlooted at tlmoa In tho matter of roads, oulvorts. etc and that tho real of the County Is 9th. Phono GG1W. ;()n Armlstlco Day botweon tho hours of 11:15 a. m. aud 12:15 p. m. tho American Loglon will hold a mass meeting memorial servico at tho Keith Theatre to pay homago to tho Un known Hero who Is to bo burled In Arlington National Cemetery on that date. Tho following program will bo pro sontod: "Star Spangled Uannor"-High School Band. ' Invocation Ilov. C. F. Koch. Short Address Sonator "W. V. Hoag- land. Heading" Flandors Fields" Marlon Ilichards. Short Address District Judgo Towoll. Selection Male Quartette. Short Adddross-Itov. Patrlqk McDald. Two Minutes of Silent Prayor In Honor of Dead Horo. "America" Atidlonco and Hand. Benediction -Rev. Paul Shonk. :o: ' M. D. Oulloy of Coring visited his brother J. C. Gulloy Sunday whllo on- routo from Kansas City whoro ho at tended tho Amorlcan Loglon Conven tion to his homo. Besides the great number of price reductions you will find in this great 073,000 Sale on Saturday Hardin "Fm thp Man" P5eP?res a Surprise for the Ladies lldl Ulltg 1111 UK Mdll of North Platte and Community. The last Saturday of this great sale starting promptly at 3 p. m., we will place on sale two hundred boxes, containing selected merchandise from various departments in our store, Coats, Suits, Dresses, Underweer, Hosiery, Scarfs, Waists, in fact all sorts of things, that you can use' and the values in the boxes will be up to 525.00. There are no blanks each one is guaranteed to contain at least 50c worth of merchandise most of them containing more At 3 Saturday they will be sold blind for SO CHt"Q 1 tr nor ir i ir i rr r am ir- iii i,- n i r v nrir ,vww i aviv 11 nir 11 jansr 11 rm :i j - rr www ir urn ir lliisrir vHvif umrir rr UJriiJPVjmWr rtr I m Wait Ads For Jteiit-Furnlshcd room. 510 To Trade Ten aero tmot. .nn.i m East 6th. Phono 1197. t lots for ranch or farm In Colo, or Lor Kent Garage. 323 W. Fifth. Nobr. Also match other city proper Phono 855W. ty eastern Nebr. and Irrigated land't. For Sale Qno Kadlaut Homo hard Adolph P. Schmidt, G12 S. Kan. Ave, coal Htovo, good as now. A. 0. Kocken.l Hastings, Nebr. VanSnT" , , , , ,! e-Feed lot containing 20 ST, n ! t Z l lTVm " fencctl n subdivided in SSJ otrdit Sonn: 2 mnazz ;r .lots'tcncfloi ed I vpui nigu board fenco; part of lots Wniltcd A COOk ami mon to Wrirlr. linvn fnnil rnHrd fnn.l ,.,., -. ...... - w v. HvkUB liuilivn. 1 il LI! I Phono or write Wm. McNoal. Suthoi land, Nobr. troughs, stoclc.scalcs and some sheds. This' Is tho feed lot known as tho Old i .... r or Kcm Four r,pom furnlsliod , North Platto Stock Yards . For Intor houso at 1820 west 3rd St., good sized , mation rogardlng terms of lease and barn. -Rent $30.00. prko wrlto John Burke, 4194 Hooker Five room house at 2111 oast 4th st. Street, Denver, Colorado, or see Itant '$20.00. Qratt, Goodman & Buckley. FIvo room all modern except heat, :o: Terraco at 1st and Ash street. Rent Urasslers In brocade and plain 3C'00- , stylos. The well known Model Bras- 111! trll t rnniti liniitm nuulno., nvnn..i i i u I, , , -w iwui u u.v-wil uiur uitor wcarinir tucni you will l or Sale-New t room houso West ,10at, 902 east nil st. Rent $C0.0fl.-noMCo th,.,- ,nrL h V ' , II...... n i . . I ' Tramp & Sons. 3 DAYS Matinee Sunday 'Ommencm 2 Sunday "tup m mm . . By Lillian ami Goo. Ttandolnh Ghostor. StKKr A .' -ones. A whole city ftlAIIUAGK LICENSE Following Is a list of marriage license Issued by County Judge Woodhurst during tho welc ending today: Nov. 3 John J. Christ, Suth'er land and Miss Goldlo G. Glanders, Paxton. Married by Rev. Patrick McDald. Nov. 5 Delbert S. Carr, North Platto and Miss Alice Ethel Bush, North Platto. Married by Rev. P. R. Stevens. LOCAL AJOJ 3'liliSO.NAL James Flynn is visiting in Key stone this week. Vivan Nelson went to Gothenburg yesterday to spend tho day. The Post. Offlco will close all day Friday. No deliveries will bo made. Otis Kitchen will leave this even ing for Cheyenno to spend a few days. James Dorram and family moved into their new home on east fifth street yesterday. Attorney .Geo. N. Gibbs returned , Nov. 7 Cecil M. McKinlcy, North A"mey.Geo. N. Gibbs returned Platto and Miss Maude E. St.mioM I thIs morninS from Omaha where ho North Platto transacted business. Nov 7 Paul II. Moffitt, North Platte and Miss Jessa Frye, Don iphan, Nebr. Married by County Judgo Woodhurst. Nov. 8 Leslie E, Fisher, Denver and Miss Esther Ida Renslow, Den vor. Married by Rov, PjSfR, Stevens THE NEWEST STYLES ARE REP RESENTED IN THESE DRESSES Silk and wool dresses in the newest of stylea Jiro being shown in our Roady-tci-Wcar. hey have low waist line, unovon hems, large sleeves and Bateau nocks. All aro very beauti ful and of a quality that will appeal to the most particular buyers. E. rl . Tramp & Sons. ' Father Sullivan returned to his homo In Wood River yesterday after visiting in tho city. Mrs. E. G. Dolph of Farnum is taking medical treatment at tho Platto Valley hospital. . , airs. James Hathaway returned to her aidme In Grand Island this morn ing after visiting at tho M. M. Doty home. Athena underwear. Become ac quainted with thi Hue of underwear and you will ahfays'iise it. E. T. Tramp & Sons. :- Anna -Gray Clark of Ogaialla. waB a city visitor Monday. Mrs. .Clark is ojio of, the pioneer educators and newspaper writers of western Nebraska. RfiPNP PnnM HTM! ROM nc J A I I iMnirnnnii Oyer 1C.0O0 eallona of oil were poured on an artificial inko fiOO feoi wldo by 2,000 feet long which was constructed by VltMarnnh for tn special production, "Tho Son of Walllngford- at a coat of ?20,000. Tho oil was set afire for a WVcUciiHr sc7n In iff r0 , Sr lor ten days steady. Flames hvlco the size of a man's body shot heavenward In great whirlpools Tho lafrQ 2 I X 22?W u . I lxata In tho middle of tho lake. It Is ono of tho most thrilling aud boat lire scones ovor transferred to Aim. ulMl."0tf'P wr tfmw's Tho author spent twenty years planning this story which ho oxpoctoil to nmko the greatest of his career. He spent two yoars collaboration with his wife preparing it for the screen; No expense was spared in making the production. P r i ds t. Second Liberty Loan Interest Due November 15th Holdors of Second Liberty Loan Bonds advised that the najct swnl ftimual Interest will bo due NovmUi 16th. Clip your coupons nromntiv ... ti M W posit tho intomt it oneo in y0lir lug Aocount. Makt sure thnt all th$ Liberty Lpidf lionds you hold are ptrmansnt bondsE' and tlmt all littaraaf .1h. v.. .'-'S1.T, " . vu uu UUIU has been oollwtsd. The Platte Valley State Bank