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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1921)
THE NORTH PLATTID. SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE S'smi'Bcckly; tribune.? WILSON TOUT. Editor nnd Publisher. Sntored at the North 1'latte, Nebraska Postofffco us Second Class Mutter. suhscmption price t One Your, In ndvnnco -,$1.50 TJJKSntV, OCTOIIKJt SSIh, 1021. .BJMTOIIIAL" T5 on tho tin spouting near tho South "onst corner of tho building, ovor tho cornice, up the slanting roof and a lore had done what no one dreamed could bo done. No doubt but that If the record wore known, a more thrill ing story would toll tho tulo of his last days In tho Argonno forest whom ho must havo done wondors before ho was overthrown by tho united ef forts of "sholl flro, gunshot and gnu" as tho report goos. All honor to thta Lincoln County hero. IMKfllWiUVfT LODGE, CHURCH AND SOCIETY c0.1ilno meetings jin the various organizations of . the City. W. W. lllrgo of this city and Mrs. ! tllo. 1M" Il..-i(t itf Mnw Vni'lr uinin In nuother Column we are publish ing tho Llnapln County Farm Iluruau' fSschmifo Ljgt. We oxnoct t6 riin tills' very Tuesday Issue. Wo nto nbt ro sponsible for tho material and oun-' wore married at 8 o'clock on Wed nesday Oct.. 10. Tho coromony took, placo at Hie Dirge residence on West J Fifth street In the prosence of rela tives and a few very close friends, ' Rov. W. II. Moore of tho Episcopal church officiated, tho ceremony bo- j ing very, simple. Mastor Richmond . Blrgo, Jr. was fbo only attendant' Margaret Walkor. playod tho woddlng J maroli. Tho house was boautlfulty doefcrafed wltli aulumn flowers and grasses. The bride with her . aunt, Mlai Tlllle Palmar, has mado her home at the Dirge resldenco during the past year. She has won a place iij ' tho hparts of' her jnany friend j through her personal ' charm and sterling worth. She haa made mauy i friends during her year's rosldence I In. North Platte.' '. ! Mr. I3lrgo, for in"0rj than forty , years has bpeii In business in Nortfi Platto and-during llitjtlmo he has hlpoQ In many wayiv to make this city'dhe of the most important In N j imurtta. '"j , Tho Tribune extends1 its congrar tul'alloirtiUo Mr. and Mm Btrge and wish thorn many yenrtl of happy marrlod llfo. -i TO-NIGHT Regular communication of " Mas-' otuc Hliic Loilne at 8 p. in. tonight i. not change by adding to or taking from tho list excopt upon tho Order jf tht County Agent. Everything hav ing to do with tho Exchange list is to be I'tki'ii up with Mr. Kellogg. Wo are tertalj'ly pldaaed to be able to rondor Oil, sai vice tb ills Lincoln County to- j- ' "The lilltotiWas personally acquaint- -tt with Donegan for about. tt -yesirs, We jretnember him as a ' fel low who alWtys had a joke at hand. As a pupil In. school he wa probably jwt ordinary as his scholarship as neither -that -nor Ills be havior were never a matter of, re port to the office of the Superintend' etit. What e esjwcially remember ahmn him )s his determination and 1at)ri(f. Whttt he started out to do :j -hi'.r. nothing daunted him, Wo rs f aiil on; occasion whan one of tlio high school claasos had broken Into the Contra! High School building in tho night, climbed to tho roof, fastened lt class pennant to tlie (lag staff nnd when coming down "half rtnllod Iho hatches 'hut. Attempts to reach tho roof bef6re school In the morning had riHd and when tho bell rang all utrnt to,'ti.Ci. f:its and school was carlvd on until noon. As soon as cliiHHt'H weTB dismissed the RtLnak, began again: The defenders gat it? on a lirtlqpjiy which oxtends ofar tho front ontoranssv'fhat seemed the only win- to reach the roof and a big ennvd of students ami sightseers had gitJ nd to watch the nsaulfe.Lih' were put mi but the defondW'imtihff1' ed them off. Others trlpd other sbMvvj to get up to this balcmiy. Thj' tfcere'wns a olioer . and thoro Noel KDbnognu stood, by.' tho flagstaff'' on tho roof. Tho pommnt was Jorkod oft '.and thrown fur out Into'' tho ' crowd nrt tho bdtllo fl!p"oygrl lie had olln BAKU SALE Will bo hold at Dorrybarry & Forbes noxt Saturday by the ' Pros by terlan Missionary Sooloty. " THURSDAY. Tho South SIdo Sowing Clr will moot at tho Lutheran clfurclf'.baso mont Thursday attornoon. l'UBSBYTEItlAN AID Will bo olitortalrujd ut the ohurch pterlors on Thursday tittonoon bjIes dameft Johnston, Cliamborlnlu: and Moulton. WEDNBflDAY There will be a meeting uarent-teacher rtiiwolatlon Senior High School tomorrow ftof 0 the ?fj the ii.on. HALLO WBflN. . f Tho J. F. F. Club aii'd hUfibRnds will be" ontortnlnodattv mfcaqtaae Ilallowoen party Friday dtanliug at the home ofMri. Chas. Honn4rfen. StrtnrAT. 5 Iloyal Noighbbr social WlhATOeel Wlno8day af tornoon at the honio of Mrs, J. K. Scharman. i!ilit,ne hOstMios are Mesdamos, Solilntz, KoonU,. Tucker and Mutchle. , ABOUT PEOPLE AND THINGS CURRENT COMMENT ABOUT PEO PLE AND THE THINGS THEY ARE DOING HERE. :o:- 11 P1!, WATCH YOUlt SliVTS. Oct. 25 C. Sodajjptfc&orth Platro, Gjonoral Farm Said) n. M. Johaiison, Auctioneer. ' ' a;.;Oct. gotJ. 0. Ouynan, North Platto, Qjmiial liirm sale, Etl. Klorlg, Auq- Oct. 31 Casper Rauch, North' Pltitte Cattle sale ttt. Stook Yards. Novomher 2Jaes JJoeluin, 'orth PlaU'o, doheral Farm Saio,.Ed Kiorig, -Auotloniior. SJGNET Chapter No 55,0. E. S. will hold its regtrwr mooting bu Thursday, Oct. 27. A six o'clock dinner will bo serv. wl to all membem. The Grand Patron will be present. 'The Chapter will opon at 7:30. AID SOCIETY. Of tho M. E. Church will meet in tho ohurch parlors Thursday p. ni. Ladios aro ronuostod to. brlh In thoir II. J. Hughes labels. Enter tainlng'tcommittoo ia Mesdamea Dean Starr, Dcakdhs, Proltauor, Bodkor and Blvans. vJpf mmm oiood music" X '.'Uj'w l i r&SBevtf' An epoch-making 32-page book. jfik iy I K TjJtJi LffiBBKw vV Basedon2y .ta' psychological ic- ! lA' V llyAB iSfBFMBwf search. Telia which selections Y'" V' ' St t8HK refresh you when tired, cheer you amboscfieL Silfei .entica. sais . 'iBarnbpswhok knows every little throb m Muzto'a voice. He is the jtjrjqcipni conductor of the Metropolitan Opon Company, and she is jtffn& BftdtrbpcIHan'a prima donna 3oprnna Bamboschek recently hoard Tvloiio compare her voxc with its Re-Cri.ation by the New Edison. Thli'AVW his Signed verdict: "The quality of Miss Muzio's voice and .T.the quality of its Re-Cruation by the New Edison are identical." 4i th r.y phonograph which sustains the drastic tost of direct nnpAroof with the l.vinp artlat or artittf , It is th only phono 'wpb which brings the actuul perfonnoncas of living artists to rour homo And r.ow this marvelous instrurticn.1 onahles you to utilize the full benofits of music beyond mere entertainment. Under Mr. Edison's diructton, famous psychologists have jusi cpmpletod a 2-yar re search into efJocts of music on the minds and moods of i:innkind. Kill tho coupon and learn all about tho wonderful Mood Mu-ic. i Bring or Mail Tht3 Coipon Pleaso give me a free 'copy of Mr. Etlison's new book, 1 . . ....... i moou wiuatc. Warn If you wih 3 days of Mood Muslalnyourowu homo, check here .... No cnorpo or obligation. Dixon Mask SI days ox Try Mr. Edlson'i Mood Music in your own home. See what It con do for you. Wo will give you three days of Mood Music without charge. No obligation. Just check coupon. H. II. Spurrier of iNloholB Precinct has called for a Poultry CuIHiik ddm onatratlon to bo hold at his place Wodnosday, Octobor 26 at 3 p. m. County Agent Kellogg will bo there und deslros to moot an many as pos sible of the people who are Interested. A wreck About three miles west of Pnxton hold all passoiiKor trains from ten to fourteon hours on Friday. Tho cause of the dorallment is said to hav c been , broken part In tho running gear of one of the curs. About liftocn cars of fruit und vegetnblos wom thrown from the tracks and tho con tents distributed over tho right-of-way. Much of the cargo consisted ot apples. No one was reported to 1ipv been hurt. .. . The actual fire loss in Nebraska for the "nine months ending Sept. 1st. 1921 a? reported to Slate Fire Marshal C. A. Jlartford was over one-third mil lions of dollars with the lose of four teen lives. Friday Nov. 4th has been net aside , as State Fire Dav. North Platto slionld Rive some Attention to making this v. reaV celebration here us to date we have been verv fortun ate this year in the matter of fire loc. es. Yesterday Uio County Commis sioners rejected ill bids on the new Court House. The attorneys re tained by the Board deoided that thoy could not 80 through With the building proposed On , the amount 'of money in sight. The plans will have lo bo revised or more money .secured. . For the present every thing is at a standstill ' regarding the new County Court House. t "V 1 II. Clyde . Fills of .the NebrSsiu. Collogo of Agriculture in an article in the Farm BUreah Review urgas s slowing lip in our road making pro gram so that we may see the mistakes thai we, are making and correct them In future ro4 building programs. Ho says the vast amount of money being axpoildod must be raised by taxation of some kind, whether national, BtaU;, county or precinct and that a tempor ary rolief from taxation for rond3 would- be agreeable . to; moat of us. During tlje four days tho .south river, bridge will be cloaod, tlie Cham ber cf l ommerftc has. arranged for a taxi service from the bridge to the elty. Tftls will run from 8 n. in. to 0 p. m. Tho bridge construction com pany wilMinvo an antomobilo at the south end .of .tho bridge to take a phy aiclan to any pine south of tho river. At all tlmos thoro will bo a chance for foot .passengers to cross the bridge. " Tho Nobraskn Crop Reporter is Iwiuod oach month jointly by tho Uni ted States and tho fitato of Nobrnslca DopartmonUt of Agrlculturo, Buroaus of Markets and Marketing. Tho issue of Oct. V. 1021 rr V'- that Lincoln Com.- ty's corn crop is IS por cont of the nor mal crop for the county. CI per cent of the wheat crop has been marketed. Tho condition of tho crops on October first was ostiinnted ub follows: wheat Si) per cont. oats 87 por cent, potatoes 73 per cont, pasturage 77 per cont. J. E. Sebastian returned from a trip to Omaha anU Lincoln Saturday Whllo In Omaha he attondod the football ganio between Crolghton High School and tho local school. In Lincoln ho attended u 'mooting or tho officors of tho executive com inlttoo ot tho Nebraska State Asso ciation of Flro Insurance Men. Ho also callod on Harry York and G. W. Anderson while in Lincoln and ro porta thorn to bo getting along as woll ns could bo expected. Also that Mr. Anderson will be able" to come homo In a few days. :1TV AYI) 0N'TY SMih. Mrs. MatV Tigho of Lovaiand, Colo. Is a guost at tho Win. Stack home. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Yost returned Saurday from Omaha whoro they ac-! r.nnpanled the foot ball team. J Mrs. Cody Boal loft last evening for Donvor whore she will attend tho funeral of the late Mrs. W. F. Cody. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rasmussen and daughters of Horshey attended the funeral of Noel Dbnegan Sunday. Dr. L. J. KJtAUSE, Dentist, X-Ilnj Diagnosis. McDonald Hank Building. I'liono 97. Elmor Huxoll returnod Saturday from Lincoln where ho visited Harry York who is confined to the hosptinl thoro. Misses MarguHto and Hlanor Rod dy and Margaret TottenholT returnit Saturday from Omaha whoro Uiey itteiidod the fooUmll game. Miss Ann Patton returned to her homo In ICoarnoy yesterday after spondlng the weok end ns the guest , of Miss Alice Hoaglaud. , Keith Theatric Wednesday & Thursday . j. LOUIS B. MAYER PRESENTS Anita Stewart srsg's Destiny A FIRST NATIONAL ATTRACTION North Platto is certainly a, health ful place this fall if tho report of City Physician Solby indlcntos any thing. Since ho took his office on Juno 27 only flvo ensos of contagious dlsoasoa havo boon reported to him. Tho doctors of North Platto under stand the seriousnoss of not reporting thoso ensos and thoy nro eo-oporntlng fully In the matter. Throo of thoso casos wore scarlot fovor, ono was small pox nnd ono waa spinal menen gltls. All woro quarantined tho ro qulrod tlmonjlj woro discharged. No one was undor quarantine In North Platto yoetorday. This Indl cntos a good condition to date. :o: Floronco Stack and Flo Stamplrottirnod Snturday from a trip to Lincoln, Kansas City and Omaha. Whllo In Kansas City they visited at tho "V. R, Koslor home. DIf. 0. 11. CJtESSLEIt GRADUATU DENTIST Office ovor the McDonald State Bank. i First tho bigamous wife of one man, S thon tho bigamous wife of two men - ooJ)O0DjJOOKH3ioWHaCHaotti3a ; yet innocent all the whilo. A wonderful Role for . ANSTA STEWART . ' Supported by fferbort Rawllnson, V-" teV J9cGrail ' and Little Dick Heatiricfe. Also Comedy, David Cole Creamery Co. Pays Highest Price ; For Cream. . 310 EAST FRONT ST. Want Ads : V or aaio-rMilk caws, inquire Si mon Brpg. Tin Shop.- '"v." For Sale Pumpkins, and "squashes. iPhono 79GF4, ' For , Rent Light houaekeepiiw rooms, furnished. Phono' 1013. vj'or Sale Duroc Jersby boar U month old. Phone 79GF22. For Ronl Rooms for light house-, keeping. 821 West Tenth. For Sale Now C room house, a real bargain. Inquire 1917 tt'. Fifth. Wanted Practical nursing by miu dlo aged woman. Phono 1049J. For Sulo Poland China pure bred boars ready for service. G. E. Chit tenden, Route 2, Phone 7S2F1-1. Lost A bag with black gym bloom ers, black middy, a white middy ami white gym shoos. Phone 1289W. Lost An'ovorcoHt in front of Equity store Saurday night. Roturn to this office. Reward. , For Sale Ono Radiant Homo hard coal sovo, good as new. A. 0. Kocken, 220 West Sixth street. To Trade A thorobred Hampshire hour for one of the same breed L. E. Ebright, North Platte. . Wanted A competent girl for gen eral housework. Inquire Mrs. W. V. Hoagland, 1202 Wpst Cth. Phoiit? 041W. To whom are you going to "Bell your Hay, awl Oral? The Harrington Mer cantile Co. WW offer the highest "prices. WW O WWOOOOO W CKKK3 W5 WH3 O O 3 Yidcaniziiig Jires, Tubes and Ac- g cessories. g . FERn STRE1TZ VULCANIZING CO. 1 Corner 5th and Locust. g. Phono 526W. 5" .S.TWINEMM.D. Ifninuopathic Physician & Surgeon (oncrnl Practice ami a Former Finite Valley Hospital :r Name Ttvlnem Hospital. :1 01tTH PLATTE, NEBK. Construction Surgery Hospital Accoitiiiiodulloii it i.t i.i NOTICE OF PETITION Estato No. 1854 of Mary Facka. de ceased, in tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho State of Nebraska. To all per sons interested in said Estate tako no tico that a petition has been filed for tho appointmont of William H. Facka as Administrator of said estate, which has been set for hoaring heroin on November IS, 1921, at 10 o'clock a. m. Dated Octobor 21st, 1921. WM. H. C. WOODHURST, (SEAL) County Judge. TTTTf 17 I 1 iLjlZi Monday, October 31 AT NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA 500 Head ot Cattle Bring your cut I to this sale, Monday, Oc tober 31. Now is tho vimo to sell what cattle yon -have for salo. It does not matter how many you have. If just, one, thoy all sell in North Platto. They will net you more money hero than on any river market. No freight to pay. ' FEEDER BUYERS Come to North Platte to buy your feeders,, whero you do not have to freight them home.' Save this freight and make money. CASPER RAUCH North Platte, Nebraska Charles Olson, II. M. Johansen, Auctioneers.