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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1921)
THE. NORTH.. PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE Scmt-Bcddu Snbutte. WILSON TOUT. Kdltor und l'ubllalicr. Entorod at tho North Platte, Nebraska , Postofflce as Second Class Matter. suuscjtirnoN iick One Year, In advance S'J.OII FRIDAY, AtWUST Sfifli, 1021. EDITORIAL. Thoro will be no Wind concert tills ovoulng on account of tho Chautau qua. f This Isbuo of tho Trlhilno lfl Ihsuo1 top lata to announco any of tho clo sing: Chautauqua numbers, Tonight th play "Too Much. BtlBlnoss" will bo glvoii. It In. tt( wlnnor wherever gfvan and will plonks all who attend. North Platte, there ware less than 40 women who cant rote. One man said that tho only tlmo womon want to Vote IbIo got evon with some can didate or to boost some rolatlve Into office While tho men (did not do, very won at tho polls yot tiiey-cast nioro than nine tlinos us many ballots hore In North platto h did tho woman nno there are about tho same number of mon and womon rotors In tho city. firm 14'ntitnti M'lmti nitlfrwl t aim vntfid forKho bridge boijls naU sho didn't vote as sho had all tho bridge sin could handle. Sho said a whole houso full of Isjllos tfpont tho nftomoon at bridge. Tho nations of the old World are still In u turmoil, fighting and struggling for tho right of suffrage whllo wo In Amdrlcn who have this right are nogloctful In using It. i r-n 3. K. Stloklor, rail inspoctor for the Union Pacific has written local frionds that tho extonston of the North branch Into Wyoming is now within Vz milos of Lyman und trains will bo running into Lynum by Scptombor 1st. Central Labor Union Is at work on its program for Labor Day but tho completo plans will not bo announced for a "day or two. It ia known that thoro will bo a ball gamo and a danco. Thoro Is talk of a parade, somo sports an1 picnic dinner nnd boxing match, but thoso havo not boon work ed out So many mon have been out of employment and so much tlmo has been lost that thoso who havo Jobs arc not anxious to lay off unless tho Vay is to bo worth whllo. Reports from tho Platto Rlvor Round-Up which was held at the John Harshflo'ld ranch northwest of Suth erland aro Unit tho attendance was greater than had boon oxpoctojL Somo of thosb who attended roturnod with glowing accounts of tho program. Tourists camo from sovoral statos and many camped thoro during tho whole of tho throo days. Quito a number of North Platto peoplo wore thoro but most of them Just wont up for tho jdivy. Thoy claim that tho scones wero quite realistic and wall carried out. Tho ground was especially favorable (or tho show and tho sotting vory pleasing. Tho report Is that thoso Intorcsted aro to start right in plan ning for a bigger and bettor show noxt year. Football Is again in tho air. Keith Novillo has his plans pretty well lined up and thoy aro all working to ward a good team. Suits liavo booi ot)ierodt old equipment and material haB bqen gono oyor and sorted up and tho Bchifiulo has been almost com pleted. Practically all of tho boys o last year's toam who did not graduato will bo In tho lino up this year, whllo substitutes and sccoiil team mon of last year nro "rarln to go." Groups of high school follows can bo so-ju tn tho evening and thoso noar enough can catch bits of conversation and din. cusslon which Is mostly about foot ball. '"mV. nnd Mrs. John Halligan return e)l yesterday from a month spent In tho lnko country of northern Min nesota. Thoy visited Duluth and from thoro wont north and wost visiting tho summer resorts and stopping whero thoro was promise of interesting time's. Mr. Ilalllgan had his fishing tacklo along and had icons') lorublu sport with bass fishing at several places. When Elmer W. Wllken ago 19 and Miss Mario L. Brisbin ago 1G applied to Judge Woofdhurst Tuosdoy for a marriage Hccnso, ho told them ho could not grant one unless he had tho consent of the parents. Thoy had set their heads on getting married an(l It was then about four o'clock In the af ternoon and tholr paronts lived near Dickens. Nothing daunted, thoy tiirmjl tho car south, got father Wll ken aiI father Brlabln and a bunch of chums and wero back In North Platto that night about nine o'clock. Tho Judge was summoned and with tho consent of the paronts, he per formed tho coromoriy. Nows Items In Kearney papers tell of tho suddon death in Chicago of Miss Holon Adair of Koarney. She was tho daughter of W. S. Adair, founder of tho City National Bank nt that place and a Bister of William Aflliir, who Is well known here. Miss Adair hud visited In North Platte and had many friends and acquaintances hore. In tolling of tho death tho Keaney Hub says: "Saturday aftornoon Dan Mor ris rocolvod telegraphic communica tion from tho attending physicians that tho condition of Miss Adair was such thoro was little hope of saving her lite. In her last hours sho sought solaco lu tho prosonco of her brother, William Adair, and Mr. Morris was appealed to in an effort to locato tho latter. Tho search oxtendajl tho width and broadth of tho country but was In vain and up to noon today no traco of tho brother had boon found, although ovory clue to his whereabouts was run down." ::o:; LUTHERAN 11:00 "Grateful qr Ungratof'il, Which?" BAPTIST 11:00 "Recognition and Reconcil iation." 8:00 No Sorvlcd. Woman's suffrage has had a seloun setback In tho oyes of a gol many pooplo who wero onthusluBtlo sup porters of tho rights of tho women to vote. In tho bridge boafl oloction last week it is stated that horo In Donald Yates of Sutherland visited local friends yesterday. Clinton & Son. Graduato Opticians. Trv us fnr service. Miss Mabollo McFurland returned this morning from Omaha whero she vlaltcd rolatlvos for a fow days. St TELEPHONE 820 S. & R. Watch This Space In next issue o! this paper. We will have something to of fr you on Ford Day tha equal of which has never been offered you before. Watch this space innext Tues day's issue. S. & R Service Station 6th and Locust 4th and Chestnut iff J?. 7J? o Incorporated 312 DEPARTMENT STORES Prices Best Values! w v. THAT'S what every man wants today and "low prices" at the J. C. PENNEY COMPANY store does not mean a cheap Suit "marked down." because it could not sell at a higher price $42.00 These Suits are a Choice Selection from the Markets Quality 'Style Tailoring are the Best TO appreciate their valqe come and see them! Examine the materials and try them, on you can get no better styles at these prices! The J. C. PENNEY COMPANY'S idea of Genuine Service is to supply you with the kind of suits you want at the lowest prices. Since 1902 we have been giving just that kind of service that's why you are satisfied when you buy a Suit xe and these will particularly please you! Greys, browns, blues all sizes, some with turn noire Tfninlmr frm.oA.n BOYS SUITS All Set for School. v. Other Suits with one pair of trousers $6.90 $4.98 Loads of good School Shoes from $2.49 to $3.98 a pair. Institution II Pennevty Incorporated 312 DEPARTMENT STORES S3 a a S3 si PS SI S3 S3 ES a S3 S3 For Sale Tomatoes, $1.25 per bushel. Frank Cook, Route 1. For Kent Room in modern houso, closo iu. Phono 110CJ. For Itcnt Housekeeping rooms and garago or room nnd board. Phono 1013. For Sale One soft coal und one hard coal stove, good as new, A. O, Kockon, 220 West GtU St. For Sale Corn, tomatoes, boanr, boots and cucumbers. Do canning now. Doollttlo. I For Sale Two-horse gasollno on j ino on truck in good working ordor. M R Third St., or phoso 1030W. For Sale Fivo room houaoill mod n. 215 So. Ash, Also 3 lots on wost . - 1. Phono 330W. Lost or Mislaid Ono pair black- r'-nmol gold-tomplod street glasses. I'ward. Loavo at County Judge's ottlco. Fifty Dollars Kownrd Wo will pay $50 for tho arrost and conviction of party or partios taking melons out of our patch. Qrogg Brothors. FOR SALK - Brnnd now 1021 Ford touring, star tor and ydomountablo rlniB. You can save $25. it you want a Ford today. J. V. Romlgh Dodgo Doaler. For Sale Tomatoes, $1.50 por bush ol. U I. Tucker. Phono G98J. Wanted Clean rags" at Tribune Office. For Sale Tomatoes $1.25 per bush, ol, dolivored. D. Kunkel, phono 788F5. For Sale Tomatoes, cabbage and potatoes. y miles wost of now Ice (Planft, south sldo of. traak. Fred Xelson. Phono 783F22. Lost Black pockot book; $13 in money and chock for $3.75 to Ella Collins. Howard. 520 South Pino. Phono 1013. For Sale G40 acres of clear land located 4 miles North of North Platte, 80 acros uiJer cultivation, balance hay and pasture j 4 room houso, barn with hay loft, cow barn with stan chions for 15 head of cowa, also cattle shed, milk house, well and windmill; placo all fenced and cross fenced; will consider somo trade, Prico $25 por aero. Inqulro of owner, Lochlel JohnBton, G15 . 2nd St., North Platto, Nobr. Phono 1231. For Ford Day Only Will trade a now Olds truck for Ford Car in good running ordor and twelve hundred fifty dollars. Only one truck will be sold at this price. DURBIN AUTO CO. WITHOUT FURTHER COMMENT It is cozy, Mnow, strictly modern, beautifully deglgnod, kcon, attractive and only two blocks from tho Court Ilouap. A rpajly bungalow at a bar gain on terinp to tho right party, niinnn tin tndav to sco it- Hollman & Sobastian Agency, phono C12 .J or W. JOIN THE FORD FAMILY BUY A. FORD! J START ECONOMY it PRICES NORTH PLATTE ' Touring, With Starter $586.00 $ Roadster, With Starter $539.00 it Sedan, Complete $875.00 Tuck, Completo ' $750.00 ! Tractor 1 $690.00 p We make Immediate Delivery. $ We Sell or Trade Anywhere. 1 HENDY-OGIER AUTO CO. I i'X