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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1921)
NORTH PJLATTE SBMI-WEEIM TRIBUNE umm CLINTON, THE JEWELER CLII&TON & SON, The Eye Glass Men Sign oi The Big Ring Satisfaction Sure Try Us. Graduate Opticians j DOCKK3OCH3OWOOCWIKICHKJOO0OOO- DR. 0. H. CItESSLER GHADUATE DENTIST Office over tho McDonald Stxito Bank. CITY AND COUNTY NEWb. Olto Wescnfcld and John Wnn will leave tomorrow for California. Leslie Mills ago 14, has a minature airplane on exhibit at tho Public Li brary. Miss Myra Whito and brother Con nor of Sutherland motored to tho clt.v yesterday. Miss Holen Heed had her tonsils removed Wednesday at the Platte Val ley hospital. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Murphy loft Wed nesday for Salt Lake City to visit for Eovernl weeks. Miss Ruth Trot of Lincoln arrived yesterday to visit at tho homo of Mrs. Wm. Vosoipka. Miss Budgo Princo arrived yeator day from Grand Island to visit Mrs. Homer Peterson. It. D. Phillips returned to his homo In Omaha yesterday after transacting business in tho city. Billy and Jonnlo Johnston will re turn today from Iowa whore they have been visiting rolatlvcs. Tho Overland Wild West Slow at North Platte, Saturday, July 30. Afternoon and ovcnlug. Mrs. P. O Coon returned to her homo In 'Urudy yesterday aftor visiting her daughter Mrs. Geo. Newman. Mrs. Abblo Van HouBon of Schuyler returned to her homo yesterday after visiting at tho 11. L. Croshaw home Curl Backers transacted business In Wallace Wednesday. Mrs. M. 10. Stevens of Maxwell who has boon visiting at hte M. E. Martin homo left yesterday for Los AngeleH to mako her future homo, Visit tho Specialty Shop at 500 Lo cust street for inexpensive but dainty and practical gifts -for All occasions Arvilla Whlttakcr. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tramp and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Krauso will leave next week by auto for a trip to Hot Springs and Leads, S. D., to visit relatives, whero they spent several weeks. Miss Celeste Crawford is taking a vacation from duties at Block's store and left yestrday for Fairfio)d to visit Miss Lucille LIndenmyer. The Whlttaker Specialty Shop has on display a very largo assortment of finished articles in art nccdlo work. COG Locust street, first door north of postoltice. Mrs. Fred McEvoy left Wednesday for her now homo in Laramie, Wyo. Mr. McEvoy left tho first of tho week and will mako his futuro homo there on account of his health. Many North Platte people attend ed tho Swedish Lutheran picnic at 'ocigty: Today Is ladles' day at the Country Club. Tho afternoon will be spent in golf and cards after which refresh ment will be scrvei'. Tno commit tee has been making preparations all week for a pleasant afternoon. Mrs. Leigh Carroll entertained al one o'clock luncheon yesterday nt her home. Table decorations were in gar don flowers. Tho out of town guests wore Mrs. IL L. Williams, Mrs. M. S. Moore, Mrs. Glen Hnmpton,. Mrs. E. J. iLoutzonheimcr, Mrs. B. Parham ai Mrs. Wayne Carroll, all of Gothen burg. Mrs. II. Hlrschfeld entertained at her home yesterday afternoon in hon or of hor cousin Miss Minnie Frankel of Now York City. Tho afternoon wa3 spent in cards after which dainty re freshments were served. A. uolor scheme ot pink was carried out. The OF TIMELY INTEREST AT THIS Great Clearance Sale Don't You Need a New Suit? Extraordinary prices now offered on all of our 7f5 regular suits. Genuine Palm Beach Suits now V Men's Finest Shoes at Wonderful Prices In order to reduce our stock we ofler our line ot finest Shoes made lor men at prices ranging- from One of the really enjoyable picnic of tho summer was hold at the Hall grove northeast of this place last Tuesday evening when the Kiwanis Club entertained tho members of tho Rotary Club. Of course tho ladles of both clubs were invited. The cars mot at the Court House and left about G:30. Upon arriving at the grove a J slx-pleco band furnished tho inspira tion for singing. Tho supper was made One-Third One-Half Off out of town guests were Mrs. Davis the Prank Strolbcrg farm Wednesday nnd daughter Miss Effie of Chicago. evening. All enjoyed a dollclous pic nic supper and a good program. The Ovorland Wild West Show at North Platte, Saturday, July .'JO. Afternoon and evening. Arvilla Whlttaker is showing all the seasonable things In millinery, such as plain and fancy Tarns, also trim med hats in felt, taffeta, feathers and duvotyn. 506 Locust street lHt door North of Post Office. See the Overland Wild West Show Seo tho Ovorland Wild West Show 011 NorUl Lo0U8t street Saturday, July famous by groat pans of fried chid: on North Locust street Saturday. Julv!110" Afternoon and evening cn ,)UBho,B of sandwiches, tubs of 30 Afternoon and ovonlnK. i Mr. and Mrs. Sebastiun Schwaigcr ,ce.col(1 threc klnd8 of lc Mrs. S. E. Drano of Nashville Ten. and BOn Lester loft yesterday for L.a- cream and lots bf other things to ea,t .... v. a -i? Grande. Orogon, to visit at tho home n,f nrn pnlnvml nt a nicnic Some vvuu nun uvuu it uuoi. ut wu ji. i . , 1 I " - -y i ( qtit i,rtmi' 1ft thin uinmlnir f or I Mrs.. uYnnn. Polack. They will ,be rncea followed the refreshments anlli " ' ' " ' - " i ..... A1 I 1 'accompameu uy ino lormor s muuiur m)0n games. The evening closed wltli Mrs. Anna Schwalgcr. ; Mrs. lloyor Walcott and daughter Margaret rotumed to their homo in Omaha Wednesday after visiting at the homo of the former's brother John Noble. They woro onrouto from On tario, Oregon, to their home. At a mooting of tho B. Y. P. A. held Tuesday evening In tho Club Houbc Everything in Men's and Boys' Goods on Sale at Economy Prices. BUY NOW AND SAVE MONEY dwards- Reynolds Co. hor homo. Sho was onrouto from California where sho has been since last Dccomber. MR.EFICURE TELLS YOU, I I I B KOME MILLER SLkHofrgL Rome J Qafotcria M MTk$Si & Jackson Jtir I Saturday singing led by the band. About 175 woro present and each Is enthusiastic in praise of the good time furnished by Klwanls. Miss Kern Watts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clms. Watts, became tlie brido of William Rltner, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Itltnor, Wednesday ev arrangements woro made for a public cnnf; at tho Presbyterian church, Rev, supper to bo hold in tho church base mont noxt Wednesday evening for tho purpose of raising funds for tho Club. Last Sunday a photographer from tho Dodmoro Shop went to tho John Ilnrsbflold ranch and took pictures, of tho men and womon who aro to bo in thn Platte River Round-Up. Thero C. Franklin Koch officiating. Mips Plorenco McKay was at tho organ and played tho wedding march and just boforo the ceremony Glenn Rltner, brother of tho groom sang "Until." Tho bride woro a gown of satin and lace with a veil of Utile held In place by pink and white sweet peas. Sho SI JOHN B. EDWARDS, President. Rltner is well known in North Platte circles and has a host of friends. She attended the local schools and lias re cently been employed in tho Brooks studio. Mr. Rltner is a graduate of tho local high school and is now cm ployed in tho County Clerk's office. After a wedding trip to western points Mr. and Mrs. Rltner will bo at home to their many friends in this city. NOTICE At tho special meeting ot tho legal I voters of School District No. 77 of Lincoln County, Nebraska, which will be held at the school houso on Mon- wero several largo groups of old U0 carried a showor bouquet of pink ami I day. August 22, 1921, at 2 o'clock p. cowboys and ranchers nnd tlioy wore wnto brldo's roses. Miss Edith nit, m. tho proposition will bo submittel . A QUIET PLACE to bring your frjonds to dine. ;,A place whero the greatest care is ex excised In the' selection of the food materials, i A place whero the cuiswe is exquisite, whero the china and cut lery is tasteful, and the surroundings pleasant. This Is such a place. Como and enjoy it, . HOTEL PALACE AND CAFE. as enthusiastic about tho show as If thoy woro just starting out. Tho pic tares will bo used in a Sunday special ot the Rocky Mountain News. Special! While ihey last we will sell two hundred pairs Children's Shoes in sizes 3 to 8 lor $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 FOR YOUNG GIRLS A dark brown calf with two straps Sizes 3 to 7 slay $4.95 BE HERE EARLY jfWglU E WE FIT THE FOOT nor, maul or nonor, woro a areBB 'si pink satin with hat to match anit cu rled a bouquet of pink roses. Misf Fay Elder, bridesmaid, woro pink or- ;randlo with hat to match and car ried a bouquet of pink roses. John Rltner, brother ot tho groom, acted ns bOH man and A. S. Allon and Henry Tollllon as ushors. Tho little tlower girls, Irnm Rltnor and Mildred Sousor wore dressed in pink and carried bay kots of pink and whlto swcot peas, Tho altar was beautifully decorated in torns and palms and baskets of plnl; and whlto sweet peas. Aftor tho coro mony a reception was held In the church parlors. An elaborate wed ding supper was served and decora tions woro in pink and whlto. Mrs. to tho voters of raising tho budget of Soven Hundred Dollars to conduct the school for tho coming year. This will requiro a lovyi not to exceed one hundred mills on tho dollar of tho as sessed valuation of said district. A. P. McCLELLBN, Director. :o:: J Miss Myrtlo Sheedy returned to hor homo in Callforna after attending tho funeral of her brother Win. Sheedy. Mrs. Anna Hambor ot Lowellen who has been visiting nt tho homo of Mrs. L. P. Kauffman returned to her homo this morning. Miss Ethel Chapman ot Seward will' arrlvo today to visit at tho Gus Haaso homo, enrouto from Wyoming to hor home. 5kS FOR GOODNESS SAKE A Bottle q Day to Keep the Doctor Away Two Bottles a Day these Days Whistle, 'Green River, Coca-Cola, Cherry Blossoms, Hires Root Beer, Dew a special fruit flavor. Prepared by specialists in our line. We also ac knowledge having the only sanitary and fully equipped bottling and manufacturing plant in Western Ne braska VISITORS WELCOME. Star Bottling & Mercantile Co. We are welding castings of all kinds, Get your grain binders and mowers that aie broken fixed up before you need them. We repair broken pumps, gears, wheels, put cogs in wheels and any shape casting can be repaired. Auto fenders that are commencing to crack can be re paired, and save a new one, later on. Windshield frames manifolds and axle housings that are leaking oil can be llxed. Car trames welded and reinforced, made as good as new or wheels that have broken tires and rims that have been bent and broken. Also tire lugs built up at ' North Side Blacksmith Shon Phone 361W MARTIN WYMAN, Pro