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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1921)
NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE CONCERT by the Chamber of Commerce Band Friday, July 29, at 8 o'clock. Court House Park. Earl Stamp, Director. . PROGRAM The entire program Will consist of tho compositions of Karl L. Kln. one of tlie most talented American composers. March "Barnum & Bnlloy's Favorite" Serenade r "A Night In Juno" Intermezzo "Kentucky Sunrise" Overture . '. "Golden Dragon" One Step "The Walking Frog" Reverie L . "Autumn Romance" Selection mx s . - "Prince Charming" Valse Iloinantlque 1 - "Alpine Sunset March Garland Entree LOCAL AND PERSONAL LOCAL AND PERSONAL John Jackson of Paxton was a city visitor Wednesday. Mrs. gam Howes left Wednesday for Sutherland to visit Mr. and Mrs. Henry Georgo of Brady were city shoppers Wednesday The, Overland Wild West Show at jNprth Platte, Saturday, July 30. Afternoon and evening. Archie Coon o Brady ;camo Wednes day to visit his sister 'Mrs. Geo. Nowt man. , Dr. and Mrs. T. J. Kerr returned Wednesday by auto from a trip U Estes Park. The Overland Wild West Show at North Platte, Saturday; July 30. Afternoon and evening. Mrs. Geo. Brown-returned the first of the week from Boise, Idaho where slio visited her son. Mrs. Mary Williams and Mrs. E. J. Ljotsenheimer of Gothenburg came yesterday to spend the day. Miss Mary McCracken will return Sunday from Denver whero she has been visiting for several weeks.. . See the Overland Wild West Show on North Locust street Saturday, July 30. Afternoon and evening. . 'i Mrs. Fred Sillene who has "been a guest at tho John C. Den home vyill leave for her home in Winslow, Arte., today. Vulcanizing Tires, Tubes and Ac cessories. FERD STRE1TZ VULCANIZING CO. Corner 5th and LocuBt. Phono 525W, Miss Clara RInker of Lexington camo Wedneslay to visit friends. W. J. O'Connor will leave this even ing for tho cast to do his full and winter purchasing for his store. See tho Overland Wild West Show on North Locust street Saturday, July 30. Afternoon and evening. To whom aro you going to sell your Hay and Grain? The Harrington Mer cantile Co. will oftor tho highest prices. Ralph Durner of Somerset who un derwent an operation at the General Hospital is reported to be getting a long nicely. Misses Mary Elizabeth and Vero nica Simon returned Monday from Hastings where they visited their grandparents. Mrs. B. Franklin and daughter Laura of Julesburg came and the lat ter entered the Platte Valley hospital for treatment. Sam Howes, Guy Bedker, Myrtle Hurd, Marie Welllver and Elsie Howes spent Wednesday evening in Maxwell visiting. Mrs. D. A. Mapes returned to her home' In Sutherland Wednesday aftir vlsltiiuf'.at the home'of Jior daughter Mrs. J. L. Johnson- , " Mr. and Mrs. Julius Pizer returned Wednesday from Denver .by auto. Tho'y wore accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bergman. - Mrs.,Walter Hasenkamp ontertalned the "Glersddrf Company htT Her 'homo Tuesday evening following tho per formance at tho theator. Mrs. Claude Wilson and sister Mrs. W. B- Banks left Wednesday for Boulder where they Join their parents and .take a trip to the mountains. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kelly loft Wed nesday by auto for Cheyenne to attend Frontier Days. From Cheyenne they will go to Denver and Estes Park. Mrs. Annoltte Wackor of Wilbur. Nebr., who haBbeen visiting at the homo of her sister Mrs. Maiy Thorn burg left Wednesday for Chappell. Mrs. Win, 11. C. Woodhurst will loavo Monday for Kearney to visit rel ntives. i Mr. and Mrs. Fayo Browor of Hor shoy visited frlonds In the city Wed ncsday, Shttirdayund Monday only you can choose any spring silk dross, suit or corit In the store at$25.0Q at Block's Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Pass will leave soon for Louisville, Ky., to visit at thf "homo of tholKTter'a parents. Any spring silk dress, suit or coat in tho Btore formerly sold up to $70 7r now going at $25.00 at Block's Satur day and Monday only. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hill of Utlca, Nebr., who havo been visiting nt the homo of tho former's brother O. W Hill, left this morning for Colorado points. Mr. and Mrs. Howard A. Lawhcad and son Allan left Wednesday for an extended trip In tho cast. They will visit in Montreal, Canada, Now York and Washington, being gono about a month. J During theso Hour Sales at Tho( Leader Mercantile Co., buy as many, walstsw skirls, glovesk brasslcrs or any other Item on sale during the hour and wo will make you a present of another garment of tho same val, uo absolutely free. Warning Come to the Balo tho first hour tho goods are on sale that you want, tho late callers will surely bo disappointed. PK NO, BOLSHEVISM HASN'T DONE ITS WORST. NOT ALL, THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE ARE DEAD VE""T iter 7 COAL For a quick cooking lire uso our Rock Springs. Lump Coal. We handle only tho better grades of Coal. ARTIFICIAL ICE & COLD STORAGE CO. I Phono 40. ItJJIWJUlftkJI ;.. The Mutual Building & Loan Asso ciation, of North Platte. (Under Supervision of State Banking Board) Financial Statement July 1, 1921. Loans on City Real Estate $1,445,000.00 Loans on pass book security 4,2uo!oO Dues from Shareholders 2,060.90 Office Building 27423.14 Furniture 1,335.47 Balance in Treasury 9,492.1 5 Total $1,489,511.0(5 Installment Stock and Dividends $ 560,915.40 Paid up Stock 847,000.00 Undivided Profits $47,496.20 " Reserve Fund 34,100.00 81,596.20 Total $1,489,511.(5(5 We invite you to avail yourselves of the service and secur ity of our Association for the accumulating of your savings and the making of investments. . OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS ' . T. C. Patterson, President W. II. Munger, Treasurer ' V. vonGoetz, Vice-President Ilalligan Beatty & Halligan, Bessie F. Salisbury, Secretary Attorneys. V. vonGoetz W. W. Cumming W. R. Maloney Ira L. Bare M. J. Forbes T. C. Patterson Frank N. Buchanan Geo. W. Finn Harry M. Porter Office Corner 5th and Locust St. Oh! Joy! Look Here! I'll Be There! LADIES! Will Give Away $1.00 Bills ALL DAY SATURDAY, JULY 30 Here is your opporti nity. Ladies' do not miss it! On Saturday, July 30th we will give to each lady purch asing from us a pair of ladies low or high shoes AT THE ALREADY EXTREMELY LOW SALE PRICE ABOVE $3.48 A Crisp New $1.00 Bill Absolutely Free REMEMBER: This offer is for Saturday Only! Be sure and get-a pair of high class "Queen Quality" Shoes on Saturday at a big saving and a perfectly good $1 Bill besides. WIIfftY IWPAPTltlTCNT QTftPE North RUtte, TTUiVtim lJul l iHLill l UIUIILi Nebraska. 7 mam ka. COUNTY A OK NT KKLLOGG 31AKKS' RKPOJIT Of ACT1VITIKS FOR JUNK. Following is a copy of tho report made byt County Agent Kellogg re garding IiIb work In Form Bureau and Agricultural Extentlon work: There were 19 days Bpcnt in tho field snd 7 days In tho office; traveled 1136 miles by auto; wrote 85 letters) Opertional), and 55 circular lottors had 144 phono calls and 325 office callers. A total of 1C meetings were held with an attendance of 275 people, Poultry slides woro shown ut throa meetings, six poultry culling demon strations were hold, with an atten dance of 111. 4G farm visits woro made. 150 bulletins on live stock dlb- oase and farm crop problems woro distributed. Tho Farm Bureau distrib uted 70 doses of blackleg vaccino, 1 quarts of poisoned oats for prairio dogs and rats, 154 pounds of arsennio of lead for potato bugs, and G pounds of white arsenic for grasshoppers work- Farm Bureau organizations were completed in five Precincts all of which adopted their progrum of work for tho year. Considerable mis cellaneous work is done each month, of which tho Junior Club is a part Porsonal visits were made to each of tho 24 club members and their rec ords inspected. :o:' NOTICE TO HUNTERS. Hunters and tresspassers aro warn ed that thoy will bo dealt with accord ing to law. C. II. Watt, T. S. McCronc. Pat McGraw, Henry P. Hansen. FAnMljl'TAKE NOTICE You can buy a 500 or 1000 bushel grain bin, ventilated to savfl your irrain and I am sure you can save the value of .the bin In six months. Phono 517 or write Win. Waldorf, North Platte, Nebr., 2nd door north of tho Post Office. Tho Choyenno Cowboy band was In North Platto Saturday night between trains and gave a concert In tho Court House park. A large number ot bur people were present and enjoyed the music. The band was making a tour advertising the Cheyenne Frontier Days. . NOTICE Wo call to your memory again that wo aro putting forth all efforts to gather an exhibit for tho Stato Fair as well as the County Fair. Lincoln County must do Its best and that means that wo aro all to do our ut most to gather up something of ull kinds of agricultural products such as tamo and wild grnsscs, grains, otc. It is now just about a month until wo must load our car which must reach Lincoln not later than Soptember 2. Wo wnnt to put this over In first class shape. If thoro Is anything you want to bco me about In rogard to tho ex hibits call nt Union Stato Bank on Saturday afternoon or call 1130 it G:30 in tho morning. E. A. OLSON, In Charge of Agricultural Exhibits. :o: Clinton & Son, Graduate Opticians. Trv us for service. Mrs. Ella M. Dunkin and children of Omaha aro visiting with the form ers paronts, Mr. and Mrs. John Ken ncdy, 209 Locust Street. (Hoagland Ss Cnrr, Attirnoys.) NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate No. 1827 of Qlonn Scott, de ceased, In tho County Court of Lin coln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nobraska, ss.. Cred itors of Bald estnto will take uotlco that tho tlmo limited for presentation and Ming ot claims against said Es tato Ib Novembor 23, 1921, and for sottlomont of said Estate If July 23, 1922; that I will Bit at tho county court room in said County on Au gust 23, 1921, at 10 o'clock a. m., and on November .23, 1921, at 10 o'clock a m., to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly fllod. Dated July 21, 1921. I WM. H. C. WOODHURST, (SEAL) County Judge Extra Specials for Saturday -IN OUR GREAT CLEAN-UP SALE muwutvamamim Your Best Friends Treat Them As Such Don't abuse or misuse tho greatest friends you huvo--your eyes! Modorn business and prcsont-day busyness tux them sovoroly. Watch them. Thoy aro constantly changing and woakonlng whether you know It or not. Play Bufo. Spo an optometrist. You may not need gluHHoB still, you may. Ho will know. You ought to. Underwear Special MEN'S RIBBED rf UNION SUITS Allr SUIT OV MEN'S ATHLETIC mf union suits lyr SUIT .,. I tL MEN'S POROUS ' S J Qci UNION SUITS I ' SUIT fl Men's Hose Specials 12c MEN'S FAST COLOR COTTON HOSE PAIR Men's Shoe Specials ONM LOT RALSTON'S HIGH on GRADE DREBS SHOEK- V h, J ' ValuoH up to $15, pair ONE LOj; MEN'S FINE DRESS SHOES, in English and round toes; all Uioko shoca luivo rubber heels, vnlues up to ?8. pair . 54-15 Childrens Wash Suits MEN'S FAST COLOR R Pairs LISLE FINISH HOSE Colors black, whlo, grey, brown, green, bluo, wine, purplo 95c Men's Dress Shirts ONE LOT OF .MEN'S FINE DRESS S ,1 5 amnio, vaiuon -up w ?2.C0 . t ONE LOT MEN'S FINE DRESS CAPS, VALUES UP TO $2,50 65c MEN'S FANCY SOFr COLLARS IN SILK AND COTTON, EACH' 5c THE CELEBRATED "KAYNEE"' wash suits sizes ago 2 to 8, value up to $4.50, Suit 1 .25 Ladies Holeproof Hose llfllli .!),!. ...1 mil... silk faced, colors " black, whito, navy, cor dovan, grey, African brown, pair 95c MEN'S SOFT FINISH 15o HANDKEIUHEFS, 9c HIRSCHFELD NORTH PLATTE'S FOREMOST CLOTHIERS FOR MEN AND BOYS'