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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1921)
NORTH PLATTK 3 VSSl 1- W LV Tit I DUNK PAYING RENT !fi V'llSlMM'V't''ltWV'M'H'llMIW(llVV'llWM'rtH' MtMUI(tMMMHHHM . ... ..... M . M . . . . . M . ... ... LUMBER PRICES REDUCED! jjf ib IH T Now is the Time to BuHd tha Home. We Need the Money and You Need a Home, So We Have Decided to Make the Price so -ALL CAN BUILD- 2-in. No. 1 Dimension No I Shiplap Drop Siding Drop Siding No. 1 4-in. E. G. Flooring No. 2 4 in. E. G. Flooring $37.00 per M.' 35.00 per M. 40.00 per M. 45.00 per M. 70,00 per M. 45.00 per M. jo show you that we mean bdsi ness note ..These prices. ALL OTHER LUMBER PRICES REDUCED ACCORDINGLY. No. 1 Clear ed Cedar Riding $55.00 perM 12-in. Boards 45.00 per M Sheeting v 35.00 per M Extra Star A Star Shingles 4.50 per Lath Glazed Doors 12.00 per M 7.00 Each The Above Prices Mean that You Can Buy Material for Less than One-Halt What it Cost You One Year Ago. See Us Before You Build IT MEANS MONEY SAVED TO YOU. ' r- We ARE NOTv SATISFIED UNLESS YOU ARE, Coates Lumber & Coal Co. . PHONE 7. . Hi tfi ifi ffi m m ij Hi !fi Hi m HFi Hi as Hi as Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi H5 ; Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi - Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi It thoy were accompanied by a man who hold ono. After July Im thoy tmnnt lmvn their own liconso no mat- W1LSOX TOUT. Kdltor anil Publisher. ,J0W IIianj in0 aroHlong. This Enured at Iho. North Platte, Nebraska Mb ono of tho ponaUJoB o'r-suffrage, Postofflcoas Second Class Matter, wo buppobo. ' . SUHSCIUPTIOiN I'ltiCE: 4 Ono Year, In iiilvnnco $2.00 FHIpAY, MA.V 27th, 1021. UMTOIHAL. o:i , ! Preparations nro being nmdo by EM Walkor to put In concreto paving In sovornl alloys In tbo business part ot tbo city. Thoso alloya woro organized Into paving districts last yoar but n contention aroso as to whether tho poles should bo removed from tho alloy or not and threatB woro nmdo that unless tbo poles woro taken out Jlgtuombor to got that ganio fish ilconie boforo trying for tho wary bass or tho drowsy .cat .Tho stato U,Q imvln(, woul(1 not ,)0 ,lono. llut u,0 gamQ warden sayB thorp will bo no anovB woro ln bA,, Blmn0i Ul0 coum.n excuses if oho of his deputies catches ( wa8 nat nulo to get tho nole8 out untl you iwlthout a llponsp. ;' , ; Mt;;probnblo;that thokqpposltlon bus 'j'.. - ,,. ... ,?jJ"rrt7.i'.i.i.... withdrawn its obJoctlouB. Wo uudor- Many of" thohoirios In tho rosldoncp parts of tbo city arc, holng bolhorptl in tho. ovonlng with largo numbors ot motlis which aro callul millers, Thoso moths nro' not harmful In any way but'ihov.'imy ggs which, hatch Into worrps whloJi14;!ir.o, callodcut wormtd and which do an lmmonso amount of dnmjie'luf' (.rons and 4 fields. Any method of killing tho jpoths will bo tho moanB of reducing the number of cutwormB." I o:t , AVo nyo lnto.nnpd that aftor July 1st women muqt havo a gamo and ilsh liconso in tills County boforo tlipy ran iQgally U",y,,l!0r fish. Formor ly they could llsh without a liconso stand tho work Is to bb begun soon. ::o:: 1 Post Office officials and omployeos hero have calk'iVour attontlon to the fact that whllo tho flag on tho fed- oral building' has often showed wear until but llttlo except tho linndlo was loft, It has not boon loft up ovor night vry many tlmos. Tho Janitors havo always, boon Instructed to- take t lid flag, down at sundown but now Ja'hltoiB soinotlmos forgot and again! coming on dlfforont phltta thoy would loavo It to lb eothor shift. AVo woro awaro thai tho flag had boon loft up on occasions and U Boomed that at times It 'had been lofT up all the time. No reflection on the custodians ot tho federal building wa3 liittiidfcl and wo offor this explanation of wunt was only casually mentioned in ! the editorial of last Issue. No flag of this nation should bo left an a flag pole after sundown nor put up before sunrise in the morning. i : :o: : Tho editor will bo tho last person In North Platto to suggest tho cutting or uio, salaries ot toaciiers m our schools or to hamper thos work of tho schools In any Way by limiting tho amount of mpnoy spent for things necossary. But we aro ono of tho first to pr'otot agaliiBt enlarging tho acopo ' of tho schools at this tlmo or employ ing any oxtra or special teachers for any purposo whatovor. Wo havo seen tho school UJXOS hionnt by leaps and bounds until tho burden is' almost moro than tho average .cltlzeTl can boar. We havo-floen ono fad after an othor Introduced Into tho schools and confess to being a party to somo o! thorn but as soon as wo started to re trench wo wore uccused of .being out of dnto and back-woodsy by thoso who havo no proporty to be taxiU ami usually no chlldron to go to school. Thoy did the loudost talking anil wo gavo ln to thorn aB did many others who saw tho dlroctlon things woro go ing. Now wo havo -passed tho point whoro wo Intend to bo sllont while mon aro rofusing to build or buv homes he"ro on accomit ot the taxei. Wo no heartily join a.jlnrgo group S). North, Piatt? citizens in a3klng th; Board of Education to turn down ev ery proposition which comes befovr it unless It is absolutely necessary. Tho school taxes must not Increase for-thlngs which aro nice but lfot nec essary. Men and women are -going without tbo necessities, of life these days becauso of. tho times' and It lc not fitting that tho "public schools should do otherwise. Tho above is writton, not in tho spirit of criticism of tho .Board ot. Education but to as suro It lhat we bollovo tho big majority of our citizens aro with, it whon it votes against any iuovations or ex tensions that will add to the heavy burden of local taxation for school purposes. Want Ads For Rent Modern four room apart? i inont ln Twinem Building. - See Bratt',1 Goo(lman & Buckloy. , . - Tor Snlc House and lot, first clals , shapo. Inquire 80C North Locust. Poti j,, Hayes. Wanted Competent girl for gen eral housework Apply 421 West Fourth Street. Wniitcd Girl for .general house work light washing good place for right party. 608 W. Second street. Strayed From my placo ono sor rel mare 7 years old, we'ight about 800 pouds. Phono -J83F22. Fred Nelson. Wanted Position as bookkeeper or stenographer, Experienced. Ad dress C15 W. Seventh. , ( For Sale Hatching eggs, puro bred R. I. Rods, Barred Hocks and White Leghorns. L. I. Tuckor, Phono G98J tor talc Willows and doors cheap. E. J. Vanderhoof. Phone 12P2 T . P EFFECT SPRING SERVICE For any kind of Automobile or Truck. Springs made to order or new spring leaves sup lied, don't throw away your spring if it only has one or two leaves broke'n. We can veld them or supply hew ones at a nominal cost and will last you as long as new and save you money. v i 1 have a big stock of all kinds, " of springs nd spbing steel for making' springs, v Letus have your spring work. .' . 4'JL H. VAN .'CLEAVE . Wanted A good housokeoper. Ap ply at Martl's Moat Market. v Wanted Competont girl for general housework. PJtono G41W. Wa'ileil Carpenter work hy con trHt or hpur. Estimates furnished. Phono 287J. 221 AVest Fifth. v For Sale; Doublo standard Polled Hcrford Bull Five years old. .O,; 13. Warden, .Gandy, Nebr. or QhIqJv Sale Canary Birds, good singers at $3.00 to $7.50 each. Phono Mrs. John Grose 793F4. For Sale Ford car in good shape, cheap for cash. Inquire at GOD W. Seventh. Walcd Good housework. Mrs. 3S. girl for general J. S. Slmms, phono :o::- You save one-fifth of your mouey by buying what you need before Sa urday night at Wilcox Department tore. . , Mrs.W. T. Bolan left this morning for San Francisco, Cal to visit. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Clemens of Wal lace spent Wednesday In tho city visiting friends. SDN THEATRE, Saturday Only. rWiMiTfJTfitiT I'TTiT FREE! Wednesday Only FREE! We will tve one can of llih Grade DI TCI1ESS SI GAK CORN with each One Dollar purchase at ourstore on Wednesday 9 June, 1st If your order amounts to more than 1.50 phone it tons and we will deliver it in cluding one can of corn for each dollar pur chase andyou can nay for it at your door. i - ECONOMY GROCERY'' Phone 2aW 609 Lotust. J "Soldiers of Fortune" 1" Illvlmrtl llnrillufr -DnvU L ' ffl Grlppinu, itoroantlc. Koctaculnr . ' ft An Allan Dwan Production ' M Hnyflower 1'hotoplBT Corporatlan . 1 1 i A Ilealatt rictura ' Anna With a 'very fine cast including Paulino Stark, NorinanvKcrry i G. Nilson, Ward Crane and Wilfred Lticaralso 2-reel com- cdv.