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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1921)
NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE r fl " ' f l ? A You Are Never Far Away By Long Distance Telephone A few miles away of several hundred, it is all tho same by "Long Distance." To keep in touch with homo or business, to get infor mation quickly, to avoid expensive trips, or for any busi ness or social purpose, "Long Distanco" is the best way. 'Approximately half rates apply beyond certain dis-, tanccs for station-to-station calls after 8:30 p. m. and - approximately quarter ratcs from midnight to-4:30 a. m. . Ask "Long Distance" for tho rato for any class of service, at any tiraCj to any point. m Northwestern Bell Telephon COMPANY' COMMUNICATION FBOM SUPKIUN TKNDENENT SNYDKU SAYS 1 0 Sl'JUY 11AXIIBLI0.NSK To the Tribune: Ilullctln No. 4CC Now York Agri cultural Experiment Station, Gonovn, Now York, gives the .results of exton- nftor tho contrnl blossom buds wore formed and boforo blossoming. Tho first application shouXl bo followod by two or three later ones at lntcr nls ot three or four Weeks during tho spring growing season, nnd ono or two others in .lato summer or fall. Tho last application should bo made Into cnaugh In tho Bummer or fall to pro- foro son. tho oloso of tho growing sea- atl'A nviiAtiliiiAittn I w m-n ill An I In i fin ti. , , , ... , Vi , vent the plants from recovering bo dcllons by spraying with a solution ot , ... , . . A, . Iron Sulphate. Tho following Is a summary of tho bulletin. I would feug- gest that copies of this bulletin bci A Biiltablo day for spraying Is ono placed in tho city library or thatjon wh,ch hcr la little wind nnd those nersons who aro! 8HKf probability of rain for several cure copies by writing to Director'', II. Jordan, Gcnovn, Now York. It Ik with prldo ns n Nobraakan that wo note that Dean Thatcher, a product of Nebraska, and tho University of Nobraska, Is soon to succeed Director Jordan, whoso many years of success ful work havo won him a needed rout. Experiments made at tho Geneva Station during tho past eight yonrs demonstrate that dandelions may be crn Heated from lawns, at relatively j uftor graying, hours. Tho sky may be oltlicr cloudy or clear. A heavy dew tho following nfeht Is advantageous. Spraying should bo discontinued Muring .porlods of drought in mid-summer, whon tho grass Is innctlvo and soil Ih very dry Sorlous injury to tho grass may re sult from Bpraylng at such times. Am far as posslblo, it should bo arranged to sproyy two or threo days after mowing una to mow two or three days LOCAL AND PERSONAL J. W. Bennet Jr.of Arnold was a city visitor Tuesday., I ,will make Farm Loans at reason able rates. Geno Crook, North Platte. Mrs H. D. Kempton of Curtis visited friends in tho city Tuesday. Strawberries and pansles set them out now. North Platto Floral Co. Miss ElVa Ellington of Grainton visited lccal friends Tuesday. F. W. Iiictor left Wednesday for Sterling to transact business. Order your shrubs and trees of North Platto Floral Co. Mr. an)i Mrs. Louis Spencer of Wal lace transacted business in tho city Tuesday. Mrs. C. II. Fairchlld and baby camo Tuesday from Oshkosh to visit at tho F. M. Fairchlld homo. Dr. L. J. KHAUSK, Dentist, X-Ituy LEX.INGTON PASSES STIUNGENT ORDINANCE REGARDING DANCING. An ordinanco was passed by the city council of Lexington at a meet ing a few days ago, which makes it Diagnosis. McDonald Dank" llulldlng. unlawful for anyone to conduct a ..1.1t .1 ...U1...i 1 . . Phono 97, Harry Samuelson returned last ev ening from Chappell where ho nt-, tonded tho state trap shobt Porch boxes we call for thorn, fill and return them when ready. North Platte Floral Co., Phono 1023. Mrs. Mary Maxwell of Nemaha, E. W. Chappel of Hershoy transacted j visited her sister, Mrs. S. Tlmcrman business i? the city Tuesday . T. Tillman of Ogalalla transacted business in tho city Wednesday. Cllntbn & Son, Graduate Opticians.. Try us for service. Miss. Bertha M. Johnson of Tryon visited friends in tho city Tuesday. -First class painting and paper hanging- Elegant stock of wall paper just received. Store at 113, W. Sixth St. Phono 570W. II. H. Landgraf and Edd Friend. at the E. B. Payno homo last week. Mrs. A. E. Erickson will leave thu latter part of tho week for Sacro monto, Cal., whore she will spend n month visiting. Cabbage plants ready after Mav 1st. North Platto Floral Vo. Miss Catherine Reynolds returned to hor home in Lincoln Wednesday after "visiting her sister Mabel who is a teacher in tho city. public dance without' securing a 11 cense from tho chief of pollco, said license to cost ten Jdollars. Tho monoy thus collected is to bo used to pay "fori tho attendance of critics, censors and chaperons to attend' said dance." These aro to seo that dances com monly called "Shimmy, Toddle, Check to Cheek, etc. shall not bo danced. Not more .than $1.10 may bo charged for each ticket. , : :o: -4- SAY IT WITH FLOWERS North Platto Floral Co. Flowers. W. Twelfth Street. .Phono 1023. Wo deliver and ship anywhere. slight expense and without matorlnl Injury to tho grass, bypropor spray ing with an Iron sulfato solution. Ordinarily, four or fivo applications aro required. Tho first spraying should ho mado in May just boforo the first blooming period. Ono or two othors should follow at intervals' of threo 6r four weeks; and finally ono or two moro m the lato summer or fall. Dur ing tho hot, dry wonthor of mid-summer spraying should ho discontinued becauso of tho dangor of injury to thh grass. A conspicuous .blackonlng ot tho lawn which follows each appli cation would disappear if tho grass Is growing vigorously. Of tho otler com pion lawn weeds, somo aro killed Lwhllo others aro but slightly injured by tho spraying. Unfortupatly, whit a clover is also killed. Spraying should bo supplemented by tho nso of fertil izers and tho application of grass sooj in tho spring nnjl fall of oach year. With proper management it is neces sary to spray only about overy third year In order to keep a lawn practi cally freo from dandelions. Our experiments nt Geneva, New York indicate that nt least threo (or usually, five) .thorough applications during, a se.nson nro necessary to orndicate tho dandelions from tho av erage lawn in this state. To be the most offottUe tho epraylng should he .-epentt'J as soon an tho dandollon plant has l gnlurd n v follago ani Jnot befoe It U full Town usuiihy when tho leaves nro throe or four ln,ches long. This forces tho plnnts to use upthelr reserve food stored In the roots, nnd eventually starves them. On tho Station lawns, which were exposed to dandelion seeds from adjoining untreated lawns, it was found necessary to spray overy sec ond or third year, and to supplement tho spraying with other control measures. Tho tlmo of application appears to ho Important In our tests, tho host results wore secured .when tho Jlrpt application was mado In early spring Tho spray solution Is prepared by dissolving ono and ono-halt or tvo pounds-ot iron sulph'nto (also called copperas and green vitriol) in oach gallon of wntpr. Tho weaker solu tion appears to bo ontiroly satisfac tory, and is probably tho ono to bo proforrcd. Used at this strength tho quantity of Iron sulphnto (required for a Blnglo application is approxi mately 175 pounds per aero or folir (pounds por thousand squaro feot of lawn. A gallon of tho solution will covor about 375 squaro feet Iron sul phate for spraying purposes is usu ally offered for salo in tho granular or "sugar" form, which Is readily sol uble" In wator. It Is comparatively in expensive, costing, usually, from ono to two dollars per bag of one hundred poun)ls. Sinco it corrodes motals, tho solution should bo prepared in wood en or carthonwnro vcssols. Experlonco lins demonstrated rnth or conclusively that tho offoctlvonoRK Of illO HtirnV Rnllltlnn llnnn llin .Inn. I dolions depends, to a consldornblo ex tent, upon tho manner in which it Is applicjl. Tho best results aro secured whon tho solution is applied In tho form of a flno mlRt-iko spray woll driven down among tho follago. Wlillo fairly satisfactory results may bo expected when tho solution Is ap plied judiciously with a sprinkling can, it is recommended that Bomo fonn of a spray pump' bo used. Tin kind ot outfit selected should doponfl upon tho size of tho area to be treat ed. For sranll lawns a compressed air sprayer, knapsack sprnyor, dr good "bucket pump with brass cylinder, and equipped with a flno nozzle will bo found satisfactory;. While lor largo lawns a sprayer mounted on- wiioels Is dcslrcablo. Tho spray solution should bo strain ed through a flno strajnor or two tliickiicssos of cheesecloth to roniovo any particles which would clog tho nozzles. On' stone, cement, metals, nnd cloth Iron surphato solution produao.8 a conspicuous yollowlsh-brown rusty stnln which Is extremely difficult to romovo. Accordingly, caro should be taken to avoid getting any ot tho spray on ono'a clothing or on Bldownlks, building foundations, momtmonU-, curbstones and . tho Hko, Evon tho dragging of tho wet hoso across stono or comont sidewalks will stain thorn. Aftor using, tho sprayer sltoulU bo washed out thoroughly wflth clean water to provont serious rusting. Tho " working parts of tho spray should, ho kept well oiled. It is necessary to supplement tho spraying operations with nt least two aftor treatment measures, namoly, fertilization nnd rcsoodlng. ' W. P. SNYDER, Superintendent.' IMPROVE 'YOUR STOCK of Rhodp Island Reds at Bmall cost. I hnvo four splendd cockorols that I havo used in tho breeding pons that I am through with for this season I will sell them at $2.50 tnch. You cannot obtain this blood anywhoro for less than four times tho monoyT Plonty of tlmo to use them this season and you will havo your cockcrolB for noxt season. J, II. VAN CLEAVE. NOTICE OF TAKING DP E STRAY, Taken up by tho undersigned at my. placo JtiBt Bouth ot town, County of Lincoln, Stnto of Nebraska; on tho 22n)l, day, of May, 1921 ono rangy gray horscflvo to sovon yoars old owner pays for tho advertisement. Dated this 24th. day ot May, 1921. ' E. B. PAYNE. r r.J ' ?V it CALORIC HEAT CUTS BUILDING COSTS THE CALORIC REQUIRES BUT ONE CHIMNEY NO EXTRA CHIMNEYS MANTLES OR. FIXTURES NEEDED ONLY 6 FOOT CELLAR REQUIRED m PERPETUAL SifMMEM in yeus? Paris Green RINCKER DRUG The Nyal Store. CO. Phone 5. We Deliver. Put a heating system in your new home that will be an investment that wdl pay dividends in comfort and convenience s that will positively pay its own cost in the saving of fuel. The famous patented Caloric installations are made from blue prints prepared by CaloriC f-nginror3 who have had years of urn-quailed experi ence In plm-lesi heating. No charge for till vitally Important eerviie. Send rough eketcli of your floor plane today. & : : pat has a proven record of saving Yi to '4 the fuel over old systems. Heat sail the rooms in buildings of 18 rooms or less, through one, register. An unequalled success in homes in every state. Many in this community. TIiu money-back guarantee of the manu facturers, The Monitor Stove Company, ( ;ncinnati, Ohio, and over 125.0IX) Nitte fn d users, protect you and back up your judgement in buin a CaloriC. Now, before hoiibe-cleaniiig in the bust time to put in a CaloriC. Quick installa tion in old homea or new. No plumbing nor alterations. And remember your satisfaction or money buck. Simon Bros. k A. mMm I Tail. All ' mi U W mtrt VJJ.M ' - I ' , ) ' ' i t Ton -'VI'i-'Tl ,"v" I ,,(' THE ORIGINAL PIPELESS FURNACE TRIPLE-CASING PATENT J.t , . . r , ' eve for ot itJH Edison likes in Music -rTHAT new EDISON BOOKLET! ACT right away. Our sup- ply is going fast. "What Edison Likes in Music" is tall of worth while things. Go through the list of Mr. Edison's 25 favorites. Get his view s on listening to music. Checkup see if you have the 6 selections he thinks every one should possess. Get your copy at once. Come here if you wont to hear or buy any of the RE CREATIONS Mr. Edison has named. We have the most complete stock of Rb-Crka-TIONS in the city, nnd nro always glnd to serve you. Dixon Music Shop. -::o::- NOTICB At tho annua mooting of tho legal votes of a&hool dlstlct number 59-of Lincoln County, NcbrnBkn, which vvlll bo hold at the Bchool houso on Mon day, Juno 13th, 1921, at 3 P. M tho proposition will ho submitted to Uio voters ft rniflltiK tho budget' of $1100.00 to conduct tho school for tho coming year. This will re quire a levy not to crxcodl ono-hun-drei mills on tho dollar of tho as sessed valuation Of said district. Dated tliis 2Gth day of May, 1921. 13. D. ROSE, Dtroctor. WHKi "Ik"' -v- $200.00 $250.00 $300.00 And Up to $748.00 Located in the' 1000 to the 1600 blocks on west . 4lh, 5th, 6th and lst,2nd and 3rd Streets. Easy Terms. Easy Building Restrictions. MINER HINMAN, Over Union State Bank Phono 821J to bring your friends' to dlna. A placo whoro tho Krontost caro is ox exclsod in tho solaction ot tho food materials. A placo whoro tho culslno la oxqutsito, wl;ero tho china nnd cut lory is tasteful, nnd tho .surroundings pleasant. This Is such a placo. Como nnd enjoy It. HOTEL PALACE AND CAFE. Mutual Building and Loan Association 01 Nor'h Platte, Nebraska Resources $1,477,321.69. In order to provido funds for approved loans this Association will Is sue a limited nmount of fts Paid Up Stock. This stock draws dividend?, at rato of six por cent per annum, payable March 1st and Soptombor 1st. Money invoatod In tills stock cam be withdrawn nt any time on thirty days' notico. T. C. PATTERSON. 11HSSIK V. SAUDURY, President. Secretary. Tho M. g. Co.