The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 22, 1921, Image 7

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accepted wall tint.
N$ Pathagi
Withtut Crtti
and Cirtlt
Printtdin Rtd
T$ Git
Rtsutli Yu
Mutt Aikfir
by Namt
You Can Not Be Deceived!
This Package Protects You
You want Alabastine. Alabastinc results alone will satisfy you
Alabastine results can be secured with no other material.
- The Cross and Circle printed in red on the packace is your
guarantee of quality and results.
Alabaitlne it artistic, unitary, durable and economical. Alabastine will
permit you to put your own individuality in your home, match your rugs and fur
nishings and have complete color harmony in all your rooms. Combining and
intermixing the different tints enables you to secure unlimited color effects.
Alabastine requires only pure, cold water to mix and can be used on all in
terior surfaces, plaster, wallboard, over smoked and grimy painted walls, or even
over wall paper .hat is solid and his no raised figures or aniline colors. Best paint
dealers everywhere sell Alabastine. Write us direct rather than take a substitute
Alabastine Company
1651 Grandville Ave. Grand Rapids, Mich.
Timely News Culled From All
Parts of tho State, Reduced
for tho Busy.
Demand Petersen 8i Peau's
This famous bread is the leading seller in 458 cities and towns throughout
Nebraska, Iowa, Missouri, South Dakota, Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming.
Shipped fresh daily from our great sunlight bakery at Omaha.
Demand It From Your Dealer Dealers Demand It for Your Trade
From Report Made, Postoffice Em
ployee Had Decidedly Poor Opin
ion of That New Trailer.
Once on n time- an automobile con
cern usked the postofllce department
to try out a certain truck trailer. The
ear wus put In "service at n post
ofllco mid shortly the trnfllc superin
tendent asked for a written report
from one of the uutomoblle drivers.
This Is the report.
"I has respty used In this run 74
Taller lor 4 days In this low down
driveway und is to be In my way and
to have to push and shove It and lift
It mound myself In the lie and get
under the end to uncupplc It I use mid
can't back it up at all and go ahead
2 doors In backing and getting the
pin thing loss again and the gas
shooting In your face and everybody
holering at you and in my way to get
The report llnully reached Washing
ton, was read and tiled. The trailer
wus not accepted.
Where He Might Succeed.
Wind Beggar (who has been advised
to go to work) "And what would
you "have me work at me being blind
from birth?" Old Gentleman "Why,
my friend, many of your colleagues
have succeeded splendidly as dlplo
mats." Paris L'lllustrutlon.
Reward of Merit.
Mrs. Borem Elsie, why Isn't your
brother. Robert, at the party, too?
Klsle I'lense em. uoony s. neen a
good hoy all week, and mother said
lie needn't come.
Many a toothless person Indulges In
biting sarcasm.
Sleeping Appurtenance Proved Effec
tive in Concealing Elongated In.
dividual In Lady's Bedroom.
Lord Itossmore, who has Just died
In England, was a great sportsman
and hunter and hnd many gjjod stories
not only of the hunting field but of
life In many other phases. One of
these concerned his friend, Bay Mid
dleton, whom he describes as one of
the best riders to hounds that ever
II veil, and runs as follows:
"Bay once bet a lady that he could
hide so effectually in her bedroom
(hat she could never discover him.
Shu hunted high and low, hut never
a truce of the hidden ,oue could she
The lady was completely at her
wits' end, and at last, when she had
literally gone all over the room Inch
by inch, she was startled out of her
seven senses by hearing Bay's voice
exclaiming, 'Hullo! I can see you.'
This was a puzzler and no mistake,
hut the mystery was at last solved,
for Mlddletou, who was long and thin,
had got inside the bolster!"
A boys' band will be organized at
Broken Bow.
A brass linnd will shortly be .or
ganized at IMerre.
lAwlston will put In an eleetrlc light
and power system.
Kern-saw Kill celebrate her With an
niversary on .Tune .
The Stale Dental Society will meet
in Omaha May Hi to in.
Hlmwood has an epidemic or measles
and several very serious eases.
Wllber hns voted bonds for a untitle
ipal cold storage und lev plant. state camp of the M. W, A. will
be held at Lincoln May 3 and 4.
The grand council of the Ho.vnl Ar
canum will meet In Omaha April 'M.
i .The commercial club at Pierce has
decided to celebrate Independence tiny.
i Work on Omaha's new 1!.(XX),000
; High School of Commerce will begin
t shortly.
j Hebron Is planning a stock" show,
corn carnival and baseball iouruaiueiit
this fall.
Wllber, county seat of Saline, has a
live Commercial club witli a member
ship of IfiO.
Jacob Meyer, formerly hotel Inspec
tor In this state, died last month at
Bucyms, Ohio.
Prof. Wendell, present eighth grade
teacher, has been elected city superln-
endnnt at Burwell.
Bert Wilcox, a farmer living near
Kundolph; dropped dead In u licit!
from heart leakage.
Pnlng work has been resumed at
CI i u (Iron after having been suspended
luring the winter.
The American Yeomen at Suther
land Initiated a class of fifty-five can
didates last week.
Mary .Tano Marsh, 80, resident of
Nebraska since 18.10, Is dead at her
home In Brownvlllo.
York has raised $40,000 toward the
erection of a three-story hospital con
taining forty-eight rooms.
A Geneva dairy linn will add u
poultry department, starting with
1,000. Wliite Leghorn chickens.
The German Evangelical congrega
tion at Elniwood has recently com
pleted a new .?1(),000 parsonage.
Olliclal canvass of the-votes tdiows
that Miss Mary Peterson was elected
mayor of Bed Cloud by seven votes.
Sixty-two, of the rural school dis
tricts In Gage county have contributed
$140,110 toward the China famine fund.
Lnwson (J. Brian,, former state In
surance commissioner, has been ap
pointed chief adjuster of the state hall
ilisurunce division.
Leo Porter, n 1.1-year-old Bralnerd
lad, will lose the sight of his left eye
H. Jlnrvry; Srpt
N Dwliilit l ord I
HnrtlHt; Suit.
Homer; SrpL
v Had Experience.
In the old days of the draft an ex
ninlner was putting Sambo through
Hie usual course of questions. "Any
previous military experience?" "Lord,
yes, boss," replied Sambo. "Ise an
old-timer. Ise been shot at three 'times
befo' they ever was a war."
When a man takes himself too seri
ously he seldom takes himself serf
ously enough.
Be sure you're right, then stay right
Save ursel
from the disturbances which
often follow tea and coffee
drinking by a change to
Jhis delicious cereal "beverage of
coffee-like flavor is prepared
instantly in the cup to suit your
taste s free from any harmful
element economical- satisfying
There's a Season for Postum
Hade by
Poscum Cereal Company, Inc.
Battle Creek. Michigan.
- " A
nniiiiiini iminii ii ii i vijii i in itirnr-jT
Instant m
4 wtlTHa
Location, Secretary's Name and Ad
dress, and Date or Fair.
The rgllowliiK list compiled by Win.
H, Smith, secretary-treasurer of tho
Hate Association of Kulr Managers,' Is
complete to date. Any furl her Infor
mation desired may bo obtained by ad
Crossing the secretary-treasurer at .113
Funke Building, tit Lincoln.
Aijleljpc Nrllfh, Vxni 11. 8pncr; Hpt
Ilooi. - Albion, C, n. McCorUloi Stpt. SO-M.
loil -Hun., h. 11. Btoi ' Kept. 14-16.
Uurrn.o Kenrnry. o. K. llansc: Auk. 30-11--tspt
nutlet -Ijav'tl City. V. it. MiGamn, Jr.J
sit to-tj.
hiiiim lmjurlnli W. C. Hill.
ChOi-mie Sidney.
J8 i C",'' "'
fcumlriK Wl-m-r.
Custer Hiokfii How,
Pawed -Olmdron,
Unwon txliiKton, it. K. KnlllnUur;
Sept 13-10. '
ll-oii Conroril, M. J. HueheH. Aug. Jl
Bit 1.
HoUkc -Hooper, Momilelii AUK. 30
Sept I.
Podge Scrlbner. Walter SUvera. Sept. H-li.
UoiiK m Omnlia. K. H Cox, WMvMoo;
. Sept 11. u.
tinlr--Uenllnmn. J. NT UotildDux. Sept.
Fillmore (Irnevii, H K. Itnltlf ni S il 14-M.
r ranklln Kranklln. J. A Htewhit- Sept.
1 3-1 8, f
Front er Stockvllle, W. O.
Kliriina Denver City. 4. 12.
Unite- llentrlm. lloyU Hint! Sept
tlreeley (Jreeleyi Scut. 20-21.
llnli--lrnmt Uiiul, lludolplr Durmclil:
mver; ricpt. 1-I6f
llnmlituti Aurora, U A. Motrin Auk. 30
Sept 2.
Harlnn - Almn. O. K. Alter: Sept. 10-2J.
linymt' -llyo Centor.
Hltclcock Culliertaon. J, A. Klrki Kept.
Unit- Mi n ... r t 1tl.1... IJ.III
Holt -O'Neill. 1'oler . UufTyi Sept. Jl-Sl.
i. ur.mii ol i-aui, (Jimiii'S ijoury; wpu
JefTerMin Knlrbury.
Johtium Tecuiimcli, Klmer J. laimb:
Sepi 27-Oct. 1.
Keainey M mien.
Keith -ORallaln, ltoy P. Klker; Sept. 13-1.
Knox Il.oomneitl. II. C. Dlerka; Sept. IS-1S.
Lancaster Lincoln, A. II. 8iilltlii Sept. 4-.
Incoln North Platte, H. M. Srfuiler! Sept.
Madl-ou--Mnllaon, Georgo V. Kolxowt
Sept 11-16.
Merrlrk C'larka. E. M. l.lltli.. Rein. 14. t.
Naneo--Kulif rton.
Nfinahn Auburn. Col. II. V.tmV, Aug. 2J-.
Sept. 2
Nuckolln Kvlmii, (InO. Jackson; Sept. 10-21.
Pawnee Pawnee City. l. V. Onborn;
Oct 4-8.
Pierce- l'lcrce, F. II, Uleaoon; Auk. 30
Sept 1.
Polk Osceola, I.ynn Slielilon; Sept. 27-30.
lied Willow McCook, Klmer Knyj Sept.
-1 3-1(1,
Saline--Friend, l.eroy
Sauuderx Walton.
Scottuhluir Mltcltoll,
"8er 14-10.
Seward Howard, W.
Hlterldan Oordon, J.
Sherman Loup City,
KtnntnnStanton, K. K
Thnyor--Dehler, B, J
nepi a.
Vulley Ord, II, D. Iggett! BepL 13-tO.
AVaHhliiKton Arlington, C. O. Mnrlitt'l;
Sept. 21-23.
Webster niaden, S. P. Duncan; Auk. 21-1.
York York, Qeo. W. Bhreck; Oct. 1-7.
Name "Bayer" on Genuini
Warnlng'l Unless you ieo Uie nnnm
"Bayer" on package or on tablets you
are not getting genuine Aspirin pro
scribed by phyBlcluns for tweiity-ono
years anil proved safe by millions.
Take Aspirin only as told In the Bayer
package for Colds. Headache, Neural
gla. Itlieumattsm, Karacho, Toothache,
Lumbago ami for I'aln. Handy tin
boxes of twelve Bayer Tablets of As
pirin coRt few cents. Druggists also
cell larger packages. Aspirin Is the
trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of
Monoacetlcacldester of Sallcycacld.
Kinds of Berries.
Ono kindergarten teacher wan In
structing the class In nature study,
and was asking the children to mime
as many kinds of berries us they
could. Baspberry, strawberry, goose
berry and huckleberry were liientlr iieil.
but the list was not complete without
the last "berry."
Johnny stood up in his anxiety to
be the llrst to name It.
"Library, library Is another one," he
Makes Hard Work Harder
A bad back makes a day's work twice
as hard. Backache usually comes from
weak kidneys, and if headaches, dlui
nets or urinary disorders are added,
don't waitget help beforo the kidney
diseaso takes a grip beforo dropsy,
graTcl or Bright's ditc&te sets in.
Doan't Kidnev PMt have brought new
life and new strength to thousands of
working men and women. Used and rec
ommended the world orr. Ask your
A Nebraska Case
John Coordt, 621
8. Denver St., Hub
tinKS. Nebr., snys:
"Homo time ago I
was bothered with
my kidneys. Tho
sccrctloiiB passoU
too freely nna thon
again would bo re
tarded and burned
In nana rc. My
back was tamo and
If I caught cold the
uuuuiu wuo Hiniin lu SMI "v
of Donn'n Kldnoy Pills and know they
helped mo more than anythlne 1 over
Oct Doan't at Any Stors, 60c a Bos
W. IiiRhaiii; Auk.
J. T. Whitehead!
II. Ohnprnaii: Sept.
W. todonu Sept.
C. J, Tracy.: Sept.
. Pont! Sept. 20-23.
. Mitchell; Aub. 31"
Maywood, ft. M. Hall; Sept. 26-30.
Lincoln, B. 11. Danlelaon; Sept. 4-8.
Byron Clements of Klmwood caught
his linger ring- on u nail, pulled tho
tlesh nlT the tlrst Joint, and broke the
linger, making necessary an nniputu
tlon. i
A Sioux City, sja., man has bought
seven Nebraska hotels, paying .fl.000,-
000. The properties are at Lincoln,
Omaha, Columbus, ScottsblulT, Frank
llti and Table Bock.
Work has been started on the new
$75,000 school bulldliic at Dannebroir,
from a BB shot tired by a comrade i This will he the largest and most mod-
during their play. m . 0rii school building In Howard county.
.Tunics C. Duhlmuii at Omalia and mitslile of St Pnul
Charles Yv. Bryan, headed the ilst of !
While Doris Ilaverstock, a 12-year
at the old Omaha girl was returning homo
from a trip tlown town a man came up
from behind and clipped off eight
Inches of her hair braid.
iJr. Kdwln Maxey, for many yearn
In Instructor on International law at
the state university at Lincoln, has
been adjudged Insane, and has been
placed under treatment at the hospl
tal at that place.
I Dean Charles Fordyce, head of tho
teachers' college at the state tinlver
I slty for 'the last thirteen years, has
I tendered his resignation, to take effect
I August .'11, In order to devote his en
tire lime to research study.
Heath wltli'a pitchfork In the hands Henry Allison Albln of Osceola, has
it August (illck, another patient 1 been nominated to take the exiiiiilna-
An attendance of- over 1100 IS ex-1 Hon for entrance to the naval academy
pected at the district convention of1 at Annapolis. .Mr. Albln Is n griuliiuto
Stale Christian Endeavor society to 1 0f the Osceola High , school mill at
be held in Omaha, April 212 to 21. prei-ent is a student at the State mil
A ballot taken by the 1'ork Com- vetslty,
mercial club shows that city favors . According to a statement Issued by
Sunday ball, erection of a municipal j the Omaha Chamber of Coi erce
hull, rest rooms, and concrete walks. ! Publicity Bureau, based on reports
The reorganized farmers' elevator j fi cnn the U. S. Department of Labor at
company, which recently purchased I Wnshlncton. ontv three cities In Amur
tho old elevator plant at Hong, Cage j ,.a leud Omaha In the race back to
county, has assumed charge of the minimi food prices.
nominees In those two cities
primaries Tuesday. "
Mrs, Muvy B. Conely, of Omaha,
who recently, eolelfrated her 101st an
niversary, Is believed to be the oldest
woman In the state.
The Kuliner garage at Columbus was
completely destroyed by lire last week.
Nine new automobiles and !I8 cars In
storage were burned.
Hog cholera has broken out In the
Ithica neighborhood, ami co-operation
of the stock owners has been asked In
controlling the disease.
Nels Jensen, a patient at the Nor
folk state, hospital, was stabbed to
It has been dellnltoly decided that
Nebraska's l,.r00 liatlonal guardsmen
will "go to camp for summer training
from Angus! 17 to August 111, Inclusive,
but It has not been decided where, the
camp will be located.
The college of agriculture In a clr-J
cular on "The Problem of Clothes for
the High School Craduute," protest
against the growing tendency towaril
display and extravagance In high
school graduating outllts, claiming that
It breeds snobbishness and selllshness.
The Bev. A. M. Horan, formerly pas
tor of the Baptist church at Cedar
Bluffs, has been elected pastor of the
First Baptist church at Waboo,
The Omalia Y. M. O. A, opened a
drive to raise .fr0,000. Within twenty
four hours one-half of the same hail
been subscribed, the total being raised
Inside a week.
Plans are being made to have the
Loup valley track meet at Ord on or
about May 0.
The warden has notified sheriffs In
the IK! counties of the state to send no
more prisoners to the penitentiary tin
t C. A. Bumbaugh, a ranchman near
! Taylor, made a shipment to St. Louis
I of furshnd hides amounting to $15,000,
expecting to clear .$5,000 on the ileal
After having them In cold storage for
. over tio'i'iir, he llnully disposed of
t ilium hi ii iiwu nr X7 nnn
The Aurora school board bus elected
a force of over thirty teachers for tho
coming year. Salaries In many In
stances were advanced.
I Mnrvln, 8-year-old son of County
j Treasurer ami Mrs. Mike Trltsch, Is
In a hospital at Plattsiiiouth, suffering
from burns which may prove fatal as
a result, of being scalded by boiling
April 1 marked the opening of tho
llshlng season In Nebraska, but ilsh
ermeii are cautioned by Oeorge W,
Koster, chief of the state division of
fish and game, not to take bass or
trout until May 1.
The state hanking board has an
noimced the closing of the Brown
County State bank at long Pino, Neb,
Depleted reserves and inability to
make collections are given as reasons,
Hecelpts for hogs at the South
til present crowded conditions are re-.J oniaha stock ynrds In March fell
"Cadet" and "Topsy," owned by
Oeorgo W. Alnsworth of Havelock, a
member of the Omuhn Kennel club, re
cently won llrst prizes at the Chicago
dog show. Cadet Is nn nlrcdale and
Topsy took first female puppy prize
and the tlrst novice prize in tliu Amer
ican hied class.
00,000 short ot a year ago at the same.
time, but the average weight was six
pounds heavier than In March, 1020,
Cheaper and more corn explains the
increase In the weight of the hogs.
Heavy damage was done by tho sand
ami dust storm, which lasted for sev
euty-two hours and was general over
the western part of the state.
Some Squad.
First Coach Why. I thought yon
said If your football team became
vegetarians they would win all then
games. How do you account for
those they lost?
Second Coach Why, the opposing
earn threw garden bugs on. my men
and they became afraid.
Saved My Life
With Eatonic
Says New Jersey Woman
"I was nenrly dead until I found
Eatonic and I can truly say it saved
my lire. It Is tho best stomach medi
cine ever made," writes Mrs. Ella
Add stomnch causes awful misery
which Eatonic quickly gets rid of by
talcing Up and carrying out tho acidity
and gases which prevent good diges
tion. A tablet taken after meals bringn
quick relief.- Keeps the stomach
healthy and helps to prevent the many
ills so liable to arise from excess acid.
Don't suiter from stomach miseries
when you can get n big box of Eatonic
for a trlflo with your druggist's guar
Reitoraa Color anil r
Beauty to Gray and Faded Ilabl
sue. ana f i w av ituiiiie.
niwvit Ctiem. Wi, ittineiie,T4.T.
Catarrh Can Be Cured
Catarrh Is a local disease greatly influ
enced by constitutional conditions. It
therefore requires constitutional treat
is vukoii iniuriiuuy tmu uuto iiiiuusu lllilnmA s. aa al at
the Blood on tho Mucous burraces or rurajiun'onrw itemorea uorns. cat
the System. HALL'S CATARRH SSSHJH .ffiS'hrJ??! U
MEDICINE destroys the foundation or "uIcTO
tho. disease, gives the patient strength by
improving ino general noaitn ana assist
nature In doing Its work.
All Druggists, circulars rreo.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
Willing to Serve.
'Want to go on an Investigating
committee ?"
"If It Is headed In tho right direc
tion. 1 don't mind Investigating Ice
conditions In Havana harbor." Louis
ville Courler-Journul.
Red Cross Ball Blue Is tho finest
product of Its kind in the world. Ev
ery woman who has used It known
this statement to he true.
A small boy's Inea of greatness Is
to he able to lick another boy a size
Active and Healthy
With Cuticura Soap
Soap 25c, Oiotntat 25 sad 50c, Talcum 25c.
Exceptional opportunity at the present time
for young iromon over nineteen years ot sge
irbo have had at least two years In high sohool
to tsko Nurses Tralulng In general hospital.
Our graduates are la great demand. Address
Supt, of Nurses, Lincoln Sanitarium
Lincoln. Nebraska
A Dangerous Period Through Which Every Woman Must Pass
Practical Suggestions Given by the Women Whose
Letters Follow
Afton, Tcnn. "I want
other suffering- women to
know what Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vepetablo Compound
has done for mo. During tho
Change of Lif o I was in bed
for eight months and had
two good doctors treating
mo but they did me no good.
A friend advised mo to take
Lydia E Pinkham's Vege
table Compound, which laid,
and in a short time 1 felt
better. I had all kinds of bad
spells, but they all left ma.
Now when I feol weak and
nervous I take the Vegetable
Compound anditalwaysdoes
me good. I wish all women
would try it during tho
Change of Life for I know it
will do them good. If you
think itwill Induco some one
to try tho Vegetable Com
pound you may publish this
letter' Mrs. A. Kelleu,
Afton, Tenn.
Mrs. Mary Lister of
Adrian, Micli.,ndd8 her
testimony to tlio valuo
of Lydia E. IMnkliiun's
Vetrotnblo Coniliound
to carry women safoly through tho Change of Life. She says :
"It is with pleasure that I writo to you thanking you for what your
wonderful medicine has done for mo. I was passing tnrough tho Chango of
Life and had a displacement and weakness so that 1 could not stand on my
feet and other annoying symptoms. A friend told me about Lydia E. Pink
ham'B Vegetable Compound and tho first bottle helped mo. so I got more.
It cured mo and I am now doing my housework. Your medicine is certainly
woman'B friend nndyoumay uso tills tcsticonial as you choose." Mrs. Mauy
Lister, COS Frank Stroot, Adrian, Mich,
It is said that middle age is the most trying period in a woman's life, and
owing to modern mothods of living not ono woman in a thousand passes through
this perfectly natural chango without experiencing very annoying oymptoms.
ThosoBmothoringspelts, tho dreadful hot flashes that send tho blood rushing
to tho head until it seems as though it would burst, and tho faint feeling that
follows, as if tho heart were going to stop, those Binklngor dizzy spells are all
symptoms of a nervous condition, and indicate tho need lor a special medicine.
Lydia E. Pinkham'o Vegetable Compound is n root and herb medicine espe
cially adapted to act upon tho feminine system. It acta in such a manner
as to build up the weakened nervous system und enables a woman to pass
tills trying period with tho least possible annoying Bymptoms.
Women everywhere should remember that most of tho commoner ailments
of women are not tho surgical ones they are not caused by Berious displace
ments or growths, although the symptoms may be thusntno. and tliat is why
so many apparently serious ailments readily yield to Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, as it acta as a natural restorativo and often prevents
Berious troubles.
Lydia 13, Pinkham's Privato Text-Hook upon "Ailments Pecu
liar to "Women" will ho sent to you free upon request. "Writ
to Tho Lydia E, Plnkham Medicine Co., Lynn. Massachusetts,
This hook contains vnhiahlo Information.