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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1921)
THE NORTH PLATTE SEMl-WEEKLY TRIWTNE Net Contents' lBTIuidVPraoi null AtielablclVcparatIofllarA5 -:m;tni;n(MhpToadbYRcaUl. I ChccrfdlncssandRcstCoQUi neither Optam.Morpmncnw, Mineral. NoTHAncoi w. &nna . k (.nihriilRcmedvlbr ConsUpaWondDiaiT&ott crorJchncss ana. JhtSImUcS!natoc niniCEHIAmGOHP 338 MS Exact Copy of Wrapper. IIOKSKS COUGIUKO? TJSK Spohn's Distemper Compound to break It up and net them back In condition. Twenty-seven years', use has mnde "SPOHN'S" Indispensable In treating; CougliB und Colds, Influenza and Distemper with their resulting complications, and all diseases ot the throat, nose and lungs. Acts tnarvelously as preventive; acts equally well as cure. CO cent mid $1.15 per bottle. At all ilruc stores. SPOHN MEDICAL COMPANY, GOSIIEX, IND. What to Take for SICK HEADACHE CARTER'S A 11 PILLS HER REALLY BRIGHT THOUGHT Mary Ellen Had Shrewd Scheme for Making Sick Children Satisfied With Their Lot. Little Mary Ellen McKcc Is, ns she terms It, "just litilf past four," and lives around the corner from the Union hospital In Torre Haute, says the Indianapolis News. Recently she received a tricycle, which she rides morning, noon and night. At first her rides were confined to her own street, but the other day she wished to ride around the corner. "But the little sick children at the hospital will see you, and then they'll be unhappy because they can't ride, too," her mother told her. Mary Ellen was sflent a minute. Then she said earnestly: "Well, then, mother, I won't ride" past the hos pital. When I get in front of It I'll get off and push It like It was hard work, and then they won't be unhappy. They'll be glad they can lie In bed and not have to pusn things like tri cycles." Simple Deduction. "Saw Mr. and Mrs. Bangs going to church this morning." "Did she luive on n new hat?" "Why, I think not." "Then I must drop In and see poor old Bangs." "What's the Idea?" "Why, If they were going to church, and sho hadn't on a new hat, he's had another bad attack of heart trouble." There Is organization for every thing except to make Uncle Sam snve money. Patriotism Is something that helps pay the taxes without grumbling. It's Really Amazing the amount or nourisnmenc youll find in a small dish of Grape Nuts with, cream or good milk added Sweet with its own sugar, developed from the grains in the making, this sturdy blend of wheat and malted barley contains, in compact form and at bw cost, the nutritive and mineral elements needed to build health and strength. 12 CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of In Use For Over OA" Thirty Years CASTORIA TMC CCNTAUR COMPANY, HIW YORK CITY. Take a good dose of Carter's Little Liver Pills then take 2 or 3 for a few nights after. A few doses restore your organs to their proper functions and the Headache and the causes of it pass away. In the same manner They regulate the Bowels and present Constipation. aiur-" S$?&ZC SmJl Pill; SmsU D., Sm.Il Pmt BELIEVES IN SAVING PENNIES Rich New York Banker Certainly Can not Be Justly Accused of Un due Wastefulness. Russell Sago made n great record but there's another rich old man who Is hot on his trail. This man Is a New York Invest ment banker, who Is largely Interested In a southern railroad. Once a year he makes a trip of Inspection over the property In a private car. Usual ly he takes with him two big valises, into which his extra clothing Is packed. Arriving at the end of the road he sends his valet to n barber shop, which he has patronized once n year for years, to arrange for a hath. A.por ter carries the two valises there and back. For this he receives a tip of C cents. The banker pays 25 cents for his bath. After bathing he returns to the private car. lie sleeps In It In the railroad yard rather than pay the fancy price the hotels charge. The linanclal man's valet never cashes out his employer's shaving cup. The banker does not believe In wasting soap. Philadelphia Public- Ledger. Culinary Note. "What'ell vez have for lunch, mum? "What have we in the house, Mary?" "Well'm, there's some ham scrap from yestldday, a hunk o' that beef roast; two pieces o sausage an u stalk o' celery." "Good! I guess we'd better make some chicken croquettes."; Richmond Times-Dispatch. A late supper embraces the thing of which dreams are made. A man who Is to be trusted usually owes a lot of other men. . Che. American G$on (Copy ior This Department Supplied by the Amtriean Lemon News wervice.i MILLIONS FOR WAR MEMORIAL Indiana Legislature Appropriate!) Near ly $10,000,000 for Legion Struc ture at State Capital. A suitable national headquarters building of the American Legion In Indianapolis wnsr assured with the pas sage of three bill by the state legis lature, appropriating almost $10,000,- 000 for a war memorial structure, which will house the Leglon'tf main offices. Five oltv blocks In the heart of Iiullananolls will be used for the me morial project. The building will be erected In the middle block, with the remaining plots transformed Into a magnificent city plaza. At one ex terior of the memorial site is located the Federal Postolllce building, erect ed at a cost of $0,000,000. Facing the ... - . - .... i .,. (l ikAA . ouier enii or mo piuzu is mu wwr 000 city library. Tentative nlnns for the construction of the buildings arc now In the hunds of n state commission, of which Post master Oeneral Will II. Huys Is a member. Selection of the architect will be made by the National Institute of Architecture, following a contest In DR. T. VICTOR KEENE. which all architects of America have been Invited to participate. The legis lature set aside a fund of $100,000 to defray expenses of the contest and to award the artist whose designs and plans are adopted a prize of $50,000. Invitations have been issued to na tional headquarters of the Grand Ar my of the Republic, the Women's Re lief Corps, Service Star Legion, Amer ican War Mothers, Spanish War Vet erans and Women's Auxiliary of the Legion to occupy quarters In the Me morial building along with the Legion. To Dr. T. Victor Kcene, national executive committeeman of Indlanu, will go much of the credit for making the war memorial possible. Dr. Keonc fathered the movement from Its In fancy and fought for It when other Legionnaires, although supporting the fight, were fearful of success. Dr, Keene was the first officer of the reserve corps of any branch of service called to active duty during the World war. He was a colonel, medical corps, In command of base hospital 70 over seas. THE "MOTHER OF THE BONUS" Friendly Title Assigned to Kansas Woman Member of the Legislature and Called "Leglslady." Mrs. Ida M. Walker, first woman member of the Kansas legislature, Is honored by Amor- lean Legion mem bers of that stato with the title of "Mother of the Bonus," for ltwus Mrs. Walker who drew up and pushed through a state bonus, which grants ex-service men- one dollar for each day of military or naval service during tho World war. Although Mrs. Wit liter cannot quali fy for membership In the Legion or In Its Women's Auxiliary, she has been n tireless worker for the cause which .brought tho organizations Into exist ence, and for which they now stand. During the World war she was state director of women's work In tho Bel gian relief fund and also served as food administrator for her county. Tho "Mother of tho lionus" nlso assists her husband In tho publication of a weekly newspaper nnd Is n former president of the Kansas Federation of Women's Clubs. The advent of Mrs. Wnlkor to the legislature resulted In the coining of a new word. At loss to distinguish between male and female members, the recent session decided to refer to women lawmakers or "leglsladles." AID FOR THE LEGION BOYS Directory of General Information of Especial Interest to All Ex Service Men. To aid the veterun of the World war to adjust his affairs with the govern ment and to settle other interests of ex-servlco men, the American Legion has published the following directory of Information centers: COMPENSATION CLAIMS: Compensa- tlon and Claims Division, llureau ot War Risk Insurance. Washington, D. C. Out- standing claims which cannot bo adjusted locally nnd UioRc which have long been liolil up by compllcalluns In correspond ence with olllolnl bureaus may bo sub mitted for udJustment to the Compensa tion Kdltor, The American Legion Week ly, New York City. GOVKUNMKNT INSURANCES Insur ance Division, llurouu ot War lUak Insur ance, Washington, D. C. AUXJTMKNTB AND ALt.OWANCKS: Allotments und Allowance- Division, Hu rruu ot War Htsk Insurance, Washington, D. C. VOLUNTARY ALLOTMENT: Allotment Division, Army Mnanco OlUco, Washing ton, 1). C. SIXTY DOLLAR 110NUH: Bonus Sec tion, Army Finance Olllcc, Washington, D. C. LU1KIITY BONDS: Bond Branch, Army Finance Olllcc. Washington. D. C. ADDITIONAL TRAVUL PAY CLAIM: Additional Travel Pay Section, Army l'lnonce Odlce. Washington, D. C. VOCATIONAL TRAINING: Apply by letter or In person to District Voca tional Olllccr, Federal Board for Voca tional Education, ft ono of the fourteen regional otllccs; or write directly to Re habilitation Division, Federal Board for Vocational Education, Washington, D. c. HO'JIHTALIZATION OR MEDICAL TKKATMENT: Apply to either (1) DIs- trM Supervisor, U. 8. Public Health Service In one of fourteen regional dis tricts; (2) Field Examiner ut one of eight branch otllccs of Bureau ot war itisu Insurance; or (3) wrlto directly to Sur geon General of tho Public Hoalth Serv ice, Washington, D. C or Hospital Di vision. Bureau of War Risk Insurance, Washington. D. C. CIVIL SERVICE: Civil Sorvlco Com- mlBsion. Washington, D. C. VICTORY MEDALS; Apply to nearest Main Recruiting Olllce, or wrlto to Vic tory Medal Section, Adjutant General's Oltlcc, Washington, D. C. LOST DISCIIARQE PAPERS: Apply to tho Adjutant General of tho Army, tWnshtngton, D. C; Tho Bureau of Navi gation, Washington, u. c, or to mo Major General Commandant, U. S. Marine Corps, Washington, D. C. SIGNAL CORPS PHOTOS! l'llOlo- graphlo Section, U. S. Signal Corps, Washington, D. C. Catalogues luting titles of Army photos and giving prlccH of various sizes may bo consulted most public libraries. LAND: Apply by loiter or In person to either the Public Land Ollloo, Department of tho Interior. Washington, D. C, or to any one ot tho branch ofllces throughout tho country. LAWS AND PENDING LEGISLA TION: For Information as to both na tional and stato legislation, npply to Chairman, State Legislative Committee, American Legion, your Department Iieaa auartcrs. GRAVES (Service to Dead): Cemoterlnl Branch, Quartermaster General's Office, Washington, D. C. EMPLOYMENT: Apply to employ ment officer ot Legjon post, or to em ployment officer of Department Head quarters. If employment offices nro not maintained by your poBt or department, your Inquiry will Be referred to tho proper authorities. LEGION LAWMAKER ALL THERE Youngest Member of North Dakota Legislature Produces Results for His Fellow Buddies. To Robert J. Boyd, n member of Gilbert C. Grafton Post No. 2 of tho American Legion nt Fargo, N. D goes the honor of being the young est member of the house of repre sentatives of tho North Dakota leg islature, lie is twenty-flve yenrs old. A former presi dent of the Fargo Trade and Lnbr assembly and an active member of the Pressmen's union at Fargo, Mr. Boyd was active In support of sev eral bills advantageous to organized labor. He wns also a strong advocate of legislation backed by the North Da kota department of tho Legion. Among the results of his work are: the piissage of bills making Armistice day a legal holiday, protecting tho Legion emblem and Increasing tax for bonus fund from three-fourths to one mill on taxable property. He also led the fight which resulted In the pass age of a resolution urging congress to pass tho Fordncy live-fold compen sation bill, a measure hacked by the Legion. Victory for the Legion. Tho closing of the United States public health servjeu hospital for tu bercular ex-sorvlce men at Markle- tou, Pa., by order of Assistant Secre tary of the Treasury Hwlng Laporto. is regarded by American Legion olll dals oh a groat victory for the ex- servlco men's national policy In re gard to disabled veterans. This hos pital was first denounced ns an Im proper placd for the treatment of tu bercular ex-service men. l V. w. Gal- bralth, Jr., nutlonal commander of the American Legion, In n speech In Phil adelphia last November. His stand followed numerous Investigations mado by government authorities, and a public appeal from 0(1 tuberculur veterans being treated there. First In Membership Contest. In the ilrst published list of leading posts lu the Kansas membership con test of the American Legion. (Jul Mathcwson pout No. liSO of I-Mmoiid, Kun., takes first place. ,Noxt in order are the Legion posts ut Sterling, I21k hiirt, Weir and Logan. Seventy-eight Hosts In Kansas have ulready passed their 1020 membership, while ten posts have no delltKiuent members. WRIGL a The Flavor Lasts m w w m. T ...IIIIIU IM 1 III flj jnrr"i " "i mj" "' "nnj 1 J J Ml MAIL COUPON H Save Money-Prevent You are going to buy an automobile, g The. re-built and RE-NEW-ED Cadil- lacs which we offer right now at a m great saving, are worthy of your seri- jj ous consideration. m A RE-NEW-ED Cadillac looks, acts , Jj and lasts exactly like a new Cadillac, ' m at a much lower price. . , The reputation we enjoy has been es- m tablished because of our satisfied used jj car customers. jj A RE-NEW-ED Cadillac or a re-built car of other make bought from us is g worth more to you, and will give you j more satisfaction than a brand new, B cheaply-built car. J Before you bug, can save bu r J. H. HANSEN OMAHA, Send me a description of bargains. ' Name Address The True Answer. Interviewer "To what 'do you at tribute your longevity?" OJil Man "To the fact that 1 never died, prltv clpally. Got Skin Disease? A great part of tho mnddcnlnp nnd mortifying skin troubles that plnguo humanity are. duo solely to disorders of tho blood. Relief from theso can bo had only by removing from your blood stream tho impurities that cause, tho itching. For this you must take an internal blood remedy. Outside applications have no effect on the causo of tho torture. Their relief is shortlived. You must EY5 imiiiiwiitmgwmii Next time you want to concen trate on a Piece of work just slip stick of WRfGLEY'S E between your teeth. It's a wonderful help j in daily tasks and EH sports as well. Hazards disappear and hard places come easy, for WRIGLEVS gives you comfort and poise it adds the zest that means success. A great deal for 5c SEALED TIGHT KEPT RIGHT lW Bll Trouble I find out what you dealina with us m n CADILLAC CO. NEBRASKA your RE-NEW-ED used car ' Continuous Rclgn. A lecturer says that women w'H bo ruling this country twenty year from now. Of course; why should she Itbdl- I cate? Boston Transcript. Purify Your Blood get right after tho blood itself. S.S.S., tho fnmous old herb rem edy, has helped enrich tho blood of thousands, nnd relieved their itch ing skin torturoj during tho last fifty years. Get R.S.S. from your druggist today, and after starting with it write us a history of your case, addressing Chief Medical Advisor, 837 Swift Lab oratory, Atlanta, Geor- I