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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1921)
C4 n tribune THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTEj. NEB., APRIL 22, 1921. No. 0 GROUP TESTS TO BE GIVEN NOTED EDUCATOR SPENDING TWO DAYS IN TESTING SCHOOL CHILDREN Dean Chas. Fordyce, ot the School ot Educations "the University of Ne braska arrived in North Platto Wed nesday evening and Is spending yes terday and today as a guest ot tho Board of Education and Superintend ent Little. He is a specialist in tho subject of Educational and Intelli gence tests foi" grown people and chil dren and works through the different rooms of the school with the teachers. Dean Fordyce wlll'glVti one of his on tcrtaining nnd informational talks to parents this afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Franklin Auditorium. Tho central idea of Ills work is that brain power can bo measured quite accurately. By tho uso of ingeniously devised tests which are now used na tionally, ho secures from those being tested enough data so that ho can placo them as to their intellectual power. The Dean tells of tho results secured last fall at tho Teachers' Collego in Lincoln. All of tho University stud ents enrolled in that department were given the intelligence tests. . These tests wore examined and graded on the 100 scale. These grades wero then compared with their examination grades. In every caso the students who stood low in thontollgenco tests wore low in tho examination grades. Part of those who stood high in tho intelligence teBts wero high in the ex aminations and part wore low. These latter wero sluffera and when pressuro v.-as brought td boar on them they eamo up in their examinations. eat NOW! YOUR RUGS" :.: ft ft i.t i.t 8 I AND CARPETS 1 it sliould be washed and dried by ft machlnory right on your own ft , i.t H it uuuui a. We are exports in using the Hamilton-Beach, Carpet Wash ing Machine. , ,, "We Guarantee to restore tho original color, raise nap, re- move all spots and dlrt:wlthout f Ronkincr or lnlurlnc nan or ft sizing, or shrinking. We get " allrgrease, stains, streaks, tar,-'etc. that a dry vacuum doesn't touch. ft Wn tin r.lieaner. nulckor. better. more thorough and uniform work than any other method. THE ELECTRIC RUG & jf .: :.: It CARPET CLEANING CO 914 East 3rd St ri, imftW nnd ntiiw j-f j i8WrfS,J.WWWWMlVMWMr..'ll-W,VM. FOR SALE ONE DAY ONLY SATURDAY, APRIL 23rd, 192! CXII'VKIIT Not More Than 4 HIRSCHFELD North Platte's Foremost Clothiers For Men and Boys. WE TEACH TO HAVE Theso tests are now bolng applied to young men nnd women who apply for entranco to Columbia University and other standard schools. Big concerns nro calling on tho intelligence exam iners to give tho tests to applicants for training and they employ only those who stand high. Then there is another test called tho measurement test By this tho tpupll of tho school is oxamincd to determine just how much ot a certain school subjoct ho has acquired. Tiic teachor gives an examination in Arithmetic to learn how much of tho work covered by that particular class, has been mastered. Tho measurement oxport tests pupils of the class on their knowledge ot tho subject ot arithmetic. In this way ho can show whether tho subject Is boing well taught, whether tho courso is broad enough or too broad and whether tho pupils are getting onough drill and "practice to fix in mind tho work cov ered in their class. The rosults ot tho tests given hero during yesterday and. today will bo announced later. LOCAL HOY WINS RKCOGXI.A TION IN THE UNIVERSITY ATHLETICS. Joo Plzer is the regular second baso man of tho varsity base ball team at the University of Nebraska. Ho played in the first game of tho season last week when tho Nebraska hien defeated Cotner 11-0. Joo was prpmlnent In all forms of athletics whllo In the North Platte High School and since graduation he has played with local and other, amateur teams and has made good. Now ho is making a name for himself In Uni versity athletics. North Platto peoplo will enjoy watching tho state papers for the reports of tho University gaes. Hero's hoping they glvo Joo a fair chance to make good and we are confident of tho result. IMPORTANT NOTICE Our representative will call on you within a short time and explain .our .special advertising voff or. , ThtSrfOffor will entitle holder to a free "photo graph and to have a limited amount of hand paintod work done at a big reduction. Only a limited amount will bo placed in each district and only pormanent rosldents. Socuro coupons from . representa tive as they can not be gotten at tho Studio. DEDMORE KAMERA SHOP. . ::o:: The Campflre Girls will make a house to house canvass tho first of next week sollctlng articles for tho White Elephant Sale. This is a worthy cause and citizens should go over their belongings and glvo tho girls ono or more articles of value but which are useless to the owner. Sherm Roblson, a former resident of this part of the state but living In California for somo years was renew ing old acquaintances in North Pmtto yesterday. He Is a Callfornlan who is Htrongly in favor of allowing tho Jap anese to own farm land. He says thoy make good farmers and raise good crops and that is more than most of tho white farmers In California do. Men's Fine Ribbed Spring and Summer Weight UNION SUITS Short sleeves Ankle length Closed Crqtch I SIZES 34 TO 46 79 c Suit $150 Value 2 Suits for $1.50 Suits to a Customer. Co. XOUB DOLLABS MOBE CENTS AIR TERMINAL TO REMAIN HERE irnr.nwir..vA ut tujir-wi PLAINS CONDITIONS AND ASKS SUPPORT Following is a communication from J. E. Sebastian, President of the North Platto Air Terminal Co., which will enlighten thoso of our readers who do not understand conditions nnd who liavo heard somo of tho rumors that have beon'currentr To tho Editor -of tho North Platto Tribune, North Platto, Nebraska. Dear Mr. Editor: N In ordor to enlighten some of our citizens nnd set f6rth tho purpose of tho North Platto Air Terminal Com pany, with your consent I submit tho following: About ono year ago this month Mr. A. R-. Dumphoy, Division Supt. of the Air Mail Servico, called on our local Chamber of Commerce and pointed out to them tho many advantages why North Platto would rocoivo a bonoflt by having an air field and a Govern ment Air Mall Station at tills point. Tho Chamber of Commorco agreed that it was necessary and that it would mean a big thing to our city and com munity. Therefore, thoy nssurcd Mr, Dumphoy and tho Government ot an Air Field and an aeroplane hangar. All of tho llvo wire members of tho Chamber ot Commerce Immediately got behind tho movement and tho re port to tho Government was mndo by Mr. Dumphey to tho effect that the North" Platto Chnmbor ot Commorco had guaranteed a field and hangar if tho Government would accept tho field and mako this ono of the ten trans continental stops, which they did. Tho various mombors of tho Cham ber of Commorco. particularly Its of- .floors,, thought It, best. and advisable to'effectacb'rporiUlon'forh'eurposo of leasing tho air flold which wo now havo. This corporation was organ ized and about sixty-two of our citi zens donated their money for stock to promoto tho industry which is purely a city and community proposi tion. And I might add that It was absolutely necossary to Incorporate In order to obtain tho lease to the field with the Pownoe Ranch peoplo because they would not mako any leaso with tho Chamber of Commerco and as a matter of fact tho stockhold ers of tho North Platte Air Terminal Company and tho mombors of tho Chamber of Commerce aro all the same as tho men are Interested In both organizations carrying tho same loads. After the corporation was effected the name of tho company was settled upon and was hereafter to bo known I as tho North Platto Air Terminal Co. Somo of our good citizens get this Company confused with Iho North Platto Aircraft Company, which is a distinct and separate corporation. Tho North Platto Air Terminal Co. Is not a monoy making concorn. Not far from It. It is simply composed of about sixty-two big, hearty, Influential business men that havo always been upon tholr toes to do things for North Platto. Tho ground was leased for a period of flvo years and tho hangar erected. Tho Chamber of Commerco last year had a membership of over throe hun dred and all tho stock holders in the North Platte Air Terminal Company aro members of tho Chamber of Com morco and is it right, just nnd fair that tho peoplo who took stock In tho Terminal Company should stand tho "blunt" and contributo moro monoy to further an activity and industry that is for tho general good and ben efit ot tho community. Most all cities ot any importance have an air flold. North Platto needs ono and must havo one. Aro you, as a citizen going to do your bit in help lng to back a project that is a big as set to tho community and tho city In which you live? Tho roport read by tho Secretary of tho Terminal Company shows an Indebtedness ot about $3,000. This amount would clean up everything in full including tho cxpenso of com plotlon of tho present hangar which la bolng used daily, and. tho rent on tho field up to Soptomber 1st, 1922. Thoro has been a committee np pointed to call upon tho various men nnd ask them to do their bit towards keeping tho Air Field. Tho deficit is not a big ono and It every mombor of tho Chamber of Com morce would subscrlbo for n little stock, tho bulanco ot it could bo pro rajted among tho present stock holders and the thing could bo worked nut In stick a way that the amount glvon will not be noticed by any ono person. It is tho duty ot ovory mombor of tho Chamber ot Commorco, also ovory cit izen who la intorostod In North Platto" and its futuro to treat tho commltteo cordially and to glvo them all tho as sistance possible. iThcro has been over $12,000.00 nl- roady spent and tho deficit Is so small that It seems It would bo a shntno and a crlmo to let tho entorprlso get away from us now. The Government now has six full time men employed at tho hangar aud threo at tho radio, with big things laid out for tho wireless activities in North Platte .this year. '"Wo have been assured that tho Transcontinental Route from San Francisco to Now York Is a pormanont and positive thing nnd this routo will be maintained by tho Qbvcrnmcnt in definitely. "Wo nro getting two air Umlls per day and with an appropria tion of ono million nnd a half dollars for this routo. Thoy aro ndw" building new ships for it nnd tho operations nro only 25 por cent efficient of what thoy expect to bo doing this time noxt year. . But someone says "Why don't the Chamber of Commerce como across?' In short I might say thoy havo not got tho monoy to spare, and, as a Chamber of Commorco, they take tho position that thoy aro not behind It as an organization. Their point is well taken. While on tho other hand, tho officers and big subscribing mombors of tho Chamber of Commerce aro be hind It as individuals and havo prom ised to do ,'all thoy can to help raise the deficit , regardless of tho prom Ises made on tho part of tho Chnmbor of Commorco last year. I havo endeavored to glvo you tho facts of tho matter and If any citizen desires nny further information I will bo glad to glvo tho mattor Immodlato attention. Mr. Harry Dixon, W. R. Maloney, S M. Soudor, "W. J. Hondy and L. C. .Carroll havo been appointed as tho 'committee to nnslat tho Writer and purposte$ary Win- waltomath; Inclenrlrig up rtho doflcit. Let us havo your co-oporatloh for tho continued success of this enter prlso, which is a big asset to our city and which is bound to be a big thing for our community. Yours truly, J. E. SEBASTIAN, President. SHRINK CLUB HELD "WELL AT- TENDED 3IEETING LAST NIGHT Tho North Platto Shrino Club hold Its flrBt meeting in Masonic hall last night. Officers Elated this morning that thoro wero about ono hundred from out of town and about tho same number from North Platte In attend ance. Tho evening was spont very ploasantly by all present. mo: Mrs. J. R. Reoves wont to Elmcrook ths morning to visit friends. J. J. Halligan lfet for Sidney this morning to trnnsact business. Miss Besslo Johnson will loavo Sunday for Tryon to visit friends. Mr.. A. P. Cody loft for her homo in Laramie this morning after visit ing at the Claudo Cody homo. J. Q. Wilcox loft this morning for the eastern part of tho stat to trans act business. Waltor Brown, who has been attend ing the local high school, left for his homo in SIdnoy this morning. Mrs. E. Dranoy and Leo Carroll left this morning for Gothenburg to visit friends. ' A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Becklus yesterday morn ing. All concerned arc doing nicely. ROSE FEVER 8 it ANOTHER NAME FOR FEVER HAY if i.t it it I can offor to tho sufferer ot hay fovor a special osteopathic treatment that has nroven suc It it it cessful. I havo been studying H for tho past two years In order n to becorao moro familiar with V tho causes and treatment ot hay j: fovor. I havo had instructions i.t from some of tho most success ful Osteopathic Specialists in j't tho country on tho treatment of it this dlsoase. Last summer I pont sovorai wooks in tno uni- j.t i.n rrr fs) nrm nt naiarmnHiv HMiIri it immor I will do sovorai wcoks t hay fover research work in u Osteopathic College. Ninoty- i -n'en por com of nay rover cas- i i rnanhnrl fnvnrnlil V tn HiIr it i- rmnnnnt rnsultn. Names of 1' if o os who havo had this treat- U i 'mt glvon for Invo dlgatlon on :': p- vsonal roquost. DR. "W. I. SHAFFER, g North Platto, Nebraska, LODGE, CHURCH AND SOCIETY IOMING MEETINGS JN THE VARIOUS ORGANIZATIONS OF THE CITY. PALESTINE Commandory will meet . tonight nt 7:30 at Masouic Hall. THIS AFTERNOON. Address by Dean Chas. Fordyce at tho Franklin Auditorium. BAPTIST 11:00 "Our Immedlnto Need." 7:30 "Losses that Benefit" CHRISTIAN 11:00 Morning Service. 7:30 Evening Sorvlco. EPISCOPAL 11:00 Morning Prnyor nud Sermon. 7:30 Evening Prayer and Sermon. PRESBYTERIAN 11:00 Sorvlco3. 7:0 Services. ENTERED APPRENTICE. Degree to bo conferred Saturday, April 23rd nt 7:30 P. M. MISSION Tho Swedish Mission will hold Its mooting In Bothol Mission Hnll this evening nt 7:30. LUTHERAN il:00 Sermon. 8:00 "Ml. Mebo and Iho Death of Moses." MISSIONARY Tho Presbyterian. Missionary So ciety will moot at thohomo of Mrs. Fred Perrett, 702 "W. Third streoton; cicicd in county Court Wednesday OPENING '..Tho1 Cnt?y,Club';vlll, hold ltsr,ln: forhtal opUnirig ptfrty ht the Club this ovoning. Tho evening will bo spont, In dancing and cards. MACCABEES Tho Lady Maccabees will hold tho regular mooting Saturday af tornoon. Supromo offlcor from Port Huron, Mich., will bo hore, A ton cent lunch will be served. CLUB DEPARTMENT Tho Litoraturo, Music and Art De partment of tho Twentieth Contury Club will moot nt tho homo ot Mrs. M. E. Scott, Tuesday, April 2G at 3 p. in. An oxcollent program has been ar ranged nnd a largo attondnnco is de sired. ::o::- John Talbot of this city had tht mis fortune to break his arm lost Sunday whllo at ho E. D. Gould Hourso Ranch noar Kearney. Ho Is at prosnt at tho Union Pnclflo Hotol nt Koarnov. Miss Anna Kraph wont to Konr- noy on business this morning, lut (hot. ioi&bAxi U!am tij Gal. j - ft ' ft NOVEL FORM OF ENTERTAIN MENT. TO UK PUT ON 11 Y IIKMI SCHOOLS. One or tho most uniqUo entertain ments of tho season Is to bo put on by the local high Behoofs tomorrow night at tho Franklin Auditorium. It Is called a mask carnival. Tho gon cral admission ot ten cents admits to n number of free attractions such as Professor Jazzbum'A Famous Hand, Hawaii's Oreatcst Hula Hula dancer, Little Anita, tho charm of tho evening, etc. Then there are to bo n number ot attractions to which Bniall entranco fees will bo charged. Gayoty Htioot will bo tho scene of many ot theso, Wnmba-Vnmba, snake charmer from tho wilds of Afrlcn, Is one; another Is tho Famous Hissing Bcauly, whllo another Is en led A Trip Through Hades. Then tjjuro will bo candy wheels, doll racks, balloons, horns, confetti and hot dogs. Ono of the star attractions is a minstrel show which is said to bo so good that On'o''cannot afford to miss it. All of which b at tho Frank lin Auditorium Saturday evening. ARBOR DAY, IS "BEING GENERAL ITY CELEBRATED , JX THE CITY TODAY. Today Is Arbor Day. It is on tho anniversary of tho birth of J. Sterl ing Morton ot this state, who was tho flrBt Secretary of Agriculture In tho preBldcnt'B cablnot and tho foun der of Arbor Day. April 22 la a legal holiday In Nebraska and tho banks and similar Institutions are closed but tho Post" Office and Fedoral departments will bp open as usual. Tho schools will not closo all day but will bo dismissed about threo o'clock so tho teachers can -attend tho locturo ot Dean Fordyco. Sutablo exercises are to bo hold In tho dif ferent rooms or tho grade schools. Owlr.g to tho advance of tho.Bprlng, i it is about right for transplanting trees and shrubs and sotting out por qnjilalB of all kinds. Ono of tho picture uoubcs reports a fair .crowd, last Synda afternoon .with n:capacl(y Jjpuso n'"th6 evening. Tho oth6r houses nro reported to t.avo had only fair attendance. special! First National Attraction AT THE SUN Sunday and Monday "The Jack Knife Man" King Vidor Special ALSO THE JOCKEY STABBING CLYDE COOK This is Cook's best comedy up to date Matinee Sunday 2:15, 4:00. Go.