The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 18, 1921, Image 7

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Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you aro
not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for
21 years, and proved safe by millions. Say "Bayer"
SAFETY FIRST! Accept only an "unbroken paclcage" of
genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains proper direc
tions for Headache, Earache, Toothache, Neuralgia, Colds, Rheu
matlsm, Neuritis, Lumbago, and pain generally. Strictly American I
Handy tin boxes of 12 tablet! cost but a few cents Larger packages.
Aspirin la tho trad mark ot Dyr Unuiattix ( UonoaottlcacldMtu-( BaJlcvlleaela
Rather Mixed.
"Wlint Is his wnlk In lifer
"He Is demonstrator for n new auto
Bnck hurt you7 Cnn't straighten up
without feeling sudden pnlns, xlinrp
aches nnd twinges? Now, listen I Thnt'a
lunihugo, sciatica, or maybe from u
strain, and you'll get blessed relief the
moment you rub your back with sooth
ing, penetrating "St. Jacobs OUT
Nothing else takes out soreness, lame
ness nnd stiffness so quickly. You
eltnply rub It on and out conies the
pulu. It is perfectly harmless and
doesn't burn or discolor the skin.
Umber up I Don't suffer I Get a
small trial bottle from any drug store,
nnd after using It Just once you'll for
get that you ever had backnclie, lum
bago or sciatica, because your back
will never hurt or cause any more mis
ery. It never disappoints anil has been
recommended for 60 years. Stop drug
ging kidneys I They don't cause back
ache, because they have no nerves,
therefore cuu not cause pain. Adv.
Plant at Victoria Falls.
The project to erect a power plant
at Victoria Falls, on the Zambesi
river, In South Africa, hns been re
vived and It is exceedingly likely that
a 250,000 horsepower plant will soon
bo under way rtt thnt place. It has
been under discussion for many yenrs,
but the one thing which stood In the
way was the proximity of cheap coal,
but this fuel Ih now nt such u price
that there Is a demand for hydro
electric power. Current will probably
be conveyed to the Hand mines, 000
miles away.
Vaccine tn Whooping Cough.
Reports on the use of vaccine In 408
rases of whooping cough have been
collected by nn Italian physician,
showing excellent results in a large
proportion, but In 100 other cuses
there was no apparent benefit. Im
provement, with a marked lessening
or disappearance of the spnsms, was
the rule when the Injections were
mnde In the first ten days of the dis
ease. In advanced stages, a few cases
showed great benefit, but improve
ment was mostly only transient.
He'd Found Some Use for it.
Indignant Wife (to husband frpm
whom she rescues her lapdog) Dar
ling doggie Is too well bred for you
to moisten postage stamps on his
nose. London Opinion.
It Is better to be enthusiastic In n
mistaken cause than apathetic In
What Better Drink
for Table Use than
Postum Cereal
When well boiled- twenty
minutes or more it hs
a rich, color and a panic
ularly delightful flavor.
In these respects, Postum
Cereal is the eojaal of
fine coffee; and much
better for health.
Vlieres & Reason
Made by
Poseum Cereal CoTnpa-ny,ll)C.
Eattle Creek., MicK.
Indispensable Things.
The wonderful new Inventions nnd
conveniences are. hue, hut the world
cannot get nlong wUhout ouch India
pensnble old-fashioned things us kind
ness, courtesy and hands held out to
"Cold In the Head"
Is an acUte attack of Knsal Catnrrh
inoso sudjoci to rrequent "comb in tiie
head" will llnd that tho use of HALL'S
CATARRH MEDICINE will build up the
System, cleanne the Blood and render
inem less llablo to colds. Repeated at
tacics or Acute Catarrh may lead to
unronic catarrh.
mnen internally and acta through the
Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys
tem, thus reduclntr the Inflammation and
restoring normal conditions.
All Druggists. Circulars free.
J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
Boy of Eighteen Gets Action.
Mldshlpmnn J. L. Storey, a boy of
perhaps eighteen, the sole surviving
officer of the Queen Mary, reported
to his C. U. on the loss of his ship I
That midshipman, by the way, bore
a charmed life. At Jutland he was
picked up unconscious after sinking
twice. lie was with Crndock nt the
battle of Corotiel, escaping In the
Glasgow after the llngslilp and the
Monmouth had been sunk with not a
man saved; with Sturdee in the bat
tie of the Falklauds, and In many
engagements In the Dardanelles. And,
after all. ho was the sole surviving
olllcer of one of our largest ships.
London Saturday Review.
"Minstrel" In Audience.
At an amateur minstrel show one of
the minstrels asked what was the dlf
ference between a man In love nnd a
woman In love.
"I don't know," said the luterlocu
tor. "what Is It?"
"Well," replied Knstus, "a woman
In love nets like a darn fool and
man Isn't actliiK."
, There was a pause and then n voice
In the audience said in a tone loud
enough to be beard by all around:
"You must be in love, then.'
Marvel of the Age.
"Uafferty," said Mr. Dolan
you ever to a circus?"
"Many a time."
"And what was the most wonnerful
thine there."
"I was. The way I kep' shovin
money into the window to see the
same old tricks has ken' me tnnrvelln'
at myself mure than I ever did at the
Just as Bad.
Art Critic "Huve you ever been
done In oil?" Vnnderlop "No; but I
have In steel common."
The employer who Is late for work Is
liable to be late when opportunity
comes ulnng.
Timely Nowa Culled From All
Parts of tho State, Reduced
for tho Busy.
Omnhn will hold Its annual auto
show March 11 to 10.
l'lnns aro under way for a national
guard company at Kltnwnod.
Spring plowing Is In progress around
Sidney the earliest In Its history.
The Liberty Christian church Is be
ing remodeled Into a modern structure.
II. It. Hall of Hong has taken charge
of the elevator at the Liberty Grain
Co. at Liberty,
The State Tress association has
been Invited to hold Its summer ses
sion In Uinahn,
D. M. Amsberry, secretary of state,
suffered u stroke of paralysis and Is
in a serious condition.
l'llger shippers chartered a special
train of twenty-seven cais to tnuko a
quick shipment of cuttle.
The Itev. I. K. Carney of Hurvnrd
will assume the pastorate of the
Christian church nt York.
MemlK'rshlp In the Wymore Com
munity club has Increased from GS to
120 In the past two months.
. K. Hryner, a fanner near Calla
way, hail two ribs broken when he fell
from a thirty-foot windmill.
The Federated Woman's clubs nt
lblon are contemplating reorganizing
on a new and more helpful basts.
Dr. C. A. Anderson of Stromsburg
Is dead nfter an Illness of ten weeks
with cerebral spinal meningitis.
City politics Is boiling at West
Point, and conventions have been
called for nominating candidates,
Tho Union Pacific wreck at (JUnioro
last week was the first that lias occur
red on that system In eight years.
A. . Pease, for 42 years in business
In lleatrice, has sold out and will de
vote some time to travel and rest.
Tho Ti-yenr-old son of Henry Ander
son, near Akron, died of ptomaine
poisoning nfter n few hours' Illness.
The shortage caused by the closing
of the Castellar bank at lilnlr last
week may reach a half million dollars.
A scout troop hns been organized by
boys attending the Uaptlst church at
York. The pastor will be scoutmaster.
An epidemic of measles thnt has
prevailed among children at Lodge
Pole has subsided, with no serious 1
Fairmont will hold a special election
April 5, to submit bonds In the sum
of ?ir,00(), to enlarge the electric light
A woman, Mrs. Mnry Oberly, has
entered the race for city commissioner
for the llrs.t time In the history of
At a special election at lllair $20,-
000 bonds for the erection of a uiunicl-
pal Ice plant were voted by a majorl-
'v of SI.
According to the chief of police nt
Lincoln, there Is more high clnss crime
going on now than ever before known
In that place.
William Stelnmeycr, Clntonla farm
er, hns lost three head of fine cnttle
during the past few weeks from the
bite of a mad dog.
For the first time In hist twenty
years, York has not harvested an Ice
crop. No place In the county has a
pund of Ice stored.
The home of W. It. Dellart at Pur-
wen ourneii to inc ground in a tire. ,
the origin of which Is not known. Put
row possessions wore saved.
C. H. Monger of Callaway was re-
elected secretary of the Nebraska
lioreioni breeders' association at the
annual meeting at Hastings.
F.inil Itothschlld, wealthy Omaha
grain man, was found dead on the
kitchen lloor of his home. Death had
been caused by asphyxiation.
Mr. and Mrs. 13. A. Mitchell of Alma
Inst week celebrated their sixtieth
wedding anniversary with a dinner
at I lie C. A. It. hall hi that plncc.
Trumbull's sixth lire within a few
years wiped out the town's last store
when L. Paumnn's general merchan
dise place was complete destroyed.
Peter Truelson, -17. an Inmnte of
the. Feeble Minded Institute at Peat- eight children, seven of them living,
rice, met a horrible death when he forty-one grand children, one hundred
Jumped Into n tank of boiling water. 1 and forty-three great-grandchildren
J. (. Forney and' son sold forty-, and seventeen grent-great grand
three head of lJuroe sows and gilts at rhlldron. On her birthday recently
Heaver City for an average price of ' the many descendants sent her a
if'-ill per head, the highest of any sale shower of postcards and sho received
A'ver held In western Nebrasku. The tokens from every state In the union
first thirty head sold for an average , from some of her two hundred and
of $287. eight descendants.
In order to relieve the housing Fire f undetermined origin Tues
sltuatlon at Pig Springs, capitalists dny destroyed the farm home of John
have a number of new dwellings under Osborne near Seward. The loss will
construction. exceed $7,000.
Omaha packers and manufacturers The young son of Frank Wegiv.yn of
or perishable food products face an I Pnrwell Is dead f black' diphtheria,
unheard of famine in natural ice. 1 the first fatality from tho disease
Packers say tho shortage will be close among a number of eases under quar
to 200.000 tons. 'untitle at that place.
Fire of unknown origin destroyed Tiie First Christian church at Me
ihe automobile belonging lo J. O. Hnm- Cook Is remodeling and Improving Its
llton of Waboo while the family was building which will Includo additions
visiting near Ashland. The mnchlne to both east nnd west sides of tho
was parked near a hay stack, which present Minicture. Tho seating capa
aifght fire In an undetermined ninn- city will be Increased to '100. and u
Over $200 wns realized by the Pig
Springs high school rit a carnival, the
first entertainment of the kind to be
undertaken by Its pupils.
Seeral persons wen painfully ln-
Jured when Ihe. bleachers, erected at tho Auburn city clerk, asking that tho
Ashland for the Pricker and Sherman Sundav amusement ordinance now in
hog sale, collapsed Just before the se'l- effect bo repealed or submitted to the
lug was to have begun. ' , voters tit the spring election.
The Plckrell Livestock association 1 under authority granted by the
did a business uiuoiintlng (o $8.'1,747,W) ' tto railway commission, the fair
during the year Just closed. Forty-nine board of managers has abolished the
cars of livestock were shipped, con- 0XtrH li-cent fare charged over the Lin
slstlng of 2,:8ri head of hogs. 117 bond (;on Htrcot car lines for all programs
of (.tittle und thirty-seven heart ofjnt tno fnr grounds given under tho
s,10,l'' auspices of tho stuto university.
Mrs. Henry IMtrrott of
produced, canned and sold
garden vegetables from
ti plot 20x1 (X) feet.
Olon Shannon has secured an In
terest In the Kllte theatre nt Pawnee
and wilt run it full time Instead of oc
casionally, as heretofore.
Women of the Wymore churches
have started a campaign for Mrs.
Maurice Jones for innyor. She has
consented to make th race.
Students of the state agricultural
school at Lincoln, to the number of
1")0 recently mnde a tour of the Oinalm
packing houses, stock yards and fac
tories. loe Steelier of Dodge, former
world's champion heavyweight wres
tler, defeated John Olln of Finland, In
n fast and warmly contested match at
Omaha Monthly night. j
The 'J-yenr oltJ son of Mr. Houston,
residing near Hontrlce. was badly
scalded "when lu fell Into a pall of hot
water tlnit his mother was usliii: hi
doing the family washing.
Hoy South of Plattsmoiith has de
parted for Chile, South America, with
the Intention of embarking hi the min
ing Industry. He visited thnt country
when In the service ns a snllor.
Mayor C. 1C, Plass or Madison has
requested tobacco dealers to discon
tinue the prominent display of clg
urels following a lire In tho High
school, said to tmve been started by u
clgnret. s
More than 100 members of tho
Knights of Pythias froih Lincoln, Wn
boo. Schuyler, Alvo and IClniwood at
tended an Initiation meeting nt Ash
land when ten were taken Into tho
local lodge.
Itev. .lames A.-Tancock, for 10 years
dean of Trinity cathedral at Omaha,
has resigned duo to the Illness of Mrs.
Tnncock, who is now nt a local hos
pital suffering from n severe nervous
Miss Velum Loli Sutton, prima don
na of the Philadelphia Oraiitl Opera
company, u Nebraska product, will
sing at the Southwestern Teachers' as
sociation meeting at Holdrege Match
21 and 23.
Oeorgo W. Koster, chief of the state
bureau of llsh and game, has received
a number of reports from various
parts of the slate of violations of stale
nn,l federal game laws In the shoot
ing of wild ducks.
Itev. Martha Nlchol of Taylor Is a
Nebraska woman minister. She has
been pastor of the Congregntlonnl
church there for several months.. Rev.
Miss Ware of Edison Is another Ne
braska woman minister.
Pundits nt Mitchell entered tho
Purllngton stntlon, held L. Weekley,
nlglit telegruph operator, helpless at
the point of their guns while they tried
In vain to open the safe, nnd beat him
up badly when they left.
Henry Stelnnian, a pioneer of Thay
er county residing near Dcshler, was
caught by the belt of a corn shelter
and suffered a fractured skull, a
broken arm and other Injuries, which
resulted fatally a few hours after-
The smallpox situation In Custer
county Is clearlfur ui. The number of
cases, especially in the rural districts,
huvo been rather numerous, but un
der the rigid quarantine measures now
In effect, the yellow cards are disap
pearing. The Woodman land near Steele City
Is the scene of oil well activity. Fif
teen wagon loads of lumber wore haul
ed there for the construction of tho
derrick which will be eighty feet high
and require 15,000 feet of lumber to
A roundup of whnt is probably tho
only herd of wild antelope now nt
; large In tiie Unit
Ited States may bo held
i Holt county this spring by the statu
j nd federal game departments, and
i the antelope removed to the federal
Kllnie preserve at Valentine,
j Joseph Teeter, past grand command-
I er of the Nebraska O. A. It., Is dead
j (ir ),h home in McCook. Ho Is tho
i fourth Nebraska . A. It. head to dlo
within the last six months, the other
three being ,T. S. Ilongland of North
Platte, Lee Hstolle of Omaha nnd John
K. Evans of North Platte. When Mr.
Teeter was elected head of the Ne
braska CI. A. II. in 1801 It had 8.137
members. Now then are 2,000.
Mrs. Nancy (hirloch of Pladen, nine
ty years old, holds several records bo-
I Ktles her aire. She Is the mother of
modem baptistry will bo added.
. The slate camp of the Itoyal Neigh
bors of America will he held at Lin
coln, March 10.
A petition signed by the reipilred
number of voters hns been hied with
Cys Cream Applied In Nostrils Opens
Air Passages flight Up.
Inptnnt relief no waiting. Xowi
clogged nostrils open right up; the nlr
passages of your head clear nnd you
can breathe freely. No more hawking,
snufflltiK. blowing, headache, dryness.
No struggling for breath nt night; '
your cold or catarrh disappears.
Get a small bottle of Kly's Cream I
Palm from your druggist uow. Apply ,
n little of this fragrant, antiseptic. !
healing cream In your nostrils. It pen
etrates through every ulr passage of
the head, soothes the Inflamed or
swollen mucous membrane and rellof
comes Instantly.
It's JUst tine. Don't stay stuffed-up
with a cold or nasty catarrh. Adv..
Griggs So you'vu struck It rich and
ore able to keep several servants?
Urlggs Alas, no only to hire
"And becniise he wished to hold his
Job, tho hired man "slowed up." In
dianapolis News.
Regard rlchteousness as gain.
Children's Laughter
Mrs. Jnnsscn's experience of Interest to childless wives.
Millaton, Wis. " I want to give you a word of praitio for your wonderful
medicine. Wo fond of children, and for a considerable time after we
were married 1 feared I would not have any. I began taking Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound, nnd It strengthened mo so I now hnvo n nice,
strong, healthy baby girl. I suffered very little at childbirth, and I give all
the credit to your medicine, and shall always recommend it highly.'' Mrs.
II. H. Janssen, Millston, Wis.
Mrs. Held of Marinette, Win., adds her testimonial for Lydla E.
Pinkhnm's Vegetable Compound. Sho sayst
Marinette, Wis. "I was in a nervous condition and very Irregular. My
doctor advised an operation. My huahund brought mo ono of your booklets
and aBked mo to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It overcame
my weakness so thnt I now have a healthy baby girl after having been mar
ried nine years. 1 am glad to recommend your mcdicino, and you may use my
letter as a testimonial." Mrs. II. B. Held, 330 Jefferson St, Marinette, Wis.
There aro many, many such homes that were once childless, and aro now
blessed with healthy, happy phlldren Dccauso Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound has restored tho mother to a strong and healthy condition, as it
acts as a natural rcstorntivo for nilmcnts as indicated by backache, irregu
larities, displacement weakness and nervousness.
Women overywhero should remember that most of tho commoner ailments
of women aro not the surgical ones they are not caused by serious displace
ments or growths, although the symptoms may bo tho same, and that is why
so many apparently serious ailments readily yield to Lydia E. Pinkhnm's
Vegetable Compound, as it nets as a natural restorative. It can be taken
with perfect safety and often prevents sorioua troubles.
Therefore If you know of any woman who Is Buffering and has been unnblo
to secure relief and is regretfully looking forward to a childless old age, ask
her to try Lydia E. Pinknam's Vegetable Compound, as it has brought health
and happiness into so many homes onco darkened by illness and despair.
Lydin E. Pinlr.Iinm'8 Private Text-Boole upon "Ailments
Peculiar to Women" wlllbo8onttoyoufreouponroquo8t.Wrlto
to Tho Lydia E. Plnkliam Medicine Co., Lynn, Massachusetts
This l)oolc contains valuable Information. .a
What to Do :
0u wraai c&mada.
' Is as profitnblo aa grain Krowinir. Successes as wonderful
& thoeo from Biwltuj whMt. oats, barley, and flax hare been made is
railing Horaea, Cattlo, Bheap and Hoc. Brhtlit, aunny climate. nutrbV
talis sraura. Rood water, enoimoua fodder crops the V) apell success to tha
farmer end stock ralaer And remember, you can buy on oasy ttrnt
Farm Land at
land equal to that which through
III? of whoat to thai cr crazing land
gram larma at proportionately low prices. Theas lands havo
FV.rV nir.l nnrul ..hmI. .I.i.iw1.u wnmAm (T.
If you want to get back to tho farm, or
scalo than is poiaibte under your present
gats what Wostsrn Car
nana rtaa to
For illoitrnted UUrator with map and partleoUra ntritng rvdDMd
rtllww ratu, loutlon ot luul,u applj to Uputast ot InnlsTa
i W. V BENNETT, Roera 4, Be Balldln, OMAHA, NmfSSSlSi
Canadian Oovarnmant
6 Bell-ans
Hot wafer
Sure Relief
Exceptional opportunity nt the present time
for young women over nineteen years ot sg
who have bad at least two roars In high fobool
to take Nurses' Training In general hoipltal.
Our graduates are tn great demand. Address
SupU of Nurses, Lincoln Snaitariura
Lincoln, NbraU
Attractive Opportunity
ICxcellenl 1,000-ncra atocit fundi, ninni'Mcant
live mock ncctlon, river view, two liouv,
two burn, timber, iiinatly nh anil cedar, ar
tenlan well; 600 ncrei coultt b broke; Iff
m.ln from l'lulte; (own 1(0 mile by rail
(rum Sioux City. Invmtlgnto ranch thoroughly-
Partners owner, wish to iIImoIv
tinrtncmhlp; iilto have other InleroMa, Ad
tlrtra Itox 8T. Platte, H. Dak.
lie mi Aiitniunbllp tlnlramunl earn blir limnayt
train quickly. Write Auto flalcamen'a Train
ing Aan'n, 1194 drnnd, TopoWn, Kanaaa.
a Pleasing Sound
Altoonn, Pa. "I am writ
ing; to toll you what Lydla E.
Pinkham's Vegotablo Com
pound has tlono for mo. W
had six children dlo almost at
birth. From ono hour to nino
tocn days is all they hnvo
lived. Before my next ono
was born 1 took a dozen bot
tles of your Vegetable Com
pound, and I can say thnt it is
tho greatest meulcino on
earth, for this baby is now
four months old, and a
healthier baby you would not
want I am Bending you a
picture of her. Everybody
says That is a very healthy
looking baby. You have my
consent to show these few
lines to nnybody. Mrs.
C. W. Benz, 181 8rd Avenue,
Altoona, Pa.
Take a good dose of Carter's little Liver
Pills then take 2 or 3 for a few nights after.
They cleanse your system of all waste matter
and Regulate Your Bowels. Mild as easy to
take aS SUgar. Genuine bear ilgnatan s&o&&t)6
Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price.
15 to 30 An Acre
many years has yielded from 80 to 41 feusasJai
convenient to good
to farm on larger v52tic42!L!
conditions. InvcstU JyjPaiKKM
oiler vou. wTJt