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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1921)
NORTH PLATTE SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE KEITH THEATRE ?LX night Saturday, Jan. 29. The Ono Biggest Dramatic Sensation of This Day and Gen eration and one of the Largest Ever Seen Here. f ihrrisvipAti 9 Si : I ins JBIG iCENES CONTINUOUS) SUCCESS INTOXICATION TEMPTS .YOUTH WITH VtT1.s .Bigger ,and Jetter;thisyear than ever before iHabora be ScenicEffecbs . - NewCostu me? Sib? byithmrgy 'fthmCoCbk A vivid story of youth, its temptations, its pleasures, hopes ambitions, reverses and successes; youths' impulses and moods told in 10 13ig Scenes by the New York Company of 40 People, with Music, Comedy, Drama, Songs, Dances and Pretty Girls. Positively coming to North; Platte the same. big company ami scenic production that plays Den ver, St: Louis. Chicago, Kansas City, Omaha and all the large Cities. Seats Now on sale. I'KICES .$1.00, $1.50, $2.00 ami $2.50. Now U tho lime you " should start iwding. a little Cotton Seed Cake, Cotton Seed Meal and Alfalfa and Molasses. North Platte Feed Store Phone No. 206. Mutual Building & Loan Association of North Platte. INCORPORATED IN 1887. Resources $1,370,427.14. SAFETY FIRST. Investors in this association get the benefits of the following requirements of the laws of Nebraska under which it is operating: First. The association is required to invest only in first mortgages on real estate or the stock of this associa tion. Second. Such investments are non-negotiable and non-assignable, and can only be discharged by payment direct to the association. This is a very important pro tection not available to any financial institution except Building & Loan Associations. Third. The association is subject to the supervision of the State Banking Board. How well the interests of the investors in this as sociation have been safeguarded is evidenced by the fact that in the more than thirty three years of its operation not one dollar has been lost. T. C PATTERSON, HBSSIE F. SALISBURY, President. Secretary. CALIFORNIA REL'OKTElt OUSHE OVER TREATMENT AT SOUTH PLATTE L Thy following clipping from the Dally Record, San Francisco, which la furnished to us by Mrs. N. J. Good of Crcston, Iowa, Is an oxtract from n long account of a coast to coast trip mado by John Goldstrom, reporter for tho Record. Tho trip was made with the mail planes. Tho following Is tho account of tho trip through Nebras ka: "About noon noxt day Pilot Tox Marshall and myself leave for North riatto. "Wo fly into tho faco of n 40 niilo galo which soon lashes ltsolf into a GO mile hurricane Wo toss about in Nobraska plains like a cork on tho winter Atlantic. It takes us half an lious to pass an express train. Near Lexington, Neb., Marshall picks a soft spot in a wheat field for a landing. It develops that our radiator has cracked under tho strain, and has leaked dry. Willing farmers, Including ono who had been ail airplane mechanic in tho war, helped us rofill and crank tho propollcr. I could kiss tho ground North Platto stands on. To Choyounc is 210 miles as tho crow flies when sobor, but wo have tho same old gale to nrguo with. I vo lost 20 pounds. I'm 20 per cent deaf. But my seamanship Is better. About half way to Chcycnno the radiator leaks dry again. Marshall is forced down. A playful prank of the galo nearly upsets us, but Marshall's skill saves tho ship. After wo refill tho radiator from a farmer's woll. Marshall shows mo 'how to "make contact," while ho "spins tho prop. When in sight of tho smoke of Cheyenne, wo descend for water. Supt, II. L. Hartung greets us with tho luformaton that It Is tho habit with planes to bo forced down on this stretch. Ono landed upsldo down. Wo spend Sunday resting and med itating In Cheyenne." NOTE OF APPKECHATION. I wish to take this means of thank ing the friends an neighbors who so promptly came to my assistance when my house burned, last week. Their kindness is appreciated. D. W. MACOMBEK. LO CAL Ay'iO'PERS0A L Ilolon Grey left Saturday morning for Ogallala whoro she will viBlt ror a short time. Mr. odd Mrs. L. It. Coleman of Hast ings were in tho city tho latter part of tho week on business. Mrs. J. W. Hoover, of Hershey, Is visiting at the home of her daughter Mrs. Georgo Inman. A hnby girl was born the middle of Mr. and Mrs. Wnrtenbeo at the Platto Valley hospital. Those people are of Laramie. A. C. Mcllaffey of this city, left tho latter part of the week for Ogallala whoro he will transact business for some time. Mrs. Phil Pizor and baby who havo been visiting at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Pizer, left Saturday for their homo. Mrs. Emllty Richards, of Omaha, who has been visiting for some timo lit the home of Dr. Mario Ames, left Thursday for California. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston, of Brady, are tho happy parents of a baby boy which was born to them Thursday at the Platte Valley hospital. At the Crystal Tuesday and Wed nesday nights "Tho Silver Horde." A thrilling tale of tho Northland by Rex Beach. The Loyal Workers of the Christian ,''ureb wore entertained by Misses Francis-Dolph an'1 rtjimche Pvlo .at the Dolph homo Friday evening. Thoro wero twenty-eight guests. Tho ovon Ing was spent In playing games At be eloso of the evening dainty re freshments were served. Mrs. Olson loft Saturday for Oinaha to bo gono for some time. Man Pocklus, of Ogallala. transact ed business in town Saturday. joiin McKeo of Elsio Is visltimr at tho homo of his slstor Mrs. Bon Wil liams. Mrs. Ilolcomb loft Saturday for Om aha whoro sho will visit for a short timo. Mrs. Maudo Furnish 6t Horshoy transacted buslnoss in tho city Sat urday. It. It. Cnmnhnll. nt VnTfnn. wno n business visitor in North Platto Sat urday. Dick Baker, of Stanloton was a hus- inoss visitor In town tho latter nart of tho week. Dr. L. J. KRAUSE. Dentist. Me. Donald Hank Building. Rooms 2 & 8. Phono 97. 42tf Mrs. W. V. Ktnvnns. nf T.tsc.o. trans acted business in town tho middle of tho weok. Mrs. Charles Trovlllo will leave In tho near futuro for Iowa whero sho will visit rolativcs. L. R. Summer, of Arthur, was a business visitor In tho city tho latter part of Uio week. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer of Wallace transncted business in tho city tho lattor part of Uio week. When In North Platto atop at the Mow Hotel Palaco and Cafe. You will he treated woll. B8tf John Rohrcn and sou of Maxwoll transacted business In tho city tho latter part of tho week. Mrs. J. C. Newman of Wallaco is taking treatmont at tho General Hos pital for a broken nvm. Mr. and Mrs. It. O. Young of Brady transacted business In tho city the., lattor part of tho week. I ' T. Costello came Saturday from I Grand Island to spend tho weok end 1 Visiting Maurice Williams. Blnlno Runner, of Horshoy, under-; wont an oporntion Saturday at the! General Hospital for tonsils. j BILLY'S PLACE I Wo aro serving 35c, 40c and 50c din-' nors. ' Buy a Barrel OF LOCAL AM) PERSONAL 1 n::K$:mu:K:sn 8 i.i t.t i.t I it .t i.t i.t i.t I i.t & it It H :.t j.t Every farmer and everyone U interested in fanning should join this campaign, will create a demand "Cow Brand" FLOUR 111 is j for it ulionl nnrl cfi'iimlntn nil hue ncss. Nebraska families $ uccd 150,000 barrels to get them through the win ter. Buy Yours Now. Insist on IS i.t i.t it The North Plalte Flour COW BRAND" Yeomen, Anniversary Member ship Campaign Object 100 Members by March 10(h. WORK AND WIN See any Yeomen. Phono 1K19W or ,m WATCH WHO WINS "I AM CAREFUL." Tho man who works on tho skeleton, steel structural work of a building seems to bo in a clangorous position, but tho man who must travel tho streets of tho city in going to and from his work is in moro actual daugor from this Iron worker, because most accidents "aro caused by tho carolessne? ct others." Tho Ironworker's safety v' ponds upon himself but tho r ' j ty of tho man upon tho st" t depends upon a thousand id ono circumstances ovor which ho can havo no control. Tho wlfo may well spond anxious moments at night wait ing for tho return of a husband who must spond his day amid Innumerable chances of nccJ dont and injury. Thoro is no excuse for having hor burdened with additional anxiety about what Is to becomo of tho family if tho breadwinner does not come. No man with a wlfo waiting for his return should try to do without an accident policy when a largo amount of lnsuranco can bo obtained for loss than soven conts n day in tho oldest and strongest of nil accident com panies. No man with a family can afford to leave them unprotect ed In caso of his death by no cjdent. No man who depends upon his earnings can afford to bo with out Insurance hlmsolf In cns of accidental disability. Tho Travelers policies are famous tho world ovor ns tho standard of what such policies should be. Thousands of bus iness mon will havo no other MORAL: INSURE IN THE TRAVELERS. Soo TEMPLE, Tho Travelers Man. Room 11, UrodJicck Duildlnc Phono Lung Health and Pneumonia Prevention When tho temporaturo inside tho houso is sovonty or hotter and out doors tho mercury is flirting with tho zero mark, It takes a vlgorouB hodv to resist tho sudden change and light olf coughs, colds, bronchial and lung troubles. Let a cold begin to scttlo deep in the lungs and It Is timo to tako tho most vigorous measures to prevent pneumonia that most dread ed and fatal of acuto lung diseases. Chill nnd rapid rlso In temperature Is almost a sura forerunner of pneu monia. Tho pulso is rapid and tho breathing shallow and iorky, with expirations noisy and prolonged .coughing Is froqucnt. When thoro la a docrcaso of frcquenco in coughing It Is a bad sign. Tho chiropractor finds pressure on spinal nerves in the dorsal region, nervo tenderness in the region of tho nipples, and a subnor mal flow of nervo Impulse to tho kid neys. Splnul adjustments have an im mediate tonic effect, and when notion is prompt- is followed by good results and a rapid recovory. NO CHARGE Consultation is without chargo or obligation. Drs. States & States, ? The 1. S. V. Chiropractors. Building nnd Loan Building North Plalte"" Nebraska. jummiiituiuur CHIROPRACTIC CORRECTS DI5EASE3fTHE FOUOWIHG -lit"" CAPS ? -rVO- NOSE THROAT t -O u r ft d t V i imr. LIVER 3TOHACII SPLEEN KIDNEYS BOWELS APPFNm (bladder ,Spi3fll t2A.ctm LIMBS LOWER PINCHED NERVE5,lMP05S!B!i: TO FURNISH PROPER IMPULSES (LIFE AND health) TO THEIR ORGANS . AND TI55UES firing your next "orderAere. ROSE COMD RHODE ISLAND RED COCKERELS I have in my pens Just about 40 splondid birds that I can soli at vory reasonable prlcos con sidering Uto quality. Thoso wishing to strengthen and beau tify their flocks should not fall to look those ovor, for I say I havo aB good stock as can bo found anywhoro, and at prices that you can afford to pay. Why not have tho boat whon you can socuro them at tho prlco of common stock? South Park Poultry Yards, J. II. VanClcavo EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 1 am in a position to savo you moa- oy as I havo a real list of proporty for salo or trade; rcsidonco, and vacant lota vu nearly all parts of city: noe valley Snns for easy paymonta no good t- cfl; nt this timo I havo forsalo and 8-u o trades that will appoal t anyoc at wants to own tholr oww homo "1 1130. E. A. OLSON. NEW MEAT MARKET Crow k Crow, Phono 708. N. Locust. Steak 20c Pork Chops - 20a Lard .20c Rolling Meat .iGc SAY IT WITH FIOAVKKS North Platto FlorAl Co. Flowors. W. Twelfth Street Phono 1023 Wo deliver and nhlp anywhoro NOTICE OF TAKING UP E STRAY. Taken up by tho undorsignod on his premises nino miles southwest of North Platto, Lincoln Co., Nebraska, on tho first day of July 1920. ono Iron gray maro weighing 1000 lbs. and ono yearling weighing nbout 700 lbs. Dated this 18th day of Nov. 15)20. Signed: A. E. MOORE. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate No. 17S0 of Richard L. Graves, deceased in tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska. Tho Stato of Nobraska, bs: Credi tors of Bald estate will tako notice that tho timo lmltod for presentation and filing of claims against said Es tate Is August 1st. 1921, and for set tlement of said Estato Is Docombor 13th, 1921; that I will sit at tho coun ty court room in said county on Febr uary 1st, 1921 at 9 o'clock A. M., and on May lfit, 1921, at 9 o'clock A. M, to rocelvc, oxamlno, hoar, allow or adjust all' claims and objections duly filed. All claims not filed on or before Agust 1st 1921 will bo forovor barred. Win II. C. WOODHURST, D14-4 wks County Judge EXTENSION ROAD NO. GT. To whom It may concorn: Tho special commissioner appointed to locate a road as follows: Commen cing at tho quarter section cornor on tho contor of Section thirty-four, township thlrtcon, north of rango thir ty, thoncc west ono half milo on neo tlon lino Intersecting Road No. G5 at tho halt section cornor on tho west side of section thirty-four, township thirtoon, north of rnngo thirty, road to bo forty feet wide, has roportod In favor thorof as follows: favoring a road 33 foot in width for ogress pur poses, using as authority Sections Gt to G8, pnrngraphn 2907 to 2911, Chap. 28. Art. 1 of tho Statutca of tho Stato of Nobraska, any party or parties hav ing objections thoroto or claims for dnmngos by reason of tho establishing of Bald road must fllo samo In tho of fice of tho County Clerk of Lincoln Counlv. Nebraska on or before 12 o'clock noon of tho 2Gth day of March 1921. Dated nt North Platto, Nobr., this 14th dny of Jon. 1921. A. S. ALLEN, County Clerk (SEAL) I.IICJAI, NOTICH To Htli Maud Cnntlln. Ocortrn W Pantlin. Mary Cnntlln. IiIh wlfo. Clmrle.t H. Cnntlln, Ina Cnntlln, Ills wlfo, Rob ert H. Cnntlln, Mnytnn Cnntlln. his wlf. (InorKo McWIIllains, nnit the holm, iIpvIhcck lfKntoi'H nnd personal ropre HuntntlvcH ri ml nil other pnrsonH In tnroHtcil In tho ontato of tho said jfleorno McWIlllnniH, Josoph Cloy- hounto. and tho heirs, (IovIhrps, lega tees nnd personm roprcsontntivns aim nil other porsons interested In tho os tnto. of tho snld Joseph Cloybourne. Joseph Cloburne, and tho heirs, dn vlsoes, lofrntcoH nnd pcrsonnl ropro sontntlvos nnd all other .norsons In terested In tho ostftto of tho snld Jos oph Cloburne, nil of T.ot Kour (4) of Block Ono Hundred Thirtoon (113) of tho orlnlnnl city of North Platte, I,ln coin County, NohrnsUn, nnd nil persons clnimlng nny Interest of nny kind In snld renl estate, or nny pnrt thereof Von nnd each of you nre hereby noti fied thnt Hdwnrd Tt. Goodman com niennod nn notion In tho District Court of Ijlncoln County, on Jnnunry 7, 1921, nprnlnst you (Implonded with others), tho object nnd prnyor of which Is to quiet nnd confirm title In tho plnlntlfT ns n?nlnst you nnd tho othor dofond nnts, to nil of Lot Pour (4) of nioclc Ono Hundred Thirteen (113) of tho orlwlnnl City of North Plntto, County of Lincoln, Stato of NohrnsUn, to for ovor bnr nnd enjoin each of tho de fendants from over clnlmlni; or nsBert Ing nny rlRht. clnlm. title, lien, or In terest In nnd to snld lnnd, or nny pnrt thereof, nnd hnvo cnncollod nnd sot nBldo tho following Instruments ns clouds upon tho tltlo of snld plnlntllt to said ronl cstnto, to-wlt: n purported assignment of a eontrnct for tho pur rhnno of snld real estate, executed on March 10. 1871. bv ono Mnrv Kllzabeth Lnyton to John It- Cnntlln. nnd record ed In Hook A nt pno 297 of the records of Lincoln Countv, NobrnRkn. n cor tnln mortfrngo of snld renl estnto. mado. executed nnd delivered on Juno 1. 1882. bv Charles 10. Rmlfh nnd wife, Kato Smith to Josoph Cloybourne. nnd recorded In Mortrcnpo Hecord 11, nt nno R19 of tho records of mid Coun ty, n certain morttrnRO of pnM renl es. tate. mnde. executed nnd delivered on Mnrch 20. 188fi bv ono Chnrlo v Smith to tho defendant Ooorjre MeWIHIams, which Is recorded In Morttrsire Tleoord P nt pnffo 1-15 of the records of said Comity, nnd for Renernl oonltnble re lief. You nro reoulred to nnayr wiifi pp. tltoir on or boforo tho 21st dnv of February, 1921. EDWARD It. OOnnMAN, Hv WM. 13. SHUMA.V. alnUff. His Attornoy. J11V4