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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1920)
NOTtTIT PfjATTR REArT-"WFJKTiY TTITHTTNE CZAR'S JEWELS IN U. S. HAND man, whose ankle was swelling enor mously. UTILITY SKIRTS AND BLOUSES "FREEZONE" Lift Off Corns! No PainT. Sent to Ludwig C. A. K. Martens, Bolshevist Envoy, by Soviet Government. FOUND ON A SWEDISH SAILOR Precious Stones, 8upposed to Have Formed "Part of Famous Jewels of Russian Royal Family, Un. earthed by Federal Officers. Washington. Trolllc by bolshevlst agents In preclotiH stones, supposed to luivo formed part of tlio fnmouH Jewels of the Husslnn royiil fnnilly, tins been unearthed by federal authorities. Tho 131 diamonds found on Nolls Jnoobson, u Swedish sailor, by customs olllclals In New York July iiU. It bo came known, were Inclosed In a pack nt'e addressed to "Comrade Martens." Using Ibis as a lead, federal olllclals began an Investigation which they de clare has deilnltely connected Ludwig A. K. Martens, self-styled soviet nin. Imssador to the United States, with the tralllc. Disclosure of tho fact that the pack age was Intended for soviet agents In this country was withheld by customs authorities when lacobsen was arrest ed, although the details as to the seiz ure of (he Jewels themselves were (hen made public. Identifies Martens' Aid. .Jnoobson, olllclals say. Identified (luring the course of the Investigation a photograph of Santerl Nuorleva. for mer secretary of Martens, as a person to whom previous packages had been delivered. Introduction of the alleged Incrimi natory evidence 4f the tralllc In pre clous .stones between soviet representa tives In this country and abroad at the last hearing In the last deportation proceedings against Martens resulted In postponement of further bearings to enable the self-styled ambassador to obtain evidence, If possible. In refuta tion of the charges. Counsel for Martens already has asked that the government commis sion ho sent to Stockholm to Investl gate tie system In which he Is ac cused of being implicated. Perfect Courier System. Begun six months ago. the smug gling Is described by government ofll clajs as the most perfectly organized courier service between holshevlst agents abroad and In the United States that has been discovered. Indexed about the diamonds taken from the possession of tho Swedish sailor Jocobseu, whom olllclals exon erated from any complicity In the Il legal ,1 proceedings, was a tpmntlty of communist literature, Including an "ap peal of the executive committee of the , First American The U. S. S. SiiMiuehaium. which sailed from New York with I.SIHI pas sengers for Bremen and Danzig, the tlrst passenger liner to sail under Hie American Hag to these ports, and the llrm ship of theiUnllod States Mall Steamship company to be placed in commission. YANKEES IN DANGER Many Have Close Calls in the Turkish War Zone. Bullets of Bandits, British and Greeks Keep Amorlcans on the Jump. Constantinople. Many Americans have had narrow escapes in the tight ilng which British and Creek troops lliave kept up for several weeks with the bandits which are harassing the eastern shore of the Bosporus. Bel Icos, a summer place ten miles nortn -Of Ibis city reached by hourly ferry service, has boon the chief center of the lights between hands of adherents of Mustaplm Kemal Pasha, nationalist leader, ami the Biitlsh-dreek soldiers operating under the artillery protec tion of British warships. An American oil company is erect ling two great utecl tanks at Uelkos, third Internatlona'.o nt Moscow to the I. YV. V." Tills manifesto declared : "Unless the workers of other jiiii trles rise against their own capital ists the ltusslau revolution cannot last." GIRL SAVES PREACHER'S LIFE University Student Sucks Blood From His Leo After Attack of Rattlesnake. Chicago. Mis Frances B. Holsfoln, a student at the University of Illi nois, enrned her scholarship and a Carnegie medal by methods quite out of the ordinary. She saved the life of llev. Benjamin W. Soper. pastor of a small church In Florldn, by quick thought and action after he had been bitten In the ankle by a large rattle snake, one of the lazy, highly venom ous type so frequently met with In Florida. Miss Holstoln was one of a party which Included Hov. Mr. Soper. Bishop Cameron Mann of the Episcopal dio cese of Florida, and others whrt were enjoying a picnic near Cocoaaut firovo. Itev. Mr. Soper was bringing a pall of water from an adjacent spring when he was struck by the rat tlesnake. Bishop Mann Immediately killed the snake, but Miss llolsteiu gave her attention to the wounded SUPER-GANNON WAS CLUMSY Giant Gun Used for Long-Distance Shelling of Paris No New Invention. MADE FROM WORNOUT GUNS Was 122 Feet Long, Weighed 318.000 Pounds and Threw Projectile Weighing 264 Pounds a Dis tance of 75 Miles. Paris. The super-cannon with which the (icrmuns began shelling Paris, March '1, 11)18, was Just pieces of old, wornout guns put together. In stead of a startling new Invention, no eoi ding to American army Ulcers, who were permitted recently by the Cermans to visit some of their huge armories. It was a:tnully Just a neat bit of patchwork that startled the world when the terrlllc explosions began det onating in the streets of the city of Ship to Bremen which came well within the line of lire between Ihe rival forces. The steel riveters were compelled to (lee for their lives and for several days bul lets played a tattoo on the tanks, which was nearly as constant as the tune or the riveting machines. Many Americans were In summer camps anil cottages In the vicinity of Belkos tho night Ihe llRhtlng began, but they speedily moved to the western shore of the Bosporus, where It was pes slble for several nights to watch tho lighting on the Anatolian hills by the light of the naval rockets and search lights used In directing the gunnery. Hubert college ami Constantinople College for Women, the two American Institutions of higher learning on tlie Bosporus, both commanded an excel lent view of the struggle mid were sarely out of range of the nationalist bullets. Prof. F. V. Kelsey of the University of Michigan was prevented by the Motorists Startled by Cigarette-Smoking Snake Motoring nenr Bellefonle. I'n.. a party of motorists were con fronted by a huge blacksnake colled in the middle of the road, smoking a cigarette. They rub bed their eyes to make sure they were not seeing things when they beard laughing nearby and several young men stepped from the bushes. Ti.ey were mem bers of Prof. J. A. Ferguson's class of foresters from the Penn sylvania State college, who were camping iionrhy and had killed the snake and put the cig arette In lltj mouth to see what would happen when the first man who came along would dis cover It. x Ch: Girls Help at Threshing. Petersburg. Ind. Owing to the scarify of labor In the vicinity of Of wi'll. Olive Blioaiies. winner of the plowing contest nt Oakland City, called live of her girl friends to help Peter Illmsel. owner of the largos farming Interests in Pike county, to thresh his wheat crop. Beside Miss Ithoados, Louis Clark. Verda l)empey. Maude ind Helen Harris and Kdna Oray as sisted Mr. Illmsel. The girls helped load and unload I Ik- wheat wagons and also drove the wauons from the Meld to the threshing machine. Paris, although the verdict at that time was umiiiimous that the (lormniH had Invented it marvelous new cannon. Naval Gun Was Foundation. To begin on tho super-enmion. the Germans took a wornout lfi-lnoh naval gun. r(l feet In length. It was bored out and a very heavy tube with an in side diameter of S.IJ Inches was Insert ed, with about -10 feet of it projecting beyond the end of the original gun. Over that another hoop was shrunk and locked to the forward hoop. There also was a patch of l!).7 feet, which was attached at the mu..le of I lie gun. The bore of the gun was treated to a uniform rilling, the lanes and grooves which Impart a rotary moilon to the projectile. The six-meter sec tion of the gun at the muzzle, how ever, was unrllled. probably designed to steady the projectile and defeat Its slight tendency to "tumble" or yaw and fa'il to travel directly to its mark. Such "tumbling" Is caused by the yon Itlct of two forces, one spinning ihe projectile to the right, the other send ing It forward. Such a force mid to be obviated as the shell had to travel up ward 21 miles on Its arc in order to cover the horizontal distance of 75 miles. Clever Expedient to Prolong Life. The life of Ihe glaiit gun. which was JMS.OOO pounds In weight and iyj feet long, under the heavy pressure of Its high velocity projectile was very lim ited. But when the Cermans found the span of the gim amounted to only ") pounds-they bit i:pou a clever ex pedient. They bored out the 21 -cent I metor tube, which was ery thick, to 24 centimeters, and later to '.Hi centime ters, giving It Just so much more ll'e at each caliber, with only a change in larger ammunition required. The shell hurled by the cannon weighed 2l pounds ami was 11) Inches in length. Catch Blue Lobster Off Shore of Massachusetts Nantucket. .Mass. Capt. Syl via of the steamboat Sankaty was presented with a rarity a blue lobster. A fisherman brought him ashore, much elated over his rare find, and bunded him over with some pomp ami ceremony. The freak was a deep, rich navy-blue In color. Instead of the customary green, hut, boiled, be turned red, Just the same as his ordinary brother. Hunting In Anatolia from making survey of Ihe famous battle fields of t a est i r. south, of Sanisoun. Professor KeNey has been In Turkey for many weeks Investigating old manuscripts and studying ruins of the Uoman civ lli.atlou. lie hoped to make the trip from Sanisoun to Zlle, about which one of Caesar's best-known campaigns wan w-aged, and bad made all arrangements for motor transportation. But the un settled political condition- end the ac tivities of the various bends forced him to abandon the oxpetllt'on. Choked Girl by "God's Ordere." Moss Point. Miss. LouIk Smith, shipyard worker, killed bis four-vear-old daughter, Lulu, by strangling her to de,ath. Passers-by, witnessing the tragedy from a distance, held him un til he was placed under arrest. , Miiuii ioui me ouicers that he had ; been ordered by Cod to kill his daugh j tor. and now that he bad carried out J Cod's wish, ho was ready to die him- self. Tho man Is believed lo be men- tally deranged. TI1H most Important of our clothes are those we wear ofienest and are least couscjous of. Unobtrusive things Unit are made for dally service have a character and charm of their own that are lasting (like the stead fastness of a sincere and dependable friend), and better than all else. The creators of utility skirts and blou.-es have kept all 'he requirements of these clothes In mind for the coining season, and nftrr disposing of such essentials as good materials. Irre proachable workmanship ami smart style, have .uddect little graces as In genious combinations ()f materials, novel finishing touches and line man agement of color s and patterns in material. Holding first place in Ihe procession of blouses come the strong, line white voiles, made with long sleeves and trimmed with tucks and lace, or hand needle work. These blouses, and the skirls to be worn with them, com mend themselves to the home seam stress. Oood voile blouses wear like Iron and come from the laundry look Blouses Presented for Fall SO KAH nothing radically different from the stylos of summer, or par ticularly tiew In details of tlnlshing, has come lo light In the blouses pre sented for fall and winter. Colored georgette crepe remains the favorite material for making them, head and silk ombroldorlnc the favored embel lishments, sleeves are lengthened to the three-quarter mark at least and the high-necked blouses have long sleeves, but there are few models that have high necks. White voile Is forging to the front for dally wear. Us daintiness and durability commending It to women who love the charm of freshly laundered and hand-made waists. So far the now models reveal less vivid coloring than tho: o of thf juHt season, but many colors. The blouse .shown In the Illustration Is typical of the most popular style. It Is made of dark georgette .crepe dark blue continues a favorite and ing like new. The abiding charm of neatness belong.- to them even though l hey had no other, but drawn work, line tucks, hemstitching and other stitiiiery Is mure effective on voile than on .any other blouse material. Two of tlie now utility skirts In the group above show one made of a com bination of plain and plaid materials. Panels at each side and a wide border of plaid goods, applied at the back and front of the Hist skirt, leave n narrow space at each side that no commodates a small mannish silt pocket, set In with a narrow binding of the plaid material. This model Is easy sailing for the home dressmak er, for it Is gathered at the waistband and lias a plali. belt of liie material fastened with a button at tho front. The second skirt is plaited at each side of the front and across the back. The most Interesting feature appear; in three small pointed tabs set on with a large button, at each side; the but tons having a I'ght center and dark rims corresponding with the stripes in the material. decorated with head embroidery Ir soft rod, green tind blue. The three quarter length sleeve. are of tho flow ing variety and the neck cut in regu lation style. It has a hand of satin sot In at the front, matching the crepe in color. nnfl taking the place of the popular little chemisette of white nee. But this white touch at the peek Is wonderfully becoming to most faces: it will not disappear al together. So far there are many more blouses than smocks In tho displays of new models, but tomorrow may toll another story, for the stylos are not thoroughly established, and smocks have proved to be the most useful of garments. 7J Doesn't hurt a bit! Drop a little "Freezono" on nn aching corn, tnstanu thut corn stops hurting, then shortly you lift It right off with fingers. Truly V Your druggist sells a tiny bottle or "Freezonc" for n few cents, sufficient to remove every hnrd corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the calluses,, without soreness or irritation. Honest Milkman "You nre chnrged with selling adul terated milk," said the Judge. "Your honor, I plead not guilty." "But the testimony shows that It In 20 per cent water." "Then It must be high-grade milk," returned the plaintiff. "If your honor will look up the word 'milk' In your dictionary you will Hud that It con tains from SO to 00 per cent water. W should hnve sold It for cream I" Suc cess Magazine. EATONIC Users- Do This Get the Greatest Benefits Chicago, 111. Thousands of reporte from people nil over the U. S. who have tested eatonlc, show the greatest benefits are obtained by using It for a few weeks, taking one or two tablets after each meal. Eatonlc users know that It stops Belching, Blunting, Henrtburn, un!s Stomach Miseries quickly, hut tho really lasting benefits are obtained by using eatonlc long enough to take the harmful excess acids and gases entire ly out of the system. This requires n. little time, for entonlc takes up th& excess acidity and poisons and carries them out of the body nnd of course, when It Is nil removed, the sufferer gets well, feels fine full of life nnd pep. If you have been taking nn eatonlc now and then, be sure and tnke It regu lnrly for a time and obtain all of these wonderful benefits. Please spenk to your druggist about this, so that he can. tell others that need this help. Adv. Patriotic Preparation. "Charley, dear," said young Mr,v Torkins, "1 understand there Is going to bo a groat deal of singing In ths present campaign." "Some of It Is liable to be pretty had." "I am afraid so. But I want to do my best. Do you think I ought to stop, studying political economy nnd tak music lessons?" Watch Your Kidneys! That "bad back" Is probably due to weak kidneys. It shows in a dull, throbbing backache, or sharp twinges when stooping. You have headaches, too, dizzy spells, a tired nervous feeling and irregular kidney action. Don't neg lect it there is danger of dropsy, gravel or Hh'eht's disease! Use Boon's Kid ney Pills. Thousands hare saved themselves more nerious ailments by the timely uso of Doan'St Ask your neighbor! A Nebraska Coso Sirs. D. V. Chaf- In, W. Sixth St., Humboldt. iobr., taya: "My back bothered mo anil nt times It was diffi cult for me to get around. When I BOt down ft was nn effort for mo to stralRhten up nnd my kidneys acted Irregularly. After I had taken a couple nt boxes of Doan'si Kidney Pills I wns as well oa ever." Gat Doan'a at Any Store, COe a Box DOAN'S KrDJLV FOSTER. MILBURN CO., BUFFALO. N. Y. Ladies Let Cuticura Keep Your Skin Fresh and Young Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcim 25c Death only o matter of short tlmo. Don't wait until pains and aches become incurable diseases. Avoid painful consequences by taking mm &, r rh world's standard rotnedy for Iridnay, livar, btaddar and uric add troublta tha National Remedy of Holland since 1696. Guaranteed. Three sizes, all druggists. Uek let the uiu Cold Medal oa rwr U nd accept a imUatle