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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1920)
WANT ADS. aturday Special! 48 lb Sack Cow Brand Flour 48 lb Sack David Ilartim $:j.(ir 22 Bars Laundry Soap $1.00 Bulk Coffee per lb -au- - Me Horse Shoe Tobacco, per lb 85c Star Tobacco, per lb. ; '. 25c 5 Bars Toilet Soap Sot Two Boxes of Matchoe "c Crate Pcachpfi at market. $1.00 worth of Sugar at 17c per lb if your grocery order amounts to $5.00 or over. McMichaeFs Grocery phoe Jii. SemMJJeekly (arfbune. WILSON TOUT, Editor mid Publisher. SimSCJtU'TION I'ltlCE: Ono Year, In ndrnnoo - $2.00 - - - y Entorcd at tlio North Platte, Nobraaka Fostofflco as Socond Class Mattor. FRIDAY, AUGUST 20tli, 1020. EDITOBLIL. North Platto will have to do hotter nbout littering up tho Court TIo.iso lnwn on Band Concert night or tho Court IIouso authorities will ho Jus tified In refusing to allow the coucorta to bo hold there. Pcoplo spread out nowspnpors to sit on and thou leave them on tho grass. Others tenr up pro grams, paper bags, popcorn papers and scuttor other Httor about as tho they just came In from tho tall raas. All parks must bo kept clean and un less thoy aro kept that way they bo como an oyesoro and a nuisance. Wo approvo of tho efforts of tho an' lorl tlos to keep tho park cloan and urgo the pcoplo to carry away or dopsilt In trash receptacles, whatovor refuso they tako thor'o. CHUJICII riCMC. Tho Annual Picnic of tlio Episcopal Church will bo hold at tho City Park noxt Thursday afternoon and evening, August 20. At 2:45 p. m. automobiles will bo In waiting nt'tho church to carry tho children to tho picnic grounds. In tho evening at G:30 cars will start from In front of Dixon's Jewelry store to convoy thoso who wore not ablo to got away In tho after noon. All members nnd frlonds of tho Episcopal Church Parish aro cordially Invited to bo present. CA1U OF THANKS. "Wo wish to extend to our neighbors and frlonds our dcop felt grntltudo for their many acts of kindness and sympahty extended In our hour of be reavement In tho death of our daugh ter and sister.' Mr. and Mrs. Anton Stcnncr and family. o: Miss Nora Coons, of Brady, Is visit-, lng frlonds Hi tlio city this weev. Miss Elizabeth Hanloii went to Scotts Blulf this morning to visit. Dr. J. B. Retinoid left this morning for Ognllala to transact business. Mrs. W. A. Buchilnch and children loft yosterday for Grand Island to visit relatlvoa for n week or longor. I Mrs. Guy Congdon and children left In domandlng"tho removal of all Ith'8 momnS after Jstlng at tho D. obstructions from tho alloys to bo'a Congdon oino tor sovoni1 wcoks paved tho Council has taken tho 'iroy-1 Clias- 1,088 roturncd Wednesday or stand. Now It Is up to tho persons ' JlIBht from a two months' visit with concerned (o comply with tho demand llls sou 1,1 Washington, D. C, and as gracefully as posslblo. It is Baln'witu friends In Kentucky. Leo's that tho JEloctrlo Light and Powor Co. j friends will bo pleased to loam that has, n franchise which will pormlt It 1,0 ls Sotihs along splendidly and to resist the volco of authority, Wo haB received sovoral promotions wltlw would not oxpoct tho gontlomon who 1,1 tuo na8t ycnr or two hayo this franchise to tako such a ' .UOTHKltS Neglected troubles In tho stand because thoy aro not lnvulncr' eyes of your child piay lead to serious ablo and whon tho pcoplo speak It ls rosultc In lator years. Children havo not wlso for thoso who hnvo privileges no means to judgo whother the eyes to antagonize their wishes. Tho Wed-' aro as thoy should bo. Neither havo torn TJnlon hns placed Its wlros under ' you. Obscuro casos tax tho Ingciv.ity tho paving on tho north end ot Dowoy ' of nklllcil optomotrlsts, assisted bj nnd tho jnnnagor says thoy havo not modorn equipment. -Wo aro especially had any trouble. Hundreds It 'hor' trained and equipped to answer eyo c'tlos do not allow any wlroi nbovo ' quoHtiono for you. IJlxon & Son, Sight ground in tho buslnoss district. Wlros ' Specialists. on, polos nrq a constant menace In' u0 BUro you can got aftor service tlmo of storm nnd a peril to thoso on :nny car you buy, Evcry uny .people fighting lire. Underground noudults who Uvo bought oUhor xlscd or now can bo waterproofed and insulated for ' c tll0 moro or lc3S unknown ... . . u,ul t uu.nurjr. wo up- i mftk fQr whQm tuoro ,g ow locftl prove of tho stand ot tho CouncP nd , lonl(J como to our sorvlco Btatlon urge ino prompt compliance with its fop ptB of 80rvlco Many aro dl8ap ii wiu 'jwri ui an concorneu For Rent Garage at Five dollars a month. 615 East Sixth. 64 65 Wanted ConJpotont girl for gonoral housework. Mrs. E. It. Goodman. E9tf For Rent Now houso on East 4th., 20th block. GOUV Wanted Second Hand Cash Rogls ter. Inquire D. H. B. care Tribune. For Sale Practically new standard typewriters at a bargain. Addross KI Care Tribune. 64 C5 Wantod A maid. Right prlco to tho right person. Apply at tho Platio Val ley Hospital. G9tf. Found Autornobllo numbor 43601 Nobr. 1920. Owner call nt Tribuno of flee. 63- Wanted To buy first class standard typewriters. Must bo In good condition. Address KI Care Tribune. 64 65 Wanted Girls for nurso training, $35 per month with board and room. Apply at Gonoral Hospital, City. 46tf For Sale Good garago,, largo enough for two cars. Inquiro at this office. 58tf For Sale Six-room house, all mod ern excopt heat. Good location, closes In. Phono 830,1. OOtf Buy at tho Farm Cucumbers In any size, Potatoes, Beans, Green Corn, al so honey and eggs. Phono Doollttlcs, For Sale Kitchen rangofnnd hard coal stove, Ice box, hand washing mnchlno all In good shape. Phone 112SJ. Oltf For Sale 'Parlor table, parlor sot, two art squares 9x12, chlffloner, hard coal stovo and cook' stove. Inquiro nt 604 E. Sixth. 62-3 For Salo or Trade Vulcanizing Bat tery and Welding business in smt.ll town doing good business. If interest ed call G21W. 63-2 For Sale or Will Trade for North Platto 'property 20 acres in San Joaquin Valley of California, near ' Chowchllla. Address H. D. Caro of Tribuno. 64 4 Wanted Experienced engtnemanfoi Twin City Tractor. $150 a month straight time, $15 a month bonus to stay until fall. See Co. Cl'ork Allen at so that those may bo m. delay In get ting thoso alloys Into a sanitary condi tion. :;o:; ' Mothers you should see tho wonder ful values that aro nolng offorcd in play suits, rompors, creopors anil waists on Bnlo 95c, $1.25, $1.45, $1.9a and up at Tho Loader Mor. Co pointed ns wo only soil and glvo sor vlco on our own two good cars Dodgo Brothers and Chandlor. Yes It will Buroly pay you to mako suro ot tho stability of tho doalor from whom you buy your noxt car. Wo havo always carried ropalr parts for tho carB wo soli, and can glvo you Immodiato ser vlco. J. V. ROMIGII DEALER. Electric Rug and Carpet Washing Co. (l y?v Gives now HirOu Rugs for Does not injure the most del icate colors. All tho beautiful colors, tho pleasing designs and oxqulslto pat terns that first inducod you to buy your rugs will como back to light whon thoy aro cloanod by tho HAMILTON BEACH METHOD. And thoyfll bo clean and absolutely Banltary, for tho Carpot VuBbor, which wo employ extracts tho last bit ot dirt and grlmo and groaso from your ruga and loavos thorn frosh and sweet smelling. Phono us today, bo that wo can cloan your rugsor carpota whon you wish. M. E. BOYD, Mgr. 91i East Third St - Phono 1039W Court Houso. 64 65 For Sale Fifteen aero tract ot ir rigated land seven room stucco house full basement with boating plant, 1 story barn, garago an,d other snail ( buildings. Crop goes with place. West end Fourth St Phono 668J. Wm. M. Morris. 63-70 KTOE3J1 KEITH, TONIGHT. "Little Orphant Annie" Tho best Sunshine Comedy yet Ten Knights Without a Barroom. THE Latest V a4 m Electricity's latest gift to the housewife greatest since the electric iron and electric vacuum cleaner the WesremlEtkcftik portadlb Sewing Machine No more tiresome treadle pushing no more backache a little electric motor does the hard work. A foot control gives any speed desired. The entire machine in its case can be carried any where it's no larger . than a typewriter. Ask for a demonstration. North Platte Light & Power Co. OOIN'S OF THE MURPHY FAMILY Torrlngton Electric Vac Cleaner Reliable Foolproof Efficient Longwearing 3IOTOJI Host that money cun buy. HltUSH Revolving sweeper Brush Carpet Sweoper Fasfion Full bristle, 2 1-8 inches. Operates midst strong suction. Gets all threads and ravqllings. Freshens nap without rugs. b; SUCTIOX Strong non-injurious suction. 25 -per cent more than U. S. Standard. Thoroughly "removes Inside dirt emb edded in rugs. CONSUMPTION 22 per cent lower than U. S. Standard: HAS PROVEN ITS CLASS. MAKES FRIENDS WHEREVE'IT GOES. The One Machine yith Quality Price and Service Call or Phono and let us demonstrate it at our store or your home and judge it by results. TERMS ANI) PRICE 1VIJ.L SURPRISE YOUf W. R. Maloney Co. (Pltreks- at.tho iteaitSrvthg ELMO LIHCOLH THE MIGHTY, pi i-assionc and eucainfin's ?ci' Lov A woman on board n ship packed with arnin f or southern revolutionists a mutinous crew only one strong, silent man to hold them at bay. Thus starts the biesesfc romance you ever saw and t A story that carries you oi'.t o5 ycu - iTr.i flrum lifo to the volranic passions of the tropics and tlio miflhty ctrutblo of a man r- tr 1 t iwi a woman tor me ana nappincss. Seo it sure. Now Playing. t i ".ni.iiV.i v.:: 11 i; vt. -IV ' 'm First feig picture by Elmo Lincoln since "Tarzan of the Apes," at The Sun two days comencing Tuesday. Matinee 2 p. m. and3:3Q p. m. Wanted Two Bleeping rooms con nected. Closo In. Phono 125. 64 GG For Snlo or Trade Flvo room houso closo in. 222 East Tenth St. 64 65 For Snlo Femalo pointer dog thoroughbred young. Chester Masters R. F. D. No. 3. 1 For Itcnt Nlcoly furnished room for gentleman. Modprn. Mrs. J. II. Donogan. Phono 1107J. 1 Typewriters, Good robullt machines of all makes bought and sold, rebuilt hi our shop. Also guaranteed ropalr work dono at reasonablo prlco. Grand Island Typorwrlter Exchange, 18 Mc Alllstor Bldg. Grand Island, Neb. G5 Tlio Hoxn.ll handles tho goods. -r.o:i- 14tf Ilocrultlng Station U. S. Army, Army Building, Omaha, Nebraska, ' August 19, 1920. From: Colonel W. A Cavonaugh, Infantry, Rocrujng Officer. To: Recruiting Sergeant, U. S. Army North Platto, Nebraska. Subjoct: Movlo Film Flashes from Action. 1. Flashes from Action, tL. 4 reel picture to bo shown at tho Sun on August 23rd is mado up ot somo of tho many actual photographs taken by tho Signal Corps during the engagements ot American Troops in Franco. 2. "When this picture was first re elved in Omaha nono of tho Managers of Moving Picture Theatres would uc copt It but after witnessing it run thru at tho Film Exchange all clamored for an opportunity to show it at their plcturo housos. W. A. CAVENAUGH, Colonel ot Infantry, Recruiting Office). Now Fall Styles in "Women'fl and Mls3es suits, coats, skirts and dresses aro coming in ovory day at The Leador Mer. Co. Apples! Apples! Our apples are now ready for market at the Glenburnie Fruit Farm two miles north of Sutherland. Apples $1, $2 and $2.25 a basket. No Selling on Sunday. W. H. WOODMAN, Prop.