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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1920)
I THIRTY-SIXTH .YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., AUGUST 17, 1920. No. 63 ( J, BETTER WATER SERVICE. ADDITIONAL 1UM0L INSTALLED IN EMERGENCY WHILE PER MANENT DIPltOYEMENTS AltE MADE. Commissioner Welch lias borrowed an emergency pump from Foreman Murphy oi tho Union Pacific B. & B. Department This pump, which can supply about 800 gallons of water a minute will bo in place this week and tho immedlato danger will have pass ed. It is run by electricity and will enablo tho engineer to stop tho big pump in case of need and still supply water to the mains. Tho auxiliary well which is being drilled lu tho south part of town will bo completed within tho noxt two weeks and tho test will bo made. When tho capacity of this avoH has been determined a now pump mooting this capacity ,will bo Installed which will raise tho . pressure to perhaps forty ppunds. Thoso tests will bo mado in a short tlnio and upon tho amount of water which this well will produce will deipend tho price to bo paid for drilling it Tho well has reached a depth of ono hundred and fifty feet now and that is considered' as deep as it will pay to drill in that particular formation. As soon as relief is given by tho legislature in tho form of additional legal limits, a bond proposition will bo submitted to tho voters for enough money to put tho plant in good con dition. Sidney is to vote Se(pt. 14th on a proposition to issue $196,000 bonds for extensions to their electric and water systems. Rooms for Teachers.- Anyono having a heated room which can bo" rented to prio pr two city teachers for th 'coming winter, should seo mo or phone 100. Wo will' have about 35- teachers from out of town and they must bo provided with homes by the citizens: E. C. LITTELi, City Supt. : :ov : We havo a very largo and varied assortment of gingham dresses for i school children in styles and prices right. E. T TRAMP & SONS. HHH1H At the SUN, Tuesday, Matinee 2 p. m. Rcsldcnco Park Addition. Tomorrow Is tho day set for tho opening of tho sale of lots In tho now Bcsidenco Park Addition. This is tho latest addition to tho resldcnco lota of the city and from tho prlco of the lots it is estimated that they will ho taken early. Tho first ton lots sold will be glvon a ten porcont discount; If thoy aro contracted for beforo 9:30 of tho first day thoy wrll receive an additional flvo percent discount and if cash is paid within sixty days an additional flvo por cent will bo given. Thoso aro good discounts nn should command tho attention of all buyers of city property., , Tho Addition is being sold by tho H. and S. Agency composed of C. J. Hollma'n and J. E. Sebastian. They aro thoroughly rollablo and will do just what thoy say. Tho salo opens at 8 d'clock tomorrow morning and will continue until all lots aro sold. Fo thoso who do not havo cash thoso lots are offered on easy payments and careful buyers will do well to look them over and If they And a lot that suits, it should bo secured early ana thus all of the discounts can bo taken. ::o:: Chautauqua Opens. Tho annual Chautauqua opened yes terday with a good program both afternoon and evening. A crowd that filled tho tent saw and heard Ned Woodman, tho Cartoonist, in a very pleasing chalk talk. Everything was. ready at the opening, tho platfrom has been nicely decorated, religious and social gatherings over tho city will not meet this week so tho field" is clear and tho conditions right for tho host Chautauqua over held. Plat form Manager Truax is to be con gratulated on tho successful opening. I State Fair Exhibit. ( A committee of Lincoln County cltlfiens has been appointed to collect and prepare tho exhibit for the State Fair this year and this committee a&ks farmers and others to begin savlug specimens of products for this ox hlbit. Eastern counties' with their ! T 1 i-- . 1 I j -umuum ,ouniy muse meat mem at , the Fair. . " . ' - -::o:: 1 E, C. Douthit, local prepresentatlve 1 of the broiler Society announces that th prize of fire dollars for tho best answers taken from tho Book ot Knowledge to the questions published in last week's Thibuno, was awarded to Romaino Throckmorton, son of Ma. and Mrs. S, W. Throckmorton, 302 S. Ash St Supt. Llttel mado the award. Want a thrall? Enjoy Action? Something breezy, full of two.fisicd, red -blooded manhood ? Lots of action, heart interest and suspense? We have it for you Its POUGLAS AN to THE LIYCODDLE HIS NEWEST AND GREATEST PICTURE. Wednesday, Thursday. and 3:30 p. m. RAILROAD TO BUILD. STATE JOURNAL STARTS DISCOS SION 111" ANNOUNCING TERM1N AL IMPROVEMENTS AT UKIDGEPOltT. Tho following item nppeared In a n n i . Inn... " P , I. VaIiha hIpm OIa,a .Journal rolativo to tho Burlington ox I tonslon which is planned to run along I tho south sldo of tho Platto from , Kearney to Bridgeport. This extension Is of vital Intorest to North Platto as ; tho rIght-of-way has alrdady boon bought through tho south (part of tho city and tho building of tho lino would glvo us n now outlet into now terri tory. I "Burlington men seo c promlso in I tho construction of tho now Platto j River bridge at Bridgeport and tho building of four long yard and passing tracks between Bridgeport and the river, that tho Platto River lino from i Bridgeport to Kearney will bo built ns soon as conditions pormlt In fact thoy seo in this construction a part ot tho necessary river iloublo track cross ing and the terminal facilities for such ' a lino. Tho railroad Is building tho terminals in advance of tho main lino J construction because when built tho main line vlll need all tho terminal facilities available. ' 1 "Tho now bridge will bo ready for servlco in about a month. In many ' ways Is a duplicate of the Platto river brldgo built by Uiq Company bo tween Grand Island and Phillips. It , Is built oh Blgnoll hydrallc placed l piling, 548 of them suppdrtfng tht concreto pier headwork, tho piers b ing built vld6 enough for double track, although tho superstructure now being placed Is single track, i When this Is complete and tho four long yard tracks are in place com pletion of a double track between Bridgeport and Nortkport will bo a minor manor, requiring a minimum of exjponso and time. Tho brldgo Is being built after what is becoming known in Burlington circles as tho "Platto rlvor standard' "Further out on this low grado railway dream of tho lato James J. Hill a low grado lino from tho crest of tho Rockies to tho Ohio Tiver, tho Company Is doing moro pormanont (Work. No newly built railroad is made permanent. Preliminary engineering may contomplate permanent work but the early construction is always sub ject to chango and tho Wyoming lino Is no exception. "Between Casper and tho north Wyoming lino wore many culverts and bridges not built In tho usaul way. These aro being 'replaced and flood troumbles being cared for and traffic dlfficutlles removed. Thoso changes aro being madp this year and a con siderable forco Is now being employed In this work. For Snlc Five room houso at 1420 west Front Street This houso is now and -very doBlrcablo for railroad men working in tho west yard. Lot 44x132. Corner lot For terms and prlco nco BRAjTT, GOODMAN & BUCKLEY, 114 East Front Street. Phono C5. C3-2 Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wilcox and daughters Lucille and Floronco to turned Saturday from a month's travel by auto through Iowa and tho lako country of northern Minnesota and reported a flno trip. Mr. Wilcox says tho crops look flno In Northeast Nebraska but not any finer than ho saw in tho valley here. MOVING! We will move within a day or two to the first door south of McDonald State Bank. Formerly Union Cafe. Stone's Drug Store. ( Auto Accidents. fSaturday night tho Ford car drlvon by Emll Loypoldt turnt-n turtle about one mile woat of Suthorland throwing tlio occupants out ot tho car and damaging tho car so. It could not bb drlvon. Edmund ' Dlckoy suffered a pbrulsed knoo which had to havo three stitches taken In It and Evorott Adams a bruised hand which had two stltchos taken In tt. Emll escaped without a scratch. Tho same night tho Dodgo car driven by Will Norrls, of Cheyonno. who 1ms boon visiting friends In tho city crashed Into tho south rlvor brldgo when a car coming across tho brldgo would not turn on its dimmers. Will was unablb to seo and running Into tho brldgo smashed a fonder and ruined a tiro on his now Dodgo whtoh delayed his starting to Choyenno until yesterday. Sunday ovenlng a car driven by A. S. Gregg's son ran off a culvort and throw tho occupants from tho car. Aurdla Adams was sovoroly hurt and remained unconscious until yostcrday morning. Francis Dolph was badly bruised. Thoro woro flvo girls 'and throo boys in tho car bht tho others escaped without injury. I ' T !n 4 T inm imtionviT Mrs. A. P. Kelly returned yostorday from Omaha whero sho had boon vlsltng relatives for threo weeks. Do not miss our real bargain In Tho Puro Thread Silk I.Ioso for ladles at $1.29 (per pair. E. T. Tramp & Sons. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Plzer and son Jocf of Grand Island, aro visiting at tho Julius Plzor homo In tills city. - Now fall marchtndlso being shown at ur old location on Front Street E. T. TRAMP & SONS. An extra quality bleached muslin priced especially at 35c on our Bar gain Square at Wilcox Department Store. illlara Burgnor returned yesterday from a trip to Illinois and Grand Island where ho had been visiting foryvo weeks, - Mrs. Josoph Jessup returned from Denver Sunday whero sho had boon visiting her brother Earl Carlton for morly of this city. M. William endy nnd Chas. Hondy, Sr., left Monday morning for Fort Fettormnn, Wyoming. Thoy will also visit at Cheyenne and Larlmlr, Wyo ming. A now copy of tho game laws for 1920 has been placed on fllo In the City Library for thoso who do not know just what Is tho open season on dlfferont kinds of game. Consult It freely during library hours. Now nifty stylos In blouses at E. T. TRAMP & SONS. John Wlnkowlch, of Whlto, S. D., was In North Platto this week looking after matters connected with tho estate of hla brother, tho late Goorgo Wlnkowlch of this city. Saturday afternoon a flro alarm was turned In from tho Sanford HartmMi homo at 310 West Sixth. A papor flro In tho furnnco started a blazo on tho roof. When tho department arrived a laddor was put up and tho blazo ex tinguished from tho garden hose. LAST SHOWING. KEITH, TONIGHT. WALLACE REID . in "Double Speed" A picture that sizzles over tl.e screen. NORTH PLATTE GOING STRONG. MUTUAL BUILDING LOAN AS SOCIATION AMONG THE LARGEST IN Till! STATE. T. C. Patterson, President of tho Mutual Building and Loan AsRoda ti'on of North Platto isauod tho fol lowing statement regarding tho work ot Building and Loan Associations in Nebraska. Tho growth of this city and tho growth of tho Mutual havo bocn and still aro so intorwoven that It Is gratifying to loatn of tho stand ing of tho Mutual among tho Assocla tlons ot tho State. Nebraska building, savings and loan associations Increased their as sots by $12,000,000, mndo loans for tho building of 2408 now dwellings and financed tho purchase of 4888 dwell ings already built, during tho fiscal year ending Juno 30th last. Thoso aro tho striking foaturos ot a stnto mont mado public on August 13th, by T. J. Fltxmorrls, Secretary of tho Nobraska League ot Savings and Loan Associations at Omaha. Tho statemont contains official re ports from 45 leading associations ot tho state covering their business op erations during tho twolvo months. Their assots total $72,171,8'll, an in creaso of $10,994,794 or 18 por cent Tho twonty-olght associations not roportlng had in 1919 aasots totaling $5,002,G70. Should these associations show the same porcentngo of growth roported by tho leaders tho total of all associations of tho stato will amount to $77,924,481, an incroaso of $12,303,907 over tho fiscal year ot 1919. Secretary Hart of tho Stato Buroau of Banking said in his report for 1919 that tho associations "transacted tho. lnrgost volume of business in their Keith Theatre, Wednesday and Thursday. CHARMING MADGE KENNEDY IN "DOLLARS AND SENSE" A heart touching romance between: a baker and a poor show girl. ( They were philanthropic but they weren't practical. Thoy were lacking in Dollars and Sense but not in Kindness and Love. Your Automobile Store ass. A place where North Platto can shop in comfort and convenience, with the added assurance that this store is intensively devoted to your interest. Itisnotonlya.placetobuy automobiles and accessories, but is a real North. Platto institution, constantly and energetically working for the good of the town and its people. This store is in complete accord with, your pre ferences and ideals in purchasing an automobilo. We will honestly try to assist you in the pur chase of your car, and give you honest and eff ic ient servlco thereafter. Dodge Chandler J. V. ROMIGH Gth & Locust Sts. Phono 844. Buy ono of the 2nd-500,000 Dodges. , history" showing an incrcaso of $3 G1G.C13.8G or 15 por cent in twelve months. Tho report for 192Q wlllirtlai tnnco that gain by about $3,500,000 A substantial contribution fprtEql rollef of tho housing situation a1j7 mado by associations throughout tho( stato. Returns from 45 associations? Bhow a total ot 2408 loans for now homos and 4888 loans on dwolllngv nlroady built. Loans for now homes nverngo around $2,500 which means a" direct investment of $G,000,000 in Ne braska homos and tho addition of that,, sum to tho taxablo wealth ot tho state " Omaha holds first placo in tho 'de- volppmont ot thoao mutual institute ion's. Complete roports from ltd nIno associations show assets totaling $48,- -782,214 or G2 per cont of tho stated total. Lincoln, Boatrlco, Fremont, NORTH PLATTE, Columbus and Grand Island aro up in tho millions and going strong. Norfolk Joined tho , million clnss during tho yoar. -::o:: Fnnncr.Lnboror Picnic A Success. A largo crowd attond.od tho Farnior Laboror Plcnio at tho Fair Grounds Inst Saturday afternoon, Tho attrac tions woro a ball gamo botweon tho U. P. Shop team and thd P. O. Inde pendents; a trotting raco; flvo running races; an exhibition by n gymnast and ' Bpeaklng. Adrossos woro mado by T. . C. Grlmos, Rov. Flotchor, Duko Camp boll, T. C. Bollcn and Rov. Boobo. Chairman Orton Informs us that tho Carmen, the BoHormnkora nnd tho Machinists havo agrood to pay fifty cents por member townrd tho oxpenso and nil bills will bo paid. Evorythlng was free at tho Plcnfo except the pop, otc. . ' -::o::- Tho following named mon enlisted at tho local recruiting offlco during tho past week: Clifford D. Robbing ot Wallace, Nobr. for tho 55th Infan try at Camp Funston, Kansas; Clydo G'r(iYj3S. of North Platto for tho lGth Infantry at Camp Taylor, Kentucky and Alvln W. Anderson of Lexington, Nobr. for tho 13th Field Artlltory em- ' routo to tho Hawaiian IslanoK Brathers Motor Cars