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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 20, 1920)
TlfF VOT1T1T PT.ATTR W.VT-WPFKT.T TRTHT1VR Warsaw the Objective of the Soviet Armies Parade of Fashion Models in Chicago Streets View of the royal palace tn Warsaw, and a body of 1'ollsh troops lined up In the streets of tbat city in prep aratlon for Its defense against tbu soviet Ilusslnn armies. Afternoon strollers In tbe downtown streets of Chfcngo were entertnlned tbe otber day by a dazzling purado of models wenrlng tbe latest and most beautiful designs In women's wear. Some of the manikins are here seen admiring a wludow display on Michigan boulevard. Knights of Columbus Attend Pontifical Mass American Bishops Visit Sulgrave Manor Delegates to Hie supremo convention of tbe Knights of Columbus frm every stale In the Union, from Mexico, Canada, tlib Philippines, I'orto Itlco and Cuba, attended the solemn pontifical mass at St. Patrick's cathedral. New ork, by which the members of the convention dedicated themselves unew to the pledges of the order. The photo graph shows Fjiifrth Degree color guards entering the cathedral. The American bishops who went to England to attend the Lumbeth conference, visiting the ancestrul homu of George Washington at Sulgrave Manor, North Hants. Iroquois Dedicate Memorial Site her sanity questioned ..j.i. .......... .... . .. . . 1 1 ii i i Chiefs of the six nations composing tbe Iroquois tribe marking the south ern boundary lino of Gn-wnnkn In the Adirondack's as u permanent memorial to tho League of the troquolH. Diving Fins of Biggest Submarine ,.j . WIWS, 1 I ,.W1SPX- .53 Vlow of the diving tins of the AA-!I, American submarine of tho lurgest type yet mado here. The vessel Is 208 feet, 10 Inches long and makes 20 knpts on the surface, and 1- knots wnou submerged. 1 . -x. . t V. . -07 : v X : ; Ok m An Investigation Is being made Into This in the wireless rclonhone station on Sliinal 1 1111. St. Johns, N. F, In tbe sanity of Miss Anna Wright, a Whlch operators recently heard a wireless phone conversation that was being New York womnn snld to bo worth r,irrled on in Uurnnu Sisu.oiw.uou, wlio It is reported has been kept a prisoner In an upper apartniejit of the Villa Hraglottl In Florence. Italy, on the ground that she Is aflllct- ed with precocious madness. To passers-by tho girl has cried that s'ho Is being held a captive by lier mother, tho former Mrs. Leila Wright, and her stepfather, Count Kmillo d.-l flgcllu. Latest of British Dirigibles supreme Knight .7nmeB a. Klanerty of the Knights of Columbus, holding tho jeweled baton which the organiza tion will present to Marshal Foch nt Metz, France, August 21, when tho former commander of tho allied armies Is admitted to the order. CANNING HIS SPEECH Camera Tells Tar's Quality. A tar camera for colorimetrlc tnr deterioration In producer gu8 and ?j otber operations, Is being manufac- fj lured by tho Steere Engineering com pany. Detroit, gas engineer and build- f er. Tho operation Is based on a rough $ relation between tho slunio of tar stain and Its weight. Tlio stain Is made by passing a certain amount of gas through a pleco of special white paper which may then be compared with a standard stain chart for esti mating tho tnr content. The Exception "Tho trouble with biographers Is that they usually emphasize a grent man's good points and Ignore his bad ones." "Hut not Invariably." "No?" "I'vo Just been reading an Interest ing work entitled, 'Forty Famous j "vJi.Jfc,l. w afciYi...i-.;)i.iiWlVfctW SKUA I Heard Wireless Phone Talk in Europe INE BATON FOR FOCH i Photograph of the It-SU. latest Hrltlsh dirigible, In her maiden flight ut Criminals,'" Ulrtulnglmm Ago- Hurrow. She Is of the same type a the U-34 which crossed the Atlantic, but ii...... i.i I Jirald. larger. ranklln D. Itoosevelt. Demoeratlo nomluee for vlco president, making oj campaign speech for u phonograph J Why Poets Are Poor. It's all right to woo the muse, butl her editorial guardians mako It prettyi hard to get hold of any of her tnonoy. Boston Evening Transcript. J I