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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1920)
NORTH PLATTE SEMT-WTCETCTY TRIBUNE CITY MEN BADLY NEEDED ON FAR Shortage of Hired Labor Threat ens to Curtail Production of Food. MEREDITH MAKES AN APPEAL Increase of Wages From 15 to 25 Per cent'Falls to Relieve Situation Total Acreage Undoubtedly Will Be Reduced. Washington With n Hhortngo of hired firm labor, dm acute iih In 1018, threatening to curtail food production on American fnrmn, 15. T. Meredith, secretary of agriculture, Iiiih Issued an uppun I to city men, college students iind others to spend tliulr vacations working on farms, particularly an helpers- In harvest fields. Reports secured by thu federal de partment from Its representative In practically ovory state In tho Union show that the supply of hired farm labor In this country In only about 72 per cent of the normal supply, com pared with approximately 8'l per cent of a norma! supply u year ago. This yotir'H shortage I almost exactly the flame iih that of two years ago when large numbers of men were In military service. May Cut Production. The present (shortage has arisen In splto of the. fact that farm wages arc 15 to 2fi iter cent hlglwr than last your. Tho Hltuatlon, unremedied, can not fail to have unfavorable effect on production, according to the United States department of ngrlculture, and will tend to prevent any reduction In tho prices of farm products. While tho total acreage undoubtedly will be reduced as n result of tho present situ ation, It will not be In ns largo propor tion as the reduction In the labor sup ply, because the farmers with their families are exerting themselves to the utmost to overcome their handicap. Cultivation thin year will be less In tensive than formerly. More land will be put Into grass and such other crops ns require a minimum of labor, It Is said, and tho tilled fields will ho less Intensively cultivated. Secvetnry Meredith calls on nil bus iness men and students to spend their summer holidays helping relieve the present sltuntlon and so nld In com bating high living costs. In malting Discovers Way to Balk Idiocy Surgeon Perfects New Method of Treating Tumor of the Hu man Brain. SAVES SCORES OF PERSONS Discovery Is Result of Long Series of Experiments on Animals Locates Tumors and Obstructions Every Time. Bnltlmorc, Mil, Dr. Wnlter K. Dandy, associate In surgery at Johns Hopkins hospital, has discovered a process by which purified nlr Is pumped Into the channels of the hu man brain, thus making possible u ltudy of the living brain. The discovery Is regarded of tre mendous Importance In that It nl ready has saved scores of persons from Idiocy and premature death, by mak ing possible the oxnet location of brain tumors, and thus their eventual removal. Tho discovery of Doctor Dandy Is tho result of a long series of export "ucnts on nulmnls. Fluid That Feeds th Brain. In each hemisphere of tho brain there Is n large ventricle or chamber :onnoctlng with an elaborate system of channels filled with n fluid pro ducod apparently by one of the glands and delivered to the bruin through the spine. This fluid passesslowly to AIR VIEW A new and Interesting aerlul view evcrhcad. FLAGSHIP TO BE The U. S. S. lown. In Its day the prldo of the American navy and llngsii'P of the late "Fighting Hob" Evans, unless plans of naval experts fall, will lu used as a moving target for modern dreadnoughts, Its movements directed by powerful wlreles apparatus Invented by John Hays Hammond. Tho Iowa is about thirty years old and Is of no further use as a lighting machine. this appeal It Is recognized that, at the outset at least, such labor Is not as elllclent ns experienced farm labor, but the excellent results secured In 1018, when city men In large numbers aided the farmers, leave no doubt as to the success of the present drive If tho men will respond. Plan to Help Farmers. The United States department of ngrlculture was represented by Ashcr Ilobson at the meeting of the Natlonnl Farm Labor conference held In Kan sas City recently and the otllce of farm management, of which Mr. Ilobson Is nsslstant chief, Is laying plans looking townrd offering effective aid In dealing with tho farm lnbor situation, partic ularly In the harvest season. It Is ex pected that dellnlto announcement re garding work along thin line will bo made In tho near future. Until other provision has been made by the de partment nil persons Interested in find ing work on farms should write to the directors of agricultural extension at tho agricultural colleges In the vnrl ous states. These directors are pre- tho surface of the hrnln, there to be absorbed by the brain tissue, and It might he described as the lluld on which tho brain feeds. An excess of this lluld Is known ns hydrocephalus, or water on the brain. Doctor Dandy has discovered that It frequently follows a tumor which blocks the passage of the fluid. Na ture provides but ime method of dis posing of It, absorption. When that Is prevented by a tumor, the lluld col lects and presses against the brain, destroying It. Sometimes patients will live for .venrs as Imbeciles. Trials So Far Successful. In every case where It has been used the method has been successful In locating tumors and other brain ob structions within a hair's breadth. One of the most remarkable features of the discovery Is that It Is most effi cacious when only a local anesthetic Is used. It was discovered that tho patient felt no 111 effects and was nble to glvo assistance to the surgeon. In one case described by Doctor Dandy a patient was operated on half a dozen times for a tumor of tho brain without success. Doctor Dnndy used his prqeess and located the tumor, which was removed from a point not considered by diagnosticians. A photograph of the patient prior to tho operation showed a face with sag ging Hues nut! the vacant stare of Im becility. A photograph a few months after the operation showed a man ap parently In full possession of his senses. OF THE CAPITOL IN WASHINGTON of the cupltul lu Wudhluytuu, luudu USED AS TARGET pared to supply the names of county agents having farms In their respec tive counties thnt need farm labor, By this methoil anyone desiring to help on a farm can get In direct communi cation with the farmer. ONE DRINK JAILS BRIDEGROOM Brooklyn Judge Lets Him Go to Try to Square Things With His Wlfe-to-Be. ' Brooklyn, N. Y. Togged out in his wedding finery, namely, a perfectly correct nfternoon outfit, Alexander Klnskowsky, aged forty, woke up In a cell. Ills recollections of what happened were vague. He remembered he had started from his boarding house to make his first venture In married life. Ills wife-to-bo was waiting for him. Ills disposition to be prompt at the al tar was fixed In his mind, but a temp ter whispered to him that one little glass of half of 1 per cent beer would not hurt htm. The bnrman whispered "try whisky," as If he was doing lilin a favor, and he did. That was the last recollection he had until the cell cus todian woke him up and told lilin to get ready to go to court. The facts In the case were duly presented to Magistrate McGuIro by Patrolman McOovern, who had picked the expectant bridegroom out of the gutter. "If you promise me that you will not take another drink until you are safe ly married I'll let you go," said the magistrate. Kloskowsky promised, with marked fervor, and then started out-to square things with the woman who may or may not consent to be Mrs. Klos kowsky. King Alfonso Was Fined for Walking on Grass Mndrld. King Alfonso wns fined two pesetas for walking across the grass In the Gardens of the. Alcazar. Every member of bis suite who followed the king across tho greensward like wise was fined. The first Intimation the royal party had that It had committed an "offense was when a guardian approached and said : "Your majesty, walking bn the grass Is forbidden. I must flue you ac cording to my Instructions." At first King Alfonso was abashed, then he laughed and paid the money. Later the mayor of the town called at the palace and apol ogized to the king, but his majesty told hint the guardian bad acted properlytind should be rewarded for devotion to duty. Hum u Uua.u uuo unu. uu.u uwiu MM RIGHT STOCK FOR BREEDING Fowls Should De Healthy and Vigor ' ous for Best Success Yearling Hens Preferred. Ior success In rnlslng chickens It Is necessnry to hnve healthy ami vigor ous breeding stock, for the lack of vig or In the newly hatched chicks Is often traceable to weak parents. Only the most vigorous and the best grown birds should he put In the breeding yards. Each bird should be full of life and energy mid free from nny serious deformity. Yearling hens are usnnlly, better than pullets for breeder, because hens nro more mature and do not lay so ninny eggs during the early winter, and con sequently do not reduce their vitality Select Only Most Vigorous and Best- Grown Birds for Breeding Pens. so much before the breeding reason. Vigorous hens two to four years old can often be advantageously retained in the breeding yard. The male bird chosen should be young and active. An early hatched, well-developed cockerel Is usually sat isfactory, poultry specialists of the United Stntes department of ngrlcul ture alllrm, or n good, vigorous year- ling or two-yenr-old cock may be chos en. The hens used for breeding pur poses should be given tho best enro possible; they should be provided with large runs and should not bo forced for heavy egg production during the enrly winter. DEADLY FOE OF LAZY FOWLS When Trap Nests Are Used No Amount of Cackling Will Deceive . Owner of Poultry Flock. Trap nests are the deadly foe of thu lazy hen. When they are used, no amount of cackling and appearance ot Industry enn conceal the fact that she isn't delivering the goods. They are tho one nccurato way by which tho owner of a flock can check up on the laying ability of the Individual hens. Besides being valuable In locating the drones, their use Is advisable for the following additional reasons: Tl-y help to make the birds tame, thereby tending townrd increased egg production. They furnish definite knowledge con cerning the egg production of Indi vidual fowls. They furnish the most satisfactory basis for utility or other breeding. They show which ben lnys each Indi vidual egg, thus furnishing the essen tial basis for pedigree breeding. YIELD WHITE-SHELLED EGGS Mediterranean Breeds Are Best Suited for Production Do Not Make Good Sitters. Poultry of the Mediterranean or egg breeds are best suited for the produc tion of wblte-shclled eggs, lteprosen tatlves of this class are bred largely for the production of eggs rather than for meat production. Among the pop ular breeds of this class are: Leghorn, Minorca. Anconn and Andnluslnn. One of the outstanding characteristics of the egg breeds Is the fact that they are classed as nonsltters. That Is, as a rule, they do not become broody and hntch their eggs. When fowls of this class are kept, artlflclnl Incubation and brooding are usually employed. Small or dirty eggs should ho used at home. Karly cockerols are going to bring good prices this spring. Feed growing chicks a dry mash to which they can help themselves. Preserve eggs In the spring and sum mer for use during the fall and winter when eggs are scarce and high In price. Scatter nlr-sIaod lime all around the houses and yirds nnd you will do nuich to prevent vmp and cholera. It Is a sure germ C-rstroyor nnd Is espe cially good as n deodorizer under tho perches. ' - Many young dicks are killed every prlng by gnpowonns, which get Into the windpipe nnd fnlrly strangle the young birds to death. The pullets thnt lay nt four and a hnlf months usually molt nil winter--rtuctlcnKy profitless producers. ! NATIONAL CAPITAL IB AFFAIRS II All Candidates Strong For Good Roads J- WASHINGTON. M o t o r I s t s may place their bets on at least ono political certainty In the vast presi dential racing field. No matter who is elected, the national good roads movement will receive the whole-hearted backing of the White House. Without n single exception, nil of the presidential candidates whoso opinions clash on most everything from the reason for T cent sugar to Uncle Sam's foreign policy, tire In per fect accord concerning the vital Is sue of Improved highways as a means to the future economic welfare of the country. Gov. Frank O. Lowden declnres that good roads Is the one thing which will check the How or vntunr men nnd women from farms to cities. Gen. Leonard Wood believes that the good roads lesson Is ono of the outstand ing" features of the war. Herbert Hoover wants a mighty national cr- ,'nnlzntlon for the establishment of the greater roads system. W. G. Mc- Adoo believes good roads should sup "Overalls" Nets Bright Reporter $10, DEAR, dear! Word has reached Washington from Pnrls thnt the overall movement to hand a wallop to II. C. L. Is nothing more than an "advertising stunt." And this after Representative Up- show of Georgia has appeared In the house In overalls to receive the ap plause of less enterprising colleagues: and overall clubs have been formed. In every nook nnd cranny of the Innd ; I nnd lnwyers have worn them Into court and escaped a fine for contempt, nnd dignified bankers have put 'em on; nnd a Kansas mayor has been In augurated In 'em. and the denim parades have marched and counter marched with the bands playing: "Overalls, overalls," and even thu girls Imve put 'em on 1 It seems too awful to be true, yet the story from Paris Is clrcumstantlnl. It says that flashing like n meteor Into Paris, loaded with more diamond' than the late "Jim" Brady, and scattering hnndfiils of JiUls with a prodigality of "Million Dollar" Gntes, Johnny Soren sen of New York, the first overall mil lionaire, who has Just sold out his In terest In the big overall factories In "No Sportsman" Is Verdict on the German XlEIllPA Is a tuition of sportsmen. and the decision of the English mid Belginn Jockey clubs to bar from participation In racing and tho refusal to accept for registration in the Eng lish stud book any alien enemy horses Is of great Interest here. The French Jockey vlub has not yet token nny formal action regarding alien owned horses, hut It may confidently be ex pected to follow the lead of Its allies and neighbors. Whether tlie Jockey Club of America will take any action In the premises remains to be seen. The United States is so remote from the Interdicted countries thnt there Is little likelihood of any German bred or owned thoroughbreds being sent hero for racing. To Cut Soldiers' War WAli veterans holding government Insurance will be able to pay their premiums at the local post offices If congress pnsecs a bill which lias Just been' approved by tho house commit tee on Interstate and foreign com merce. The measure revises the war risk Insurance laws with a view to (be elimination of much of tlie red tape. Representative Sweet of Iowa fins served as chairman of the sub committee which bus been handling this class of legislation. The plan us outlined In the bill has tlie approval of the treasury depart ment, of which the bureau of war risk Insurance Is u part. It provides for the establishment of 11 regional offices In the United States. The bureau of public health s-ervlco and the federal hoard of vocational education have a like nuiuhor of of fices and an effort Is being made to co-ordinate the work to be rendered by these three government agencies to soldiers, sailors and marines of the recent wnr. All of these officer will probably be consolidated In one building In each plement the railroads to keep puce with America's development. Mt. Bryan says we should celebrate peace by building It memorials In permanent highways. "livery possible facility must be pro vided to encourage producers of farm commodities and merchandise to In crease production." declares Attorney General V. Mitchell Palmer, antl II. C. L. leader. "The Improvement and use of public highways, In addition to airways, railways and waterways, Is vital to the progress and prosperity of the people." "We have had a great object lesson In the paved hlirhways of California." says Senntor Illrnm Johnson. "They, have been a great fnctor In the de velopment of the state. The Improve ment of the highways of the nation un doubtedly will bo of groat economic value to the country as a whole." "Transportation bns made every avenue of civilization," is the belief of, Senator Warren O. Ilnrdlng. There Is no advancement In production and exchange until there are highways- to facilitate the transportation In volved." "Good mods construction retarded by tlie war should now be pushed vig orously." declared Senator Miles Poln dexter. "I favor an extensive system of natlonnl roads- built by the federnl government and located with a view to military defense as well ns civic and commercial use, and eo-ordlnnted with existing highways." Newark, N. J.; Schenectady. N. Y. and Buffalo, N. V at a thousand per cent profit, arrived at Claridge's, grab bing the royal suite. "The overalls campaign In America ts the biggest publicity stunt ever pulled off." said Mr. Sorenson. "It originated In the brain of a Now York reporter, who, seeing tho possibilities of the 'story,' went to tlie biggest overall linn In the coun try and put the scheme In operation. He got $10,000 for the Idea and was given n lob nt the bead of the firm's publicity department. Mr. Sorenson said the stock of bis. company bounded from 43 to COO la n few days after the Idea was sprung. Sportsmen of nil kinds, whether or not interested in racing, are concerned in this action. The sportsman is the; sentlemnn of sports. He plays fnlr. He Is a good winner nnd n better loser. "All men nre eijunl on the turf und under It." The racing sportsmen of Englnnd and Belgium have served notice on the German thnt by their standards he Is no sportsman. This nctlon will bo n crushing blow to the horse breeding activities of Ger many, Austro-IIungary, Bulgaria ami Turkey. Thoroughbred sires, mqst ot them of English lineage, were the foundntlon of the grent army and rac ing studs developed by Germany nnd Austro-Hungury. The best were none too good In the establishment of a typo of general purpose horse. The English Derby winners. Ard Patrick and Gnltee Moore, each cost ."5110,000. and were among the lino sires thnt were available to farmers and breeders at a nominal fee. Germany maintained 'racing on a more or less pretentious scale during the- war. and there wus no let up In breeding. Insurance Red Tape m.URAflff PAY PREMIUM J HERE of the cities In which they may be lo cated. The hill also provides for tho establishment of such subofllces as may be deemed necessnry. The bill nlso provides that the bu reau of war risk insurance shall tem porarily relieve from the payment of premiums on renewable term Insur ance the following persons: (a) Those who are receiving hospital enre under tho bureau; (h) those who are receiving vocational training pur suant to the vocational rehabilitation act; (c) those who aro temporarily totally disabled by reason of an In Jury or disease entitling them to compensation.