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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1920)
IU. I. Al;. Editor anil 1'nMlBhcr SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One 'i'iir hy Mali, In advance. .l .! One Year by t'nrrler, In uilvnncc, $2.00 Entored at tho North Platte, Nebraska Pogtofflce as Soeond Class Matter. Fill DAY, MAIUM 8IMI1, 10211. I'or County CNihiiiiIhciIoiiit. I hereby announce my candidacy for the nomination for county commission er of the Third Wetrlct on the repuhll can UeKet at the iirlmary election Aitrll 20th, 1910, auhject to the will of the volar, whose support I respectfully solicit. DAVID IC. MARTIN. Pot- Clerk i'Msirlct Court. I horoby announce that I have filed for Republican Nomination for Clerk of District Court HUbJoct lo the will of the voters at the primary Election April 20th, 1920. Your support will bo greatly be appreciated. WILLIAM M. RITNER. (OjnilSSKhNKli'PHOCKKDINCJS. March 22, 1920. Uoard mot, presont full board and county clerk. Finished chocking county clerk's books. Tom Horn, drugging, $20.00. John Anthony, work on tractor, $20. C. W. Cyphor, road work, $7.00. N. D. Wolls, road work. $24. no i; o. o. v. Notice. Colfax Iviicmnpniont fo . 23 I. 0. 0. F. will confer Hip Patriarchal degree on a clAss of candidates tonight. J. iil'Y StVOI'H, Scribe. CITY AM) COUNTY A'EWS. John Schrani, dragging, $20.00 S. C. Wills appointed assessor of , mapping out the territory Buchanan precinct and bond approved .Charlton Wills, road work, $4.00. L. C. Craig appointed overseer DIs trlot F.8 to fill vacancy. A. N. Larson appointed overseer District 3C. L. C. Mitcholl, dragging, $10.00. ,. R. Baldwin, rood work, $10.00. C. C. Long, dragging. $20.25. Josso Long, road work, flCOO. Louis Orndy, hauling dirt, $19.00. Albert Stoinbailson, road work, $19. A. S. Allen, freight on trucks, $1C0.92. A. S. Allen, making out tax llHt, $1,533.84. 15. C. Ilostettor, bridgo work, $57. Potitlon for public road prosonted by C. H. Wallor and othorrt granted as damages aro waived. R. A. Vnnarsdalo, road work, $25. Bond of C. E. King, assossor for Falrvlow precinct, approved. II. Wcstonfcld, nidso county poor, $75.48 O. II. Eyorly Is hereby appointed highway commissioner. R. L. Craig, dragging, $28.80 O. W. Smith, dragging. $7.20 P. Rowley, road work, $14.00. ;:o:;. Play lo be Repealed. Tho Nicaflgco Camp Firo Girls wore highly, complimented when the Epis copal Guild ladles rociueatcd thorn to repeat tholr play, "Engaged by "Wed nesday," saying the high order or tho entertainment glvon was such ns to Insure- n cnpnclty houso even on n second nights performance The Guild hns ngrood to finance the entertalnmont and sec to the sale of tickets. Tills play will bo glvon May 9th, at the Franklin. Auditorium. Rosorvo tho date. For Sale. Span of big mules, weight 2G00, 7 and 9 years old; also ono mulo weight 1000. Address R. L. Doug las, North Platte, or phono 792F018. ::o:: Clinton & Son, Grndunto- Opticians, hoo thorn for Service. tf Mrs. G. iF. Welnjsand, of Omaha, has been in town this week visiting rolatlvos and friends. Clyde and Mario lake, from Omaha, wore visitors at the I). M. Layplodt home this week. Frank Frederlci lias both hands swathed In bandages. Tin hands were Imdly chapped, he applied a sal ve and iwlsonous Infection resulted. Onion Sets. MeMlclmel's Grocery. 23 Mrs. W. T. Aldon went to Lincoln this morning to spend a weok with her daughter who is attending tho university. Sbo was accompanied by Mr. Alden's mother. Don't forget tho biusaar next Wed nesday, March 31st, at the M. K. church parlors. Dinner wil be ser ved und useful articles will he on sale. He sure and be there. 22-2 Now Blouses In all tholr dainty beauty are now shown In our Blouse Shop. Mrs. Cantlln and Mrs. Kline in charge at The Loader Mor. Co. A few desirable second-hand Fords al Ihe right price. Conic In and see us at once. Ilendy-Oglcr Aulo Company. Tho Millinery Department at The Lender Merc. Co. Is filled with most exqulsllo stylos In Millinery with Miss Little and Mrs. Woodhurst in chargo who will bo very glad to show ycu. Water Commissioner Wolcli Is now for wntor Chas. Handy, Sr., raachod his seventy-second birth anniversary Mon day and was entertalnod by IiIk daugh ter Mrs. M. C. Westfall and husband and his son Will and family at the Westfall home where a big dinner served and Mr. Hendy prosentad with a boquat of seventy-two roues. R- Hendy has boon a rosldent of Lincoln county for fifty years. All kinds of nursery stock for sale. R. MoFnrland, Box 020, North Platte. Neb. 14tf R. L. Douglas, living near Bignell. shipped out a car of fat holfers and a car of hogs a few days ago and though he received tho top of $11.50 for the heifers he says he lost money in feeding them, this too, notwith standing they thrived and did well while being fed. Mr. Douglas' result In feeding this winter Is borne out by practically all who have fed eajtle an actual loss by reason of high cost of feed . , Try our 30c Coffee. McMichnol's Many New Feature! are jbmDo died tin the new Grocery. 20-4 mains which can bo extended under I tho $50,000 funds avallnblo by a bond Issue. This map will bo completed ' tcl in 1t tt i It ri n r iirnanri t n t I It next meeting of tho city council nnd that body will proceed to call aji elec tion for tho purposo of voting on a bond Issue. As Btatod In a former Issuo of Tho Trlbuno tho original plans for extension had to bo curtail ed because tho statutes limits tho sum of money which can ho voted for that purpose . : :o: : Registered Suffolk StnlHou for salo or trade. Weight 1C50, six years old. Inqulro of Alhort A. Glnapp Brady. lOtf Owing to another engagement ai the , Keith at tho timo of playing of "Stolen Orders," it was only possible to play that picture the ono night and a great many people were disappointed In not being able to sec It. And for that roason Mannger Garman has booked it for a repeat date and It will be played nt tho Crystal next Monday. It wax a groat picture and those who did not see it should not miss this opportunity to do so. See us for wall papor, The Rexall Store. , 14tf Card of' Thanks. Wo wish to express our gratitude to our many kind frionds for tho sym pathy and assistance givon us during the Illness and nt tho death of our loved ono nnd for tho many beautiful lloral offerings. Wlllnds Hansen, Thoa Hansen. ::o:: Ratification of the prop.osed amend ments to tho constlution, as submit ted by constitutional convention which has been In session slnco the first of the year, will bo at a special election to bo hold September 21, 1920, and unless otherwlso specified, each proposal will go Into effect Jnnu ary 1, 1921. iffzisr GOVERNOR SAMUEL R. McKELVIE Will address the voters of North Platte and vicinity AT THE COURT HOUSE Saturday Evening, March 27th, At 8 p. m. is to Your Advantage to Investigate this new Maxwell TOURING ROADSTER Ladies are Especially Invited to Attend (?) to i if fl (!) (t to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to TAKF That we have one of the largest and most complete lines of John Deere Implements ever shown in Western Nebraska, You are invited to come to . the . building known as the Old Lloyd Opera House and look over our show room. i Leypoldt-renningtoi! Co to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to ,to to ( if to to to NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA NORTH PLATTE 721 N. LOCUST AMES .TKWKL "WEDS MISS FAYE PAKSONS. "Wc make a Speciality of fitting glasses, Clinton & Son. Opticians, tt iV very pretty wedding took placo at high noon Tuesday wjien Miss Fayo Parsons hecome tho hride of James Jewel at tho Methodist church Itev. Hess officiating in tho pesenco of a largo numher of friends and relatives. Tho wedding inarch was played by Miss Clara Sorenson and the bride Was given away by her uncle Dr. V. Lucas. She wore a beautiful gown of white mossallne uid beaded georgette crepo. A long tulle veil was hold In place by a wreath of orange blossoms and she held a largo shower bouquet of white sweet peas, bride's roses and slmllax. Miss Hazel Ueltz of Arnold attended tho bride. Sho wore a pretty gown of pink satin'' and carried pink roses Mrs. Fred Carlson of Kearney a sis ter of tho hiido acted asx matron ot honor. Sho wore whlto satin with bead trimming and carried a basket of roses. Tho wedding ring was carried in a large lily by Margeret Reynolds who was attired In a dainty whlto georgette frock. Llttlo Cyn thia Wilcox acted a3 flower girl and wore a fluffy gown of white organdie. Lloyd Ueltz of Arnold was host man. After a luncheon which was sorved in tho church parlors tho newly weds left for eastern points amid a shower of rice. Thoy will be at homo in two weeks in Corvallls, Ore. Mr. Jewel re cently held a position with tho U. P. company and Mrs. Jewel who has re sided In this city for three years was employed at tho Wilcox Department Storo. Out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Mnc Lucas of Arnold, Dr. Charles Lucas of Shelton, Mr. and Mrs E. Parsons of Arnold. Many beauti ful sifts were rocolvod.- ::o:: . For Utile, Hiinoh of 15 nores on woat Ninth street jolniiiK city. Good house now Knrajre 10x20, new chicken house 12x32, with ftlaa covered scratch shed for winter, horse barn, cow barn; lnml all fenced nnd cross fenced. Priced for 30 days nt JS000. Call at 1S05 west Ninth street or phone Ijlack 330. 21-3 It. It. HENDF.rtSON. Wanted Repair Work. Furniture, and Musical s.' Instrum- Toops & Maize, garage; in tho second ward in the Court House on tho second floor; in tho third ward in the city building on Lot 1, Block 100, known as the Firo Station on the second floor and In the fourth ward In tho building known as the Bulck garage. At which election there will be vot ed for and elected: . i . i t - i One Councilman from the first ward ems ana r ranting ana uniarging. for tho tcrm of two years. I Ono Councilman from the second l ward for tho term of two years. Ono Councilman from the third warj for the term of wo years. Ono Councilman from the third ward for tho term of ono year. Ono Councilman" from the fourth ward for ho tVrm of two years. Two members of tho Board of Edu cation for tho school district of tho city of North Platte, County of Liu coin nnd State of Nebraska, for the term of three years. Given under tho seal of tho city of North Platte, this 2Gth day of March, 1920. A. F. STREITZ, Mayor. Attest: O. E. ELDER, City Clerk. (SEAL) ops Ritner Hotel Bldg. 113 W GthSt. Notice o1 Election. Notice Is hereby given that on Tues day, the Gth day of April, 1920,"a gon oral city, election will bo hold in the city of North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska, the polls to bo opened bo. twoon the hours of 9 a. m. and 7 p. m. The voting places will bo as fol lows: In tho First "Vnrd on Dewey Street botween 4 th and 5th streets In tho building known as tho Durbln I have the Money on hand to close loans promptly. Real Estate Mortgages Bought and Sold T. C. PATTERSON Loan Broker Building 8c Loan Building Norm Platte Produce Co. Special On Poultry. Wanted 10,000 Chickens At Omce. HENS 33c. COCKS 15c. GEESE 20c. SPRINGS 26c. TURKEYS 30c. DUCKS 25c. TAKE NOTICE. . We buy Cream. We want your Cream at High est Market Price. Phone 192 for Poultry, Eggs and Cream. Markets they are always High.