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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 23, 1920)
orib'twc. A A A. A i A . TIIIRTY-SIXTH YEAH. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., MARCH 23, 1920. No. 21 39 11 1 l'lI' lll JlOTAltl CLUB WILL UK INSTITUTED THIS KVKNIXG. Tho North Platto Ilotnry Club will bo lnstltntod this ovonlng at tho Masonic hall with a charter member ship of twonty-nvo. Institutional ceremonies, In chargo of Rotarlans from Kearney, Orand Island, Hastings and Lincoln, will follow n banquet, and among tho out-of-town membors will bo Included District Governor Slater, of Lincoln. At a meeting held last Friday noon the organization of tho club was per fected by the election of Harry Dixon L. C, Carroll, P. B. Moonoy, V. 11. Moloney and Dr. H. C. Brock as directors, and P. L. Moonoy President L. C. Carroll, Vice-President: N. E. Buckloy, Secretary, W. J. O'Connor treasurer and R. D. Blrgo Sergeant-at arms. Tho out-of-town Itotarlans will nr rlvo on No. 7 this evening, bo met by n reception commltteo and entertained prior to tho banquet, which will be hold at six-thirty. North Platto 1b tho elovonth town in tho state to have a Rotary club. Will Hulld Four Bungalows In a recent lssuo of Tho Tribune thoro appeared an Item to tho effect that R. McFarland and aon would build four residences on tho formor's oast Fourth streot block -which Is all set to fruit and forest trees. At that tlmo wo did not Intend that tho editor should got on to our plans for publication, but as ho has given pub licity, I guess in tho faco of high prices wo will bo compelled to make good. During tho summer, If all goes according to schedule, we will build four full basements one-story 8-room bungalows 24 x 32 to sell or rent Tho interior arrangements in each will bo similar, but tho exterior of each will bo different. Wo will call theso tho big four with index names Alpha, Beta, Cappa and Delta. The material for Alpha Is being assem bled. Watch It grow to completion in forty days barring baa weather. R. M'cFARLAND. ::o:: For Sale 4 lots with now 5 room Bungalow. All modern with own water system and electric pump, at 1714 East 4th. Phone Red 1081. 20-4 IIUUi: A 1112 TUB IMIIMAUY rii.i.Mss roil county officf.s. Not In a numlior of years has the crop of political aspirants been bo heavy ns in tho coming' primary election and ccr tnlnly tho voters havo an array present ed to them that should mako choosing easy. Saturday was tho last day on which filings could bo made, and tho complcto Hat follows: .State Senator W. V. Hongland nnd Aim. Kbrlght, both republicans. Representative C8th District 13. S. Davis nnd Homer Mylnndor, republlcH.nn Claude Delaney, democrat. Clork of the District Court Oeo. 13. 1'rosnor and Win. R. Itltner, both republicans. County Commissioner, Dlst. No. 1 John H. nttnor, Chns. I.lerk, Thos. Orton, T. Sr. Cohngcn and .1. 12. Koontz republicans; and V. J. Tlley, democrat. County Commissioner, Dlst. .1 D. E. Matftin,, Henry Coker, Frederick Cirlfllths and Geo. E. Jenkins, republi cans; A. Ii. McNeel nnd Sampson Work man, democrats. County Judge W. II. C. Woodhurst, J. M. Calhoun, W. Ilcrmlnghausqil nnd 13. 13. Cnrr. Judge of the District Court fl. M. CTrlmcsj. s ::o:: To ilic Public I desire to Inform the public that I havo moved my business olllcc to tho Star Bottling Works and Mercantile Co. building on east Front, with olllco hours, when In town, from 9 to 12 n. m., and from 2 to 4 p. m. My phono num ber Is 292. If I am out of town infor mation as to when I will return can bo secured from tho book-keeper. 1 JULIUS PIZEU. ::o:: Yeomen Meeting Chnnge of Date. Homestead No. 3030, Brotherhood of American Yeomen, will hold Its next regular meeting at tho It C. hnll on Friday, March 2Cth nt 8:00 p. m. In itiation. Award of prizes. Special features. 21-2 -::o::- Go to the fancy work nnd apron sale of the Eplhcopal Guild on the 22nd of April and see tho now stlyes of aprons nnd get your lunch for twenty-live cents. Penrl bends nnd fancy beads. C. AUSTIN. Crystal Theatre, Thursday and Friday. TOM. MOOJRE IN "TOBY'S BOW" It's the kind of a picture that gives you that gr-r-and and glor-r-ious feelin'.i Torn Moore at his fighting, smiling best; you know what that means. t Why say more, say Tom Moore, and come. VJ-?' ""I J tiSV- xss. - -zj J ? A. ..A I V M.TZ T I ORGANIZATIONS THERES PLENTY OfivOffK FOR EVERYBODY! "GET BELHIND THE. BRUSH!" As Merchants of Our City and Your City WE STRONGLY ADVOCATE THE ABOVE. We appreciate the business that has been coming our way from the people of North Platte. We are glad that we are residents and have the opportu nity of doing business in a city that shows such progressiveness. Therefore we are line for a CLLANER AND BETTER NORTH PLATTE. J. C. PENNY CO., Incorporated. 297 BUSY STORES IN 1920. OIUiAM.i: COUNOIIj of cami F1IIH GIIU.S liAST 13VKN1NCJ. A number of ladles lntorostod In tho Cnmpflro Girls mot nt tho Franklin school building last ovonlng nnd organ ized n Camp Flr"o Council by tho elec tion of Mrs. Adda Turplo prosldont, Mrs. II. N. Getty secrotary and Mrs. F. II. Harbor treasurer. Miss Jllrkhofcr, of Gothenburg', who Is a stato leader In Campflco work was present nnd explained tho Ideals and methods of this organization. It developed nt this meeting that 400 KlrlB Imve nskd to join the Campflre movement In North Platte, nnd only thirty-two havo boon nccommodnted up to date. The reason why more enmps hnve not boen organized Is becnuro of lack of guardians. At the meeting Inst night several volunteered ns guardians nnd additional camps will be organ ized in tho Immedlnto future. ::o::- l'OH MALM Went fourth Street I'roerty. We offer for nle he telve room ilwelllng nt 10OS Went Fourth Street. TIiIn lioiiHe Ih modern In ever)' tletiill. I'ull liiiNenient nml sleeping porch. I'on NenHlon to lie glteu April tnctli. 'I'liln property priced right nml terniN lie given to purcIinHer. See Jlrntt, Gooil ni nn .V Iluckley. ::o:: 1. octil Olllcc ltnukH I'onrlli. Though with one exception tho locnl army recruiting olllco is located In the smnllcst city In the district, It ranks fourth In the number of enlistments since Its establishment. The olllco was established December 4th with Ser geant G. P. Johnson In charge, and since that tlmo there have been thirty one enlistments. Tho office will bo maintained ns long as It Is productive of results. ::o:: Ladies Suits from $25.00 to $100.00 nt Wilcox Department Store. It. D. Itnsmusseu left last evening for All I mi ce to attend the stato con vention of insurance ngents. The American War Mothers will meet nt tho home of Mrs. Brodbeck, 407 W. 4th streot Friday evening, Mnrch 26th, If you want anything In Infant's Wear you will find It nt Wlleox Depart ment Store. The Iloyal Neighbors Social Club will meet nt the homo of Mrs. W. L. Basklns, 402 W. Sth streot, Wednscdny nftornoon. She will be assisted by the Mcsdames Pete Hayes, Chas. Wilson and Lilerk.- A' good attendance Is do slretl. ."'.v, TIir MAthrtfllitt IiwIIph: Will - unrvn thn customary'. dinner at tho church par lors tomorrow from 11:30 to 2 o'clock. The menu: roast beef, mashed potatoes baked beans, brown hreinl, fruit snlnd, picKics, crnnoerry sauce, pie and coffee Fifty cents a plnte. The most complete stock of Enster Millinery will be found at Wilcox De partment Store. The stork visited the homo of Mr. and Mrs. H. L,. Pennington yesterday and deposited a girl. Mother nnd daughter are doing nicely and tho boys at the Elks' club are smoking at Hnr ley's expense. See tho new Silk Waists at Wilcox Department Store. I.. C. McGraw returned tho latter part of last week from Sioux City and Dcs Moines whore ho had gono to se cure entries for the Fourth of July auto races. He succeeded in getting soven or eight racers to come, among which are two or three very speedy men . Easter Neckwear, all the new kinds nt Wilcox Department Store. At the meeting of tho Elks Inst ovon lng nlno candidates wore Initiated, a dozen or moro wore certified for mem bership and nine were balloted upon. Among those initiated Inst evening wore Messrs. Doylo and Melton, two old-tlmo cattlemen living in tho south part of tho county. District Deputy Gnnz, of Alliance, was present and nd dressed tho lodge. Following tho meet ing lunch wns served. Don't forget tho date: April 22nd, when ttfo Episcopal Guild will hold their fancy work sale and serve a 2Gc lunch. IMiGUI.All AllMV IIKGUUITI.VO 1'AIITV AIM3 IN TOWN. The regular army recruiting party arrived In tho city Sunday morning. This party consists of Major 1J, M. Saw- bridge, 13th P. A., and eight molt from tho famous 4th Division now stntlonod nt Camp Dodge, Iowa, with Cnpt. A. Ollvor nnd two mon from tho COth CACX Camp Lewis, Washington, and Lt. Leo 11. G. Ward of tho General llocrult- Ing Sorvlco nnd live mon of tho SOth Infantry Fort Crook, Nebraska, and one man general service. This party Is oprntlng In connection with the na tional Campaign for recruits for the army. The party cnrrlos nn Interesting ex hibit of war rolles and stages a Hrown- Ing machine gun and automatic rllle demonstration dally between the hour of 1 and 2 and 4 and 5 p. in. In the win dow of; Derryberry and Forbes store. "While the main business of the party Is to secure recruits," said Major Sawbrldge. "wo nre nisi) trying to drive home to the citizens of the country tho fnct that the rcgulnr nrmy is their army nnd cannot be n thing npart from their llvos, Tho nrmy Is tho guarantee of our liberties nnd tho surety for the enforcement of our laws." Under tho recent two million dollnr congressional appropriation for educa tional . and vocational training In tho army camps and posts, thoro havo been established at Camp Dodge, Iown, and similar camps throughout tho country, complcto educational nnd vocational training schools, with courses running from tho A, 13, C's, to vulcanizing nnd acotyllne welding. Tho army Is hiring the host civilians obtainable for In structors In tho vnrlous departments: a innu with ambition and determination will secure In the vocational schools training that would bo very nearly Im possible to securo whllo supporting himself on thfi outside. The peace-time nrmy hns nlways had a groaO deal of leisure time on Its hands. jA. few hours drill dnlly keeps tho organizations In splendid trim and tho lor) hours of drill known during war tlmo nre unnecessary at present. This leisure, tlmo Is now provided for In thu vocational schools, and the var ious rocrentlonnl activities now under taken by tho war department. Athletics of all kinds nre In abundance at the big camps, with government moving picture shows, community dances under supervision of the camp authorities, enlisted men's clubs nnd libraries to whllojt'awny the spare time. Lieut. Leo Ward of the General Ke-crultlng-iServlce nnd tho entire jinrty arc vtTry enthusiastic about the recep tion' that .has been accorded them by North Platte people.' Sundny was spent looking over the town, out to "Buffalo Bill's" ranch, and tho other sights of the community. ' 1 The party will bo here the entire week leaving Sunday night for Alliance whore they closo their tour. AT THE SUN THEATRE. TUEST&WED. Aution of Souls Facts Not Fiction. 8-reels. Mntineo 35c, Evening 50c. Plus War Tax. This is not a chllds Picture. Kngngenient I0v I rnordlmir; . Aurora Mardlgaulau, In tho greatest picture ever shown In this or any other theatre. The only film ever screened In Amorlcn at $10 per seat. ''Auction of Souls," 8 reels, TiOOO people, S3 prin cipals Depicting the trail of tho Ter rible Turk In ravished Armenia. Au rora Mnrdiganlan is the sole survivor of half a million Armenian girls. The film shows truthfully and without ex aggeration what she nnd her campan- lons stood through tho two years In Turkish Harems In tho hands of Tur kish spldlers find roving bands of Kurds boforo she escaped to America. Every incident vouched for by tho British Investigator, Lord Bryce, and the American Ambassador to Turkoy, Henrv Morganthau. Endorsed by Cnr- dlnnl Gibbons nnd other noted I'relntes and by tho Governors of llvo stntes. A picture you will never forgot. It makes every American woman's blood boll. At tho SUN Thoatro only two days, commencing today. If possible nttend rfur matlneo to relievo night congestion. Prices: matlneo G0c plus war tax, evening COo plus war tax. Adult tickets only. s :;o:: Miss Elizabeth Ilnnlon wont to.Omn- ha yi-storday to visit her sister. Tin- Episcopal ladles will hold a food sale at tho Derryberry & Forbes Btoro Sat in day. Mi. and Mrs. P, A. Norton havo re- turinil from Clinton, la., whero they wen called by tho death of a relntlvo. Fur Sale Simplicity Incubator, al most new. Phono Bed 173. 321 So. Dew.y. 21-2 The Lutheran Indies of tho first, Sec ond and Third wards will bo entertain eil at the church parlors Wednesday nf ternoon . Wanted Booms or House to Bent, furnished or unfurnished. Apply to II. .1 . Morn n, Secty. C of C. OAXTHH.V ItKSnilVIS VOMLVI'ISKHS TO ASSIST CHAIRMAN SHILLING. "It pays to ndvertlsa," said Chairman Shilling of tho Near East camalgn, "for In response to tho apponl mado In Tho Tribune Frldny for nsslstnnco In tho campaign for funds, tho Canteen Ho serves volunteered to help out In tho work, thus roltovlng mo of n depressed stato of mind duo to tho fact that I could get no ono to assist mo in o work. Now that tho Canteen Reserves havo proforolT tholr nsslstnnco I feel that the campaign will bo well con ducted and that people will respond liberally to the call for funds to re lieve the destitution of the peoples of the Near East, thouaauds of whom aro In a starving nnd helpless condition." When the A. It. C, Canteen wns mustered out of sorvlce, the members agreed to remain Intact umler an or gnnlzntlon to ho known ns Canteen Ho servos and ns such help to meet emer gency conditions that might nrlso In tho future. Sovoral tlmos tho Bosorvos have volunteered their services for tho public good, and now come forward to assist Chairman Shilling In his Near East campaign. It Is Indeed fortunate that North Platto possesses such a body of energetic nnd public spirited wo men, nnd yo trust that tho Boservcs may continue as nn emergonoy organization. :o:: Tvtentletli Century Oluli. Tho regular meeting of tho Twen tieth Century Club will bo hold nt tho homo of Mrs. W. J. Tlloy, 1101 E. Fifth streot, on Tuesday, March 23d at 3 p. in., wlt!i Mrs, W. O. Harbold nnd Mrs. Edmund Dickey assisting hostesses. Business of Importance WH1 come be fore tho Club and tho program for tho afternoon will Includo "Music ns a Help In Americanization" by Mrs .T. L. Morati. l'HAt'l? TUI8ATV IS PUT TO DEATH BY SKNATIO. Tho treaty of Versailles faljcd of ratllloatlon for tho fourth time Friday night and then tho senate votod to send It back to President VIIboii with a notification that It had llnnlly "re fused to ndvlsn and consent to Us' ratllloatlon." On tho doclslvo roll call tho vote -rb forty-nind for ratlUca' tlon to thlrty-flvo against, tho opposi tion numbering In Its ranks twenty domocrnts who were unwilling to eco tho treaty go thru with republican res ervations objected tb by tho president, nnd throo domocratlo nnd twclvo re publicans irreconcllnbles. Twenty-ono democrats quit tho president's. lead nnd voted for rnttnoiitlou, but tho defection failed by seven votes of providing tho two-thirds requisite to ratify. Tho re sult was regarded everywhere In tho capital as having put over Into tho political campaign for decision tho long and bitter fight between tho chief ex ecutive nnd tho sennto majority. A move to reconsider tho vote and try onco moro to ratify collapsed In Its Inception, leaders on both sides agree ing that furthor ratification efforts would bo a wnsto of tlmo na long as the sennto membership remains ns It Is. -::o: ::o::- Of Interest to Von. Our eyes nro tho most precious tiling wo own nnd tho best of enro Is none to good for them for when they nro onco gone wo nro lost. Boallzlng this fnct wo havo equipped our office with tho most modern Instruments nnd methods possible. Our examination Is most complete.. Wo Invite you to call In nnd Inspect our Optlcnl dept. In con nection with our Optlcnl dopt. we grind our own lenses this gives tho quickest service. All our glasses nnd work Is guaranteed to give satisfaction. ::o:: Wo pay cash for buttor nnd oj;gs. Mcdovorn & Stack, phono 80. Froo delivery. 8tf DnNhtd to Dentil nt Ognllnln. Ono man wns killed nnd another bad ly Injured Sunday afternoon nt Ogal lala when nn noroplano In which they woro riding dashed to tho earth. Tho man wnB tho pilot named Batten. Tho resident of tho placo, nnd tho injured man was tho pilot namod Batton. Tho machine was ownod ' by ono of the Sonrlo boys and was completely wreck ed. It Is said that when at nn olova tlon of 1DO0 feot tho pilot nttomptod to do sotno stunt nnd In doing so lost control of tho piano. For County 'canimlwnloner. I hereby nnnounco my cnndjdaoy for tho nomination for county commission er of tho Third District on the republi can ticket nt tho primary election April 20th, 1920, subject to the will of tho votors, whoso support I respectfully solicit. DAVID K. MABTIN. ::o:: Wnntod to buy n five or six room' house, not particular about hent, with in ten blocks of business soctlon. Will pay cash. Address XX Tribune Office For Sale 1 team now .Deorlng mow er and ewoep. Phono Ulnck 1182. 21-2 Wnntod Band hauling, cleaning back yards and plowing garden spotu. Phono, Black 1182. 21-Z TIIURS. & FRI John Comberland in a comedy drama The Gay Old Dog If you want to relax dont fail to see this. For tho benefit of those who havo to go to work at 4 p. m. we nro starting our matlneo Wednesday only, at I p. If You Are Interested In The Future NORTH PLATTE Join The Chamber of Commerce. Crystal, Tonight and Tomorrow. Something New! A four reel Lehrtnan comedy "A Twighlight Baby" A comedy treatise on why boys leave home, why girls stay home and how to make the world safe for chickens (poultry): " Also a Fox news 1 A New One .Each Night. New Columbia Records Fe Fi Fo Finn Art Ilickmans Dancing Honeymoon j No. 2880 Buddali Dardcnella Lime House Knights Harkin Dog O-Oh Swance My Gal Say It Peggy With Flowers Mohammed Afaghanista i Saxaphonc Sextet No. 2876 . ,.. Garmans Syncopaters Ted Lewis Jazz Rand No. 2844 , Al Johnson Frank Crumit No. 2884 ,Chas. Harrison Tenor Solo Princes Orchestra No. 2833 LIMITED SUPPLY OF THESE RECORDS HARRY DIXON in. Bomembor a percent of thli pla- BE A BOOSTER. ture goes to the Near East Belief.