The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, March 16, 1920, Image 4
JX-. - New Chic Veils just re ceived for Veil Week. MARCH 15 to 20. IcVICKERS STYLE PLUS QUALITY STORE. DR. 0. II. CRESSI.ER, Graduate Dentist . Office over the McDonald State Bunk. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Have you seen the now golf skirts at Tho Stylo Shop? Wanted to buy A good gontlo driv ing horse. Inquire at this office. 2t Tho Bonvonuo cub moots with Mrs. Bihll Kosbau, 018 Lincoln Avo., Fri day afternoon. "Tho Garden of Alluh" tho most talked of book In tho last ten years shown In pictures at tho Kolth Theatre Wednesday and Thursday. Nifty Tweed Coats for misses and ladles. E. T. Tramp & Sons. Joo Mahaffoyk ono of tho publishers of tho Arthur Enterprise, has boon In town for a day or two visiting frlonds. Ho says he Is getting along nicely. Clever and dainty Silk Llngorlo, a big and varied assortment at reduced prlcos for Thursday, Friday and Sat urday at E. T. Tramp & Sons. Material Is bolng assembled to ro modol tho Interior of tho property at tho corner of Fourth and Locust re cently purchased by tho Fldollty In surance Company. Wkon you think of blouses think of Tho Stylo Shop. Contracts havo boon lot for tho erec tion of sovoral now housos in tho south part of town. This Bcction of tho city promises to bo tho scono of tho great est building activity this sensou. "No one but God and I know whn is In my heart" Soo this thought rovealed In tho Garden of Allah at tho Kolth Thcatro, Wednesday and Thurs day, Try tho Roxall first, It pays. 14tf Mrs. Loulso Potors, of Grand Is land, spont tho wcok end in town, transacting business. Mrs. Potors will leavo about tho first of Juno for Cali fornia whoro sho expects to locate Do not miss tho Silk Underwear salo at E. T, Tramp & Sons Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Merchandise ..that Is dainty nnd pleasing. f vacuum g a , !f I FEED OF i MR j 1 Its features make it "trouble-proof Western Electric POWER & LIGHT THIS direct-connected type of Western Electric Power and Light is practically automatic in its operation a child can operate it. . Dependable electric service night and day for, your farm. w vSce this plant in operation North Platte . Plumbing & Heating Co. f 108 E. MILLINERY I Frank McGovem returned Saturday from Southern California where ho was employed for a time as a brako- man. Have you over worn a True Worth Apron or House Dress? Try ono. ihoy aro all their namo Implies E. T. Tramp & Sons. A. C. Burton, who has been living in town for a year or two, will return to Wolllleet this week to spend tho summer. For tho next thirty days I will soli nursery stock at a discount of flvo per cent. It. McFarland, Box 020. City. lctf Bobby Bylund, of this city, will wrostlo "Pep" Brown at Dallas, Tex as, tonight. Bobby has several other matches scheduled in Texas. Did Your mother over lick you when you know you wcro growed up and could swing on tho gato with your Dost girl? Seo Jack PIckford In "In Wrong" at tho Crystal Theatre To night nnd Wednesday. Watch Tho Stylo Shop Windows. Frelcht traffic on tho rnml 1b nimh that train crows are going over tho road each ilav nnd ncr.nslnnnllv irnt n an extra trip. Brakemon yostorday cashed chocks ranging from ninety to a hundred dollars for tho fifteen day period. Tho annual mooting of tho share holders of tho Mutual Building and Loan Association willl bo hold Satur day ovonlng, March 27th. Tho board of directors bespeak a larger attend ance of shareholders than usual at tond this yearly mooting. , A pair of proporly fitted glasses will stop that headacho, Clinton & Son Opticians. tl When tho warm days of Juno arrive, C. 0. Weingand and wifo and boys will mako an auto trip to California for tho purposo of looking up d loca tion. Mr. Weingand has sold tho fur- nlshlngs of tho Hotol McCabo and will glvo possession tho first of Juno. Just arrived" Silk Petticoats, all sizes and colors, at Tho Stylo Shop. An automobllo dealer Bays that la tho spring tho wcathor has much to do In Influencing probable purchasers. If a pleasant day comes it brings out car prospocts who haunt tho garages and look over a car, but if tho following day Is cold or gloomy tho prospocts aro conspicuous by their absence. Look at Tramp's Top Coats for la dies nnd misses. exclusive 6th, ST. i LOCAL AND PERSONAL i "Doc" Slzomoro, Jr., spent Satur day and Sunday with friends In Grand Island. I Just received another shlpmont of Uoys Suits. Bring the boy In and lot 1 , us fit him out at 'Flic Loader More. Co. , Attornoy W. V. Hoagland spont the latter part of last week in Loxlngton transacting legal buslnoss. Try tho Itcxall first, It pays. 14tf MIsb Tholma Frater left at noon yes-' torday for Akron, Ohio, where she will I visit relatives for several weeks. , A lady drove 42 miles last Saturday ' to buy a buR ut tho Stylo Shop. Thero must bo a ronson. " t Mrs. II, A. Carman loft Sunday, nlglif. for Malvorn, Iowa, to be pres ent 'at tho probating of hor mother's will. Seo tho Dainty Wash Goods at The Lcador Merc. Co. Wo aro showing alt the new cloths and colors. ' I L. Temple, of the Fldollty com pany returned yesterday from Lexing ton whoro he spent a day or two with his family. New shipments of suits and coats coming In dally. E. T. Tramp & Sons. A St. Patrick's Day danco will bo hold nt tho K. C, hall tomorrow ev ening. Music will be furnished by u soven piece orchestra. I I Clinton & Son, Graduate Opticians, seo them for Service. tf Veil Week, all over tho United Sta tos, at tho Leader Mercantile Co. will bo featured all tho fashlonablo colors, navy, tnupo and brown find thomselves the leading shades. Extra size petticoats at The Style Shop. F. H. Thompson, who has been suf fering from lumbago for a couple of weeks, wont to Omaha yesterday to tako electric treatment for the trouble. TMirt nnnnftt nnmmfaatnunra rYYirlnf- ed settlement with County Treasurer' Soudor for the six months porlod Friday, and the semi-annual statement, will be published this week. Ono day service for broken lenses, 1 Clinton & Son, Optician's. tft Events of interest to farmers to-', morrow aro the Salo of thoroughbred hogs at tho Btato farm and tho salo of cattlo, horses and machlnory at the Frank England ranch ten miles ' southwest of town. Two big tables filled with dainty Silk. Underwear on salo March 18th, 19th and 20th. E. T. Tramp & Sons. I John E. Evnns, who has been at the government sanltorium at Hot Springs, Ark., for a couple of weeks, writes that ho has suffered about as much from Qold down thero as ho did in Nebraska . Lot us repair your broken glasses while you wait, Clinton & Son. Op ticians. ' ti - Robert nnd Albert Blankenburg will leavo shortly for California tQilook up a location, probably Investing Jn a fruit farm. Mrs. Blankonburg will remain with hor daughter until the boys 'get located. ( The dalntest nnd smartest of new veils are just In at Tho Leader Mer cantile Co. Tho perfect stroet costume is topped by a veil and with our stock to select from ono can't go amiss. No. 1 Ileathorbloom peiticoats, flowered, all shades: rose, light blue, dark blue, black, green, etc, $3.95 at Tho Stylo Shop. Which -doll did you lovo most? of courso it was tho old rag doll that you cherished for years. Live oven those days again in tho picture "In' Wrong" with Jack PIckford, at tho Crystal thoatro Tonight and Wednesday. Auto llconsos In triplicate aro kept in tho county treasurer's office, ono is filed under tho namo to which the 11- conso wns Issued, tho second unddr the engino number and tho third under tho car number. In this way it Is easy, to ascertain tho ongino number, tho 11 conso number an tho party to whom tho llcenso was Issued. Special salo on Silk Undorwear Thursday, Friday and Saturday nt E. T. Tramp & Sons. ' Down In tho east part of tho state wo notice that farm hands aro turn ing down $05 por month, board, lodg ing and laundry and tho uso of a car to go to town two or threo times a weok. Rathor than pay more than tho above prlco tho farmors say thoy will cut their acrcago and grow Just what thoy can caro for Individually. Soo tho now transparent hats and tho latest sailors at The Leador Mer cantile Co. Judge Grimes is Sick Judge Crltncs was taken sick Stin day and was unable to open the reg ular torm of district court yesterday morning. If the Judge does not Im prove another Judgo will bo asked to como hero and preside during the term. ::oii lk'niilnffliaiisen Candidate for Judge. A potition Js' bolng circulated ask ing that tho namo of County Commis sioner Hormlnghauson bo placed on tho primary ballot as a candidate Tor county Judge, In opposition to W. II. C. Woodhurs't, the present Incumbent. There will bo a business meeting of the Golden Rule Biblo Class of the Presbyterian church Friday afternoon with Mrs. Mary Elder, 505 W. Gth St. Tho Ladles Aid Society of tho Pres byterian church will meot In tho church parlors Thursday afternoon entertained by Mcsdamos Soronson, Stamp and Win. Sloboldt. ! '. ., ,; ,;,, ;qi .,,,1 ,, , , Filllon Jlrenks a Jtlb. ' Jos,F. Fnitpu, while working in jiis plumbing shop Friday afternoon trip ped and feel and fractured a rib, on account or which ho is now "all dress ed up and no place to go." However, ne expects to bo in shape in a few days to follow tho work he lfas been pursuing In North Platte Blnce tho days when the buffaloes grazed on the bottoms south of tho river. ::o::' lloost Camp Flro (Jirls A number of women met In the Junior high school building Friday and discussed plans for Increasing tho membership of the Camip Flro Girls by tho formation of more camps of tho organization. Reports from tho camps already in existence were very favorable and general results satisfy ing. It is probable that several ad ditional camps will be organized. To Vote on "the Code JIM The supremo court decision af firming tho legality of the referendum petition puts tho code bill squarely, In to a campaign that Is already loaded down with more Issues than tho smartest voter can keep In his mind. Tho result of the decision will be to hold up tho law until it can be voted on. .The department heads must stop drawing their five thousand dollar sal aries and more or less confusion will descends upon tho whole state house. It is the most serious set-back Govern or McKelvie has yet experienced. ' -::o:: Organize for Base Ball Season A meeting for the purpose of or ganizing a ball team was held Friday at tho Landgraf barber, shop, a num ber of fans attending. Messrs. Hens ley and Dedmoro were elected mana gers and R. C. Langford treasurer. It was the sense of the meeting that a salaried 'catcher and pitcher bo se cured and that other (positions be filled by local players. Todcnhoff, of Stapleton will be added to tho pitching staff when necessity requires. With a salaried catcher and pitcher there is ample material In town to put a strong team In tho field. ::oi". - American Yeomen Entertain. Homestead 3030, Brotherhood of American Yeomon, entertained on Saturday night at tho flro station hall lr honor of Grand Foreman and Mrs. Georgo N. Frlnk, and of the now mem bers who were adopted into the home Btead during the recent campaign. Mrs George Garrard was hostess of tho evening. Tho entertainment program, in cliargo of Mrs. Lena Johnson, was as follows: Instrumental solo, Margaret Ed wards; reading, Ellen Dick; vocal solo Mrs. Lena Johnson; violin solo, Faye Yearsloy; reading Miss LoDoIyt; vocal solo, Chester Ellsworth; violin duet, Anita Johnson-Robert Ogler; reading, Mrs, W. J. Tiloy,. Mr. Frink mado a stirring talk on fratornallem in ggneral and Yeomanry In particular. Tho committee on refreshments, consisting of Mrs. Frank Martin, Mrs. Alllo Bell, Mrs. L. Deo Powers and Mrs. John R. Carroll, served a de lightful supper, after which thero was a danco. Mr. nnd Mrs. Frink loft for the west early Sunday morning, and both de clared thoy would long remember two "perfect days" in North Plntte. ::o:: Mrs. Chas. Vernon left last even ing for Greybull, Wyo., to visit rela tives. Most up to date wall paper patterns nt tho Rexall. 14tf Miss Holon Brodbeck is visiting friends in Grand Island, having left for that city Saturday. Mrs. John Scharmann, of Victor, Colo., Is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Jeffers. For Salo or Trade ono block of ground. Will trade in on city resi dence. Phono Red 478 or Inquire of A. G. Artz. 15-20 "Here we are, in tip-top shape" Chesterfield "V7T3S, and that's the way Chesterfields always arrive crisp, fresh and in prime shape for smoking. It's the extra wrap, per of moisture-proof paper that docs it. Your Chesterfields never become too moist or too dry. PL. The Methodist ladles will serve to theubllc In the church parlors Wed nesday, March I7tty from ii:ao to z;oo the following menu: Salmon loaf with tomato sauce, potatoes, creamed corn, parsnips, plcklos, hot rolls, pie and cako. Fifty cents por plate. How Important it Is for every wo man to appear her best. The Loader Mercantile Co. has ua the right shade of veiling best suited to her type. A Service message - Try This Three Months . Instead of cashing your next pay check, bring it here and make your first deposit in a checking account. Draw a check- for necessary pocket money. Pay bills by check. Pay. for purchases by check. Note the time, steps and inconveniences saved. Note, too, that you always have more money left at the end of the month. Platte Valley State Bank, NORTH PLATTE, NEB. PUBLIC SALE! The undersigned will offer at public sale at his place 8 miles north of North Platte on the east Tryon route, on Wednesday, March 24th, 1920, Commencing at 2 o'clock, the following property, to-wit: 6 HEAD OF WORK HORSES 6 Consisting of 2 mares 7 and 8 years old, weight 1400 each; 2 geldings 7 and 8 years old weight 1400 each; one 2-year old mare weight 1200 and "one saddle horse. 10 HEAD OF CATTLE 10 Four Durham milch cows, ranging from 3 to 6 years old ; six 2-year old heifers. , FARM MACHINERY 2 mowers nearly new, 10-foot hay rake, 2 hay racks, 1 wagon practically new, one-row lister, new one-row cul tivator, new go-devil, new one-horse seeder, four-horse seeder, 14-inch plow, incubator and brooder, new Beatrice cream separator, set double work harness, set single har ness and other articles. 50 Drown Leghorn Kens and 6 Turkey Hens. Also Some Household Goods. FREE LUNCH AT ONE O'CLOCK TERMS OF SALE -$20 and under cash; sums over $20 8 months time will be given on bankable paper bearing 10 per cent interest from date of sale. No property to be re moved until settled for. B. A. ELIAS, Owner. COL. ED KlEItlG, Auct. KAY C. LANGFORD, Clerk. Public Having sold my ranch I desire to sell my stock and farm machinery and I will offer at public auction 23 miles northwest of North Platte, 10 miles south of Tryon and 2i2 miles west of west mail route, on Thursday, March 18th, the following described property consisting of 24 Head of Cattle 14 good milch cows, eight now giving milk, five fresh: 1 grade JVhite Face bull; 8 young calves. 19 HEAD OF HORSES 6 good work horses from 4 to 10 years old; 13 head of mules from-1 to 4 years old. 14 Hogs weight about 150 each. G Dozen Chickens, FARM MACHINERY 2 six-foot mowing machines almost as good as new, Tri b'oll lister, harrow, hay sweep, 10-foot hay rake, one-half interest In hay stacker, disc, riding corn plow, 14-inch stirring plow, press drill, hay hack, John Deero 2-row, garden plow, two 3-inch tiro wageon, top buggy, 3 sets of harness, stock saddle, Butterfly cream separator, oil bar rel, oil stove nearly new, about 200 bushels of corn, and some household goods. Free Lunch nt Noon. Sale Starts Immediately After Lunch TERMS OF SALE Sums of $20 cash; over that amount 8 months time will be given ombankable notes. No proper ty to bo removed until.sottled for. J. P. JOHNSON, Owner. COL. H. M. JOHANSEN, Auct. R. C. Lnngford, Cltak. Swedish Mission meeting Friday ot ening, March 10th, nt 7:30 at tho same place .is tisiinl.1' You aro invited. The season's host merchandise- to bo found at E.'T. '.Trflmp & Son's Ready-to-wear. The Community Chorus will meet for-rehearsal at tho Junior high school building thlB evening. Tho chorus Is preparing to glvo a concert In the near future. Sale! mm