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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1919)
-LOCAL AJU) PERSONAL Dixon & Son, SUjrht Specialists. Miss Mnudo Rcoso has resigned hor position nt the Trottor garage. A real Cordova bag for mother this Xmas. Dixon, the jowelor. Mrs. Harry Mitchell spont the week end in Omaha visiting her parents. Moderate low prices now prevail on all misses' and women's suits and coats at The Leador Mercantile Co. The local union of boilermnkers will give a dnnco at the K. C. hall to morrow evening. Ralph L. Larson, who had been em ployed as a clerk In the First Notional Bank, left Saturday, evening for Louis ville, Neb., to accopt the position as cashier of a bank. . . 4 . Let Clinton & Son talce care of your" eyes. Quito a number of high school stu dents are planning to go to Grand Is land Thursday morning to witness the foot ball game between the North Platte and Grand Island teams. Dr. Hownrd Tost, Dentist, Twlncm Building. Phone 807. 77(f The exhibition by the high school gymnasium girls will be held at the Franklin auditorium Friday evening, December 5th. A vurv Interestinc and pleasing program Is being prepared. Have yon noticed (ho latest idea in 'cut steel buckles displayed in our window I L. T. Tramp & Sons' Shoe Store. .01-2 Mr. and Mrs. Carroll, of Gothen burg, will spend Thanksgiving with, their son L. C. Carroll and family In this city and in the evonnig attend the May-Huffman wedding. Roses, chrysanthemums and carna tions, "the nation's most expressive flowers," for Thanksgiving. North Platte Floral Co. Phone 1023. McKaln's Meat Market a new mar ket just opened at 713 north Locust, in the room formerly occupied by Moore's bakery. Choice smeats nt the right prices. Goo. McKain. Xmas cards must be ordered at once. Dixon, the jeweler. Thore will be no city delivery Thankscivinc day. November 27th. The genentl delivery and city dellvory .windows will be open from nine to eleven ociock.- r. a. mcihwji, t-oi-master. SDeclal Kottle ronderod lard. Brod beck's Moat- Market. . SGtf A timely and fortunate sale of worn en's and misses' suits and coats, high grade, classy garments at popular 'prices, saving you from $7.50 to $2o on evory garment you may select at The Leador Mercantile Co. To whom are. you going to sell your Hay and Grain? " Tho Harrington Mer cantile Co. will offer the highest prices.v , 64tf ,Wm. 8. Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Thompson, of this city, has re-enllstod in the army for foreign 'service and will be stationed in tue Philippines. Ho enlisted at Lincoln last Friday.-ySutherland Courier. . We do al kinds of general repair Tiiin tt Vnii nnn T.nfiiKt. S!Hf Sheriff Salisbury took "into custody Saturday a lad who was wanted at Julpsburg for stealing clothing. Sun day. tho Julosburg officer came down and took back with him t:.e youthful offender. For Salo New Oliver typewriter No. 9. A bargain". R. W. Adams at Dr. Brock's, office. 90tf T. L. Green, who recontly returned from Omaha, where ho submitted to an operation, was forced to return to that city Friday for -further treat ment and perhaps an additional opt. oration. His condition is consjdeered B'ariottSV The statement is made that the Ryan Company, of Omalnv which operates a chain of gonoral merchandise storos in Nebraska and South' Dakota, will open a store in North Platto. Where tlley nro to securo a room is not known , , For Sale A bargain: 8 room houso, modorn except boat; has garage, barn and coal shot. Phone black 1132, 408 east Eleventh street. 8Gtf v - loci a (J UUalB litto nuiu inn obiuwu.v in the 600 block on oast Third to Mr. Hamilton, of Staplelon. who will take possession March first. Th consul oration was 17,000. Mr. Deats will 'occupy the pew house which he is erecting- oil the lot oast. Wnntfld To do Chamber work in resnoctable place ortly. Inquire at this office. 91-2 Fred Nelson had a sale of thor oughbred Duroc-boars at the Jbhan sen bam Saturday afternoon. The twelve animals offered sold at an av erage of $4R a head. Mr. Nelson ex - pressed himself ns well pleased with the sale. Several of the animals were sold to parties living outside of the oouaty. These long winter evenings are line for reading. Clinton & son can at your eyes so you will enjoy an eveulng at home with a good book. Wallace Qulnn, living In the 500 block on west Sixth street, has leen seriously 111 for ten days past An arm became swollen and for a week had been treated for inflammatory rheumatism but upon, later develop ments the trouble was diagnosed as blood poisoning which seems to have permeated ills system SPECIAL SALE OF dii.4mmi 1 .1 5i 'iiiIiIWMWISJH H'll Hill 'I'l'il' WHI'llillWIIi'.il'tg LADIE COATS, SUTS AND DRESSES aJ . V l v. - . ' -f -M We find our stock in these lines is heavier than we wish to carry and to reduce our investment to what it should be, we are offering prices that will reduce our stock quickly. v . .'" " LADIES' COATS. We have reduced the price on every cloth coat in our stock. You will find a wonderful selection to choose from, ranging from with plenty of medium priced ones. LAMES' SWTS. We have 41 suits in our stock that range in price from $25.00 to $100.00 each. There is a good as sortment of colors and sizes, all of reliable makes. Prices on these wii range from $14.45 to 72.45 LADIES' DRESSES. We ore showing ' a Very large assortment of dresses, both silk and wool; styles that have received the praise of every customer who has looked at them. There arc plenty of sizes and styles for every type of figure. Prices will range from ewe Come and help make this the best "Ready-to-ear Sale ever held in North Platte. r W 11AAJA 3Irs. CrcHHlcr Enlerlnins at Shower I W. H. Barton, editor of tho May- Mrs. O. H. Cressler ontoriamea at a wouu uuijuilui, uuoio , ill iimv u uoioiuivjt Blson'B aim Quality, service and satisfaction. ::o:: t TAXI SERVICE. First class taxi service night Phone Black Warren, Manager, 720. Day and Chester 90-5 "WANTED DllESS SKIRTS. Wanted good dre-s sklrtx that can be mad.' Into small riniuron s r.. u.. Phono IloKio n..iU9r,rBJa,5tt nrcftllv annotated apron shower for Miss Irmu Huffman Saturday, after noon. Seven tables were placed fori cards, and following Uio games a two course luncheon was served. Whllo the guests wero still seated at tho tablos, Mrs. Franklin Koch, presid ing as toastmistross, called upon Mrs. Redfiold, Mrs. Gllfoyl, Mrs. Clabaugh aiid Miss Waltemath who responded with appropriate toasts to the to-bo bride, and Miss Neva Troxlor, garbed as a gipsy fortune teller, depleted her future. Tho decorations wore in pink and lavender. The afternoon proved delightful to the thirty ladies pros ont. , r' -; ; ot Bunk Deposits nro Heavy Deposits in tho North Platte tanks as shown by tho statements called for this month aggregate in round num bers two million eight hundred thous and dollars. To this can bo added nearly a hnlf million dollars on de posit with the building and loan as sociation in the shapo of paid-up stock, making the total deposits in tho five Institutions somewhat in ox coss of tlireo and one-quarter million dollars. This Indicates, tho prosperity oi our people, and In these deposits the wage earner shares with the buslnoss man and farmer. ' ::o:: - Joint Meeting of it. 11. Orders. A joint meeting of all railroad or ders will be held nt the court house Monday evening, December 1st, at eight o'clock for the purposo of mak ing arrangements for the Plumb meet ing on Deoember 11th. All members of railroad'orders are requested to at tend and assist In selecting commit tees and making other preliminary arrangements for the big meeting on December 11th. ::o:: Surprise Parly About thirty-five young people met at the home of Gladys Cornwell Fri day night and proceeded In a body to the home of Mrs. William Madison, who Hves on Ninth street, where tliey pave a surprise on Thelma Brownell, who had lust returned from the M. c boopltal. An enjoyable evening' was snent and a delicious lunch was erved at midnight : :o: : Scotts Muff is liasy The North Platte foot ball team won from Sootts Bluff on the local Held Ffiday afternoon by a score of forty six to uothmj. The visitors gave evi dence of lack of training, and the lo cals scored with comparative ease. : :o: : Attention Knight of I'ythhts. 'All local or visiting knights are requested to call at the Austin jewel ry store to receive valuable Informa tion. Harry 8. Yorkl'l BATOINN Hon. HARRY B. YOllK, Chancellor Commander. ;:o;: Wanted Live stock to winter Tri'osvsprini? wafer Ralph Soul, ! n I'r northve-t 00-2 Two new moat markets have been oponcd on north Locust street .during the past ten day,s. George McKain is proprietor of one of tho two. "Billy's Place," opposite tho depot, makes a specialty df steaks and chops. Also s'ervo 35c and 40c merchants' lunch. Try us. 88tf Ray Potors, who has boon In a can tonment in Goorgia for about a yonr and confined in a hospital tho greater pert of the timo, writos that ho ex pects to arrive home for Christmas. lv,MqrHH;D9htist. Office over Wil cox Department Store. tf Mra. J. E. Lawlor, who accompanied her daughter, Miss Feme, to the Twinem hospital Friday, returned Sunday to hor homo in Paxton. Miss '"orno underwent an operation Satur day and is reportod to bo dong nicely. Don't Avorry about Xmas gifts. Let Dixon do it for you. Will Stack and Frank McGowrn have formed a partnership and will open a grocory storo In tho Waltemath building on oast Sixth streot some time betweon now and January 1st, de pendent upon the date upon which the room will ho vacnted. For Sale Or will trade, 120 acres land In Dent County, Mo. All foneed with hog fbnee; 35 acros In cultiva tion, G acres In orchard, balance tim ber; -lMs miles from town. Enquire E. E. Moody, North .Platte. V M-i The Gamble & Springer. C b ve erected a building In the 000. block on west Second street and will dpen in- other grocery stone, making four 'in ducted by that Ann. Andy Yost uil soon ooen a grocery on the 1 000 block on west Fourth, thus. gMng west end people two places at v. I ion to do their trjullng. Many applications for member hip in the community chorus are h ing received. The music la exnectt to arrive In a few days a the first re hearsal will be called for next vek. The music for the community Christ mas exercises has also "been ordered and Will arrive some time this w;ok. For SaleA southeast corner lot In the eight hundred block,' on west Third street. J. MorBch. 00-2 People who enjoy a good musical oemedy should not fail to attend "Kiss Me Again" at the Keith Thurs day evening. Frederick has been In North Platte several time- and he has never failed to score a success. He has this year a aplendt'l chorus who will assist the principal; in ren Uering nineteen musical nrnnVrs : :o: : $6&fl.Q0 Duy8 8 rooms and bath, furnace heited,,en tlrely Improved stucco house on full corner lot. Has garage. The balnnco ran remain on mortgage Phone HBJtSIIKV NEWS (From The Times.) Olo Odcan loft the first of the wook for North Platto where ho will be em ployed in the railroad machine shops. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Abott leave this evening for Omaha where they oxpoct to visit frlonds unIl after Thanksgiv ing. Tho village board shipped in a car of coal last week and this was par celed out in 500 pound lots to those who had nono or wore nearly out. This was a groat help' to many of our people. One hundred and thirty pat rons received 500 lbs. oach from the car. Numerous beet growers are consid erably perturbed ovor having beets In tho ground tinder Uio henry snow. Should a heavy freeze follow tho melt ing of tno snow it is bound to causo aovero losses. Some havo as high as three and four acres of beets yet In tho ground. FOR SALE My Llllle sVv lliiiclc louring ear in first class condition ut a very reason able price. T. C. PATTERSON, 2 lSulldintr mid Loan Hiilldiiitr.' Oltf ::p:: Tho two state banks at Gothonbui'g have deposits of a million and a half dollars. Monoy, inouey, uvorywhore. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Miss Uossie Rnnnlo loaves tomorrow for a visit with frlonds in Omahn and Lincoln. Boys flannel blouses to any ngos from six to 15 years, 'on salo at $1.05 at Tho Loader Mercantllo Co. Mrs. Andrew Anderson nnd daugh ter and MrSi Chas. Ericson havo boon visiting In Omnha for sovoral days past. Big blanket stoqk lioro of high grade and rollablo quality nt prices that will savo you monoy. Tho Loader Mercan tile Co. Miss Snrnh -Kolly, secretary of tho homo sorvlco soctlon of tho Rod Crosir left yosterday for Goring to attend a regional conference. A most charming lot of children's nnd mlssos wlntor coat at Tho Load dr Mercantllo Co. 1 The local poet of tho Amorlcan Lo gion will meet at tho city library to morrow ovenlng. All men who havo been in tho sorvlco nro urged to at- tend. Furs'. Furs I Most delightful, beau tiful, luxurious furs. Our stock is now at Its host. Mnko selections early at The Leader Mercantile Co. WANTED KITCHEN STOVE. Wanted, kltchon stovo In good condi tion for widow with four small child ren, Call Rod Cross, Phone Rod 310 or Black 533. 90-2 FOR SALE. 240 aero dairy placo, good Improve ments, 2 miles tq town. Cnsh rent Possession now. Inquiro at 514 east Third Btrcot aftor 5 o'clock. 00-1 DESIDENCE FOR SALE. Nlco new resldonco .proporty last houso on North Maplo.- For prlco see L. D. MoFarland, 2005 oast Fourth qtreot. Phono Red 732. 88tf Poullry for Sale. Turkeys, gooso and chlckous. Phonja 7S0F11. 80-2 (US ENGINE FOR SALE. Four horso power Fairbanks gas onglno In good running ordor. Brod back's Mont Mnrkot. SGtf Jlllch Cow For Sale. Good Jorsoy milch cow nnd helfor calf for salo. Cow Is 5 years old and was frosh Oct 1st. Call at 221 south Walnut St. any tlmo aftor 5 p. m. 80-2 FOR SALE. Horso, wagon and harness. North Platto Light and Power Co. 80-3 STATEMENT OF CONDITION OP THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK , , OP NORTH PLATTE,, NEBRASKA, ," x NOVEMBER 17th, 10UT.. a Loanau'ul Securities - $i,009,860.20 V. S. Bondawid Securities 10,000.00 FHleiT Reserve I&nk Stoojc M.SQO.OO - - . 08,200.00 - - jso,4.a(? llteal Estate Cash lleej've- Capital mij,jiitio Surplus aud I,foflLi Circulation - - , Deposits - Total $ .1. 18 $1,58-J05pg This bank lias operated for thirtyrtliree years under the the supervision of the United States Government and offers its customers the full protection accorded by the Federal Reserve Bank o the United States.. 7. SJUBBl&O&R, President ' F. L. MOON BY, Cashier. IU? 0. LAWOFOltD, Vice-President. A. C. KRAMPH, Asst. CasUler. KBITII NVITLB, Vlce-Preaident. W. II. MUNOBK, Asst. CailUer.' JOHN J. IIALLIOAN, Director.