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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1919)
WW,, atid: wa? fisr fa tor Mr. Husband:-- You yourself look at the old carving set and inspect the Silverwear in your home and then cornein and let us show you some NEW THINGS. When you see what we have . you will buy. And your wife will be very happy to be surprised by a gift of something for her Thanksgiving and Ghristmas dinner table. Try it. CLINTON, The Jeweler. ; Sign of the Big Ring. DR. 0. K. CRESSLER) Graduate Dentist Office over thq. McDonald Stato Bank. "T" LOCAL AND PERSONAL Pat Sullivan, of Dickons, transacted business in town Saturday. Mrs. Hollo Thompson, of Elsie. vis-i ited with frlonds in town yosterday. Dfxon & Son, Sight SpecialiNtK. Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Golsert, of Pnx ton, spent tlio weok ond with friends in town,. Dixon's suggestions arc suro to pleaso you. Barber shops will be closed Thanks giving day, but will be open until nine o'clock tomorrow evening. We can show, you an exceptionally fine lino of beaded bags. C. M. Aus-' tin, jewolor. 91-2 Joe Thompson, of Stapleton, trans- acted business m town Saturday pre- roiurneu nomo aunuay. no win ac paratory to leaving soon for Texas pPt a position as traffic manager for to spend the winter. T, , 1 lllule io make North Platte his homo Bags, fancy hnir pins, mesh nar pins, ail good girts, c. M. Austin, 'or item ror uuslness or some Jeweler. gwjlklnd, the rooms west of the Singer H. I. Block will leave tomorrov Columbus ant) Omaha where he sponu sovorai uays loOKing arier iness'inattors. Lot's olopo! All riKht! I'll nil you at the Kolth tlientre tonight wlfaE nrnHAHin "i i i. . ..i i i ..i i f2j nuii hm"1 kj mum win givu iiur illy lesson In eloping. Don't fall mo. v A ijow nsMordiiont of cut stcol buckles, Just arrived. Something now in degtyu for dress and evening wear. K. IVanip & Sons' Shoe Store. 5i-2 Judging from tho way In which poul try 1b boing brought to town thorn will be no scarcity of Uirkoyrf. goose, ducks and chickens for Thanksgiving use. You Can't beat a blcyclo for Xmna. John 11. Null, COG Locust. 80tf Kolth Novllle and J. C. Den wont up tlio rivor yostordny to build a blind, which -probably means an amnle Blaughtor of wild" goose and ducks In tlio near future. Those long winter evenings aro fine for reading. Clinton & Son can fit your eys so you will onjoy aa evening at nome with a good book. 1 was there lo make a skotch of lier. Lunchooii was Just over, und Bho wns talking to a Utile knot of women. The first words 1 hoard, aa I slid quietly Into a nearby sent, werl National Biscuit," recalling pleaJ nntly my own tasty Uneeda Luneha con. I llkwl her, and ifortably as she spoke a nnd oars busy. "Between the dark and daylight, she was ouoru"tlHcisalwavsi ult of pnuti oemt waiting and listening for till I til aM Ct.. i (lungs, .1 ve given Hint hs&a: babies. First i imtl ilhuii, when tin lo toddle, 1 (ne in in ho one- 'pi. origin. 1, inherent goodivess of Unoec Biscuit is due to the superior materials and methods employed in the baking. The everlasting table- Uoodnessof Uneedc list of the In-er-seal wo.; ten NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY pad of were wu Hour. "Yon . ver)t on i. en die mUliii llKVWiwai mala. They are' most lovuhle ana nioRt tractablo after tlio 've uk! (,ir filrpf l.i r;t(. t 1 . .hi , I. i i . . "If j We understand tho larger of tho ; two U. P. buildings on Front' street has been sold to a party who will ro i move It to a site In tho Fourth .ward. I The small or building is being torn down. ' I Special Homo cured bacon 35c por pound. Brodbeck's Moat Mnrkot. ff Mrs.. C. T. Wholan has been confined to bod or a chair for sevoral days by reason 9 of an ulcornted foot which Ib extremely painful. The ulcer devol oped several weeks ago, and lum boon graunny growing worse. ' Silver for tho' bride, Dixon, tho jew- tler. .Next Monday will be tho first of December and right then is the time people should begin their Christmas, snoppjmgv -rue tortn Platto mer chants are ready for the Christmas trade, why not make your selections while tlio stocks are complete? Hoses, chrysanthemums and carna tions, "the nation's most expressive flowers," yor Thanksgiving! North PJ&tte Floral Co. Phone 1023. Earl Stamp, who for' a couple of mnths had boen lining the position of traveling auditor for tho Union Pacific, i-eypoiut Bennington Co. ana con- ijewmg maclilno store. Call at Ringer nice,, oi. C. J, Lnndholni and Claus Anderson Evil I sell twonty-six thorouabred Poland .China boars at tho Johanson sale barn n this city next Saturday afternoon. nese men nre among the most atio- cessrai or our thoroughbred hog growers anu tlio animals they, will of- ror win no doubt attract tho attond unco of many Interested In good hogs See our new lamps In window ox traonWnary. G. M. Justin, jewol or. oi2 Redhead, redhead, Qlngerbread iiwati rwi-iiairoil iax!o hoard this everywhere sho went. Sho didn't caro. hlio was luppy. But when her hus band insulted lier because nt hnr Titian locks she was hurt. There's a iiiuerenco lit balna- teased bv vmir friends and InsuiUKl by your husband. See Alico Brady In "Redhead," at the crystal theatre Tuesday and Wednes day. RKMKMUnSR, your watoh will not leave 15D'S bench (in Prater's Drug Store) until It is RIGHT. S7tf dren'a Hour Uko a feasti. For tin tiny toddler thoio is'.n aricc menu, somotlme Uneeda Biscuit and milk, sometimes Oralinm',Crack k?rs Oatmeal Crackers or Lunch Bis cuit. This Is changed on special occasions to Did Time' Sugar Cook. ftewtoiM and, rarest of no days when we had cream and No,U?tt nn.i those sere our lyLCerOTs 0 Ike dy to j."P In iem Biscuit is due to security trade mark package. hour t seem y cioturh , but alwa; a ways dalut.. al iniar as' only National wult Products can be. iMiriiia the mTii-ii ... K.'.los m'im-c iri-.ivlnff " ' " 'l ' Oil '1,.. !..'. . . i i ; i 1 1 , , , . XT. LOCAL ATO) PERSONAL1 Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Stono arc visiting relatives in Kansas City. Mrs. S. K. Rosh, of Choyonno, is the guost of Mrs". P. T. Itodmond. Claude Slbbltts lias accoptcd a po sition nt tile Platte Valley State Bank. We lnjca surprise Xmas suggestion for ycti. tlxon. Will Yost Itfft Saturday for Kansas City for a short visit with friends. Mrs. John Weinberger wont to Oma- ha Saturday whore she will visit her laughter, Mrs. Win. Alien. , . A diamond for Xmas, Dixon, tne Jowolor. ' Hugh Brognn, of Koystonc, was the week end guest of his aunt, .Mrs. J. Murphy. Don't put off Xmas-shopplng. on," ilfo Jowoler Miss Myrtlo Bcolor has roslgnod hor position at the Platto' Valley State Bank. It Is tho oarly. Xmas shoppor that get satisfaction. Dixon, the Jeweler Arthur May, of Gothonburg, was a week ond guost at tho G. S. Huffman home. Call 212 for froBh grocorlcs. " Dick Stegomann. 77tf K. T. Tramn went to Omaha Friday to spend 'sevoral days looking after bustnoss matters. Wo deliver fresh meat with grocery orders. Dick Stoggeman, phono 212. tf Clarence Norral lion resigned at Mc- Graw's offlco and nrcepted a pdsition at the Platte Valley State Bank. Lost Ladlos' gold bracelet watch, Swiss movement Flndor plonse re turn to tills office. Jteward. 00-2 Raymond Vonstrom HrrSved Sat urday from Minneapolis for a visit with his sister, Mrs. Arthur Billiard. Special Kettle rondored lard. Brod- bock's Meat Market. 86tf Harry Cramer went to Dlx yester day to clean up a grain olevntor he has completed there, and then return to Ogalalla where he is erecting an other elevator. Full line of wheel goods for Xmas John H. Null, 606 Locust. SOtf Supt. Woodruff came down from Choyenne Sunday and yeatorday morn ing started out to ascertain the coal situation In every town botween here and Cheycnno. Special Homo cured bacon 35c per pound. Brodbeck's Meat Market. tf Mrs. Arthur Bullard entertained at a four course dinner party supuay ovenlng complihentary to hor brother, Raymond vanstrom, of Minneapolis Covers were laid for seven. Roses, chrysanthemums and carna tions, "the nation's mo?t expressive flowers,' for Thanksgiving. , Stotth Platte Floral Co. Phone 1023.'' ' Passenger ' travel continues very heavy and second sections of through coast trains run regularly. It is said tho number of California bound pas songors is larger than over before. .Lot Clinton & Son take care of your oyos. Mlssv Gertrude Dill will arrive to morrow from Chicago to visit rela tives and ' attond the Huffman-May wediUng on Thursday. Miss Dill will be a member of tho wadding party. In the faco of high prlcoB wo have a few $116.00 diamond rings that are or renmricaoio vaiuo. uixon, tne jew eler. ' , I Christian Science service Sunday 11 a. "in. Wednesday ovenlng meetings every week nt 8:00. A cordial invi tation Is oxtended to all to attend those servlcos. Building & Loan build ing, room 25. Wanted Llborty bonds at market price Louis LIpshltz. Eight cars of coal wore received by tho Flold-UIrgo Co. during tho weok ending last Friday. These woro cars ordored before tho strike and hold In transit. These eight cars were dis tributed among nearly five hundred Buyers, each revolving only sufficient to keep them from suffering. Dr. H. O. Brock. Dentist. X-Ray Diagnosis. Reynolds Bldg. Phono 148 : ;o: : Johansen's Salo Dales November anth, Felix J. Bokoskl, genqral farm sale, 4 miles west of North Platta. aOUi, Laudholm & Anderson pure bred hog sale at North latte. December llth. Harry Goldsmith's general farm sale, southwest of North Platte. January February ltli, Lee Mustard.neral farm sale, southeast of North Platte. 18th. A. H. Turpen general farm aala 10 miles northwest of North Plaite. Finest of All (jifts We can ahow you every tiling neaded for the table in the famous Community Plate Ci!NT3Tits Jeweler. A Satisfied Man By ALVAH JORDAN GARTH (Copyright, 1019, by the Wtttern Niti- paper union.) V " ' ' y - ' f10" ' , , , ' ' l'0(J,,,,(1 "nlolh Uurt. Just starting out for a two weeks' vncatlon Jaunt, to his close friend, Walter Mars- ton, Just returned from one. "I fanry we didn't appreelnte the old town dur ing the hnjipjest period of our lives." "Wish we'd .stayed there," declared nix-piaMton. "Von got lvstless, nnil 'me -ntnliltiflUH, and broke away from tho only place that will over seem like real home to us. The city lured usC Well, we've had twenty years of. It. I nm still tho slave of a soulless cor poration at throe thousand dollars a year. You tire doing il little bettor, but who knows what luck might have struck us If we had stayed where we wore brought up?" "I haven't even heard from Bockton for uoarly ton yours," said Burt. "Did you stop there?" "I didn't but I met old Ezra Perkins on the train. Ho gave me all the news. You know It was Gib Reeves who took your Job at the general store. Well, it sooins ho studied law, got ad mitted to the bur, was elected Judge and, according to Kzra, just rules the town dignity, position, a sort of king about tho district. Then there's Mort Sawyer " "Still In Rockton, Is lie?" "Largely, conspicuously; you know he superseded ine In my- drug store position. Started In at four dollars a weok. Ills old boss died rich and Sawyer married his daughter, Xnude. Why, come to think of It, sho was your early llnnio, wasn't she?" "A pretty girl and a smart one," re plied Burt, his eyes showing the glamour of memory. "Well, she Is now the richest woman In the county. Just think of the luck Sawyer fell Into!" "I have half a mind to put In my fourteen days at the old burg," re marked Burt thoughtfully. Somehow Marstou's reports of." the success In life o Reeves and Snwfcer made Burt thoughtful. Not that, he was envious, but It rfppeared to hlin that fate had not boon very kind to either himself, or Mnrslon, nud yet they certainly had sturted out In life with better educations and , business riblllty thnn those successful rivals In the nice for succesV. Burt was not disloyal in the slightest dqgroe when he recalled the bright, sprightly Nance Porter jif Ills bpyhoeU days,- but lie felt dlssatisffVd ns he 'realized thnt his -city-bred wife had boen obliged to do without nil the luxury and ease that of course the, Inherited wealth of the rich druggist liml brought to his daughter. As to Reeves, too, he felt a twinge of restlessness, for had he not himself blocked out a legal career, but circumstances had drifted him Into an other lino. "Yes, I'll take In Rockton," decided Burt, and ho did. About tho only per son who remembered und recognized him when he reached the town was antiquated, gossipy old Doc Kendall, the proprietor of the one pioneer hotel of tho place, which Burt found was just us musty and dilapidated as In his boyhood days. Rockton Itself, If anything, was more dead tiitm'of yore. It seemed to bo asleep half the time. Doc Kendall got Burt In a corner and began to pump lilm as to his his tory since he hnd left Rockton twenty years previous. vTho old gossip lived on curiosity and talk and ontored with zost Into Burt's affairs. "Five thousand n year, a steady job, four children nnd n happy wife, eh?" he commented. "Well, I call that top notch, Burt." "Vmi iln"?" nliaoi'koil Tlnrt. I "I should say so! Why, look at tho old cro .d you once know around hero. Vogotutors, noaVly all of 'em. .Inst took what came iiIotjr and dream away their life and stick In the native mud." "Why, I hoar that Gib Reeves has reached tho highest pinnacle of the ladder of fame." "Ho! hoi" snorted Kendall, seeding, "All front and frasjde. What's a.dls trfct Judgu In Mucon county, winy how? Gib Is what he always Wjts, a groat big balloon all Josh and lirag. Say, I'll wager lie has his home mort gaged up to the limit and yet he struts about as if ho owned the town." "And Mort Sawyer?" "Oh, poor old Mort 1 Quick! There he goes with his wife. Why, you must remember Nance? There they are," and following the ltuWeatlon of Ken dall's finger Burt tnw a weaaened old man and a .wry-faced, faded wonfan driving tiloug In a disreputable gig -I with a ffeble. wobbling crowbalt held UP by the patched and v splintered ilinfta. '"Bay, Burt," continued Kendall in a Confidential tone,, "they aay Nance has yot so stingy they live on potato par lag. She allow Gib a dollar a week tut his tobacco and laundry and about all but mniilc htm If he breaks ever the trace". Five thousand dollars a year, and healthy and proaperous lQOklpg, and bringing up your family with all the advantages of sasslety and education. Why, boy, you're living on the cream of life!" And, his illusions dispelled, Raleigh Burt went back home and kissed hie wife's cheek with an ardor that brought bar all the freshness of Miti' :iri(i io icea over nis nine oroou '1 1 h I.... und prlil.', hi inelf a nai ;.i EDISON RE-CREATION r Christmas 1919 Come in and hear them December 1919 "KJ ' .- - '!l.llH' V; I .' I'rlre ?2.2.' 0 Holy Mght ChrJsInintf Song, Adam, Soprano Frieda Hempol Silent Sight. Gruber. Soprano Frieda IIcmDol ' t Price. $1.70 Kach By die Babbling Brook, Ring-linger, Whistling and Sinking, Sibyl San derson Facnn and Lewis James. Memories of You In Dear Hawaii, MaoMeekin Lyric Male Quartet .lllgnon FantasIa, Pnrt 1. Thomas Amorlcan Symphony Orchestra .Hlgnon Fantasia, Pnrt 2, Thomas AmerlcausSymphony Orchestra Baby Mine, Johnston, Soprano Betsy Lnne Siycphord and Chorus Snillln' Through, Penn, Baritone - Thomas Chalmers Christmas Bells are Ringing, Solly, Mixed Voices, Metropolitan Quartet Song of Ages Clirlslnms Song, Meredith, Mixed Volcoe - jMotropolItan Quartot (Jood Bye, Sostl, Tenor s Albort Llndquest MnciiNiilii, Macmurrough, Tenor . Albert Llndquest Price $1.15 Each ' . MoreCnndy (hic-Stop, Kaufman, for Dancing, Jaudas' Society Orchestra Saxopholila Fox Trol, Wiedooft 1 Yorkes Saxaphono Sextet Bill's Visit to St. Peter, Negro Vaudeville Sketch with Banjo Billy Golden and Billy Helns Pollco Court Scene, Talking Steve Porter and' Company KHauca Hawaiian Patrol, C. G. Sfowart Conway's Band Tenth Regiment March, Hall .. Conway's Band Salome Intermezzo, Loralne Imperial Marimba Band Serenade d'Amonr, Von Blon Imperial Marimba Band My Baby's Arms JSIogfcld Follies, 1919, Tiorney, Tonor, i j Vernon Dalhart Shlnimie Town Fox Trot Ziegfeld Follies, 1919, Stamper r w All Star Trio Celestial Chime, M. Greene, Celesta 1 Robert Gajler Christmas Bells, Celesta iRobort Gaylor Everybody's Crazy Over Dixie, Donaldson-Cowan, Tenor i Vernon Dalhart What Could Be Sweeter, H. Von Tllzer, Contralto and Baritone Holon Clark-aiid Joseph A. Philips Taxi One-Step, Kaufman, for Dancing, Lenzbofg's Riverside Orchestra Western liand Fox Trot, Gay, for Dancing, Saxophone, Xylophone , , 1 All Star Trio Ohi What a Pal Was Mary, Wendllng, Baritone .....Edward Allen Sweet Leonore, Eastman, Tenor ' , Lewis James Carolina Sunshine, Schmidt, TonorVernon Dalhart and Mixed Chorus Brcamy Alabama, M. Earl, Tenor Lewis James and Mixed Chorus. ood-igh Wnllz, So. 1, for Dancing Jaudas' Socloty Orchestra Rond-Sighl Wnllz, So. 2, for Dancing Jaudas' Society Orchestra The jeweler. LOCAL A3TD PERSONAL Dixon & Sen, Sight Specialists. Mrs. J.- XV. Fotter visited ovor tho week end with relatives in Maxwell. Black and colored silks, conjplote assortment of quality and value at The Leader Mercantile Co. Mrs. John McGraw and Miss Maude Reese left Sunday for a visit in Don vor. A big shipment of the slip over sweaters for ladies, all colors. E. T. Tramp & Sons. 1 Frank Turpio left at noon yosterday for Philadelphia whore he wllj trans act business for a week or two. Ileal bargains in shoes on tho bar gain counter of U. T. Train) & Sons' Shoe Store. 91-2 Press reports stato that several hun dred cars of Rock Springs and Hanna ,coal will be shipped to Nebraska points this Week. North Platte is probably on tho list of towns to re ceive part of this coal. A timely and fortunate sale of wom en's and misses' suits and coats, high grade, classy garments at popular prices, saving you from $7.50 to $25 on every garment you may select at The Leader Mercantile Co. Every Nebraska newspaper coming to this ' office during the past woek complains of bad roads, which means that Lincoln county roads are not the only ones tkat cause drivers of both teams and automobiles to cuss. Some of these days the people of Nebraska will wake up and favor a proposition to issue state bonds for fifty million dollars to build permanent' roads, five millions to be available each year for a period of ten years. And It will be money well spent For Rent Furnished room, 103 weet Second. 81-1 The Sidney Community Club has se oured the services of R. P. Kepler, of Toledo, Ohio, 'as secretary of tne club at a salary of thirty-five hundred dol lars a year. The North Platte Cham ber of Commerce, which is casting arouud for a secretary, may learn from this about what they may expect to pay a man who can acceptably All the position. . The day naa passed when a man suitable for this work can be secured for $1,500 or $9,000 a year. Incidentally it can truthfully be said that Sidney is one of western Nebraska's most active and prosperous towns. i Diamond. li.imonds, fllainond. n t nrri iiiiM-t. i"ifect ;itiil impi-rfi ct no t .! in t tnr til.' T Vi Fur Coats and Robes. Wo take orders for tanning furs and hides for coats and robes and for the making of coats and robos from furs and hides. Coats relined and re paired. , 91 L.-LIPSHITZ. Gamble with Springer THE CIIAIS SYSTEM So. 1, 220 Sortii Locust, Phone 203. So. 2, 11C East B Street, Phono 49C 621 East Fourth, Phono 79l! Sol ice to Well Drillers. Staled proposals will bo received at the office of the City Clork of tho City of North Platte, Nebr.. up until G p. in. of tho 2nd day. of Decombor, 1919, for furnishing all labor and materials and drilling one 24 Inch well to a 'depth of 170 feet on the site provided by tho City of North Platte, Nebr. Proposals nitut be addressed to Mr O. E. Elder, City Clerk of tho City of orth Platto, Nebr., and must contain a certified check In an amount equal to two (2) per cent of tho amount of the bid. Bidding blanks and specifications may be obtained at the office of the Water Commissioner in tho Fire Sta tion corner of Vine and F.ront streets, North Platte, Nebr. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids, to chanim scope of the work and to call for new ojo on cnangeu plans. .AAUAll!ate(1 eo9t of wel1 complete i $4500.00. A. F. STREITZ, Attest: Mnvn. O. E. ELDER, Mar! ISEAL) City Clerk. 91.3 Taken Up. Taken up on or about September 1st by - the undersigned who resides a half mile north of the Platte Valley school house, a roan bull, about 3 years old W! 1000 pound". ch on right hind knee, -no brand. Owner 2- f?Ve ,prort'' charges and take animal away. 91'6w ALPHA OLSON. DR. L. J. KRAUSE, DENTIST McDonald Bank Bldy. Phone 97. BEKRYIIEKJtr & FORBES, Licensed Bmbatners Undertakers and Funeral Directors Day phone 41 Sight phono Black Sss