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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1919)
We Trysting Place By CECILLE LANGDON (Copyrtsht, 1919, by the Wfntrfrn Nw- pupir union.; It was nn odd trysting place, but It j had been n favorite haunt for Ittmsnm ' Wylle even beforr lie Inid mot Kdna I Dcano, After the railroad linil been , built touching Orvllle, tbe town wliero 1 both lived, and tlie telegraph line had j paralleled, one towering pole fronteil I the lane that led to the home of the DeaneH, which became a sort of wait ing station for Hansom. Kdua would Join him there arid they would stroll nlong the river hank or visit mutual young friends In the neighborhood. A grassy rise curved gracefully about the deeply Imbedded pole und some wild bushes encircled It. It got to he so that ltansom wan usually on the spot ahead of Kdna. She came upon him one evening and learned Iho reason why, and her fnce grew thoughtful and serious, as was the dreamy expression of his eyes, far nwny and Intense. On the occasion Edna found him with his ear close to the smooth surface of the pole. "Keating, Hansom?" she Intimated softly, as she sank to bis side. "Why, no," be answered, Hushing slightly and acting like one startled from a deep reverie. '"I was listening, Edna. Have you ever done so?" and his eyes brightened magically, "f come her" very often, alone. Just think of It I Along those wires overhead there passes every hour the story of the great world the business story; vast secrets In cypher, poor little trembling tales of longing, and broken hearts, happiness, misery, grief, sorrow, tbe chronicle of birth, deaths, good for tune and wretchedness. It" overpowers me when I try to comprehend It all. And when there Is a storm coming, the wires moan and seem freighted with tones that awe you. Oh. Edna I sometimes, when the hum and drone Is soft and gentle. I can almost hear the tender words passing hetwoen -swpptheuttj. I wonder, oh I I wonder " "You wonder what, Hansom?" asked Edna, weirdly inipnmsod with the look In bis eyes. "Of how some day, after I have gone Into the busy, bustling life of the city, the message I send to you of triumph, of wealth, and alwnvs of love, will fill your soul with the glory of our great happiness." "Don't, Hansoni." pleaded Edna, as If the suggestion of parting wrenched her heart cruelly. "Oh, must It be that you will go away and we can meet here no more?" and she clung to his arm shclterlngly, but shuddered, and there was the echo of a half sup pressed sob. ltansom carpssed mid comforted, tbo girl ho so loved, painting a fair pic ture of the prospects that were open ing up to him, Edna was thoroughly unselfish and sacrificing, and she felt that she had no right to hold him back from testing his business ability. An old man of sixty had succeeded the former telegraph operator at Or vllle and passing the cherished tryst- Ins plate on hi viv t his w.i'-k, hnd n (Iced IMnn. It dime about that th grew tutu iuf Intimate ae (ini initio !)!!). nn! occasionally Ednn would stop for n few minutes at the little depot. It pleased her to be In close touch with one who could tell her nil about the great city to which slu was a stranger, which held her heart's dearest treasure. One evening Edna dropped into the depot and was conversing with the operator, when the latter bent bis ear quickly towards tin clicking Instru ment. It bad become his wont when Ednn wns there to r'tnmlze tiny im portant happening in.!; m r ''. .e 'res. "Hlg lire In tbe cly." lie lull1' '. "I'lant of Drlscoll & Co. totally destroy ed," and Edna's check blanched, for that was the name of the house with which Hansom was connected. "Sever nl lives lost. .Tohn Drlscoll und his secretary escaped to roof; ladder, sent to their rescue, burns midway. Both engulfed In the Humes. Hollo 1" for Edna had fallen to the floor Insensible. The opprator ran to the water-pail, but It was empty. Hp seized It and started for the well. When lie returned Edna was gone. He was a slow think ing man, but It suddenly occurred to It I in thai the business bouse named in Hie telegram might be the one where her tlance was employed. His fnco brightened as lie caught a Inter wire. "Where can she have gone? I must find her." he soliloquized excitedly, nnd nn Instinctive Impulse caused blm to hasten to the trysting place telegraph pole. Ves, there was Edna, frantic, In coherent, clasping the pole, pressing her car to It wildly, pleading for further word from the tanging wire I "Ob, Miss Dentil'!" shouted the oper ator, "there's a later wire. Man and sccrotury escaped." It was tbe next day that Hansom Wylle put In an appearance. Meantime the detulls of the lire were generally known. A rescuing ladder hnd. Indeed, caught lire, and Its lower half bad fallen to the ground. Its upper half Hansom had drawn up to the roof, gained that of an adjoining building and be and his employer had, gained safety. It was at the old trysting place that Hansom Wylle resumed ids love vows with Ednn Deane, telling her that ills signal service In bejintf of bis grateful (unployer had led to advancement and h icward that would enable them 3oon to became man nnd wife. OLD HOUSE TO BE MUSEUM Movement for Preservation of Struc ture Identified With Early Days of Southern California. A movement Is on nt Hlverslde, Cnl., for the preservation of a number of the old landmarks of the vicinity, j building nnd spots Intimately connect ed wlUi ; no enrly-dny period of south-' urn Cullii.rnla. 1!e plan Is being fos tered by ihe nrMl chapter of the Daughter of tlic i.eoiai.on and the Pioneer society. The first project to bo unilertnkcn I the restoration , of the old HuMdottX ii -i", nn ndobe structure, wb en ui9 buili l" Indian labor three-quarters of u ceiiury ago. The Hubldoux leiiiliy was one oi the most prominent of the eurly Spanish iv.-'''-.. n.i I the ma was u social center for the Interior section. Many of the notable events of history of the period Just previous to the forty-niners are more or less Intimately connected with tills old building which In recent years has been abandoned and has begun to crumble uwny. After the work of restoration is completed, the building will serve ns a nucleus for n pioneer museum for tbe housing of many relics of the eurly days. ' Mediterranean Air Ba6C. A far-reaching program of aviation In the French colonial possessions. In Africa has been drawn up by the com mission on aerial transport at Tunis, Algeria, Avhich recommends that )n great aerial transport center be estab lished, with Tunis US' Its base, In order to centralize aerial tralllc over the Mediterranean sea. Inasmuch as Tunis occupies an advantageous inisltlon, at the Junction of French and Interna tional colonial possessions, a regular aerial service, it Is urged, between Tunis nnd outlying districts would benefit tbe French protectorate. Al ready a line of airplanes is In opera tion between Cubes, nn Algerian sea port, and the frontier of Tripoli ; and this, in the expectation of colonial ollicinls, will be extended to Tunis. So tbe ''unchanging East" Is fast be coming a by-word only of tlntes past. Helpfulness of Criticism. , It is natural to resent criticism. We dislike anything that shakos our self complacency or compels us to think. Here and there a man has learned the real service of criticism nnd usually he Is a man who bus attained to more thnn average success In life. We are nil more or less like the proverblnl os trich. We like to convince ourselves that our faults are really our virtues, Ih that we are doing good work In the world when In truth we are lagging fai behlund our actual capacity and drifting along rather than really liv ing. William E. Towne. :o::- rinno For Sale We havo stored In North Platte a strictly high grado pkino which If sold at onco can bo purchaacd nt a positive bargain Terms. For particulars ad dress THE DENVER MUSIC COMPANY, 77-G Denver, Colo. Flax In the War. With restoration of the Industry on a pence-time basis cotton once again goes ahead of linen In the world's fa vor. The exigencies of the recent con flict raised llax to the position as leader among fabrics, a rank which it had held for centuries but lost almost simultaneously with the advent of the cotton gin. With realization of the Importnnco of cotton In the making of munitions, there came a speedy reversion to linen for the more commonplace usages wnlstconts, sails for ships, oven "wings", for1 airplanes having lately consisted of linen. But llax has reached the end of Its days of monopoly. Kins Cotton, now rises to the fore in Ordi nary pursuits, and linen' once again becomes the aristocrat In tills field of supxily. : ;o: : Clinton & Son' will take care of your Ey Glass trouble; we guar antee to give you satN iLt-tiun blgn ot the liiu Ring. Snfo aaaasaaeaaai Kaga&OBnriresHWMPagMutB ,ow. GASOLINE 1 inn n tin mb mi vmamsmmmmmmmaammmBsmKmtmtmBmai Explosive Power The real test of gasoline goodness is explosive power. And explosive power depends on quick, complete combustion. Quick, complete, clean combustion, in turn, depends on the even vaporizing and carburetting qualities of your gasoline. Uniform carburctio'n and uniform explosive power go far towards explaining the superior qualities of Red Crown GasolSEis as an engine fuel. They account for the prompt starting, smooth, strong acceleration and distance-devouring capac ity your car t,hovs with Red Crown Gasoline. For smooth, quiet, frictionless engine operation nothing excels Polarine the standard oil for motors. t For sale by service stations, garages and dealers. . STANDARD OIL COMPANY , (NEBRASKA) I ' ! i' , 1 2 i to CROWN 3 fUMuan.wiAu'V 1 BLWJPJO'-fl'-RLa' Omaha MA 1 1 JIWH IBM iJHr esterfleld jff GARETTES meSC accS ml$f The only ONE out of 147 Brands that does it ! Doos what ? ' Does the one thing that smokers have always . wished a cigarette would do SATISFY. Chesterfields not only please the taste but they go straight to your "smoke-spot." They let you know you're smoking. That's what we mean by SATISFY. It's all in the blend the private formula ' of the manufacturer and the blend can't be copied. That's why only Chesterfields SATISFY. Moisture proof package keeps them firm and fresh , whatever the weather. PALACE A TOWN ITSELF More Than Fourteen Hundred Rooma In Vienna J-lome of Ex-Emperor of Austria. There nro 1,4-10 rooms In the city palace formerly occupied by the ex emperor of Austria. In .Vienna. It la also equipped with 100 kitchens and the courtyard covers 25,000 meters. The massive dorlc columns at the out side entrance were constructed by Peter von Mobile in 1821-24. Through these one enters the "Palace of Heroes," outside the castle ward. A new wing was added here in 1SS7-04. The inner walls are of the, Renaissance style, by Ghtnmnn and lliiuniiinn. and were completed In 1017. Further on. toward the eastern side of the ground. Is the Ileldenplata. where stand two exquisite monuments, the largest In the capital. The one on the left Is that of Prince Eugene, while that on the right Is of tiio Archduke Charles, who defeated Napoleon at Aspem. A Itoimiu ruin of ancient date Is seen In the castle grounds. It Is characteristic of the Roman con querors, but Is ' so dilapidated that but two or three of the portals re iiihIii, the others being nothing but crumbled stone. A tall arch Is the host preserved part of the ruin. Near the Uomlln ruin Is a great obelisk, resembling a needle more than most monuments of the Kind. The top Is finished In gilt. The sides bear hieroglyphics of the history of Austria. Near It Is the glorious Neptune foun tain, and from Schene llrunner (beau tiful fountain) the castle grounds de rived tholr iianie, Schonbrunn. RED TAPE FINALLY UNWOUND NU.U For a Time It Had Sergt. Hayes Tied Up, Out He Came Out a Lieutenant. Once upon n Mine thero was n man wlfo "tlrod" his employees that he might have th pletiire of hiring thorn over until. Thill wv;i:.l mm m bo wtno HiaM&e way vitl. tu marine wrjws. H ,ffi', it uim tliwt tih jovvniwnt inip ihtnn liwior. Sergt. ICdgar Mayes, a red-blooded patriot of i he marine corps, overheard nn aspersion upon the uniform of his service. Sergeant Mayes promptly hit tbe speaker In the nose. The marine corps sat upon his case In solemn court-martial, and after much deliber ation dismissed Serjeant Mayes from the service, thus creating civil disabil ities. The case Inter was reviewed by the president, who pardoned Mayes and restored him to citizenship. Mayes has now been restored to the service and created a first lieutenant, nn act of congress having empowered t'fte pres ident to make the appointment. It Is a roundabout way of doing a man honor. And It shows something wrong wltli the system. V wonder what the dlirnlfled gentlemen of the court-martial would have done If It had been proved that Sergeant Mayes, now Lieutenant Mayes, having overboard an aspersion upon Ills honorable serv ice, had condoned It by Inaction. Cin cinnati Times-Star. Lumber Cut of 1918. The lumber cut of the United States in 1!1S was 2!l.:5G2.020.000 feet, as re ported to the forest service up to .Tune in by 11,75:1 mills. The com plete total cut Is .'U.SOO.-lfH.OOO feet, based on the assumed operations of 22,540 mills. The computed cut in 1018 l 11 per cent smaller than the compated production In 1017. A comparison of the computed cut of several of the larger general produc ing regions in 191S with the figures for the preceding year shows a small er output by approximately 20 per cent In the yellow-pine group of states, a decreaso of 10 per cent In the North Carolina pine group and of 0 per cent in the Lake states. An Increased cut of 2 per cent Is noted for Orogon nnd Washington. j Hlsto-lc Strasbourg, j In establishing the administration j of the restored provinces of Alsace , Lorraine in the city of .Strasbourg, the I people of France have regained a rich- ly historic ground, says' the Boston j Transcript. Its cathedral, whose bulld- Ing engaged the 'services of famous architects and decorators for the pe ' rlod of four centuries before reaching the completion in which It st.n..i tn. I day, Is one of the marvels of the world. its great university has a library of a million volumes and before the war Its students numbered more than 2 000. These are the local glories, but a universal fame has been gained by the products of Its more Intluuitn I talent. Thus. Alsatian wine has had worm-wide recognition since the mid dle ages; Strasbourg beer was known before America was discovered, and as for that delicacy so prized by the fas tidious taste of gourmands, the pate do fols gras, the name of Strasbourg Is the certificate of extreme excellence. Placing Himself. Luther Kurhank. like Thomas A. Edison, has had his brain incorporated and capitalized. Me has dono many wonderful things, one of the biggest being the perfecting of the spineless cactus, which Is a great cattle food staple. Also to his credit nro the Shasta daisy, the stoneless prune and the seedless grape. Ills patience is wonderful and they sny that at one time he raised 50.000.000 Utiles tn r ' a single half-dozen that were perfect. "Ao wonder they call you the 'wizard' of California," remarked a Los Angeles reporter once. litirbank luugluiJ, and replied: "They might bet tr cull me the gizzard o' California." Concert by Telephone, hour's concert over the telephone. Pa ing department store, wishing to call attention to Its music machine rec ords, Is Increasing sales by giving on hour's concert over the telephone. Pa trens wlxhlug to enjoy the now oat i-i-i ,rrl culled I lie stom's muwle do. portn-.Mu at the appointed time uu,tional Itiuilj, A,utli I'latte, NoI. "l"n ."" . l'liono 1000. ed. mm, Auctioneer (Jenornl Farm Sales n Specialty. ue erencos and Dales t First Nn.