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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1919)
!u' lorth Bhtte muWttl) (Tribune. THIRTY.FIFTII YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., OCTOBER 24, 1919. No. 82, JI'i-h. Clabaugh Appointed Chairman, Mrs. J. P. Clabaugh has been ap pointed city chairman for the third Red Cross Roll Call, and will nppolnt as solicitors tho Canteen ladies and such others as she may need In a house to house canvass of tho city. Tho appointment of Mrs. Clabatigb was inado yesterday by the Rod Cross oxccutlvo commftteo and Mrs. Cla baugh will at onco begin organizing for tho compaign whlcn begins No vembes 2d and continues for ten days. -: :o: Exceptional Itnrtraln 440 acres valley land abutting good town of 2,000, loss thnn Vj mllo frcn 'W. 1 . 1. T - . ... 1 I 1 t umu ni'uuui. iiiiiiruvuuiems aw sinci- ly modern, consisting of fine bunga low, two largo barns, sheds, chicken house, etc. All now, worth $20,000. This lios on tho U. P. R. R. and tho best farming and hay proposition in tho valley, and an Ideal dairy proper ty. Priced for quick sale at $100 per acre. Easy terms, got busy. O. H. THOELECKF. ::o:: An old fashioned Hallowe'en social will bo given In tho basement ol tho Lutheran, church next Wednesday .night by tho Girls' Club to which all members of tho church, their friends, and the members of tho younjr Deo plo's societies of the other churches aro cordially invited. A good time is assured to all. Como. Aro you Interested In good citizen, shin? If So, ntend tho Community Itanqnct, Thursday, Oct. 80th at 7:0(1 p. m. ' Melvln Ernest Grannoll, tho little son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Grannell, was burled from their homo 908 east Sixth street Tuesday afternoon, at two o clock, ho baby was two years and twenty-seven days old and died after a few hours' Illness. An assortment of plush hats for children just received at The Lendor Mercantile Co. Lingerie clasps, gold or sliver from 60c to $5.00 per pair. Dixon. ::o:: Listen! Just received another car of pears which will bo sold at tho car and my store. Car will be hero but three days. Get your pears while the car is lioro. McMICHAEL'S GROCERY, Tracy Appointed Judge. C. F. Tracy, rotlred engineer, and for flfty-ono years a rosldont of North Platte, has beon temporarily appointed pollco judge to fill tho offico during the Illness ,of Judge Mlltonbergar, whose condition is very sorious. The appointment was mndo Wednosday by Mayor Stroltz. Judge Tracy's knowl edge of law may bo somewhat limit ed, but nobody questions his sound Judgment and Integrity and violators brought before him will recolvo Jus tice in full. - n - ' Miss Maymo Pizer entortained about twenty guests last evening compli mentary to Miss Irma Huffman who will bo married next month to Arthur Arnold May, of Gothonburg. After an evonlng of bridge a two course lunch was served. The talfle was tastefully decorated with candles and a gr'iat glass bnsket tied with a tulle bow and filled with American beauty rews Place cards wore tiny hand painted brides. Ruy two tickets to the Com in tin it y Banquet, Thursday, Oct. HOth at 7:00 p. m. and take your wife. Harold Tyler and Walter Warren wero arraigned before Judgo Wood- hurst yesterday afternoon on the doublo charge of entering the Mc- Cracken drug store and of taking tA'o horses of Magnuson. The boys ad mitted their guilt and the case was Itakon Under advisement by Judge Woodhurst. Small assortment of Trimmed Hats In tho mllllery department that will bo sold at $2.98, Saturday, October 25th. Villa Whlttaker. Effective January first next all em ployes of tho AVestern Union tele graph company In this city will get a wage increase of from ten to fifteen per cent. Tarn O'Shantas of all sizes and col ors at The Leader Mercantile. Co. No more planes from tho east In the transcontinental derby are ex pected, but eleven ships are expected from tho west. Ducks and geese for sale. Phone ' Red 554. J A most charming coat and suit as ( sortment at prices you'll save at The Leader Mercantile Co. COMEDY NIGHT Keith Theatre, Tonight. - What is Love? The Answer: s "LOVE IS LOVE" r WITH ALBERT RAY and ELINOR FAIR. a photoplay showing the miracle of love in young lives, in one of the sweetest stories ever told. Smiles and Tears! Come and laugh a little and weep a bit for your betterment. Sennett Comedy "REILLY'S WASH DAY" in which Mrs. Reilly gets her rights her right to do all the washing there were on the market. Hi IW KEITH THEATRE ONE NIGHT ONLY Friday Oct. 31. Farewell Trans-Ccmtinental Tour of the most sensa tional spectacular melo drama in a half century. THE ALL AROUND THE WORLD SUCCESS - PRINCESS THEATRE AYELBORNfc. ADELPJ1IA THEATRE SYDNE V . ' NOT A MOVING PICTURE Overseas romance of love and valor, replete with laughs and thrill?. A 'MILITARY MELODRAMA OF TODAY Uy Walter Howard 6 EVERY CRITIC EVERY PAPER IN NEW YORK UNANIMOUS Ttecelved with enthusiasm." Tlme. "Applauded to Hit i echo." Alan Dale. MiJity punch to the play." Mall. I "Pia went over w th a banr. Telegram 'VhouU Vent up af the Parle Theatre last nlsht for "SEVEN DAYS LEAVE.' Charles Oarnton "Continuous roar of applause and approbation shook the rafters of the playhouse' Evening Journal "Has enouth sensations to Iqutp half a doien such plays eminently successful.' g Louis Snerwln, Qlob VT &ly and brazenly confess to llklnir this style of play." Journal of Commerc "Melodrama that makes your blood tlnele." Evening Sun. "Entertainment of lively Interest and suspense. " Jlera d. "Nothing heretofore to vie with the compelling thrUl." Tribune. "Wins vootferous applause of big audience." Hun. Win wlrti '.-.trlotlc fervor crammed full of uf Dd "cltemtnu" World Superb cast and original New York Production. Seats on Sole I PRICES Wed. Oct. 29 j 75c, $1.00, $1,50 Mail Orders NOW LOCAL AND l'EKSOyAL Mrs. W. II. Muncor Is confined to tho hotfso by a sprained foot which sho! sustained Tuesday afternoon. Havo you looked over tho beautiful pattorns in drnpory goods at Wilcox Department Storo? Miss Adolo LoDloyt will leave far Omaha today to visit her sister and wltnoss tho Nebraska-Oka lahoma toot ball game. Seo tho Style Shop windows Mon day. ftlrs. Blanelio Field and mother, Mrs. Baker, will leave noxt month for California, whero they will snond tho grcator part of tho winter. Wilcox Department Storo is head quarters for reliable furs. They ban dlo Albrocht's lino exclusively. Airs. J. B. Jotor left yosterday nftor noon for Washington, D. C, to visit a sister. Enrouto sho will stop over in Chicago soveral days to visit hor daughtor Helen. Ono of Dixon's beautiful diamonds will hn the delight of any girl's heart. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Patterson and daughter Edith expect to spend the greater, part of tho winter and early spring In California, leaving for there about tho first of tho year. If you wast to seo a real nlassy coat ask to seo our Baffin seal trim med with the fur trimmings. E. T. Tramp & Sons. Word received yestorday from Oma ha stated that an operation on Gor don Lovo's oyc had been performed the previous evening. Tho trouble was duo to an ulcor. Wanted Experienced girl wants position as housekeeper or general housework. Apply at G15 west Third or phono Red 1057. An east bound aviator in tho trans continental derby arrived Wednosday evening and started out yestorday morning but returned to tho landing Held on account of weather conditions after he was in tho air a few minutes. Tho Wilcox Department Storo now ha a rather complete line of colors in woolen yarns. A Mexican named Oacho and a col ored man who gave his namo as Price wore picked up by the polico Wednes day on the chargo of drunkenness and each wore fined ?10 and costs by Juugo Tracy. Frico paid $15.80 and was released, but the Mexican was short of change and he was given ten days in jail. Aofroctly fitting pair of glasses will presprvo one's youthful appoar-ancor-thoy eliminate wrinkles and "crowsfeet" caused by eyestrain. Clin ton & Son, optometrists. C. F. Scharmann came in from tho west part of the state last ovoning and left on the branch train tills morning for Goring. Mr. Scharmann is supervising the shipment of beets on tho Union Pacific and the North river branch. His duties aro to seo that the cars are supplied as needed, that thoy, aro in constant uso nnd that they aro loaded to maximum. Tho latest styles in printed 'geor gette crepes at Wilcox Department Storo. Cards, received in town a fow days ago .announced the marriage on the third of October of Walter J. Roche to Mary Louise King of BIsbee, Arizona. Walter is a North 'Platte boy, having been born nnd raised In North Platte, but with his parents moved to Daven port, Iowa, many years ago. Since his dlschargo from the service last December he has beon practllcng law in Bisbeo. Right styles in new coats and suits nt prices to save you money at The Leader Mercanlle Co. ('. of 0. Annual .Meeting. Tho Annual mooting and supper of tho Chamber of Conunorco will bo huld noxt Tuosdny ovoning at 0:30 la the basement of tho Episcopal church. During tho war this or ganization, in common with similar organizations In practically evory town in tho state, waa more or les1 dormant, and this year the whole ef fort of tho club has beon devoted to good roads, about five thousand dbl lars having beon oxpondod for that purpose. Thoro Is now a general fool ing that tho work should be expanded, and tho futuro work of the organiza tion will bo discussed nt tho coining meeting, a roport mndo of tho past year's work, nnd a board of directors olectod. ::o::- Long Walks. I have two bargains in overhauled cars, which would bo just tho thing for thoso living quite far from tho cen ter of town. Both cars in good shape, both have electric lights and startors and w'.fo could drive them. Ono Is a 1917 Mnxwoll touring, prlco $450. Tho other nu 83 Overland at $400. Terms to roiponslblo parties. Como In nnd try theso ca'rs out J. V. ROMIGH GARAGE. ::o:: AT THE SUN THEATRE. FRIDAY "The Uplifters" WITH MAY ALLISION A story that ripples with continous laughter. A play of the hour, "Some Gal" WITH TEXAS GUIMAN SATURDAY 'What so ever the Cost' WITH ANITA KING ALSO Baby's Maries Roundup with Little "Sambo"' Tor Salo Bids will bo recelvod for offico building located directly west of pas senger station, North Platto, Nebras ka. Terms of salo aro cash and with understanding that building is to be moved 'rou Union .Pacific premises wihiii thlrtly days after bids accopted Mail bids to A. W. WOODRUFF, ii:ili'.rintendont Union Pacific R. R., 82-2 Cheyonno, Wyoming. : :o: : , Georgetta, satin, volvet and wool dresses, the season's best merchandise at E. T. Tramp & Sons'. The high school foot ball team ac companied by a number of studonts arifa tho conches left this morning for Curtis where they will play tho agri cultural school team. North Platto defeated Lexington 27 to 3, and last week Lexington defeated tho Aggies 12 to 0, nnd basing judgment on theso scores, tho game should go to sTorth Platto with ease. If an hour's reading makes your eyes ache or tho printed lines "misty" havo Clinton & Son give them thtolr expert attention. , W. J. Rath, manager of tho Shoe Market before ho entered the service aWv resuming the position following his dlschargo, left last ovonlhg for Omaha to take chargo of a store own ed by tho same company. Mr. Rath's transfer Is a promotion for hltu. Messrs. Chandler and Clark, of Coun cil Bluffs, havo arrived to lake chavge of the local store. What is more dressy thau a suit for. street wear? We have classy mer chandise at the right price. E. T. Tramp & Sons. Wanted First class salesman to work tea and coffeo routes In North Platto and surrounding territory, call ing on family trade. For full par ticulars address Grand Union Tea Company, G38 So. lGth street, Omn ha, Neb. 81-4 Baptist Church 10:30: church and Sunday sohool. aorinon, "Why Boys Go Wrong in North Platto," somo home truths tor homo consumption. Children's ser mon. "Tomptntlon G:30, B. Y. P. U. 7:30, "Tho Quost for Realty." nigt of a series of sonnons on modern relig ious attitudes. Music by a largo chorus choir, undor tUo .leadership of Mrs. Gilbert Brbwn, assisted b'yi Mi's, Loinlngvr at tho plaiio. ' A church homo for all. A. C. HULL, Pastor :;o:; Wool union suits for ladles and chil dren, for fit nnd quality thoy cannot no surpassed. E. T. Tramp & Sons. ::o:: . First Lutheran Church . Morning worship 11 o'clock, sermon of special ltnportnnco to all, Even ing worship 8 o'clock, subject, "A Bndgo or a Brand, Which?" Sunday school nt 9:45 with classes for all. ' A warm chrlstinn wolcomo awaits you nt all services. REV. C. F. KOCH, Pastor. may Allison oti:o as llltlLLIANT ('OMKl)lkNXK Young Metro Shir of "The Upllflers" Wins New Fnme nt the Sun Theatre -::o:;- A diamond purchased at Clinton's jowolry storo will bo a handsomo nnd profitable Investment. ::o:: Methodist Clmrrli. Preaching 11 a. m.. subject "Chris-, tian Literature." 7:30 p. m., "Many Infnlliblo Wltnossos." Epwortii, i-iuuKuu o;ou j). m. oununy scuooi u:4S a. m., M. E. Scott, Supt, ::o:: ( Munsing undorwoar, tho kind that always satisfies, sold only at Wilcox Department Storo. : :o::- Wnnted A good man is wanted liv tlin nnrd of Education for Janitor of one of the! Rollnnl lllli III In n-a fnll ri n TO rl.: I Keith theatre building. May Allison, the beautiful young Metro star of "Tho Upliftors" a comedy-drama adnpted from tho story of thp same namo gy AVallaco lrw'in pub lished In tlia Suturday Evoning PosfA has climbed tho laddor of famo with unwonted rapidity. Before entering upon her screen career sho made her debut in the Henry W. Savage production of "Ev orywoman," first in tho role of "Van ity" and lntor as "Beauty." Hor rnru dramatic talents wore recognized and sho was ndvanccd to tho important roles in "Tho Quaker Girl" with Ina Clalro, and "Caprice" with Do Wol Hotfpor. Later sho was starred in "Apartment 12-K." Hor first appearance on tho scroeti was In "David Harum" with William H. Crane, but her greatest achiovo' znents havo beon with Metro, first na co-star with Harold Lockwood and later bb 'a star in hor own right. Anionic hor most noted productionii aro "Poggy Does Hor Dnrndost," "The Is lnnd of Intriguo," "Cnstlos in tho Air" "Almost Married," "In For Thirty Days," "Hor Inspiration," "Tho Tast ing of Mildred Vano," "Tho Return of Mary," "A Successfhl Advontnro" nnd "Social Hypocrlts." Miss Alison was born in Georgio nnd vt;s educated In Cleveland and Philadelphia. At tho Sim tonight. ::o:: Mrs. J. H. Day loft this morning for Groeloy, Col., to visit hor daughter, Mrs. Cody Boal. Our suit, coat and dross prices aro open to comparison. Also stylo; seo and bo convinced. E. T. Tramp & Sons. JOHN BARRYMORE IN "The Test of Honor" a story of splendid honor and a beautiful faith, and a most amazing siren. Keith Theatre, Monday and Tuesday. The Christian Science Society of North Platte, Neb. Crystal, Saturday and Monday. TOM MOORE IN The City of Comrades' A picture abounding in sentiment anil heart Interest, plainly dcmonstratlne; the length to which one man will go for the uplift of another. Saturday Special Sunshine Comedy "The Neighbor's Keyhole' MONDAY 'Over the Garden Wall' STARRING BESSIE LOVE ALSO Elmo the Mighty. Sth part. It The Engagement Ring an emblem of sentiment and Joy, should bo u Snlltalro Diamond, pcr- icmy cut and brilliant: Let us show you Homo beautiful Bonis of various sizes ready for mount ing to order, or in correct settings ready for use. C. M. Austin, Jeweler, Corner Front nnd l)ooy. announce A FREE PUBLIC LECTURE on CHRISTIAN SCIENCE t at the KEITH THEATRE, SUNDAY, OCT. 26th, at 3 o'clock new time. Rev. Andrew J. Graham, C. 8.r is a member of tne board of Lectureship of the Mother Church; The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts. Big Cattle Sale The undersigned will sell at public sale at the Bird wood ranch, six miles west of North Platte and six miles east of Hershey, on Wednesday, Oct. 29th, 1919, commencing at 12 o'clock west time, 175 High Grade White Face Cattle, Several Horses and a lot of Farm Machinery. FREE LUNCH AT NOON USUAL terSI: ' J. BOYD ALLEN, Owner. ait JohaSe. Auctioneers. F, C. Pielsticker, ClerH,