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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1919)
4k ATTENTION 85 a Hi Hi Hi MR. CAR OWNER i i t if! Hi SR bH Hi Bfi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi We have just received a shipment of FIRESTONE TIRES which gives us the Largest and Most Complete Line of Tires in the City. A 6,000-Mile Guarantee, backed by us, is on these Tires.- THE PRICE IS THE LOWEST A 30x3 Tire for $y.60 A 30x32 Tire for $15.10 1 6 "j t A 32x31 Tire for $17.50 4 Other sizes in Proportion. i 'y. emember, Saturday, August 23d. is The Day. Two expert These .tires tire men sent here by the Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., of Akron, Ohio, will spend Saturday, August 23d with u.s go on sale that day and we ask you to come in and meet these men. They can explain any tire trouble you may have SER VICE STATION, 1 a TELEPHONE 820. NORTH PLATTE, NEB. Wear goggles for comfort Comfort Is tlio one big idea in goggles, and' ihcro isn't a day goes hy In sum mer but what you couldn't uso a pair to advantage. If your work takes you out In the sun, a pair of good goggles will leave you less tired when the dny is over. If you are using your eyes for fun why put a handicap on your sport by squinting into glare, or bright light? That uses up nervous energy and a ilfsnoRltfon. Clinton has a variety of styles In gog-l ... J f t -ll.n J. I pies. One of tnem is tno khiu mm will suit vou to a T Come in and pick ft out. 75c to $2.0. C. S. CLINTON, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN. At the Sign of the HIg King. LOCAL AND PERSONAL TVv Mm TlMrn.11 first. Dr. W. T. Pritchard made a business: trip to Sarbon Wednesday. I East End Grocery handles fresh i milk. Virgil Harrop was a guest at the j. J. Crawford homo yesterday. J Loxington XXXXX Flour, $3.25 at tho East End Grocery. Mrs. fVm. Clark, of Staploton, spont Tuesday, with friends in town. Miss Rebecca Wright, of Stapleton, was the guest o friends in town Tues day. East End Grocery handles fresh milk. Miss Leila Waters, of Kearney, Is tho guest of her sister, Mrs. Jack 13eal. Sight Specialists, H Dixon & Son. Arthur Howard went to Kimball Tuesday to spend a week visiting his aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Morgan, of St. Joo, are guests at tho H. B. Morgan homo. Try Dixon, tho jeweler, and you will find tho very newest things In jewel ry. Mlssc Helen McGlll, of Garland. Neb., is a guest at the Hoyt Smlthers homo. Kodaks and films at tho Rcxall. Mrs. Calhoun returned Wednesday from a short visit with frlendB In Omaha. Miss Joy, Elms, of Lincoln, is tho guest this week of Miss Nina Ras musson. Miss Morlo Kelso has accepted a po sition a3 assistant at tho Krauso den ta office. Bo suro to attend tho Remnant Sale at tho Wilcox Department Store be ginning Saturday. v. READY FOR YOU Distinctive Gage and Grace Hats of Authentic Origin that have a charm and appeal that is Irresistible to women of discriminating taste. The Hub Millinery Department. Mrs. D. C. Dickinson, of Hershey, spont Wednesday in town as the guest of Mrs. Julia Todd. For a real auctioneer, phono or wire at my oxpenso. R. I. Shappell, Suth erland, Nob. C2tf Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ogier returned Wednesday from California where they spent two months. Tho 'Catholic ball team defeated the Methodists tho fore part of tho week by a score of 8 to G. Mrs. Emily Coates, who had been spending several weeks in Omaha, re turned homo Wednesday. Dixons grind their own lenses. Good, quick service. C. M. Newton and son Donald re turned Wcdnesdny from an auto trip to the Yellowstone Park. Misses Ethel and Helen Souser loft Tuesday for a two weeks' visit with rolatlves at Sterling, 111. Harry Samuelson left this week for eastern cities where ho will purchase merchandise for his store. br. H. C. Brock. Dentist. X-Ray piagnoslB. Reynolds Bldg. Phono 148 Archio Hood loft Wcdneday for Lin coln whero ho will enter tho state university this coming fall. H. D'Ayes, tho local, Reo dealer, drove a truck to Hastings Wednesday for delivery to tho purchaser. Try tho Rexall first. Mrs. Harold D'Ayes and children nro sponding tho week at tho A. E. Johnston homo in Ringgold. Judgo Woodhurst united in marrlago Wednesday James Pratt and Goldle KompUn, both of Lowellen. Mrs. Gus Anderson has been spend ing this week nt Ft. Collins visiting Mr. and Mrs. Win. Whitlock. Bed, table or chair lamp, put it whero over you plcaso. Tho finest kind of a gift. H. Dixon, tho jeweler. Mrs. Rasmusscn and son Bob ar rived Tuesday from Chicago for a vis It with hor sister, Mrs. John Dick. Russell Langford returned Tuesday from Sarbon whero ho had spent tho past week at tho Sarben Stato Bank. J. B. Collins, of Sioux City, and Miss Jessie Eamos, of Wallace, were united in marriage by Rev. Hess Tucsdny evening. For Salo My farm of 233 acres ono milo south of Horshoy. Good build ings. Inquiro of Gus Anderson, North Platto, or at tho premises. 62-3 Mr. and Mrs. Way no Leonard, Mrs. E. F. Dlmmlck and Will Elliott r.'-l turned Wednesday from an auto trip1 to Denver. Short lengths of Bilk, cotton and woolen goods on special salo begin ning Saturday at Wilcox Dopar'tmont Storo. For Salo Tract of 18 acres of land adjoining city on west Ad dross A. F. Splinter, North Platto, or phono 783F5. C3-2 Wanted For Sale Resident properties located in tho east and west end. List it with tho II. & S. AGENCY, Brodbcck Building, Mrs. R. R. Henld returned Tuesday to her homo at Kearney after n week's visit hero with her sister, Mrs. Louis Troupe. Did you see tho new boudoir lamps at Dixon's. Pink, blue and tan shades, with ivory, bronze or silver bases, nt ?7.00 each. Wanted Liberty bonds at market price. Louis Llpshitz. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Morsch left Wednesday on an extended trip to Cincinnati and Columbus, Ohio, and New York City. Wanted Board and rooms for teachers during Institute week, Sopt. lst-5th. Phono Black C02. AILEEN G. COCHRAN, Co. Supt. Miss Bessio Rannio has resigned at tho Newton beauty parlor and ac cepted a position at tho Gummcrc Dent drug storo. Dr. Morrill, Dentist. Office ovor Wilcox Department Storo. Mrs. Robert Dickey and son Robert left yesterday for an extended visit to Indianapolis, whero they will viscit Mrs. Dickey's mother. Earl Fitzgerald, of Hayes county, sold to Julius Plzcr for PIzcr and Ilnl ligan Wednesday 320 acres of tho best farm land in that county. Marguerite Tramp entertained twenty-flvo Uttlo friends nt a party Wednosday afternoon, tho occasion bolng her fourth birthday,. Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Wilcox left Wed nesday evening for Chicago and other eastern markets to purchaso goods for the Wilcox Department Storo. To whom aro you going to sell your Hay and Grain? Tho Harrington Mer cantile Co. will offer tho highest prices. C4tf Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hatch returned Tuesday from a two weeks' visit with relatives in Kansas City and sight see ing in Salt Lako and Denver. Lost Black hand grip containing two liberty bonds, between North Platto and Sidney. F. P. Hurlburt, 1616 5th Ave, Los Angeles, owner. $25.00 reward. 03-2 Mr. and Mrs. Julian Buckley and children, of David City, nro guestB at tho J. J. Crawford homo today whllo onrouto on a motor trip to points In tho western part of tho stato. Wanted Two young singlo men to travel with manager as salesmen. bright energetic country men. Stato nge and previous cxporlenco. Address D. L. Gage, North Platto, Nob. 62-4 Tho ball gamo between tho Presby torlnnB and Episcopnls played Tuos day evening resulted in a scoro of 8 to 8, tho gamo being called at tho end of tho fifth Inning on account of dark ness. ::o:: j For Sale 640 acres of hay ono milo north of Wallao, Nob . 35 cents per aero, or ono-third of hay in stack. Address Box 117, North Platto, Nob. 63-2 ::o;:t Estrnycd. Tw6 light bay mares, ono two and ono ihreo yenrs old. Notify R. J. Sowle, Maxwell, Neb. 63-2 Ed Walker who had tho contract for putting in Bidowalks for tho city during tho last fiscal year at a 12c rate, noti fied tho council Tuesday evening that ho would no longer do tho work at that price. Tho clerk was instructed to ndvertiso for bids for this work for tho current fiscal year. A Mothor Gooso party in which Halo Hamilton, tho popular Metro star, will bo scon drosed up as a boy In stiffly starched shirt and knoo brocchos, la ono of tho mnny novol scenes In "Af ter His Own Heart," a mirth pro voking comcdy-drnma featured at tho Sun theatro tonight. HAY We Buy and Sell . Obtain our Prices. THE HARRINGTON MER. CO. "THE VACCINE THAT MADE KANSAS FAMOUS." Itlncklog Aggrossln (Kansas Gorm Freo Vaccine) U. S. VETERINARY LICENSE NO. 120. I a )) & OKLAHOMA CITY, U. S. A. DENVER, COLO., U. S. A. . GUARANTEE: We guaranteo every doso of our Blackleg Agrcsslnj (Kansas Gorm Freo Vaccine) to ho mndo according to Kan sas Method, worked out under direction o tho prosidont of tills company by his subordinates, at tho Kansas State Agricultural College. 25c Per Dose Why Pay More? FOR SALE BY GUMMERE-DENT DRUG CO. A Forest Reserve Grazing Examiner in sending in a "rush." order for 320 doses for a friend writes us: "I In formed him that In so far as I knew 100 per cent efficient results had been obtained tho past two years in Mr. T.'s herd on tho Reserve."