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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1919)
3F1 Hi DSENER & COM P AN Y ifi, Have the following September options on farms in Thomas County, Kansas, which they are offering to the public, subject to prior sale, j-jj ffi increase in price or withdrawal from the market without notice. The margin of profit on tliese options is small, and the first buyer j ffi gets his choice. Reasonable terms can be given on most, and on the balance a loan can be procured. All are choice wheat tarms in g ifi the greatest wheat county in northern Kansas. All oi them will sell much higher within the next six months. Lall at our oince ana let gj Hi us show you some photographs we have taken ol these farms. 1. Three quarters, all level, two miles from market Is one of the best wheat localities of Thomas County, which means one of the best in Kansas. Half section in pasture, 160 acres in cultivation will be sold seeded, to wheat, five room house, barn, well, windmill, fences, pos session in September if desired. $50.00 per acre. Terms. 2. A splendid all level half section, seven miles from Colby, all in cultivation, in the 30 bushel wheat neighborhood, entire half section will be seeded to wheat for purchaser. $55.00 per acre. t 3. Good half section, all tillable, 100 acres will be seeded to wheat for purchaser, house, barn, well, windmill, plenty of good sheet water. Only one and a half miles to market and school. Possession this fall if desired. $45.00 per acre. 4. A splendid wheat quarter, all level, all in culti vation, will be seeded to wheat, entire crop to buyer. "Vheat on this quarter this year turned out thirty bushels. Seven miles from town, half mile to school. $52.00 per acre. 5. A fine quarter section, good wheat on it this year, six miles out, near school. Can be sold seeded to wheat for $54.00 per acre. G. Quarter section one-half mile to town, no im provements, all in cultivation, level as a floor, will- be sold seeded to wheat, the second crop, for $60.00 per acre, easy terms. 7. Half section, 40, "acres in culUvation, balance in pasture, all smooth, five miles from one town, four miles to another. $34 00 per acre. i8. Square section all in pasture, half level, .some bottom land, in well improved locality. $26.00 per acre. 9. Half section, 95 per cent tillable, all in grass. $22.00 per acre. 10. Quarter section mile out of Colby, improved, 80 acres in cultivation, balance in pasture, level, $85.00 per acre with 80 acres seeded to wheat, entire crop to buyer. 11. Half section fine level land, good hay in pasture, six room house, well, windmill, fences, other improve ments, 180 acres in cultivation, will be seeded to wheat, landlord's share to purchaser. $65.00 per acre. 12. Three square section, all in grass except 160 acres under cultivation. Excellent wheat land, 95 per cent tillable. One crop will pay for same and all expenses when seeded to wheat. $31.00 per acre. Terms. All of the above farms are good buys and will make the purchaser money on . increase in value and farm products. If you are interested call at the office or write us for further information. Wc will show you these farms, mak ing tho trip from North Platte by automobile.. .All your expenses will be paid if you buy. W. H. DIENER W. H. BARRETT DIENER & COMPANY 620 NORTH DEWEY STREET REAL ESTATE NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA REMEMBER There is only going to be one crop of land no more is being manufactured SO GET YOURS NOW. DR. 0. II. CRESSLER. Graduate Dentist . rf Office over tht McDonald t, C State Bunk ency AND COUNT NEWS. Mrs. Einmott wills Bridgeport Wednesday wooka' visit nt the D homo. Miss Evelyn Loypoldt nccom- panlod her to Bridgeport for a week's visit. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Timmerman left this mornl'ig on a 'jiotor trip to Den ver and Estes Park. Thoy wero ac pnmnntilpil liv t.lin Irittfir's Hinter. Mrs. 1. 1. 1MU.1 till UUU UUUKUlUi VjUI I illU, who havo been guests at tho Timmer man. homo for tho past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Donchower will leave September 7th for Columbus, Ohio, to attend tho annual reunion ot tho Grand Army of tho Ropubllc, ot which Mr. Donehowar Is a member. Whllo' cast thoy will visit their son Sarn at Cleveland and son Edgar nt returned to Columbus. after a two , Applcg and crnb nppi0s for salo. An- M. UOypOItlt ,,, ni..nn ni1nnn 7R0Ti'11 P.3-3 No moro storngo, no moro genoral i repair work, Just a sales and sorvlco I utnHr.ii fnf rwulrrn nrul fMinnillnr pars. FOX.TJtOTS, WALTZES AM) BERT WILLIAMS. Carload of 1920 model Chandlers on "Setter 'lata Tcaro of the tho ways Including tho nowost Sedan. ,., , ,. ,,, ,, nni1 nnra All so d, but drop In and seo thorn, (1 n(tcr.sorvlco ls any consider yoiwmlght llko one of the mode s and I tn ,nfctho purchaB0 ot your noxt mlgbjfdcalor. A mcssago received Wednesday by car, drop In and see me. uugu, dealer. J. V. Ro- C S.Cllutoh Btatcd thnt his son Jim, wno or tue past two years nns boon overseas with tho Sixth Marines, is nowat Great Lakes with papors for his immediate discharge. Painting and paper hanging. H. II. LnndSl-af, Phono Black 570 . 63tf O. A. Lowoll returned to Chicago yesterday nftor Bpondlng tho weok hero Klth Mrs. Lowoll and tho family. Mr. L'pwoll ls a special Bocrct sorvlco agent for tho Illinois Contral with hcadquartors nt Chicago. Allen Robb roturnod yestorday to Newport Nowb after Bpondlng a thirty-day. furlough horo with 1i1b mother. Mrs. li. C. McGraw. Allon, who ls n first class pharmacy mato.has just ro onllstcd for anothor year of service. Mr. and Mtb. John Day returned Tuesday from Portland, wncro thoy spont a month with their daughters, Miss Mnblo and Mrs. Guy Robinson. Enrouto homo thoy Btoppcd at Grco loy, Colo., for a short visit with their daughter, Mrs. Cody Boal. MABLE NORMAND "THEPEST" A nlcturo reminiscent of her old Key stone comedy days. Rags may bo roy al ralmont but tho Pest didn't think so so sho proceeded to get her some ilnory and tho "getting" la what makes tho sport. SPECIAL FOIt SATURDAY ' Century Animal Comedy. "THE LION SPECIAL." Crystal Theatre Saturday and Monday. latest Dances nnd "Drycst" Songs Are on August Columbia Records. "July tho Thirst" is what moved Bert Williams to sing "Everybody Wants a Koy to My Collar" for Colum bia Records this month. But Bert avers: "Thoy can havo my wlfo if they want to go that far, but thoy can't havo tho koy to my cellar. If xfyo wholo darn world goes dry." Evcry ono who has over heard Bert William? will know what an opportunity tills song gives him. Tho coupling, "It's Nobody's Business But My Own," is number six of tho famous "Deac6n Series" of darky character songs. As a colored deacon's Declaration of In dependence, with Bort as tho deacon, this song ls inimitable. Tho two greatest song successes of "SInbad," "I'll say Sho Does" and "'N Everything," both mado famous by Al Jolson, havo boon turned into fox-trots by Wilbur Swcatmnn's Orig inal Jazz Band. Evorybody knows tho songs, and most peoplo hum them us thoy danco. On tho rovorse of thhj rccoru tno samo uanu piays tne fox trot "Lucille" "Kiss Mo Again" Is ono of Victor Ilorbort's immortal airs from "Mile. Modlsto" which tho Columbia Orches tra plays as a waltz this month, and tho waltz on the rovorse, played by tho snmo band, ls "Llfo and Love," Introducing "Come Bo My Wife," from Victor Herbert's "Tho Vclvot Lady." HARRY DIXON. 1 i'r This Space is paid for by McCracken Drug Company, SUCCESSOR TO The Nyal Drug Store. f Watch This Space Each Week. IT WILL GIVE YOU MANY SURPRISES AND VALUABLE INFORMATION. : :o: Rase Rail Gnmo Monday. Tho regular North Platto baso ball team will play tho navy team that Is horo on recruiting sorvlco Mondny nf tornoon. Tho navy team ls consid ered ono of tho strongest travoltng teams In tho country, having with them Bbvornl ox-major lcaguo players, nnd ns a result tlin lmmn lonm will bo taxed to their hlghost playing capacity to defeat thorn. Under such conditions tho gamo will undoubtedly do ono or tlio very best of tho season and ono tnnt will warrant a largo at tendance of enthusiasts of tho na tional sport. Copping tho Speedsters. Since Chief Mecombcr has, through tho newspapers und otherwise, served notlco on auto speeders that they must comply with the 12-mile an hour tosu-' latiou, ho has mado a half dozen ar- rests for violations. Taken before Judge Mlltonborger the3o speedsters wero mulcted for a lino of $o.00 and $4.80 costs. If violations continue tho fine will bo raised tin amount. Fines arc $500 n Month Since tho now administration took hold of tho reigns of tho city govern ment the fines rccolved through tho arrest by tho tho city police of all classes of law offenders has aggre gated live hundred dollars a month. This ls In excess of tho combined sal aries of tho police, and thoy can thero foro bo classed ns money makers for tho city. ::o:: . Labor Day Speakers Tho speakers selected for tho Vic tory Labor Day celebration by tho North Plotto Central Labor Union aro Mayor Stroltz, Rev. Mackintosh and Rov. Koch. Mayor Streltz will make tho opening address, Rov. Mackintosh will speak on tho theme of victory and Rev. Koch's subject will bo labor. ::o: : Money to Loan On Improved farm land, 3 to 5 years, at 7 per cent. No commission. Address Box 117, North Platto, Nob. ::o:: i Christian Science service Sunday 11 a. m. Wednesday evening meetings ovory weok at 8:00. A cordial invi tation is extended to all to attend theso services. Building & Loan build ing, room 25 : :o: Motorcycle for roller. At the meeting o' the ci'y council Tuosday evonlng tho purchaso of a motorcyclo for tho uso of tho pollen was authorized. Chief Mecombcr win probably bo tho motorcyclo cop, and gunranteos to do sixty miles an hour on tho mnchlno and overtake nnv auto specuor who nttempts to get nway from him. Tho motorcyclo was purchaBcd largoly for tho purposo of running down tho auto spcodstors. and will bo equipped with a speedometer, so that tho rldor may know Just how fast the auto driver ls traveling. ::o:: Dry In Michigan Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Perrltt roturned Tuosdny evening from a month's visit with Mrs. Porrltt's mothor at Fonvllle Mich. Whllo thoro a family rounlon was held on tho mothor s olgthy-thlrd birthday, nt which Major Mills, a son Just returned from ovorfloas sorvlco waB prosont. Mr. Perrltt says that tho crops In portions of Michigan have boon ontlroly ruined by dry weather, tho pasturos not showing a spoar of groon grass. Wanted An oxporlonccd waltor or waitress, also an oxporlonccd cash girl. Ap ply at Tho Llborty Inn. ::o:: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lntlmor, of Well fleet, spent Wcdnosday with frlonds McGrew's Work Is Appreciated. E. F.. Seeberger has received the fol lowing letter from the international committee of tho Y. M. C. A. at Now York: "When Mr. Carl WilspnMcGrew, of North Platte, Nebraska, Went over seas In tho service of tlio Y. M. C. A. ho referred to you as ono who could speak for his character and qualifica tions. Mr. McGrew has Just returned after nlno months of service. Ho has mado a very good record, having served in tho post office at Paris and in tho warehouse and as assistant camp secretary at LeMans. "Wo greatly appreciate Mr. Mc- Grow's work, and we aro sure that, as ono of his friends you will bo glad, not only to hear this, but to pass this inforii'jliun on to otners that thoy may know ho has 'mado good. Sell Land nt an Advance Geo. N. Glbbs and II. L. Pennlrgton, who purchased the Chas. Swcdoll 250 acres at Pallas siding, three miles west of town for $110 per acre, havo sold tho farm to Joseph McKolvie, of Cozad, for $1B0 per acre, thus clean lng up ten thousand dollars within thirty days. Mr. McKelvle, who has lived at Cozad for fifteen or twenty, years, will take possession of tho property next March. Hny Fovor SpCclnllst Dr. Burnard, of York, hay fever specialist, will be in my office the forenoon of August. 25th. Any. ono wishing to consult with Dr. Burnard may make arrangements by telephone. DR. SHAFFER, Tolephono 340. Theatrical Companies Rooked. Mauager Garman, of tho Keith the atre, has booked a number of good companies for the coming theatrical season, the first two of which will np- pear. next month. In theso days ol the high cost of everything, only first class companies that have strong fi nancial backing dare start out on tlio road, hence we may expect that tho companies which appear horo will bo of the best. The bookings this season are much heavier than last season.- :o : : (Jo-operative Store is Talked . A co-operatlvo grocery and meat market is a future possibility If not a probability, in North Platte.-. Tho organization of such has been under consideration during tho past week by mechanics &nd laborers. A commit tee is now making an investigation of tho prices paid bj retailors of tho city, the cost of doing business as nearly as obtainable and tho prices charged patrons. v?n tho report of this committee depends; action as to tho opening of the store and market. ::e:: THE II. & S. AGENCY Open" their Farm nnd Ranch Dept. on September 1st with nn cxclnslvo manager in that depnrtmcnt. If yon wnnt to sell or buy a farm or ranch see us. II. & S. AGENCY, Rrodhcck Bide North Platte, Neb. G. V, STOUT, Manager, J'nrm Dept. 61-C ::o:: Miss Lcavitt, of Detroit, Is tho guest of her brother, Archie Lcavitt. Now fall suits at Tramp's and havo you eetn the new fur chokers. Sid'nd ofMotiArik tions. FALL DRESSES Large and varied range from which to make your selec- . The better' Dress for the fastidious buyer, that will pass the very closest inspection. Dresses for the business woman that wants the garment that looks well and feels comfortable when wearing and gives service. You can surely be suited in our new fall stock. Dresses lor the misses and school girl made of the very best materials, in the very newest, best styles. Styles for each individual figure at a cost which is with the reach of all. E. T. TRAMP 8c SONS. In town.