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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1919)
THE 8EMI.WEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRA8KA. ADEN'S CITY ENGINEER BUILT THIS 3000 B. C, 1 General view of the range nt Caldwell, K. J., scone of the national rifle mntches. 2 Hoynl palace at Budapest, which was seized by the Uouaauilan troops. 3 Hear Admiral Thomas Washington, the new chief of the bureau of navigation. "AIRING DAY" ON THE U. S, S. OKLAHOMA Wo respectfully take our hats off nnd bow to the city engineer of Aden, Egypt, who constructed this wonderful bit of masonry over three thousand years before the beginning of the Christian era. These waterworks at Aden aro the most celebrated nnd most antique In the world. A. E, F. WAGON TRUCKS JUNKED IN FRANCE An Interesting photograph of wagon trucks of the A. K. l In France discarded as unlit for further use and placed In the hands of the "liquidation commission." A minimum value Is placed on the stuff, and it is advertised for sale by the commission. rMiiiiiinnii in ii At first glanco tills might seem to represent a camoullagod warship entering the "danger zone" during war times, but It Is renlly a photograph, tnapped from the lighting top of the U. S. S. Oklnhoma, showing the "gobs" lined up for "bedding drill," while adorning the rail can bo seen the bedding of. the sailors exposed to the fresh dr. FLORIDA TEAM'S MASCOT WHAT WAR MEANT TO THE BALKANS PHILIPPINE SCOUTS' RIFLE TEAM OLDEST MARINE IN SERVICE rTniiiiW mm hi m I'll 'mi miiiiiiMMi ii in ii wi mruMMiTriir m i i i 1 I f srVtiVy A.v.jiX&t&V"r I This Is the team of picked marksmen from the Philippine Scouts brought from the Islands to tako part In the national rltlo matches at Caldwell. N. J. AUTO TIRES SALVAGED IN FRANCE 1 . - mt0 i L. K. hurkhart. captain of the Flor ida National Guard rllle team, holding "Bull's 12ye," the crocodile mascot of the team, nt the natlonnl rllle matches Sergt. M. J. Ober has re-enllsted In at Caldwell, N. J. the United States marine corns for the eighth time signifying over 31 years CONDENSATIONS of active service, a record which en titles him to tho distinction of being noney Is a part of the diet of nl- mo ouiesi marine in uio service uo ,nost the entire population or switzer mis oeeii on uniy in every pori in uio I in(i worm, iiiui was igr a umo suuionco in street railways In Knglnnd nave me i-niiippines ami unina. sergeant , ..xnorlinentlnc with a compound Ohor Is now stationed In Washington rnli, tho worn part of which can bo in uio omce oi eccrouiry oi nvy uan- ,olVpi without Interfering witn mo ' -!. ,lli.l ,v Montnna man has Invented a False Klcfcs. M.iPknn coon enulnned with apparatus ti i . , n i t , . . I v. - . . . ' i -uaiiiiuaiui v.i-m-iiii iMirirsou stun !.., ilrnns u snot Ot coloring mailer i.t a Washington reception: ,.... ,mci. to snow when she has iin ii... . ... . I oome iu me compiaims anu at- ,i,i .,u tacks that the post omce hears re- r.iift.1r oxtenslvo study of tho minds mo Irresistibly of the chap ...ippt. ,, Scotch scientist hns decld who went trout tlslilng. . r,lllt trns nr(i im,mmo to light 'Tl.lo ,.), rrl.H.....I ..,.... 1. , " .... . ... ttj viiiir tvLillllvll lilllfll "lltllltll'd from his trip, and his wife said to him In some surprise: '"Didn't you catch any trout at all. ueorgev "'Oil. yes,' said he. '1 caught 25 fine, lnrge trout, but they were stoK-n from me on the train.' " 'Well, nevor mind, George,' snld his wife. 'You'vo brought homo a brand new tish story, anyhow. A family in one of the Balkan states living In squalor In a patchwork tent made of old pieces of burlap and canvas. This Is typlcul of the conditions throughout this area, even long after the signing of the armistice. Red Cross Investigators remedied a great deal of this. ENGLISH SAILORS AT "GYM" EXERCISES One of the first photographs received In the United Slates showing a pile of automobile and autotruck tires salvaged from the A. K. V. Much of tills mtitcrltil. discarded as unlit for further service, has gouu Into the bunds of the liquidation comiulisalon for sale. Strategy. Subeditor Nothing doing In tlm news lino today. Kdltor All right. Put a pair ot trousers on thu olllce cat, photograph him, and we'll run a special on the oldest living man lu the ow ning, and that ono kind Is struck as often as nnother. A gas container 70 feet In diameter d 75 feet high, weighing 300 tons, .vnR moved n distance of three miles recently nt Portland. Ore. First Itj .' Jio.,,1 ir fioi nnd loaded on ' rollers. Then It was moved four blocks tlirougn ine ciiy sia-na mm ( lowered 28 Teot to a uock, wneiue h was moved upon a pair of barges. The barges were towed three miles to n shipbuilding nlant, where tho tun was unloaded nnd raised 20 feet, moved across newly lllled ground for distance of 2,000 feet, crossing n railroad track and placed on Its now foundation. It took 71 days to com ple'te the work. Prince Albert of Kugland on board the training ship lOxmnuth watching snllors at gymnastic evolutions. The prince afterward distributed prizes among the men. Two sets of revolving rings Instead of one font ure a new double egg beat er of twice the ordinary capacity, An electric soldering device has been Invented that can bo operated with nn automobile storage battery.