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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1919)
IRA L ItAItKf Editor mid Publisher SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Ono i'cnr by Mnil, n advance .$1.75 Ono l'car by Currier, In ndvance, $2.00 Entered at tho North Platte, Nebraska Postofllco aa Second Class Matter. " TUESDAY," JUNE 17, 1919. BREAKING THE TIES 1UNIHNU TO BRITISH Thorc aro two clouds on tho Anglo Amorlcan horizon which aro giving consldorablo concern to thono who havo welcomed and hoped for a con tinuation of tho ora of good feolin between England and tho United SUxtoB established by tho common enemy. The struggle for Irish Indo pondonco Is boglnning to assume largo Dronortlons with America officially- as well as unofficially, Intervening i oin on tho Bldo of tho Sinn Foln, much to the increasing disgust of tho British. Tho controversy over the nd hoslon of tho United States to the lcaguo of nations covenant is coming to a hoad in this country, with Eng land being widely charged with Book ing to foist upon America a schomo of Buporgovornmcnt vastly benefiting tho British empire whllo at the samo time impairing o sovereignty, nullifying the traditional policy and menacing tho futuro wolfaro of tho United States. Thoro is a storm in each ono of those clouds an tho question is whothor tho two nations will come through thorn frlonds or enemies. ::n:: Steal Bacon, and Sugar The Rush Mercantile store was burglarized Friday night and boun tiful supply of provisions carried away, bacon and sugar constituting tho bulk of tho goods missed. En trnnco to tho store was gained through roar window, Tho mattor was ro portbd to tho officers but no clow to the burglars has boon obtained County News E. .1. Eanics and son Eugene have Kirs. J. K. Barnott. Mrs. J. K. Barnott passed away nnrchisod mor,,,ns at hCr ll0,r talc? nofiBOMion T July 1st Mr (southwest of Hershey from a Ktroko Eame ?M?d posed" of tho mSS of paralysis, the second one she ha.1 wnit TninnoHt and until tho office was 1 auftored. She was the wife of Mr. J. K. aiSiAtS Sl the U SC land : gjrnott among our nut respects clU WlUlmitlng'on a wild west stunt ! a fmv ilnv aiso Wm. Relllv. of Max-1 1874 1,1 Denmark, died Juno 11th, wewaswn 45 W 3 and 7 had his face so badly cut as to re- aa-" llUirU IHO BUIWUUO Ml U , - - . p ,. ha been Incorporated for the' pur- ty, this state. Wn. , united In marriage pose of constructing a telephone line Jo Mr J. K. Barnott at Shelby, Nob., from that village through tho section in 1893. To this union 11 rh dren northeast. Tho capital stock l3 , were born, ton of whom are still lv. $5,000 and tho Incorporators aro John Ing, who with the sorrowing father Hughbanks and Lowoy and Ernest ore left to mourn Sul-raw 1 T'ie 'un,?rnl was Friday at Suth- ' ,. - ,, . . f,,n ' orland and Interment made in tho At a meeting of the patrons of the Suthoplantl cometory. Hershey schools ast week " jas , Relatlvo8 from out of town woro voted to instruct the school board to M Emma Hasgo,bach and Nols and oroct a second story to the present Haf,solbacl , of Polk C0Unty; Mrs. building and make other Improte- ) rf oy olcottf 0f Columbus; Mrs. nionts at an estimated cost of four- Il0WnJf, lMm of Hartlield, Kans., toon thousand dollars. ;Mra w n PoWell aU(, Mr9 Anna Tho Jinx is still on Will Boll, of tho , p0vell, of Mlnden. William Hassol Blrdwood country, ,he having suffered i)acj1( 0f Omaha, an only brother of a loss of from flvo to fifty per cent on tll0 (ieC0ased, was unable to be pros hls crop by the hall of last weok. Boll ctl gets ihalled mt with discouraging ::o:: regularity. J Blouses! Blouses! we are polling Tho Ilershoy Times editor says that moro waists and blouses than any Ed Hoggo's 450 acres of who'at south store In town, Why? Because wo of that town 1b about tho best lie has have hundreds of beautiful silk soon this year. I waists on display every day of the The business mon of Hershey sub- year and prices to stand comparison scribed $(303.75 for tho purpose of , at all times. BLOCK'S. graveling tho streets of that town. ::o:: The. work has boon dono and tho ; Harvest Wages Fixed streets wonderfully Improvod. j At a meeting of representative farm- Mrs. .T. K. Barnott, living southwest ors and delegates from farm organlzaT of Horshoy, passed away Wednesday Hons hold at Lincoln Tuesday evon of last weok at the ago of forty-five lng, tho wages to bo paid in tho yoarB. Death rosultod from a para-1 state of Nebraska were fixed for tho lytic stroke She leaves a huf band i coming season at 50 cents per hour and ton children. , and board for shockers and pitchers Representatives of tho stato rail-1 and G5 cents por hour for stackers and way commission nom a neariug nil". uuumuu mui v uums nuumu Brady recently and after hearing tho j bo consldored a day's work. evidence stated that If Bruce Brown,; ::o:: owner of tho Maxwell-Brady Tolo- Queen Ann pattern In 1847 Rodgers phono Co., was to remain In business os Silver Is on display at Dixon's it would be necessary to raise the jewelry store. rates. When Mr. Brown raised his i c:::n I rato tho subscribers sent In a protostj Stray Cnlf to tho stato commission and tho hoar-f Strayed to my farm ten miles north ing was the result. Tho commission west of North Platte, and one mile She came to this country with her :o:: Traffic Holding Its Own During tho month of May tho roads in tho'contral wostorn roglon loaded 13,433 cars of grain, comparod with 33,433 cars of grain, compared with month last year, or an Incroaso of 30.C por cont. During tho month tho linos in this roglon loaded 07,581 cars of coal, compared with 113,349 cars In tho corresponding month last year, a docreaso of 40.3 por cont. In the samo porlod 49,075 cars of llvo stock woro loaded, compared with 45,077 cars In tho corresponding month lust year, making an Incroaso of 7.7 por cont Will Adjust Hnl! Losses, iie Trlbuno had hoped that the farmers of Lincoln county would not need-tho sorvices of Tom Hcaloy, who was appointed. county adjuster of stato hall Insurance, but that hope, dlsap noarcu wnon uio nan oobcoiiucu may grant a higher rato than Mr. Brown originally asked PESSIMISTIC OVER ACTION OF COUNCIL Again como reports from Paris that all Is not going smoothly In the coun cil of four as regards tho definite set tlement of points undor argumeut re lating to tho Gorman peace treaty. Whllo It has boon asserted the final answor to tho counter proposals of tho Germans probably would bo, ready for delivery to tho Germans not later than Friday, lato dispatches deelaro somo of tho larger questions at Issuo havo not been .solved and that con siderable pessimism provalls ns a re sult of this situation. Notablo among tho points upon which no agreement has been reached, east of Nichols school house, April first, a calf. Owner can havo same by Identifying samo, paying for ad and feed bill. FRANK HENEKA. ESTRAYED. Estrayed from my place seven miles southeast of North Platto, Thursday, May 29th, ono bay mare branded with T lazy T on left shoulder; also one brown mule with scar on left hind leg. 42-0 R. H. WILLIAMS. a weolc ago Sunday. Since that storm' according to roporis, Is the Silosinn Mr. Hcaloy ban received thirty-two question and tho mattor of tho Polish loss claims from dlfforont section of wostorn frontier. Added to this la the tho county and ho starts out this , implacable stand of Premlor Clom wook to mako tho adjustments. The; oncoau against any modification In the ball seems to havo created the most damage south 6f Hershey and Suther land, and In tho south part of tho county. . : :o: : Unonrth' Thirty Pints of Booe Friday aftornoon boys playing around tho Coaton lumber yard un-' oarthod thirty pints of boozo which lintl bioix hidden In a pile of grain car door. Tho find was reported to Mr.. Coatea who In turn notified Shor- lff Salisbury who took possession 'of tho HtiUdr. Strewn around where the bottles wore cached woro a number of dining car menu cards, which has led some to believe that dtnlt-g car or train portores had htddou the boozo, but this may havo simply boon a stall. Indications woro that tho liquor had boon In hiding for somo time, as tho botllo wrappers gavo evidence of hav ing passed through ono or moro ralna which had dripped through tho pllo of car doors. ' peace terms, contrary to tho attitude of President Wilson and Premlor Lloyd-Georgo, who aro declared to havo recognized tho necessity of los-j soiling somowhnt tho domands In cer tain clauses of tho treaty. : :o:: : Notice of Final Report. Estato No. 1599 of Abnor W. Dillon, Deceased, In tho County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. Tho Stato of Nebraska, to all per sons Interested in said ostate. take notice that tho administratrix has filed a final account and report of hor administration nnd a petition for final Hottlomont nnd dlschargo as such, winch havo uoon sot for hearing bo foro said court on July 11, 1919, at 9 o'clock a. m when you may appear and contest tho same. Dated JJuno 14, 1919. (SEAL) WM. II. C. WOODHURST, 117J4 Couuty Judge STRAYED OR STOLEN. Two year old Holsteln Heifer, most ly white with few black spots, swal low fork on left qar, undercut on right oar. Any Information leading to the recovery of animal will bo liberally rewarded. A. COOLEDGE, 428 North Platto. i : :o: Estray N'otlco Taken up on Section 13. Town 12, Range 29, by tho undersigned who thoro resides, on or about April 15, 1919, ono roan heifer, no brands. Own er can have tho samo by proving prop- orty and paying charges. PAUL SODERMAN. .Route A North Platto, Nee ::o:.. Notice Notice, is hereby given that the as sessor In and for the Birdwood Irri gation District, Lincoln County, Ne braska, has completed tfio assessment for said district and has delivered the same to the secretary and the board of directors is hereby called to meet at tho office of the secretary on bEH of Sec. 3G, T. 15, R32 W.' of Gth P. M.. Tuesday, July 1st, 1919, to sit as a Board of Equalization and to hear all objections to tho assessment. Tho said board to remain In session an long as necessary, not to exceed ton days, during which time nil objections to tho assessment nnd valuation will bo heard and determined. Dated this 16th day of Juno, 1919. MARY C. McNEEL. illi , ii makes oods5ff4sTOiR mt& smot RynM spi?4$Jd fellowship, feea&tfo crad Ffrsla SPlli IMW Wto aff-year 'tottnd soft drink ff$P ,iSH filfe' ANHEUSER-BUSCH ST. LOU IS Ml " N0I"C THE lUCKMAN-TINSCII ' 'WILD ANIMAL CIRCUS, Entirely New Departure In Tontcd Amusements, Coming Here For One Dny Only, At last North Platte is to sec th j newf-st novelty In out-door ttnted amusements, when tho new Backman Tlnsch two ring wild animal circus comes to this city Saturday, June 21, two performances, afternoon and ov onlng. and to Its credit ovoryono will conredo the program for extreme nov elty Is unequaled In thrilling wild ani mal training. ThU organization Is a well known enterprise In all the largest cltleh and now for the first time will devote its ondfavors to all sizes of cities and towns, giving the same high-class en tertainment at every placo where tho big tents aro erected. This enterprise Is calculated to please every admirer of wild and do mestic animal training, and Is partic ularly pleasing to the children nnd the ladles, for them the management pays particular attontlon, and where they are as safe and comfortable as at a lecture, or In their own home. A big thrilling lion act by a skilled trainer Is one of tho featuros, Inter spersed with all kinds of startling and dangerous performances, In a long and praiseworthy program. For tho children and nil tho little ones, this management has made spc clal provision and attractive arrange ments that they will never forget the pleasant visit to tho Backman-Tlnsch Wild Animal Circus, for during the visit to this clean, clover and well con ducted enterprise all tho little folks will be invited to rido and play with tho educated ponies, tho little horses nnd complote a full day's enjoyment. : :o: : Estray Notice. Taken up on tho John Crandell placo, cloven miles southwest of North Platte, by the undersigned who thrre resides, on or about May 31st, 1919, ono red bull calf about one month old. Owner can have same by proving property and paying charges. JOHN REFIOR. Estray No! ice Taken lip by the undersigned, on Section 10, Town 15, Range 29, who tbpre resides, on or about April 1st. 1919. one two year old red heifer; no brands distinguishable. Owner cal'i. prove property, pay charges and take animal away. II. E. WOODS. North Platto . 3VOTICI3 OF S.AI.13 111 the Matter of tho Instate o Lorln p York, Deceased. ' Notice Is hereby given that In pur suance of an order of Hon. H. 1). Grimes, Judge of the District Court ot Dmon C6unty, Nebraska, made on tl.i- 21th day of May A. P., 1919, for tho sale of tho real ostate nnd School Land IjiMe hereinafter described, there wl!l be' sold at the East front door, of tht Court House at North Platte, Wncol'i Countv. Nebraska, on the 7th day of Julv. 1919, at two o'clock P. M. standard time, at public veiuiuo to tne mgneit bidder for cash, subject to the Incum brances thereon, the "followtiiR describ ed real estato and School Land Lease, to-wlt: All of Section 1G. In Township 14 North, range 28; Land Contract of pur chase on the East half of tho AYest half rind the Woat half of tut East half of Section 10, in Township 14, North. Range 28; School Land Lease from the State on all of Section lfl, Township 15. N'ortb, Ranc 2S which expires January 1st. 192S; All situated in iincoirc County, Nebraska. Salcl Rale will remain open one nour Dated June Eth, 1919. C. N. SKADE. Administrator of the L'state of Lorln ' C. York, deceased. NT. M. YORK, Attorney. J9-2. XOTICH DI0C1U3K ()1 IIIHUSHIP. Estate No. 1059, of Anna 2,1. Schwerdt, Deceased. In the County Court of Lincoln coun tv. Nobraska. The lieirs, erecmors ana an personal Interested In 'said estate will tako no tice that on the 2d day of June, 1919. Loronco Schwerdt and John P. rfchwerdt, heirs of paid decedent, filed their petition herein alleBlni? that tho said Anna M. Schwordt died tntestatn on or about May 27. 1919, a resident of Lincoln county, Nebraska, and that at the time of her death she was the own er of Lot S, of Hlock 55, of the original ltv of North Platte, a homestead of less value thnn J2.000 in Bald Lincoln county, Nebraska, nnd that no applica tion has been made In the said state for the appointment of an administra tor. That she left surviMnpr her Mrs. Mary Lowe, a daughter, ago 5S, resld np at North Platte, Nobraska: Georso Schwerdt, a son age 46, residing at orth Platte, Nebraska; Lorenee Sewerdt, a son ace 43,res!dlng at North Platte, Nebraska; Mrs. Bertha Ulamson. n daughter rgo 40, residing nt North Platte, Nebraska; .lonn i-. KMiwirdt. a son ace 33. residing nt Laramie, 'Wyoming, Mrs Viola Lannln, ,i n-rand dauchter aire 27. residing at North Platte. Nebraska; Roy Gerkin, a -rand son age 25, residing at Jlnywoou, Neb.! Leonard Donaldson, a grandson ire 1C living at Sedgwick, Col.; Marie tinimldson. a trrand daughter nge 8, re- idlng at Sedgwick, Col.; Claude Pon ildsou, a grnndson age 10, residing at seilKWlok, col.; Jessie uonaidson, a crnnd daughter nire C, residing at HAiiirwlck. Col.: Civile Donaldson, v -randson age 4, residing at Sedgwick, ' ol. That all the debts of said decedent hvvo been paid, and said real ostate Is "holly exempt from attachment, exe , .ition or other mesne process nnd not 1 ible for the payment of the debts of -ild deceased, aim praying mat regu i ,r ndmlnistratlon be waived and a do , roe be entered barring creditors and t'xlnw the date or her detun ana tne l.cree of kinship of her heirs anil the no-ht of descent to said real estate. Said petition will be heard June 2Sth. l '19. at 2 o'clock p. m., at tho oruce or the County Jiitige or saw county. WM. H.-C. 'WOODHURST. J10-3 County Judge. 1 ..y Arrange for your Gas be fore the spring rush is on Ranges from $27 to $60 NORTH PLATTE LIGHT & POWER COMPANY THE TWINE!! HOSPITAL, 100S WEST I'OUKTJI STItEET, North Plnltc, Ji'cbr. For the treatment of Medical, Surgical and Obstetrical Cases. A placo whore tho sick aro cared for so as to bring about normal conditions in the easiest, most natural and scientific manner. Phono 110. North Plnlte, Xeb. Office phone 241. Res. phone 217 L. C . DBOST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, - - Nebraska. Knights of Columbus Building. Office Phone 340 Res. Black 376 DR. sSHATFER, Osteopathic Physician Bolton Bldg. North Platto, Neb. Phono for Appointments. D31. ItEDFIELD Physician, Ofostetrietan Sureeon, X-Kay Calls Promptly Answered Night or Dny Phono Office C42 Residence 070 DBS. STATES & STATES "Chiropractors o, (5, 7 Building & Loan Building. Office Phone 70 Res. Phone Red 1000 GEO. B. DENT, Phsylclnn and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Surgery nnd Obstrotrlcs. Office: Building & Loan Building Phones: Office 130, Residence 116 Phono 30b ALBERT A. LANE, Dentist Rooms 1 and 2 Belton Building North Platte, Nebraska. J0K 4oa3Qi?- 'Visitors auto cordSallyittvStod to iiwpQCt ouv plants xoticu tr ni:.vni; ox fixai. ACCOUNT. In the County Court of Lincoln Conn ' in the Matter of the Eatite of Hattle K AndruBH, Deceased. State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, t To an persons interested in tne ks tat of Hattle lv. AndriiHs. Decoased. You are hereby notified that on tho fith day of June. 1919. William W. An druac. administrator of the estate of lUttle lv. AndrusB, deceased, tiled In mild court his final account ns said ad ministrator, and that said Anal account will be pearu on tne ith tiny or July. 119. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.. at the county court room In the city of North l'jaiie jn nam county, and you are hereby cited to appear at the time ami nlnco above designated and show cause, If any, why said account should not be allowed and decree of distribu tion entered. It is hereby ordered that snld administrator Kive notio to au persons interested in said -ostate by o.-uifilnir a copy of this Older to be pub- Uahed in the North Platte Tridune, a lUtiari In th North Platte Tribune, a said county for three successive weeks prior to tne uaie set ror aalil henrlUK. Dated June 6th. 1019. WM. H. C WOOrm'RST. J10-3 County JudCf1 NORTH PLATTE ..General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Hall Block Nortb ot Posloflicc. Phone 58 A modern Institution for the fcl.ntific treatment of medical, surgical and confinement casei. ' Completely equipped X-Ray and diagnostic laboratories. Staff: Geo. B. Dent, if, D. V. Lncas. M. D. J.B. Redfield.M.D. Jl S. SIMMS; M.D. JOHN S. SIMMS, M. D. SiJecial Attention Given to Surgery McDonald Bank Building Office Phone 83 Residence SS ED. KBERIG, Auctioneer General Farm Sales a Specialty. References nnd Dates nt First Na tional Rank, North Platte, Neb. Phono 1000. HERB HAMILTON Taxi and Livery DAT AND NIGHT SERVICE Phono 90S. Black 30S ATTORNEY-AT-LA 1 Office oyer McDonald Bank. Office Phono 118(5 Res. Phono 1120 NOTICIl TO CUBDITOUS Estate No: 1651 of Charles McDonald, deceased, In the County Court of Iilncoln County, Nebraska. The State of Nobraska, ss: Creditors of said estate will take notice that the time limited for presentation and fil ing of claims against said Estato Is Oc tobor 4th, 4919, and for settlement of said Estate Is May 28th, 1920; that 1 will sit at the county court room In said county, on July 4th, 1919, at 2 o'clock p, m., and October 4th, 1919, at 2 o'clock . m.. to receive, examine, hear. 'allow, or adjust all claims and qbject- tlons duly Hied. (SEAL) WM. H. C. WOODHURST, J3J1 County Judgo. xoTiois to cnrcniTons Estate No. 1628 of Dori Westenfeld. deceased, In the' County Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, ss: Creditors of said estato will take notice that tho time limited for presentation. and fil ing of claims against said Estate Is Oc tober 4th, 1919, and for settlement 'of said Estate Is March 25, 1920: that I will sit at the county court .room In said county, on July, 4, 1919, at 3 o'clock a. m. and October 4, 1919, at 9 o'clock a. m to, recolve, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and object ions duly filed. (SEAL) WM. H. C. WOODHURST, J3J1 County Judge. Hospital Thono Ufack G3a. House Phone Black 633 IV. T. PltlTCHARD, Graduate "Veterinarian Elht years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218, south Locust St. one-half block southwest of the Court House. DOCTOR D. T. QDIGLEY Practice Limited to Surgery and Radium Tlierapj 723 City National Bank Bonding. Omaha, Nebraska. DERRYBCRRY & FORBES, Licensed Embamers Undertakers and Funeral Directors; Day phono 11 Night phono Black 588 TENTS AWNINGS COVERS PORCH CURTAINS North Platte Tent and Awning Co. 109 West Sixth Street NORTH PLATTE, NEBR. Phono 210 AUTO CURTAINS AUTO TOPS Service NEW U I Ford Repair Shop 722 N. Locust. Phone 152. j Service if A Trial Will Convince You, Highest Cash Prices Paid for Hides and Junk. L. LIPSHITZ. xoTicis to omsniTons. Estate No. 1G53 of Davo A. Reynolds, deceased, in the County Court of Lin coln county, Nebraska. The State or iseurasuu, ss. uroni- Itors of si!l ostate will take notlco Hint tho time limited for presentation nnd niing- of claims against said estato Is October lltn, luiu. ana lor .leiue ment of said estate is June 4th, 1920; that T will sit at the county court room In said county on July 11th, 1919, at 10 o'clock a. m., and on October 11th, 1919, at 10 o'clock a. m., to receive, exam ine, hear, nllow. or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. WM. H. C. AVUUmiUKKT, County Judge. Beeler & Crosby, Attorneys. Jl) -1 XOTIOI3 OP TNCOHI'OIIATIOIV OP EmVAIUlS-KKYXOliOS COMPANY Notice Is hereby ptlven that the un dersigned havo formed a corporation under the laws of the State of Nebras ka, under the name and style of "Ed-wards-Roynoldfe Company," with tho principal place of transacting its busi ness In the City of North Platte, Lin coln County, Nebraska, tho general na ture of the business to be transacted by Bald Corporation consisting of buy ing nnd selling of men's clothing, fur nishing goods, hats, shoes nnd the op erating of retail stores tor the sale of the same; the nmount of the cap ital stock Is $25,000.00, which was paid at the time of the commencement of the business, which was on the 1st day of April, 1919, by goods sold to this corporation; nnd the commencement of the Corporation was on tho 24th day of March, 1919, and to continue for a porlod of twenty years from that date, and the highest amount of Indebted ness or liability to which the corpora tion shall at any time subject itself Is two-thirds of Twenty-flvo thousand 00.100 ($25,000.00) Dollars; the affairs oi tho Corporation to be controlled by a Board of Directors, of three In number, such Directors to elect a President, Vice-president, Secretary and Treasur er, who are to conduct tho business of the Corporation under the Instructions of the Board of Directors. Dated this 19th day of May. 1919. JOHN B. EDAVAIIDS, SOPHIA B. EDWARDS, mSfijaO EDAVARD W. REYNOLDS. NOTICE OP HEARING In the County Court of Lincoln Cou ty, Nobraska, In -the Matter of the Estate of Minnie Cornet, Deceased. To All Persons Interested in Said Es tate. Notlco Is hereby given that Leonard Cornet on June 7, 1919, tiled In this Court an instrument purporting to bo tho Inst Will and Testament of Minnie Cornet, deceased, and which will re lates tp both real and per sonal estate nnd also a petition pray ing that said Instrument be admitted to probate and that letters testamentary be Isued to E. R. Goodman as Execu-' tor of the Estato of Minnie Cornet, de ceased, and that said petition will bn henrd before tho County Court in the Court House In the City of North Platte, County of Lincoln, and State of Nobraska, on tho aiSth day of Juno. 1919, at nine o'clock a. m., at which time anyone' may appear and contest the probate of said Will and show cause, If any there be, why letters tostamentary should not be Issued to said E. R. Goodman. Dated at North Platte, Nebraska. Juno 7, 1919. (SEAL) WM II. C. WOODHURST, J10-27 County Judge.