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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1919)
THE SEMUWEEKLY TRIBUNE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. THIS WOMAN SAVED FROM AN OPERATION By taking LydiaE. Pinkham' Vegetable Compound, One of Thousands of Such Cases. Black RIvor Falls, Wla.-"As LydU .. Plnkham'a Vegotablo Compound saved ma from no operation. I cannot say enough In prais of it I suffered from organic trouble! and my side hurt me so I could hardly bo up from my bed, and I wao unablo to do my housework. I had the best doctors in Eau Claire and they wantod me to havo an operation, but LvdiaE. Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound cured mo so I did not need tho operation, and I am telling .all my friends about it" Mrs. A. W. inzeb, Block River Falls, Wis. It is just such experiences as that of Mrs. Binzer that has made this famous root and herb remedy a household word rom ocean to ocean Any woman who uffers from inflammation, ulceration, displacements, backache, nervousness, irregularities or "the blues" should not rest until eho has given it a trial, and for special' advico write Lydia EL Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Literal "Some, unfortunately, fall by the -wayside." "Well, even then they are "hitting tho trail." Catarrh Cannot Be Cured by LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as thsr cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh la a local disease, greatly Inftu enced by constitutional conditions. IIALL'B CATAIUtH MEDICINE will cure oatarrh. if l taken Internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the B ystem. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE! la composod of some of the best tonic known, combined with some of the best blood purifiers. The perfect combination of the Injrredlents in HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE Is' what produces such won derful results In catarrhal conditions. Druggists 75c. Testimonials free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo. O. The man who Is too poor to lend his friends money will never have many enemies. Keep your liver active, your boweli cli y taking Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pelleta and you'll keep healthy, wealthy and wlie. Adv. How hnppy Is ho that owes nothing but to himself. Work loo Hard ? This time of the year Hnds everyone hurrying to get the home cleaned up for summer. It's a pleasure, too, when you're well, but no man or woman with a "bad back" enjoys doing anything. If your back is lame, if sharp twinges catch you when lif tine and you feel tired and worn out, kidney weakness is likely causing your trouble. Don't wait! Delay may cause gravel, dropsy or Hright'i disease. Doan's Kidney Pills hare helped rwonle the world oyer. An Iowa Cose Jtov. Wm. Heln. Pastor of German Methodist Episcopal Church. 525 E. State St., Mason City, Iowa, says: "I cheer fully recommend Doan's Kidney Pills, bocause I have ob tained very satisfac tory results from their use. Some years ago my back was In jured and since then I have had a weak and painful back. I found Doan's Kidney Tallin warn 1itt nrfu, T1B1 I needed to strengthen my back. They have quickly relieved me of the pain and In every way have brought entire satisfaction." Get Doan's at Any Store, 60c a Box doan's yfxiv FOSTSt-MILD URN CO, BUFFALO. N. Y. 'Hooked to Death! This may happen if your cuttle have horns, or they may Injure each other nud keep the whole herd exoltod. BIS HUMANE. Provont horn growing while calvoa are young. It means contented and moro profitable herd. Uee DR. DAVID ROBERTS' MORN KILLER At our dealers or POSTPAID 50c Commit Da. DAVID ROBERTS .about all animal aliments, in formation free. Send for price list of medicines and iret Fit EE copy of "The Cottle Specialist" wttn mil infor mation on Abortion in Cons. DR. DAVID ROBERTS VETERINARY CO., ICO Grind Ave.. Waukeths. Wli How io Relieve DEAFNESS Science has at last devlaed a remarkable Instrument lor the treatment of Deaf new. Jnat a few mlnntei application In yonrown borne each day is required Users testify to wonderful restoration of ocarina, If yon have bead noises )t von are only slightly bard of hearlngoralmost totally deaf,doirt delay the Anrasago war be the means of bringing back Sour hoarlDB. Wonderful New Method. The .ur&sago cans Into play tho dormant organs of the ear, strengthens them by eierclse and breaks down the catarrh congestion which causes Bit of all deaf- fieas. Try the Aurasage ten days free in Tour own tome without a penny In advance we gladly send t to yon by prepaid parcel post no coat to yon 1 f It falls to help your hearing. Write today for valuable booklet ana our groat fHHIl oner of the now 88 Ton Usui Bar Phone. Address MEARS EAR PHONE CO, PnC 48, 45 W. 84 tb 8r. New Xork City ait.-, m BEST BUYERS"SELLERS cattuI hogs-sheep STOCK YAROS'OMAHAi i CALIFORNIA PaolHo Orove with Its Ideal climate fa. moui summer and winter resort city on charming Monterey Bay HI miles south f Ban Francisco. Wonderful fishing; world renowned auto drives along rugged shores and in beautiful pine, oak and cypress forests. Free literature. Address Cbambet f Commerce. Paotflo a rove, Cat, tm 1,1 n a &c CAPITAL "Old King Coal" and His Ever-Increasing Family WASHINGTON. An Interesting new exhibit litis just been added to the collections of the Nntloiml museum here. It consists of n 200-pound lump of coal and about COO little glass bottles containing various products that can be made from this lump. The exhibit, However, Is not quite nnlshc,d. When It Is there will be 1,400 of these little glass Dottles. These exl. is represent tho achievement of the new American coal products Industry, one of the most Itn- ijuiuim ui our war names, which me scientists of the governnient are tlolng everything In their power to keep alive. Wth half the coal in the world In Its possession Is seems foolish for the United States to" Import all its coal by products from Germany. Yet this la what happened before the war, and this Is whnt may happen again unless steps ore taken to protect the new Infant until it learns to walk safely. The rise of the coal by-products Industry In this country with the excep tion of the manufacture of dyestulTs has been so quiet and Inconspicuous that the public Is still unacquainted with the numerous amazing things that uro contained In conl. This exhibit In tho museum Is to fninlllnrlzo tho public with these products. Dr. Chester K. Gilbert, curator of minernl technology of the museum, Is also attempting to nronso people to the Importance of coal by-products by a series of pamphlets' and lectures, 1h which he puts tho com plicated, scientific side of the now Industry In popular form. The United States stands to gain a brand now Industry with nlmost unlim ited possibilities from the war, if it succeeds In holding out against tho renewed efforts of the German coal by-products Industry to supply the world. What Constitutes Violation of the Sherman Law? RKCONSIDEKATION by congress of all antitrust legislation Is recommended by the chamber of commerce of the United States as the result of a refer endum vote of Its alltllnted trade and commercial organizations. Completo returns from a referendum, made pub QPOHY VHIttk MUCH OFHIM) I conduct to be administered by it supervisory body for, 1,159 ; against, 3S9. An enlnrged federal trade commission should be made the supervisory body for, 1,102 ; ngolnst, 437. In view "Of the Importance of the functions of the trade commission ns they would exist the membership of the federal trade commission should be Increased to nine for, 1,104; against 422. Some modillcation of the Sherman Inw seems desirable, not only to carry business over .the period of readjustment, but for the peTmnnent benefit of the country. Enlightened business men are not advocating the repeal of the law, despite some of Its bad features; tt 1?. even doubtful whether congress could be persuaded to eliminate the provision designating nny violation ns n criminal offense. - What ls'advoeated is an amendment conferring upon some federal admin istrative agency the power to determine In ndViinco whether a proposed agree ment or combination"" constitutes a violation of the law. As It Is now tho business man Is more or less at sea. Children's Bureau Weighing the Nation's Babies WEIGHING of more than 2,000,000 babies, establishment of many new health centers to ndvlse mothers on the care of their children nnd stimu lation of the movement to keep children In school and provide them adequate recreation, nre reported by tho chil dren's bureau as some of the results of Its children's year campaign. More than 11,000,000 women par ticipated in the activities of tho year. It was planned to save at least 100.000 of the 300.000 children who die annual ly of preventable diseases. The llrst activity of the year was a tpst of children under six to see .whether they were up to the stand ards of weight and height for their nges. Nearly 7.000,000 record cards were Issued, of which more tlum 2,000,000 have been tabulated, with others yet to be turned In, A number of communities have undertaken a second test this spring to Include Children missed in the llrst nnd also to note Improvement In thosi previously registered. Need for preventive work oh bglinlf of children was said to have been emphasized by the Information obta ined by the tests. According to report -received from state child welfare chairmen of the council of 'national dcfensi-. communities in 21 states have employed new public henlth nurses. From ten of these states a total of 137 new nurses has been reported, - A number of communities have provided scholarship funds to enable chil dren of needy parents to continue their education after they reacit the legnl working age. At least one such scholarship for eaeli of the 281,000 school houses In the United Stntes Is tho goal that has been set. No Wonder We Licked Fritz With Men Like These! WALTI3U 1IAKTMAN, Chicago, sergeant of Company L, Three Hundred ami Slxty.fourth infantry, who came In the other day on a transport, unhii nlded and unsuug, Is one of the most heroic figures of tlio'wnr. The morning of September 20, Hartman with eight to drop. The advancing column began to break- tip. Hartman, who had taken two bg Luger pistols from two German ofllcers, got out In front of tho wholo German outfit and told them things Hurtman's parents were born In Germany and the Huns hnd no difficulty m understanding Just whnt he meant. The I.ugers had u language of their own The Germans In range of the guns of the Yanks laid down their arm.-. More Germans kept coming out of Cheppy as the American urmy on the otlu-r side closed In. As fast as they came the nine Yanks forced them to lay down their arms. After a time they quit coming nnd the nine Yanks found they had 10.1 German captives, Including five ofllcers. ' Then Sergeant Ilnrtnian ordered his eight men to advance down the road toward Cheppy to see If they could bag a few more Teutons. He sturted tho 103 Germans back toward the American lines. "They were the maddest Germans I ever snw," Ilnrtinnn said. "When those German officers found out tlmt they and 158 men had sutvendered to nine YnnkK's they were blue In tho face. Going back wo marched nnd mnrched, and tho longer we inarched tho mnfldor those Germans got, hut I had the guns." Hartman Ihib been recommenced for tho D. S. O. und the Croix do Guerre with nulins. aSx i 'Jmt!xM v mS&3?1 JfCM?Vj5MtV 1 Jggrfyftgfegg-yC lic recently, show that the membership voted In favor of all four proposals ad vanced by a special committee which studied the subject. The proposals nnd the vote .follow: Congress should be asked Immedi ately to consider the present situation of all statutes constituting our anti trust legislation for, 1,543 ; against, 51. In consideration of existing anti trust legislation there should be formu lation of standards of general business men In attacking In the Argonne got lost In a fog When the fog lifted h found ho was five miles within th Geniinn lines nnd In front of n loiu column of the enemy retreating from Choppy. The nine Yanks stnrted out to whip all the Germans In sight. A Ger man fired and missed and a Ynnk trench knife got lilm. The Yankees began shooting and the Germans began tt tt fsntsrsMii sussi as - - x vf . vi ROADS IN NATIONAL FORESTS New Law Makes Available for Expend iture $9,000,000 for Roads and Traits. (Prepared by tho United Slates Depart ment of Agriculture.) The development of the nntlonnl for rot road systems Is given great linpe ius by the terms of the post olllce up I roprlatlons net which the president I'ns signed. Hesldes Increasing by 5200.000,000 the total fund available j i.uder the federal aid rond act, the ipw law makes available for expendi ture by" tho secretary of ngrlculttire isn.000,000 for roads, and trulls. The law also authorizes the sccro- j tury of war. to transfer to the scero- tnry of agriculture, material, equip- "tent and supplies suitable for high way Improvement and not needed by Hie war department. While most of ilils will be distributed among the high ny commissions of the-states for use federal aid road projects, not to xceed 10 per cent may be reserved by the secretary of agriculture for use In I wilding natural forest roads or other roads constructed under his direct su pervision. The $0,000,000 fund may bo used for maintenance as well , as survey and construction. Tho new legislation, like the federal aid road act, authorizes the building of roads and trails necessary for the use and development .of na tional foreft resources or desirable for P'p proper administration, protection, and Improvement of such forest, or co-operative local contributions can be tihtalned, but in addition It contains a now feature of much Importance. Tills new feature permits the sccre of agriculture without tho co-operation tf local ofllclals to build and maintain "any road or trnll within n nntlonnl forest which ho llntls necessary for the proper administration, protection and Improvement of such forest, or Mhlch In his opinion Is of nntlonnl Importance." In the view of forestry ollicltils this Inw Is the most Important siep ever taken for rapid development of national forest roads system, nnd will be of Inestimable benefit to the local public. "The measure gives us much bronder scope for a fully developed program tluin we have had before Bays Ilenry S. Graves, chief of the forest service, In commenting on the new law. "Un- Good Road 'In One of Our National I Forests. ' der the federal aid rontl act we had for roads within or partly within the forests, $1,000,000 a year, available un til expended. Owing to the war, which practically halted the work, we have an accumulated balance of S2.500.000 unexpended and another $1,000,000 which will become available July 1. I " "Tills legislation will not only make It easier to protect the forests with out costly expenditures to fight bad fires in Inaccessible localities, but will 1 also help enormously the many small communities and scattered settlers In j find inenr the forests who now suffer i for lack of roads. It will also en 1 nble the construction of important i trunk-line ronds crossing the maun I tnlns, with suitable provision of sub I sldlary roads. One result unquestlon- nbly will be a marked development of recroatlonnl use of these great national playgrounds with their wealth of too little known attractions. Altogether, the opening up of the forests to moro complete nnd varied use by the pub lic, which is the fundamental object of their ndmlnlstrntlon, will bo tremen dously ndvanced." Under the Inw preference is given to jtlio employment of honornbly dis charged soldiers, sailors and marines for the required Inbor. KEYSTONERS VOTE FOR ROADS Out of 504,029 Votes Recently Cast ?.84,780 Were In Favor of $50,000,. 000 Bond l6sue. Out of 504,020 votes cast m tho re cent Pennsylvania election op tho $50,000,000 bond Issue for gootl ronds, 384,780 wero Jn favor of the bond Is sue. Pennsylvania Is over two to ono for proper, permnnent highways, and Is willing to pay for them Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It Applicants for Insurance Often Rejected. Judging from reports from druggists rrho are constantly in direct touch with the public, there is one preparation that has been very successful in overcoming these conditions. The mild and healing influence of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is coon realized. It stand the highest for its remarkable record of success. An examining physician for one of the prominent Life Insurance Companies, in an interview of the subject, made the as tonishing statement that one reason why so manv applicants for Insurance are re jected is because kidney trouble Is so common to the American people, and the large majority of those whose applica tions are declined do not even suspect that they have the disease. It is on sale at all drug stores in bottles of two sizes, medium and large. However, If you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co,, Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Adv. In Demand. "Who Is your favorite screen star?1 "A man nnmetl Illobbs." "I never heard of him. Whnt com pany Is ho with?" "He's at the head of his own com-1 pnny, nnd along nbout fly time he does ' a land-ofllcc business." Birmingham ; Age-Herald. BOSCHEE'S SYRUP will quiet your cough, soothe tho ln finmnintlon of a sore throat nnd lungs, ! etop Irritntton In the bronchial tubes, Insuring a good night's rest, free from coughing and with ensy expectoration In the morning. Made and sold In Amerlcn for fifty-two yenrs. A won derful prescription, assisting Nature In building up your general health and throwing off the disease. Especially useful In lung trouble, asthma, croup, bronchitis, etc. For sale In all civil lxed countries. Adv. Over Particular. "I understand they nre very particu lar In thnt dressmaking establish ment." "S particular that they press nil their mourning suits with sad Irons." FRECKLES Now Is tbc Tim to Get Rid of Tteie Ugly Spot- Thtr' no longer the Ughttit ntcd of reeling sihamed of your freckle, Othlne double strength Is guaranteed to remove these homely epoti. , Simply get an ounce of Olhlne double strength from your druggist, end apply a little of It night and morning and you should soon see that even the wornt freckles hare begun to dla appear, while the lighter nnea hare Tanlahed en tlrely. It la seldom that more than one ounce la needed to completely clear the akin and gain a beautiful clear complexion. Be jure to. aik for the double strength Othlne. as this fa aold under guarantee of money back If It falls to remove freckles Adr. Cause and Effect. "Jones has such lantern Jaws." "Maybe that Is why his face lights 'P so when ho talks." Hate You Tried Tuxedo in the New "TEA-FOIL" PACKAGE? It is the most popular innovation of many years in smoking to bacco packages. Smokers are delighted with its many ad' mntages. Handier fits the pocket. No digging the tobacco out with the finger. Keeps the pure fragrance of Tuxedo to the last pipeful. Not quite i much tobacco Finest Burtey Tobacco Mellow-aged till perfect a dash of Chocolate MY HEAD! When th head feels thick or aches, "when one feels all out-of-sorta perhaps a o o a t o d tonguo it is the signal that poisons are accumu lating in the system, and should bo cleaned out fit nnpjt. Auto-intoxication can bo best ascribed to our own neglect or carelessness. When tho organs fail in tho discharge of their duties, the putrefactive germs set in and generato toxins actual poison-, which fill one's own body. Sleepiness after meals, flushing of the face, extreme lassitude, bil iousness, dizziness, sick headache, , acidity of tho stomach, heartburn, offensive breath, anemia, loss of weight and muscular power, de crease of vitality or lowering of resistance to infectious diseases, disturbance of tho eye, dyspepsia, indigestion, gastritis, many forms of catarrh, asthma, car affections and allied ailments result from auto-intoxication orsclf-poisoning. Take castor oil, or procure at tho drug storo, a pleasant vege table laxative, called Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, composed of May-apple, aloes and jalap. Your Best Asset A Skin Cleared By Cuticura Soap Alldrugg-iiUj BoapaS, Ointment 25 A CO, Talcum J6. Sample each free of 'Cntlenra. Dp B, BMton." Now Is the Time io Buy a Farm in Good Old U.S.A.' Although tbs war Is over, tlia de mand for food continues. The builneaa of producing things to eat, therefore, gives promise of paying eatlefactory dividends. The U. S. ItAII.ItOAD ADMINIS TRATION offer the co-operation of Its HOMICHKHKE113' UUItEAU to those who with to onuage In farming, stock .raising, dairying, poultry railing, fruit growlnit, and kindred pureults. Free Information will be furntahed about farm opportunities In any ' State on request. writs today. Cllve me the name of the State you want Information about; aay what line of farm activity you wlah to follow, and the number of acres you will need, and let me know what kind of terms you desire. The moru particulars you can send regard. Ire your requirements, the better t can erve you. Nothing ts Sell. Only Intsnsitlos ts Gin. J. 1. 1SDWAHDH, Munuger. Acrl. Section, U. a. nallroad Admlnla. tratlou, lioom 2000, Washington, D. C A dull piny will never annoy you tl you let your wife go to It alone. Out of debt, out of danger. "Your Nose F K J0 iixedo The Perfect Tobacco for Pipe Cuarwrtd ty mm