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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1919)
'- . ,o- a IM hK, L'dllor nnd Publisher ALIKN POPULATION MUST BIJ I Kntlfy League Aiuoiidiuciits. TAUGHT TRUF AMERICANISM. Witiiout uobaio anu in oniy rorty- nvp iiuhuios session uiu iiunu. uaxuiu NOTICE! Why not wrlto your Arc hud cyclono jiiHiirniico with ii rciiniiio compnny dUBriUUPTION HATES: Wu, Vrk I'rwinornilnn nf Mm nn- BOIHUO lato I" HUay ratified jtlie 8OV0I1 !,!, ,lvfta MiaIp nrnmlnitig In T.lhnHv tiro nation in spreading to tho allon non-partisan loagtio nmondihonL, to 0II(B ftmi giT0 our county Uio credit, population o Uio country tho Bplrlt , 'o BUll ' l""uu l ' See us lor fnrin nnd nutomobllo rates . x ... ... . .. " i j ' o.i mum nt flin Initt iffinnrnl nlnpMnn . .eui l .nail, I. ' ""li'n?, lng illiteracy among tho nativo-born Tio n carlo Carrier, In ndvnncc, $2.00 po)ulaUon aB nrgcbd by Frankn K.itlsan I n ...1 1 iilltu rP Atttfirlfintitam ntlil l. nnH. I llllu II UUID miivi ibwiitDiii -i , - I . it. illliuuuiuuiil. iiuiiuiin mo nuil-lli" Icagtio to carry Into effect ita i .,.. .,..,...... f , jrw n nn i wholo program of state-owned oleva- ai ui Uio North Platto, NobraBka AmtrIcanIzation dlnnor horo attended' tor8- flour mUl8- conl "linos, packing alO.IICU art flUtmrn v,mon 1V ,miro . 1Im inn nronl nont C t ZCI1B "a,,ln " fxrint rill tififin tf r ff11nirV I "" " " " 0' llUlli (411 (tl LCI tllU VVUIIM J Tho dinner markod tho formal opening of a campaign to bo con- uwoi ROARS CONVENTION ducted by tho government through J'ASSKH JttiSULUTJUNS. tho uuroau oi tnr intorior, anu in which cltlzons throughout tiio nation TUKSBAY, JANUARY' 5.M, Jll) At tho good roads convention hold will bo naked to participate. An offort at Sidney Hint weok, at which Lincoln lH to bo mado, Lano Hald, to obtain couniy wan roproHoutod by Mossors. from Congroas an ado(iuato approprl- uuvoll, Duckloy, Davis, Arnctt and atlon for tho campaign- , Lu, tho following resolutions woro Aborting that tho war had brought adopted: homo to America tho Itnperntlgo nood Bo it resolved tliat tho Sixth Con- for Americanization work, tho sccro- groBlonal District of tho Nebraska tary said: Good Hoatla Association In Convention "What sliould bo said of a world- assembled; thoroughly endorses tho lending democracy whoroln 10 per cent goods roads legislation proposed by of the adult population cannot read tho Stale Association; that wo stand tho laws whlrh thoy aro prosumod to llrmly bohliid any movement -which know? will tond to bring improved roads to "What should bo said of a domoc- tho atate or Nebraska: racy which Is challenged by the world That wo heartily ondorso tho work to provo tho superiority of its system of tho Stato Engineer and his offlco of government over thoso discarded, and ondorso tho system of roads as and yet Is compelled to reach innny laid out by him; that wo respectfully million,, of its peoplo through papors call tho attention of our Stato Sonn- printed In somo foreign Ianguago? tors and Rcproscntatlvoi to tho proa- "What should bo said of a domoc- ont movomont for good roads and ask racy which permits tons of thousands that thoy put thomsolvos bohlnd tho of Its natlvo-born children to bo proposed legislation endorsed by Tho taught American history In a foreign NobraBka Good Roads Association. lnnguago !tho Declaration of Indje- Uo it resolved that it is tho sonso of rfenrtoncQ and, Lincoln's) Gettysburg this convention aanomblcd that wo Bpoech In Gorman nnd other tonguos? ask our Congressmen and Senators to In 1918, tho secretary declared, get behind Tho Sonntor Smoot Na- thoro woro moro than 7,000.000 por- tlonal Hoad 1JI1I and Its approprl- sons in the United States abovo 19 ntlons. yoars of ago who could not read or Do Is rosolvod that wo ondorso the wrlto English. Eighteen por cent of Engineering School to bo hold nt the tho children of school ago did not Stnto University March 3rd to 10th, attend school. Out of tho first 2.000,- 1919, 000 men drafted thoro were 200,000 Resolved that tho Sixth Congrcs- who "could not road their orders or slonal District Good ltoads Convention understand thorn when dollvored." in convention assembled ondorso tho AKfio!rtiig that rlAmoricanlzntlon," Motor Transport Servico as outlined as It was known in tho past has by tho stato buroau and wo tho ropro- "meant only tho boycott," Lano do pontatlves of tho various counties in clared tho timo has como when a now tho district ask that our county orga- moaning should bo given to tho word nlzatlons organizo with tho idea of it tho Ideals of America woud bo pro working with this bureau. sorvod That 4t is tho sonso of this convon- "Wo wnnt tho word to bo trans- tion that cacli county roprosonted lnted Into terms of wngo for mon, Proparcdnoas applies to tho human body as woll as nations. A bottle of Prickly Ash IllttcrH on tho sholf nt homo Is tho bast and cheapest form of preparedness for indlgostlon, consti pation and kidney troubles. It la tho doso takon in time that wards off fifeknoss nnd saves monoy. Price $1.25 por bottle. Gummore-Dont Drug Co., Special Agents. should nvall thomsolvofl of this oppor tunlty to form a tompornry orgnnlz of living conditions for mon, of nn Amorlcn that will mean somothlng to atlon which shall ho inado pormanont the man ihat comes, across tho wator ns soon as nosalblo followlnc this from tho other Bldo, who has como to mooting. ns with a different, understanding of Whoroas. tho National Govornmont tho word "liberty from that which by Act of Congros,, gave to tho Union wo navo Had." Pacific Railroad a right of way 400 ::o: Coot wldo through tho Stato of No- Threaten uoncrul Strike. braska, and A gonornl ntrlko of organized labor, WhorenB In many placos It Is necoi- designed to paralyzo overy industry in snry from an engineering standpoint tho country, beginning July 4 noxt. to locato highways on tho said right was decided upon Friday by tho nn of way, and tlonnl labor congress as a means of AVlioreas, tho Solicitor of tho Accrl- obtaining n now trial for Thomas J. cnPiUral Departmont hnR ruled that Moonoy nnd Warron Billings if federal ' nono of tho Federal Aid for Highways intorvontlon and every other means can bo snont op such road whon locn- adoptod to procuro tho desired rollet tp on uallroad right of way, thorp- fall. Tho convontlon authorized tho roro raising ot a tuna of $1,000,000 to car Ho reso'vod hy thrt Sixth Congros- ry on a campaign of education to libor- sionnl niatrlct Good Roads Assocla- ate tno labor leaders and to promote tlon of Nebraska, in convontlon as- tho proposed gcnoral otrlko. It Is plan pomhled thnt our Conifrossmon nnd nod to flnnnco tho movomont by lovy- Senators ho roquestod to support ig an assessmont of GO conts on ovory mmn 'nrnrtlcnl moanuro in Congreis nicmbor of organized labor In tho n, will glvo tho Statoa tho right to country. Tho convention, which con condmnn or a!ouiro a sufficient width tdudod Its four day soaalon Friday rrojn uirh rlirht of way to nronorlv nlglit and adjourned, also adoptod a conatruct and malnlnin such hlirh- ro olutlon ombodylng a declaration of ways. national policies affecting labor. -::o:: which domnnds that tho peoplo of FIWKIJAKY JIT H WILL 1K Russia nnd Gormany bo permitted to KOOSUVULT MllMOItlAT, DAY. work out. tholr own destiny; that Amorlcnn troops bo withdrawn from Gov- S. It. MolColvlo. in a nroclamn- Russia; thnt all political and Jndus tlon lssuod Saturday, calls upon No- trlnl prlaonora receive tho snmo con- braakans to oberv February 0th ns aldorntlon as prisoners of war nnd tooflovo't. memorial day. Tho procla- rnrociaiminc tno dawn or a now dny mation follows: nor true norjor.racv vi winch tho Our coun'rv confors fow honorary "gliti of lnbor Khali ho fully rocoK- I'tio upon Ita lenders: It uses fow nizeu. t medals a symhola of outstnndlni: ::o: fortltudo or distinguished sorvlco. Rut All t.ho moro important Gorman it (loos aeopiy revore Uio memory of passongor Htonmors, Including tho uioao wnoae lives and acts ombodlod hmro Imnorntor. mnv ho used to trans tho principle, for wlilch tho blood of port Amorlcnn troops homownrd, un- uio nnuon nns again and agnln boon dor tho oxtonslon of the armistice sncrincod. nlgnod nt Trovos. Tho Gorman lnorcnn- on Jnnuary oth Thoodoro RooaovoU tllo Hoot Is nlaced at tho dlanosal of n siricKen. rno nags or tno nations tno associated governments. Only of tho world stood nt half mast and smallor ateninahl nn nm loft to flin uio nonns or tnougutrul ppoplo ovory- GormanR nnd aro for Baltic coastal wnoro worn bowed in deroronco to h traff c. 1 T I ., .. II, M , . I .1 .i'lnnwiK. 'ui wu ii mo oi oxcepuonni -0- iniiimrHiiu. nnn (iisiiiikuis nod sorv co to his country. No monumont will ndeouatolv svm bonze tho charnctorlstlca of this 11 W. E. FLYNN ATT()ItXKY-AT-LAA Offlco over fcDonnhl Hank. Office Phono lllli; Res. Phone 112G ROSE COMB RHODE , "1 (ttifi 1 1 1 of rnf iinnnn I'm nltrni'kl I wiiv "Jt.ii viivw ' ii u ii 1 Tii rv fy -v rxf n ilnf jwI nlm ml 1'linim tit mv urnntitn ISIiAIMIl Ifh ) I. (II.Khltr.lia doacrfbed lnnd sltuato in Lincoln uouniy, XNeorasKa, ioriueasi wuarier I have a good supply of splendid of Northeast Quarter and Lots 2, 3 for dnles OGALALLA, NEBRASKA on't Dry Dishes -Fan 'em "Whv wait until next summer bo- foro buying that Electric Fanl It's usoful, you know, tho year 'round. Bosldos By noxt summer tho supply of fans may bo as limited as Gorman victories. Yen can get excellent servico from your Electric Fan oven In zero weath-or. "How?" Just as many other shrowd housewives do. For Instance Drying dishes, clothes, fruit. Driving heat out of tho kitchen into Joss warm rooms and halls. Directing it against tho radiator and distributing heat evenly throughtout tho room. Como in and let's talk it ovor. It's often wiso to huy fans 'In the oarly fall whon thoy aro to bo had. Buy boforohand! Buy now! N. 11. Yon sny you linvo 11 fan. Woll Is It usablo workable! Hotter hnvc Is overhnulcd for "Winter's war work. Wo do It quickly economically. NORTH PLATTE LIGHT AND POWER COHPAfY ED. K Auctioneer. Gonornl Fur in Sules a Specialty. References and Dntes nt First Nit tlonnl Rank, North Finite, Nob. Phono 1000. SALE DATES: A. S. Grow. .Tan- 2!)lh. Chns. Leypoldl, Jan. KOtli, W. E. Gules, February Kb. Fred Knscr, March 18th. Charley Robinson, March iiOlh. NEBRASKA REAL ESTATE CO. L. M. McCLARA, Auctioneer. Hospital Phone, Black 633. House Phone Blackv'orf8tl',, iv. t. rnrrciiAui), Gnuhinte Vctorinnrlim Eight years a Government Veterinar ian. Hospital 218, south Locust St. ono-half block southwest of the Court House. LEGAL NOTICE. IMoroll Keith Neville, Plaintiff, vs. , David Cash nnd Ellen L. Cash, and tho holrs, dovlseos, legatees and por ' sonal representatives and against all ; persons interested in tho estate of David Casli and Ellen L. Cash, do conscd, and against tho unknown ownors and claimants of tho following NORTH PLATTE .General Hospital.. (Incorporated) One Halt Block Norlb ol Postofiice. Thone 58 A modern institution for the scientific .trpntmot of tnedicjil, turgical and coniinetnent cases. Completely equipped X-Ruy nnd diugnustic laborntorias. Slaff: Geo. B. Dent. M. D. Y. Lccas, M. D. J.B. ReJyd,M.D. J. S. SIMMS, M.D. Roso Comb Cockerels that aro all brand now blood in country. Largo boned, sturdy fellows, that will pleaso tho fancy or tho most partic ular breeder. Twenty birds that range In prico from ?3 to $10 each. These aro from high scoring, bred from lay ing stock. Sea theso beforo you buy elsowhoro. So. Park Poultry Yards Roso Combs Reds Only. J. H. VAN CLEAVE Best Price Paid for AT THE Hog Market Office at the Old Stock Yards We also buy cattle. Call phone Black 381 for prices ED. TODENHOFT, North Platte, Nebraska. GEO. II. BENT, Phsylclan and Surgeon. Special Attention Given to Surgery nnd Obstrctrlcs Offlco: Building & Loan Building Phones: Offlco 130, Residonco 115 Offlco Phono 340 DR. Rcb. Black 37fi SHAFFER, ' Osteopathic Physician Bolton Bldg. North 'Platto, Nob Big Price for Furs, From $2 to $4.50 for prime skins. Muskrats from 20c to $1.50 L. LIPSHITZ. Notice o Incorporation of Goodman-Buckley Trust Compnny. Reforonco:- Farmers Stato Bank It. I. SIIAFFELL, AUCTIONEER DERRYBERRY & FORBES, Licensed Embamers Undortakors and Funeral Dlroctora Day phono 11 Night phono Black 588 I'or tno .nllmontH common among women, such ns sick 'headache bnck- acho, hoartburn, non'on wonkMoss fttltl n,n4l.nifr,l T) 1. 1 ..1. 1 . Anli T1 1 ! . r. .... .,.., . . ..... I ' . H' I'inii lll.l kiji, i iiiiiviv itDll UILIHI n lusinous Ainoricon, nor would It ho i. ..i...n. - ,.i Ills wish that such nrtiflc nl offnr . I m i' , , ' tt 1,uriH) ",B comploxlon. swootonn tho broath. re iiiuiiHuy. no nowovixi m and lOVCU UIO nri miortFV n,l plioorfi.ltmaB. Prlro m'U 1T"1. T W.?r0. V,r,I m.ul rmr "SB por bottle. Gummore-Dont Drug Thoroforo, In order that tho noonlo L TIIK COUNTY COURT OF of Nobraska may unlto In paying trlh- . LINCOLN COUNTY, NEBRASKA uo to tno momory of ono -who so woll charactorlzo-t our nation's idoals. In tho Matter of tho Estate ot Anna nnd In keeping with an act of congross Mnrgarotha Moyor, Docoasod. I do declare Fobruarv Oth. thl- voar. NUTtUK TO URISUITOUH. "Roosovolt Memorial Day" throughout Notlco is horoby glvon to any and Nobraskn. It Is mv Rlncoro wlBh thnt nU poraons having claims and do- all tho podplo of this commonwealth nuuids against tho ostato ot tho said shall obsorvo that day in flttlnir man- Anna VMargiarotha vMoyor, docoasod, mor that tho 17th day of May, 1919, has ::o:: boon sot nnd appointed as tho day for Down nt Lincoln thov aro now talk- iho recoptlon, examination and ad Ing of mnklnc a Iova- that will Inro- Justmont nnd nllowanco ot lawful duco throo nnd a half million dollars claims nnd dotnands of nil porsons 1o bo nsn.i In bulldlmr n now stato against. Bald ostato and that tho hoiiao. Thnt, w need a now nnnNni County Court ot Lincoln County. No tlintA In 11 n miAntlnii 1ml wlinllini flinf Lraska. will at said tlmo rocolvo. ex onnllol i.hnnld ho locnled at Lincoln, anilni, ndJUBt! and! aJJow all ,vch In thn oxtrnmn sontlinnBt nnrtlnn nf Claims against Bald OStaiO, a proV d Mi ntitn or nt n nolnt nr tlm rnn. od by law, at tho County Court Ropii tor nf tho Btnto is onn thnt shouhi bo tho Courthouso In tho City of No-t'i mihmMtnd tn a voto of tho neonlo. For I'lntto, Lincoln County, Nobraska, and nnn wn rln nil tavnr T.lnpoln 1noniiH H porBOUS SO llU0r08l0(l in Bnill O Ita lannllnn. If Inonlftil snv nl tatO, Will np'pOar at Bald tllUO W I Hrnnil Talnn.l II wnnl.l lin nmm nnrn. pltlCiO lllld dllly pfTOitent tholr flnid riMn lo Uio nnin living In all parls oalnH and domnnds i tho mnnnor of n.f sintn Vm i.irdiv fnlr in nv roqulrod hy law, or show causa for wtArn Norf,sVo nnnhlo o ImVni not BO ''ng. and In caso any of Bald r-m nnn in ann miiiM i rnnni, Mm ciaims or nomanus snail not no pro .nn noniini Bontod on or prior to tho said 17th ;.n;. day of May, 1919, tho samo shnll bo Voir., wnit forovor hnrrod. nwvv. -fwi hnmod Bi.or. wpIpM IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I havo 1 nno. mnl tn in onr. iiotwenn .Tulv slgnetl this notlco and affixed tho seal ir.Hi nnd Nnvpniher 1t from omorl- oi sam court tins i7in uny or janu mnnlnl iih.lntlnn HnltnMn rownrd lr', 1919. for rponvnrv Wm. II. O. WOODIIURST. ns.12 W P. SNYDER. 8unt. (SEAL) County Judgo. J21F14 mi. TWINEN HOSPITAL For Medical, Surgical, Mat ernity and convalescent patients. Successful operation on Appendix, when necessary Gall bladder Hemorrhoids Tonsils Adenoids Hospital Phone 110 Office Phono 183 Residence Phone 283 100a West Fourth Street North Platte, Neb. DOCTOR D. T. QUIGLKY Practice Limited to Surgery nnd Iladium Therapy 7S8 City National Bank Building. Omaha, Nebraska. Office phone 241. Res. phono 217 L. C . DROST, Osteopathic Physician. North Platte, Nebraska. Knights ot Columbus Building. Notlco is hereby given that Edward R. Goodman, Newton E. Buckley, Graco S. Goodman. Nell E. Buckley and John Buxko, havo associated themselves together for tho purpose of forming and becoming a Corpora tion, undor tho laws of tho Stato of Sutherland, Ncbr. Nebraska. I alway tako stock buvors with mo t uie name or sam orporauon and alwavH anil for Mm hinh lnllnr. Is "UOOilman-BUCkley Trust Com pany, x xi at uio prinuumi piuco oi transacting tho business tliereof, is North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebras ka. That tho general naturo of tno business to bo transacted is to re celvo trust funds for Investment or in trust: to act as a safe deposit company; to nccept and execute all trusts and perform all dutiC3 as may bo committed to them as assignees. Nollco lo Creditors. receiver, trustee or depositor: to take, Estate No. 1G05 of Hans D. Jergen- accept and hold any real or personal son, Deceased, in tho County Court of property In trust and to care for, Lincoln county, Nobraska. manage and convey samo; to act as The Stato of Nebraska, ss. Crod- ocent or attornov-ln-fact for any Her itors of said ostato will tako notlco son or corporation for tho manage- that tho tlmo limited for presentation mont and control of any real or per- and filing of claims against said os- sonal property and tho salo thereof, tato is May 7th, 1919, and for. settle- ana tno investment or money: to nc ment of snld estate is January 3d, copt from and execute trusts for mar- 1920: that I w l sit at tho county ncu women in respect ro ineir separ- court room in said county on Fobrua- ato property and to act. as agents for ry 7th, 1919, at 10 o'clock a. m and them in tho management thereof; to on May 7th, 1919, at 10 o'clock a. in., act as administrator or executor of to receive, examine, hear, allow, or estates or as guarumn, curator, or adjust all claims and objections duly conservator of the property of per njod, sons under disability; or as trustee or any person or ostato; to loan monoy upon real estate and to borrow money and to execute and Issue Its Nollco of Hearing. notes payable, and to pledge its real Stato of Nobraska, County of Lin- ostnte, mortgages or other securities coin, S3. , therefor; to buy, own, hold and sell In tho matter of the Estato of Aaron bonds, stocks, warrants, bills of ox- Mllls, Deceased. change, notes, mortgagos and other In- In tho County Court. vestment securities, negotiable or non et o.. .w.Ufj. .htaoaoitaoloaotaoijheeo negotiable; to purchase, own or rent To all porsons interested in tho es- real estate and to erect buildings tato of Aaron Mills, deceased, both thereon and to do and perform all creditors and holrs, tako notlco, That acts and cxorclso all powers connect- on tho 21th day ot Dccombor, 1918, cd with, belonging or incldont to tho Carl Gottlieb Fredrlch, filed his petl- powers andi responsibilities horeln- tion in tho County Court of Lincoln boforo stated. County, Nebraska sotting forth that ho That tho amount ot tho capital Is tho owner In feo slmplo of tho fol- stock authorized hy tho said Corpor- lowing described real estate, to-wit: tion Is Fifty Thousand Dollars Tho SW4 of Section 2G, Township 13, ($50,000.00), all of which has boon Nortli of Rango 32 West Gth P. M. in paid in full. Lincoln county, Nobraska; tliat tho That tho tlmo of tho commencement Bald Aaron Mills died intestate on of said Corporation is January 1, Fobruary 11, 1898, In Lincoln County, 1919, nnd tho tlmo of tho termination Nobraska, being at tho tlmo of his thoroof Is January 1, 19G9. That the death a resident and inbabuant of said highest amount of indebtedness or Lincoln County, Nobraska, and that at liability, to which tho Corporation tho tlmo of tho death of tho said Aaron Is to at any time subject itself is Mills ho was owner In feo slmplo of Thlrty-threo Thousnnd Throo Hundred tho abovo described real estato. That Thlrty-throo Dollars and Thlrty-throo moro than two yoars havo elapsed Cents (?33,333.33), exclusive of monoy slncp his death that no application has or property hold In trust over boon mado for tho appointment That tho officers, who no to con Phone 308 ALBERT A. LANE, Dentist Rooms 1 and 2 Belton Building North Platte, Nobraska. Notlco ot Petition. Estato No. 1Q13 ot William A. Mll- lor, deceased, In tho county court of Lincoln county, Nobraska. Tho Stato ot Nobraska: To all nor sons lntorested In said ostato, tako no tlco that a potttlon has been filed for tho nppointpont of Martin A. Slovors as administrator ot said ostato which has boon set for hearing horoln on Fobruary 7, 1919, at 9 oclock a, m. Dated January 10, 1919. Win. II. C. WOODIIURST. J14J31 County Judga. Wm. II. J7-J31 C. WOODIIURST, County Judgo, of nn administrator In tho Stato of Nebraska, that tho deceased loft sur viving tho following named holrs and no other: William Mills, Egbert Mills and Oscar M. Mills. You nro further notified that said potltlonor prays tho Court to fix a tlmo and plnco for tho hearing of said peti tion, thnt notlco ot said tlmo and plnco bo glvon to nil porsons Interostod in Bald ostato, both creditors and holrs, and for tho Court to dotormlno tho tlmo of tho death of tho said deceased and for a determination of tho heir- duct tho affairs of said Coloration aro fivo dlroctors, a Prosldont, Vice President and Secrotnry-Treasuror. Dated at North Platto, Nebraska, Dccombor 27, 1918. EDWARD R. GOODMAN. NEWTON E. BUCKLEY, GRAqB S. GOODMAN, NELL E. BUCKLEY, JOHN BURKE. D31-J24 Incorporator Nollco of Petition. Estato No. 1G12 of Earl E. Butler. Deceased, In tho county court ot Lin- ship ot tho said docoasod. n decree of! J v--tv kinship jjnd tho right ot descent of,cortco"n Vv)r,a8kaC Bni.i rnnfoBintn Tlio Stato of Nebraska: said real estate, You nro further notlfiod that said mattor will bo heard beforo tho Court at tho County Court room of said Court on tho 31st dny of January, 1919, at 9 o'clock a. m., whon any person mny appear, ohjoct to or con test said petition. Dated Decomhor 24. 1918. Wm. II . C. WOODIIURST. J7-J27 County j;udge. To all per sons intorosted In said ostato tako no tlco, that a potltion has been filed for tho nppolntmont of William M. Sl mnnts ns administrator of said es tato, which has boon set for hearing horoln on Fobruary 7th, 1919, at 9 o'clock a. m. Dated January 9, 1919. W Wm. II. C. WOODIIURST, J14JS1 County Judgo. and 4 of Section 1, Township 13, Rango 30; East Half of Northeast Quarter and Lots 1, 2 and 3 of Section 35, Township 14, Rango 30. Tho un known holrs, devisees, or legatees of Abram Wiloy, deceased, unknown heirs, devisees or legatees of Cynthia T. Wiley, deceased, and the unknown holrs, devisees or legatees of Frank M. Wiley, deceased, and against tho unknown owners or claimants of tho following described land situate in Lincoln County, Nebraska, South half of Northeast quarter and Lots 1 and 2 of Section 4, Township 13, Rango 29. Goorgo A. Hoagland, his holrs, devisees, legatees, personal represen tatives and unknown claimants of tho following described land Bltuated In Lincoln County, Nobraska, South Half of Southeast Quarter, South Half of Southwest Quarter of iSectton 12, Township 13, Rango 29, Defendants First Cnuso of Action. To Daviii Cash. Ellon L. Cash and j tho holrs, devisees, legatees and per sonal representatives and all persons interested in tho ostato of David Cash, deceased, and Ellen L. Cash, deceased, and tho unknown owners and un known claimants of the following de scribed land sltunta in Lincoln County Nebraska, to-wlt: Northeast Quarter of Northeast Quarter (NEU of NE&) and Lots Two (2), Three (3) and Four (4) of Section Ono (1) Township Thirteen (13), N. of Range Thirty (30) and tho East Half of Northeast Quarter (EM: of NEVl) and Lots Ono (1), Two (2) and Throo (3) of Section Thirty-five (35), Townshipr Fourteen (14), N. of Rango Thirty (30), West Gth P. M., defendants. You and each of you will take notice that Moroll Keith Neville has com menced nn action in the Distrldt Court of Lincoln County, Nobraska, against you nnd each of you, tho ob ject and prayer of which said petition is to. quiet title in plaintiff against you and each of you in tho following described lands situate in Lincoln County, Nohraska, to-wit: Northeast Quarter of Northeast Quarter (NEVi of NEH) and Lots Two (2), Throo (3) and Four (4) of Section Ono" (1) Township Thirteen (13), Rango Thir ty (30), West Gth P. M., and East Half of Northeast Quarter (EV of NEVi) and Lots One (1), Two (2) and Three (3) of Section Thirty-five (35), Township Fourteen (14), Rango Thir ty (30), West Gth P. M., and to havo decreed to him now and independent title by reason of ndverso possession of said described premises against you by himself and his grantors. Second Cause of Action. To Abram Wiley, Cynthia T. Wiley, Frank M. Wiley and the heirs, dovi soes, legatees and personal represen tatives and all porsons interested in tho estate of Abram Wiley, doceased, Cynthia T. Wiley, deceascd.and Frank M. Wiloy, deceased, and the unknown ownors and tho unknown claimants of tho following describod lands slt uato in Lincoln County, Nebraska, to- wlt: South half of Northeast Quar ter (S NEU) and Lots Ono (1) and -Two (2) of Section Four (4) in Township Thirteen (13), Rango Twen- ty-nino (29), West of the Gth P. M., defendants. You and each of you will take notjeo that Morell Keith Nevlllo has commenced an action in tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, against you and each of you, tho ob ject and prayer of which said potltion is to quiet title in plaintiff against you nnd each of you in tho following des cribed lands sltuato In Lincoln Coun ty, Nobraska, to-wit: South Half" of Northeast Quarter (SJ& NEVi) and Lots Ono (1) and Two (2) of Section Four (4), Township Thirteen (13), Rango Twenty-nine (29), west of tho Gth P. M., and lo have decreed in him now and indopondoni titlo by reason of adverse possession of said describ ed lands against you by himself and his grantors. Third Cnuso of Action. To Georgo A. Hoagland and tho holrs, dovisees, legatees and personal representatives and all porsons In terested in tho estato of Georgo A. Hoagland, deceased, and tho unknown ownors and unknown claimants ot tho following described lands sltuato tn Lincoln County, Nebraska, to-wlt: South halof Southeast Quarter (SVfc ot SEU) and South Half of Southwest Quarter (S of SWV4) of Section Twolvo (12) .Township Thlrtoen (13), Rango Twcnty-nlno (29), west of tho otn i M., uorondant8. Yquiand each of you will tako notice that Morell Keith Nevlllo has com menced an nction in tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, against you and each of you, tho ob ject and prayer of which said petition is to quiet titlo In plaintiff against you and each of you in tho following de scribed lands Bltuato in Lincoln Coun ty, Nobraska, to-wlt: South Half ot Southeast Quartor (S SE&) and South Half of Southwest Quartor (S ot SWi4) of Section Twolvo (12), Township Thlrteon (13), Rango Twon-ty-nino (29), west of tho Gth P. M.. and to havo decreed in him now and Independent titlo by reason of ad vtorso possosson of said d'oscribod premises against you hy himself and his grantors. You nnd each of youl will mako answer horoln on or boforo tho 17th day of Fobruary, 1919, or your do faults will ho takon and Judgment taken nnd ontered "against you as In said petition prayed. MORELL KEITH NEVILLE, J7-5w Plaintiff. 1