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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1919)
BERT LYT2LL in "Boston Blackies Little Pal" A dramu of life full of love nud appeal and the latest World News in Pictures at T lie "SUN Wednesday R. L. Grivvoa came up from Oninha Saturday and remained ovor Sunday. I'. A. White, who had boon upending a month In Omaha, returned homo Saturday. Dorr Tnrklngton spont the latter part of last week at Hastings visit ing his wifo who la receiving treat ment at that plnco. Two cars of wounded and s,ck sol diers woro attached to train No. 19 Saturday morning. Yho canteen su'n- plied tho invalids with a phonograph Mrs. Fred Rector spont Sunday with to entertain them whllo onrouto bo- irienus in umana. DR. 0. 11. CRF.SSLER. Graduate Dentist MHce over the McDonnlri State Bunk. LOCAL AND PERSONAL twecn hero and Choyonno, As a property owner on west Fourth stroot wo would bo glad to pay our share of tho cost of paving tho streot from Dowey west to tho west lino of tho 1200 block. If other nrnnnrtv nwn. Tho P. E- O. will meet Wednesday 1 or8 are In favor of this timnnsiMnn wn . t a mm -rtw t -r -T 1.1 I - . . . " arternoon wun Airs. w. 11. muuoiiiuu. C. H. Walter spent tho week end In Omaha transacting business. Chas. Boguo loft yesterday for Choyenno and other points west. A bert Wcstonfold, who had been in sorvlco overseas, arrived homo Friday. A. I. Pittman, who was with tho ex peditionary forcca overseas, arrived homo Saturday. V'or F- Beck roturncd Sunday from Omaha where ho transacted busl nes for several days. C. L. Patterson, of Donver, spent Sat""day In town visiting friends anl trn -acting busi in V J. Maloney and A. J. Salisbury returned Sunday from a ton-day stay at '"xcelsior Springs, Mo. V" II. -McDonald went to Lincoln Su-'ay night to attend a committee mc "ng of tho state bahkors' assocla-tfor Pho turkrey toms. 3-6 r Sale Bronzo o 79GF14- and Mrs. Will Wnltemath were 1 to B'alr Saturday by the death xton Ware, brother of Mrs. Wal- ,ca of toir h. F'i' Sale Seven Barred Plymouth Ror': roosters, one of 1917 hatching, six of 1918. Phono 797F3. W. Shilling. W. B. Brown, E. E. Mo v and A- E. Bell wont to Grand Islr d Saturday whoro tfiey assisted in 'nitltuting a camp of Spanish War Votorans would bo glad to hear from them. Dodgo Brothers cars for immcdlato delivery one touring car and ono ummurciai car. who wants- tnomv J. V. ROMIGII, Dealer. 3-2 Mrs. Robert Reasonor, of Omaho. has been tho guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. C. R. Morcy for soVeral days mist. Her husband, Lieut. Roasoncr, brother of of Mrs- Morey, was rocontly discharg ed rrom sorvlco and they will shortly movo to Montana where thoy will en- gngo in ranching. Paxton Ware, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Ware, died at his homo at Blair Saturday following an attack of tho llu. Ho was thirty-two years old and leaves a wife. Tho deceased was well .known in North Platto. his parents having Uvea on tho Pawneo ranch for a number of years. James Trlmm, of Grand Island, ar rived In town Friday nnd claimed the abandoned Ford car which Chief of Police Jones picked un on west Fourth street. Tho car had been stolen from Trlmm on tho night of January iitn. it nau neon abandoned here by reason or the bad roadB. Rexall Ticklo Stoppers. Thoy do what they say. REXALL STORE. Tho tligh school basket ball team defeated tho aUnnill team at tho Frank lin auditorium Friday evening by a score of twenty-soven to six. In this game Syl Rauch had a collar bono DUAU READER : Wo Sro vory anxious that tho public may know a HUlo about our optical JoparMr.ont. In the drat placo our optometrist lfl n upoolallst ' alid doVotos his ontlro attoutlou to our optical patlonls nnd thoroforo offors you his undlvldod attention- Ho is a graduato ot No; 111. Collage, ono of tho eight recognized schools of tho U. S. A. In connection with our optical de partment wo havo a comploto lonso grinding rplant which oiinbloa us to glvo city sorvlco on hrokon lonsos or now ones. If you broak your glassos bring tho pleca to us and wo will do tho rost. Very truly yours, HARRY DIXON & SOX. : :o: : J. IV Way Dies. Joeso P. Way passed away at his homo on south Walnut street early Saturday morning, death boing duo to pneumonia following nn nttnek ot llu after an illness of ton days. Tho doeoosod wa born Aubust 20, 1S80 nt Jackson ,Nob-, and ho had spont tho greater part of his life in and noar this city. Ho leaves a wife, a daughtor and threo sons. Funeral services wore hold- yostorday aftornoon and tho re mains taken to Superior, Neb., for In terment Tin: ford "policy. Tito Policy of tho Ford .Motor Com- puny to soil Its cars for tho lowest possible price, consistent with depend nhlo quality, Is too wellknown fo re quire comment. Therefore, because of present conditions. (lio can bo no chniifrc-s In prices on Ford Car. FORI) 1IOTOR CO. Detroit, M'cli., Jim. Ifi, 1911). : fo: : Mnrgnfot Pw-nn Pies in Oinalia. Margaret Doran. sixteen yoar old daughter of Mrs. F. J. Doran, died Friday morning in Omaha, to which city the mother nnd two dnughtors r.omoved four months ago when tho oldest daughter Isabolle accepted a position in the schools of that city. Tho remains woro brought to this city Saturday morning accompanied bv tho mother and two sisters and the funornl held from St. Patrick's church yesterday forenoon. ta a' in' Fc' i Hrnnl- TVtnnrlrvwa wlin lina Yinnn j treatment In Omaha for sover-1 "r0'?n- In tho game between tho girls nks, 1- reported to bo vory much anf tho teachers tho former won by a ed nnd is cxnor'rvl homo about "l k"uui; lu "uu- ary l i t. Sco us for Service. It pays. REX 3 city of Lex uston S advertising ALL'DRUg" STORE.' !ds for laying 20,000 yards of for br It lo North Platto has found it so. You'll stop coughing if you tako Chr-ry Bark Cough Syrup. Guaran tee - at the REXALL DRUG STORE, agcr Pratt, of the te'ephono ex- w" t to Crnml Is and yester t attend a state mooting of man- it vr "li wm discussed the now nxsjMkxxxoooooooocxM tOOJoffioOOOfcl OOOOOOOOOOOOOO 9j00PO$OC00fr COXOCOgOOO' Plays with STEEL NEEDLES or Sapphire Needles Plays wi STEEL NEI or Sapphire N RECORDS. All of the latest Songs,- Bailees All Records COME AND HEAR THEM. locoocoooooooooJ NORTH PLATTI "CROOK" BRINGS JOY INTO UNHAPPY HOME. :o: : Striking Photoplay, with Political Background, to bo shown TO-NUJHT At Uio SUN THEATRE. 'Hi nnlnnwl rmti (.!.. XTn OA . paving in tho business district. whoVas arreted at LoilnBton for BonB' Btorlq haVo annc"ro(1 '1 Un. mnnv wnll nvnnniloil nt WHO 1WIS arrealCU ai. OXlHglOn IOr Amnrlnnn TVTonlnr. n,1 i,o ., pTn,Vn h, fT nn trafficlng i.rhoozo, was flnod $200. Ho , " "1"? ,":;,", "Tho Heart of a Girl," is tho title of tho striking now World Picture, which TONIGHT will bo shown at tho SUN Theatre with Barbara Castle ton and Irving Cumimings as tho stars. The struggles of two rivals for tlio nomination for governor ' form tho back-ground for a charming love story and tho climax of tho story occurs during tho progress of tho convention at which tho nomination is made. This particular sceno lfl ono of tho most masslvo and elaborate ever seen on tho screen and tho events which take place In tho convention aro thrilling and Interesting enough to satisfy tho most exacting of photoplay critics. "Tho Heart of a Girl," 1H from tho pen of Maravcne Thompson, author of many popular short stories and best selling novels. Many of Mrs. Thomp- sont to Omaha and played up as tho loading features bv cl da 1 41. ' " rt"V" nnpeared in a number of other porta ;.i V : i " " "teals. Mrs. Thompson U also tho :o a United State., deputy marshal. "UUiU ,"uu" SUL Havo new glass put in tho back cur- t "iioart of a Girl," is a who'esonio tain on your car. Tako it to Tho North clean, pleasing, tonso'v intc-ostlncr nt o-i v m - nto eect tonight Platto Top & Cushion Company. Sixth traction. It Is conototent, fmt-movW o S O' V u r a: o I fo c i: o, c 1 r l 1 Sa'r p noo'- range nnd " il-e of Mr i Chns. ID oast fourth. nd Locust streets. not"- McJSvoy made Tho equipment man for tho Wes- torn Union company spent a day or, trips to in town last week and announced nnd entertninltur- It la tho sort o' n'cture that every lover of tho host I" motion pictures will t'lornucrli'v onov Source of Wur Taxes. ho ru-al routes out of the city Utat Uio roiay station In tho Walto-I How acuuirod weauh was forced to ter nart of last week in order math building would bo In operation boar tho bunt of war taxes Is now rn o? tho r'md conditions He aliout March 1st and that the com- revealed by tho Commissioner of ln-nco-i 'cm " ierco'' and others morcial office would bo open at tho temai Revenue. There were, in tho amo time. Tiie remy station win last fiscal year about two million ln- .bring sax or ofcnt ad'tlltlonal om- comes of $3,000 and loss, winch paid a pioyoes to isorui 1'iaito. tax in the aggregate of only $22,305, Dr. Morrill, Denuist. Office ovor 202. Thero were GG5.U00 lucomos of A'ilcu L oiniilinent Store. moro than $3,000, which paid a totai Tin tn RiLtiinlav mominir fifteen of $592,G13,241. So thut two million oi uiousana tons of ico had been stored small incomes paid only one-thlrtloth u v ... ..,.,,-,1. 4 .1. nnc nnn f. n.n Bort Lytoll, who will bo scon In tho role of Boston Blncklo In Metro's plc turlzation of Jack Boylo's Red Book Magazine Btory, "Boston Blackio's Littlo Pal," plays tho part of a bur glar, who is so clovor and Ingenious in his method of safe-cracking that ho is the despair of tho pollco force This brilliant and entertaining play will bev shown at tho SUN thoatro on Wednesday and is bound to creato many frlonds for Boston Blncklo tho likable crook. Ono of tho clovor moans ho has of docoivlng tho pollco Is to sandpapor tho tlps of his fingers hoforo ontoring a houso so that his finger-printfl can not bo recognized. Then too, ho hns a sot of signals glvon him by blasts from his automobile horn outside ono for tho pollco, two for ,othor prowlors and so on 80 that ho cannot bo surprised. How ho gets tho Jowols, and not by theft, Is shown In thlH do llghtful play of an honorablo crook who brlng3 happiness, and not loss, o a ifamlly. (UOYKHNAiKNT UP A STUMP ho ostlmntcd that tho ON RAILROAD OPERATION groguted $050,000,000. 1 co"iiforenco InBt week l A Washington special to yostor- returns woro nt hand day's Stato Journal says: With pro- apount to bo $900,000,0 vious and anticipated wage raises Tnnt thla noroafi0 t aggrogating close to ono billion l.OCAL AND PERSONAL with h'm . F ..sinnan and Morris Mlld pric s oi tho new F. & M Jhop. oft Tmaha lat evening w -k" City, where thoy will 'a ' " purcha'o o their now ' sto Ort'aha Bo1' n In ao storo .don't fall to look ? remnant counter plied full of ',,,, v f tj10 h0Uses. Shinmonts and lambasted corporations paid ox 3, toweling, percales, ging- ico from Gothenburg are coming cess profits taxes exceeding $2,000,- d.k. , drerf., goods, wm.c s t tho ralo of about thirty car a day. 20-20n or thro t,m? l1"01 a tho ccodi-yoa avc from 20 to Tho second crop on tho lako east ot 2,055,000 persons paid. Individual and gcoui oa .ae iron, w partnerslili excess profits taxes .on. on any rnmnai t you n depends amounted to $181,000,000. storo-wiue saio oi ina rt courso Upon future weather con- j uiuouua, uiauiuncu cumpumnfl aim Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Halllgan enter tained at a dinner Friday ovoning, covers holug laid for twolvo. Mrs. C. S. Morey entertained Sat urday aftornoon complimentary to Mrs. Robert Roasoncr, of Omaha Mother Kroh's Baby Remedies. Ono for each ailment, REXALL DRUG STORE. II. E. Smith who has boon tho guest of hts brother Ralph Smith nnd Mrs. Smith, left for his homo In Xearney today- Rov. Koch of tho Lutheran church occupied tho Proshytorlan pulpit Sunday morning during tho Illness of Rov. Curry. TIIE LEADER MER. CO Store .n too Union Pacific ice houses which Sale that, really genuine con .a a littlo less than ono-thlrd tho noxt nigiier class, paid- ino despised nr. .,. dollars tho director goneral ot rull- roads is facing tho quostlon of nd- j vanclng freight rates again or ob taining' from Homo other sourco' tho means ot meeting a (prospective def icit for 1919 amounting to $250,000, 000. It transpire today that this predicament of tho railroads undor govornment control, with tho Inher ent olomont of tho further Increase of tho cost of living which would ro sjult from anothor advanco In freight rates, was tho subject of considera tion by Director General Hlncs and tho regional dlroctors of tho country last woolc Tho following means ot mooting tho doflclt woro discussed: 1 Increased freight rates. . 2 Appropriation by congress ot a fund to moot tho dollcltj 3 Oporatlng oconomlos. 1 Increaso In tho volumo of trafic. C Reduction of wages. Of these measures of possibilities tho last was struck off tho list It Is not bollcra! that any gcnural re duction In wago3 can bo considered until thero is a great decllno In tho cost of living. Tho cxponsos of govornment oper ation havo so far outstripped increas es In rovcnuo3 from tho 1918 advanc es 1n freight rates and passenger fares that tho railroad administra tion has no hopo of earning a surplus this year, and preliminary ostlmatos forecast a deficit of not Icbs than $250,000,000 for 1919 against a deficit for 1918 now ndjnlttcd to approximate $200,000,000- Tho increaso In wages has gono hundreds of millions beyond tho os tlmatos mado when Director Gonornl McAdoo raised freight and passongor RCANTILE CO l t.ions fin r.". nu waul i,f. SI lo on am il ill ni'UG STORF other corporations Income taxes amounted to $81,000,000. Unfortunato ly tho lmpontant tahlo ot tax collec tions by Internal rovenuo districts is not included in tho copy of tho Commissioner ot Internal Rovcnuo's report given out to tho newspapers for publication In December. When that tablo Is secured, it will bo pos sible to stato exactly how much o" this big war burden was paid by tho Industrial sido. Tho figures quoted above indicate vory clearly that a very small pro portion of tho cost fo'l upon tho shouldorq of tho south, whoro smal' not largo Incomes and earnings ar" naturally predominant, for tho re sources of tho south are Jint beginn ing to bo developed. The heavier fi" tax on northern capita' ho mn-" slowly will tho souMi's dc'D'opino"' j proceed. Kearney Hub. ::o:r For Sale A well o,Mnt,thed paying medlclno route nnr nn.) onm" ln outfit Includod. Pmi -"inva, o nddresi R. II. STEP"- Nn-ti Platto. ; pay will reach $1,000,C Is bollovcd iuovltivblo of tho forthcoming wngo board that lias tho demands ot tin brotherhoods. Pho four brothorhood tic laBt yoar from tho advanco bocauso of tho had received a - $l(10,0f under tho Adamnon ol But slnco tho largo ad othor employes thoy 1 ulstont upon anothor ai" It Is understood thn board has recommendo as largo as tho brotho undor Uio Adanmou la flclal ostlmatos placo closo to- $1001,00000. bring tho total wngo ar" govornment operation t billion dollar8 or albout Wlien Mr. McAdoo w flonnto lntcrstato conun' mated tliat with t3io w traffic this year n las' mant would earn a uh gunrantood rental of $' also stated that "It wr bio dining tho year 191' at tho ond ot tho year, t sldornblo reduction. In tho traffic for 1919 sh losH than It was for t Tho weekly rotuma, 1 a marked decllno in ir signing of tho nnnlbtlc gionnl directors look contraction In tonnng showed a 12 por cont October, nnd tho Dor will bo even worse; Tho original "rovol $500,000,000 will ibo c' few days and a- now fu I For Pn'o i Houo and o.nrn " lirh. modern orcnt ch'ckfn-bon'po ami co"' ' I rood lawn. nMii'n"r Wlltton. Phono RM ::o"- Avoid Irro"i''tv ' movemoTits, if io"i- sftnatlon: n nniVfir b'oort, an-l br'orin -B'tters rotp-o tho HVfrfom 'n or-'-- " J'OWI'O G"7ri !-ft.T Agents. tinuo3 all during January. Giving all tho people a chanco to save- Tho Luthornn aid society will meet Thursday aftornoon with Mrs. Frank Brotzor, who will bo assisted by Mrs. Bunnell, Mrs. Gurley aid Mrs. Schllcntz. it A building contractor remarked !t yesterday that. Indications pointed tc j;t tho erection of many houses In North - Platto this year- Quito a numbor of ft prospective nuiiuors oi Homes nau ap reached him on tho ntbject. Your favorite Magazine at tho RI3X ' L STORE. "I want a man Ilko you daddy." This expression from a society girl, lored ft by her surroundings, to her father, a ft self mado lumber king, paves tho way 'or her to a life o' usefulness In Mabol j Norrrand's latest picture "Back to t he Woods" howlng at tho Keith Wed- ft it nesday and Thursday. v ft County Commissioner Koch nn- J.t noanco3 that as early as possljblo jt next spring ho will grade tho Lin- 'n Highway from Suthorlnnd wost Q to tho Kolth county lino. This tretch :;t of road has a gravol loll that will .J rates last Bummer. It was Uien bo lloved lhat $500,000,000 would covor easary to onablo tho all advancos. When Mr. McAdoo ap- financo operation and poared before tho fienato Intorstato tal oxpendituras. Tho cemmorco conimltte0 a fortnight ago hao'iit revolved; it ha -"QUALIW -IKS'! Hif ,.1 mako n "lond'' 'ivedway. roadhn-l n"V wlt'i in ' "iRtc 'nto n n o t ons' - NORTH PLATTE 5 i?2 U:A:i.-.''!v.'!rIiti:fl;N-A" NORTH PLATTE, NEB.1 L COW BRAND n Hone; Motto Honosty lived makes Y Bra tier Fl