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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1918)
, fe Strait Eyo strain is muscular strain. Muscles , t'pUiy a very Important part In V ' sight. .Th'oy move Uio eyes to give - universal vision, and to contract and expand tho parts to focus light roysA tthcro Is -a detect In (ho'shapfi of. H V ' ' the. eye, nomo or all of tho muscles aro overworked. This causes distress. V ' If not attended to, pormanont damage to sight may result Thoromcdy Is glasses, , ? not mcdlclno. If you havo cyo strain, Qllnton can correct It. Let him examine your eyes. It Is a safo placo to buy glasses, C. S. Clinton Graduato 'Optician At the Sign with the Big Ring. '4 f. r PROMINENT NORTH PLATTE i NOIITII PLATTE AUTO THIEF COUPLE WEB IN DEN fEIl.1 is ARRESTED IN OMAHA. Saturday Juno 15th, -at i'lgh6ph ! Un to dato sovoa automobiles liavo at thohonio oi'thb bridofe aunt, Jr- been Btolon In Lincoln county and tho j J. D. Million'. to 0enver,;tols8 MaboltO Soven thieves havo been apprehended, nnrtrmtn Hurkn ahd t Charles Preilhr- ick Strauss, both of this city,Wdro That' a ono hundred fpor cont recofd united in marrlago by Rev'Mohn E. for Shorlff Salisbury, and tho fellow Hummon, Of tho Messiah. Lutheran wno thlnkB he. can steal a car this church' of that city. Preceding tho cotintv and eot awnv with IL hnil hot. ceroniony Mrs. Edward Burko sang tnr think a lone timo boforo ho acts. "At Dawning." by Cadman, and Mrs, I Tho lant man to ho nnnrelinnriAd HflbrtrL Stnnnftrd. fllfltor of tho bride, (tirmterh Mir. ittnrta of Rhnrlff Snlla. E- 2$q8 of this Wedding wHtnotfeur-bury is John Comstock, alias John .houso was lavIslHy andC Beautifully Whoolor. who had been omoloycd at decorated' In pink ahd whit, and the j tho Buskirk garage, robbed tho cash Bamo color schomo was carrlOd out at register of $20 and started east in a tho Brown Palaco, whero a flvo course Hupraobllo belonging to a travoling DR. 0. H. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist Office over tho McDonald Stata Bunk. LOCAL AND PEHSONAL Louiso Byboo loft yesterday for Falrtiury to visit hor grandfather for a week. Dr. Brock, Dentist, ovor. Stone Drug Store. " Mrs. Will Burko loft yesterday morning for a visit with friendB at Dunning, Nob. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McFarland and children loft yostorday for a visit with frlonds In St Joe, Mo. Illousolioli!) 'Furnlturo for Sale. Apply at 91G W. Third. 44-3 Autuman Shivers and Mrs. 8. F. Ward, both of this city were married Wednesday by County Judgo Wood-hurst. Lost at tho Franklin auditorium last weok stick Ipin sot with diamond. Ro. turn to this office , and rbcoivo ro ward. Mr. and Mrs. Lom Balloy moved this week to their clghty-acro farm west of town and from this tlmo fqr ward will bo food (producers. Dodgo Brothers Motor Cars For hard Service. Completo stock of Dodgo parts, for yoiuir after Bervlce. J. V. ROMIGII, Dealer. 4G-2 Dr. Clias. 0. Allison, of Omaha, who during tho past twenty years per formed operations on dozens of North Platto people died Wednesday morn ing. Dr. Morrill, Dentist Mrs. J. B. Hayes and children, of Omaha, arb guests of Mrs. Hayes' parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Austin, having arrived from Omaha Tuesday. Thoy will remain for about two months. Harry Flolshman has been In Oma- Miss M. Sleman, steam baths and ha for scvoral days whore ho was ' Swedish Massage, ladles and gentle called by tho Ulnca of his mother. mon. Phono 897. Brodbeck bldg. 8Ctf Tho Homo Guards aro planning to j Tno Omaha Beo yostorday announc hold a danco on July 4th. It will bo ei that during tho next year the hold in tho Masonic storo room it that union Pacific will expend six million room is vacant at that time. IdollarB for bottormonts. Sidney will Can accept orders for limited supply ept 1168,035 for shop ami yard oxten of Hanna Lump Coal. Plrst como first and North Platto $25,500 for shop nerved. W W. IlIKQE CO. ,ailu W1 oxionsions. ,. , . , ., ,.,,, i,i' Mr. ahd Mrs. T. L. Bakor and son, Tho front of tho tolldlng occ pled arrf d da t b nuto WcdnC8dl ?y tA10 "uP.a!ntc.?.'i'from Iowa, and left yesfMay fo' ixacuvoiy iu ywiuw uuu wuu, -1 Wollfloot to visit friends. Thoy provemont that is quite noticeable. f(1Pmrlv for ft numhar of vtrt Wm. Munson, who was a rosldcnt jn Mcdlclno precinct. After romaln pf North Platto twenty years ago, and ing jn woUfleot for a weok or so has mado hid homo in Iowa stneo, ro- thoy -will go to Colorado to apotjd tho lurneti iniB woon 10 again occumo n giunnmor. I.l A xi-Biucm.. I In flplto of tho largo number of For Service First and Guaranteo Dodgo Urothors cars being taken daily Work, call North Platto Plumbing and by tho government, I am still obtain- Hoatlng Co., Phono 409, 100 East ing somo bars, and distributing them Sixth stroot, I to thoso who havo filed their ordors a.m...- Alwlthmo. Bottur got your order in to- tuTi w V wv riv y if you want your Dodgo car this s mdav n or ln for Scholk's lako Bummer. J. V. IIOMIQH, Dealer north of Sutherland whoro they will ' Postmastor McEvoy says a numbor tfpond tho day fishing for bullheads, of allon women nro overlooking tho John Burko, who came down from't that thoy alr.l Denver Monday to attend tho funeral tor Uils weel A ew have regl terea luncheon was served to tho bridal party and relatives and sucsts. Mr and Mrs. Strauss will spend, their honeymoon in tho mountains, News of this weddlrtg will not sur pirlso North Platte friends though nono knew the exact dato, but when tho now brldo and groom went to Denver last wicck accompanied by relatives, It was gOnorally concluded that tho coremony was soon to follow. Tho brldo, who Is tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Burke, has made hor home in North Platto slnco birth Is an accomplished and very popular young woman and has been a favorlto In social circles. Mr,, Strauss for soveral years has been employed as book-keeper in tho McDonald State Bank and Is a splendid young man. Ho is ono of tho Lincoln county boys who will leavo for a training camp next weok. ' : io: : Laid fo Itcst. Tho funreal of tho lato John Bratt was hold from tho family resldenco Tuesday morning at . ten o clock, tho sorvtco being jargely attended by frlondsj, tho greater part, at Nvhom had known Mr. Bratt in tho early days. Friends wore present from many of tho precincts In the county Tho sorvlco was conducted by Arch deacon J. J. Bowkor, who camo from RawlInB, Wyo., for tho purpose, .ana his remarks wore vory Impressive A nuarsotto Citrnishod music. Tho Knights Templar hold a short lioniso sorvico, and at tho grave tho Masonic ritualistic servico was read. Tho floral tributes wore magnificent ::o:: Hold for flmml Larceny. Harry Cook, Alias Graham and soveral othor names, is hold in tho caulnty Jail ponding tho arrival of officors from Brooklyn. Cook is want ed on tho charge of grand larceny. Ho camo hero Saturday from Salt Lako City, whero ho has a wife,- and tho samo day Chlof of Police Jones received a telegram from that city to watch for him. Tho chlof suspected that Cook would call at the Ipost offlco ror man, ana asked the clerk to tin him off, which tho clork did and his arrest followed. Cook, who was ped dling aomo sort of an attachment for pianos, claims an awful mistake has been mado. of tho lato John Bratt, returned to that city Wodnosday and ho and Mrs. Burko will go from Denver to tho Big Horn busln to visit Mllo Burko and family. Wo will receive- Hovoral cars o! Hriiiui Lump Coal noon. Placo ordors at onco If you want somo of this coal. COATKS LUfflllfiK & COAL CO. Harry Dixon bocamo a grandfather yesterday morning, a wiro from Oma but ho personally knows of a numbor who havo not. Wives and daughters ovor 14 of alien, men who roglstorcd Bovoral weeks ago aro required to register now. Tho placo of rcgistra tlon Is at tho postofflco whoro thoy recoivo their mall Loon Eggors, of Ogallala, got hola of smuggled In whlBkoy and foil into tho arras of tho police. Ho was lined ton dollars and costs, the bill amount ing In full to $14.80. Not having much ha announcing tho birth of a daughtor , monoy on his norson ho tomnorarilv to Dr. and Mrs. Conlln. Tho mother; put up a gold watch as security and and daughtor aro roported to bo doing . Loani wont homo with a heavy heart, nicely. Mrs. Dixon was. In Omaha to wolcomo tho advent of tho granddaughter. vouching that novor again would ho tako liberal libations of tho stuff that '.makes a man foolish. man who had placed it in the garago for storago ovor night Tho thoft oc curred Friday night of last week, and boforo the sun appeared the following mronlng Shorlff Salisbury had wired tho thoft to many officors throughout tho state. Comstock evidently loiter ed along tho way, for ho did not reach Omaha until Tuesday. Tho officors whb wero on tho lookout for tho car, rn located him and his arrest fol lowed. Ho will bo brought hero from Omaha today. : :n: : Colored 3Inn Killed by Train. Tho lifeless body of Oloy F. John son, a colored man, was found east of tho freight dopot at sdx o'clock yestorday morning. Johnson had work ed hero as a section hand for a short tlmo. Yestorday morning in company with another colored man ho was seen loitering around, tho yards near tho freight house, and it is said that thoy attompted to get on a moving east bound freight. Johnson's companion succcdcd in getting aboard, but Johnson evidently mlssod his hold and his head jvas Btruck by somo part of tho car "and his skull crushed. Tho body was thrown somo distance from tho track and indications wore that ho had been instantly killed. Through a lottor found on his person and written by a woman in Hills City, Kan., It Is presumed that placo was his homo. ' :o:: Homo Guards at Brady. A company of the Lincoln County Home Guards will bo organized at Brady next Tuesday evening. Brady parties wero in town this week and invited Captain Shilling to attend tho organization of tho company and tako with him the band, tho drum corps and as many of tho Guards as possible. After consulting with others tho Invitation "was accepted. All thoso who can and will furnish ears to make tho trip aro asked to phono their names to Capt. Shilling stating tho number they can accom modate in their cars Eighteen or twenty members of tho band and near ly as many members' of tho drum Kcorps will need transportation, and l provision should bo mado for at least fifty members of tho Guards. Tho cars, tho band.- drum corns and Guards ::o" I should assemble"" at tho federal build- Evory used car sold by mo has beonilnir nrnmnflv nt 7?1R novf Tnoailnv thoroly overhauled in my shop, and goes to the ownor with my guarantee! ::n.: of mechanical fitness. Will havo ai Untnn nimnia "VniiAft. 1917 Dodgo ready to deliver thiB week a mt ntlTif nf tlio Wfttno fiimriln will a vory good buy. Also havo a 1917 , bo hold at tho Moose hall promptly riuiHuuuuu, mm u ia( fliuxwcii. iry at oight o'clock this evening for the purpose of devising ways and means of securing uniforms, A full attend ance is requested. A. W. SHILLING, Captain. ; !0! FOR SALE Flvo room house In Banks addition, 215 south Maple. All modorn but heat. Phono Red 590. 37tf Tho A. O. U. W. assessments will be payablo at tho C. M. Nowton storo dur Ing tho absonso of Financier V. Von Gootz, who will not return until June 24th. 43-4 PLAN TOOlt&ANIZE COUtffr J AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION. t 3 Aultmob;ilo wnerajvflt 'Lincoln county aba TOiiues,tctfJ to attend, a mooting at'tho;4purt houso next Thurs, day ovenlhg for tho purposo of organ izing tho Lincoln County Automobile Association. It is hoped that owners of automobiles from all partB of tho county will bo present at this moot ing, as it is hoped that through such all organization much good can bo ac complished iu Improving tho roads of Lincoln county; which is, of course, of interest and importance to all auto owners. At this meotlng general road conditions will bo discussed, and ways and means suggested for Im proving ovory main traveled road In tho county. If you aro Interested In good roads attend this meeting. 4i tsar, . .u-. .a . i .w. Indian FIglltcrr lt6celve TcnUonM Mon who wero participants in the Indian wars forty Or raoro years ago hayo recoived certificates entitling them to a pension of twenty dollars a month and -back pay Binco'Mrcfijl 1917. Among thoso who recelvo thodq pensions aro Charles Hendy, P. It McEvoy and Thco. Lowo of this city and' Fred Glnapp of Gaslln precinct, who (participated In tho Indian cnnir paigns la tho seventies. :::: Itcglstor Next Tuesday. J All male rosldents ovor slxtoon years of ago aro roqulred to register next Tuesday. In tho county pre cincts tho registration will be at tho regular voting places. In North Platto you can register at tho booths in the postqffico or at tho regular voting placo In each ward. sfo 1 Tonight-Tomorrow Afternoon and Evening Charlie Chaplin 3n c" "A DOC'S LIFE" COME EARLY OR YOU MAY HAVE TO WAIT Adults 25c Balcony 20c Children 10c Including War Tax i theso cars out to your own satisfac tion and remember wo guaranteo against hidden dofects. J. V. ROMIGH Dealer. Mr. and Mrs. C- M. Havdon camo 6vor from Wallace Wednesday to meet tnoir son-in-law and dauchtcr. Mr. and Mrs. Walker Kelly, who havo boon living at Kansas City. Mr. Kelly is ono of the young men called to leavo for Comb FunBton next Mon day. nr Morrill. Dentist mtm HP. . I si "Lafayette, Here We Are" Pershing surrounded by our boys at tho tomb of America's old tlmo friend months ago reported, "Lafayette, hero wo aro.,,, this Hank reports to Its old tlmo friend Tho Farmer, flloro wo are," Wtfro ready to servo you In ovory way wo can as A depository and dis tributing contro for. your funds, as business counselor nr fund fur nishers. Wo aro your "man In town. Huko uso of ns, Platte Valley State Bank NORTH PLATTE, NEB. FINANCIAL STATEMENT LINCOLN COUNTY CHAPTER, RED CROSS, MAY 7TII. 1918, TO JUNE 1TII. 1918 A. F. STRE1TZ, SECRETARY. May 7th. Amount In Banks $287122 DONATIONS ltECEIVEI). May 3rd. U. P, Ry. Shop Employees 23.50 May 7th, Night Round Hombo Employees 12.00 May 17th. U. P. Ry. Shop Employees 25.00 May 18th. U. P. Ry. Round Houso Employees 29.00 May 21st. Night Round Houso Employees ; 14.75 Juno 3rd. U. P. Ry. Bridge & Bldg. Employee's 7.00 May 7th. Spannuth School, (Miss Doran) 28.00 May 7th. Stranger, 90 cents. Cash 20 cents 4.10 May 7th. Mrs. Goozco 1.00 May 7th. C. A. Mooro 1.80 May 16th. School DIst. 127. Osgood Precinct 37.50 May 16th. Mrs. II . I. Block 4.00 May 16th. Mrs. Julius Hahler 4.00 May 16th. B. of L. E. (Proceeds of May Party) 323.85 May 16th. Womons Relief Corps 5.0o May 17th. School Dist. 39 Mlllor Precinct 42.10 May 20th. Mrs. Wm. Thompson 2.00 May 21st Wollfleot, Schools ; 30.00 May 2l8t Dickons, Schools 20.00 May 25th. Rocd. from Finance Commltteo 1000.00 May 28Ui. School Dlst. 12, Fox Orcolc Proclnct 25.00 May 31st S. Fuglhara , , 2.00 Juno 1st A. L. Dlckoy 1.00 Juno 3rd. Miss Annlo Kramph 5.00 Juno 4th. Reed, from Finance" Committee 1009.00 May 16th. Sale of 2 geese... , M 1.50 Itecohed from Salo of MateriaL May 7th. Wallaco Branch 31.48 May 7th. Dickens Branch . 39.60 May 7th. Horshoy Branch .' , .15 May 7th. Tryon Chaptor. .., 1.81 May 16th. Somorset Branch 65.00 May 17th. Jefferson School 7.50 Reclred from Memberships- Annual Mombors, North Platto, 38....,, 38.00 Magazine Membors, North Platto, 2v , 6.00 Sustaining Membors, North Platto, 1 10.00 Annual Mombors, Horshey, 23 11.50 Annual Mombors, Maxwell, 5 -. 2.60 Annual Members, Somerset, 15 7.50 5738.36 BISUUJtSEMENTS. May 7th. C! H. Splcor, Order No. 120. Freight & Dray : 6.15 May 7th. Tho Hub, Order No. 121. Work Room Matorlal. .. . 16.00 May 7th. J. C. Ponny Co. Ordor Ho. 122. Matorlal ,. 27.48 May 7th. W. J. O'Connor, Ordor No. 123. Matorlal 15.23 May 7th. Wilcox Dept. Storo, Ordor Ncx. 124, Matorlal 105.42 May 7th. F. W. Rlnckor, Order No, 125 ExprosB Paid 2.62 May 7th. O. F. Tcmplo, Sec. Ordor No. 126. Express Paid.... 22.17 May 7th. American Red Cross, Order No. 127. Dub on Mem. 448.50 May 7th. American Red Cross, Ordors 128, 129, Yarn, Gauze. . 1868.62 May 7th. Mrs, P. J. Barron, Ordor No. 130 Patterns 80 2511.99 BALANCE ON HAND JUNE 1, 1918. .8220.37 5738.30 ' Putting "Elizabeth" to Bed Certainly, after you have bought her a pair of handsome lamps and a robe and a siren and a self starter and a set of tire chains and a speedometer and then some, you wouldn't think of calling her "Lizzie!' Come in and see a photo of Eizabeth's bed-room, where she can rest up nicely after her outings, Quite inexpensive to erect, but you'll agree that it would be an ornament to your lot as well as a great protection to Elizabeth,. Surely we have others some cost more and some cost less and among the Jiot you will And just the one you want. Lumber is cheaper than automobile varnish and machinery and we submit that it would be good, pat riotic business to IMMEDIATELY arrange to PROP ERLY PROTECT YOUR CAR. 1 fries A Bath In 20 minutes It is not necessary to Heat up the House to hav(e Hot water in The Summer . Time. A Gas tank Heater solves . The problem. Economical, Clean and Convenient. North Platte light & Power Co. CAR EXCHANGE Before buying a car be sure to see me as I have a number of cars almost aa good as new; which I will sell at a bargain. These cars are not old broken down junk, but oars which will stand close inspection and will save you money. Would be pleased to have you call and see these cars. A. M. BliXJME FIJtST CLASS CAB PAINTING. 818 North Locust St. AUTO LIVERY orthSIdo fj drlre to ra Slnco I Iiato sold tho garago am doing auto llrcry from tho North Side Barn.. Bay or Night Telephone 29. Wo stake a specialty of drlre to sales all orcr tho connty at tho rate of Are conti per mile per person. Those ho kaTO Bales throughout the coantry please let mo knew. Also a few cars for sale. Night Call lied 632. Julius Mogensen.