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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1918)
' Wxt lorth U latl c cmi-IfftiuM) rtlnutc. THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR. NC&TH JPLATTE, NEB., JUNE 18, 1918. No: 45 UGAI AWARDS CONTRACT TO McMICllAEL BROTHERS. Tho contract for tho erection of tlio 49x132 throo etroy building on Front street to bo erected by ItfchlJUgal has beon awarded to McMlehaol Bros, on a bid of $44,G00, the next lowest bid of $45,000 being Bubmlttcd by F. C. Mc Mlchaol. Tho bid of $13,541 for heat ing and plumbing submitted by tho North Platto Plumbing was bIbo ac cented. Tlio bid of W. T. Lyman for the same work was $14,568. Tho con tractors certainly figured very close, tho difference In tho building bids be ing but $400, and on tho heating the dlffernco was but $27.00. These bids wore submitted on revis ed plans, and do 'not include furnish ing all of tlio third flftor. Tho entire ground floor of tho building -win do devoted to restaurant purfposcs and Included dining room, lunch room and lobby in the front part and kitchen and storo room In tho roar. Tho second floor will have thirty-nine guost rooms, parlor anl three baths. Ton rooms on tho third floor -will bo furnished with tho completion of tho building, tho other thirty at a later date. . ::o:: Sammy Girls Tlioatro (Program. Tho following photoplays havo boon booked for tho weok. No ono enh af ford to miss this opportunity of see ing their favorite movlo stars. Tuesday Mary MlloS Mlnter in "Peggy Leads tlio Way." , Wednesday Wm. Duncan and Carol Holloway in "Dead Shot Baker.". Thursday Emma Wehlen in "Tho Shell Game." Friday and Saturday Guy Empey In "Over Tho Top." ::o:: For Quick Sale On account of be ing called to the colors I offer for Bale my taxi and parcel dollvery. C. H. SPICER. REGISTRATION BOARD MUST HE-CLASSIFY REGISTRANTS. "Thqueands of registrants who aro in class four should bo in class ono or class two," says Provost Marshall Crowder, and In ordor that thosp men may bo re-classiflod, as weU .as tho ro-classlflcatlon of other classco, Ji'o has directed that tho local registration board sot a weok in Juno for this nur-' poso. Tho board is directed to go over clasB two A and B, class thrco A, B and C, and class four A. In this -work tho board will bo as-. Blsted by tho advisory board and by federal appeal agents; tlio questlon alres will bo gone over moro closely outside Information obtained If thought host, and tho registrant him self may bo summoned to personally appear boforo tlio board to answer such questions as may bo submitted It is believed that this ro-classlflca-tlon will result In tho nddltion of many men to class ono. Tlio program is to have 3,000,000 men under arms by August 1st, 1918 arid it is necossary to comb out tho men .who really aro not properly classed. ::o:; Tho Hallway Engineers. When tho flvo now regiments and nineteen 'battalions o4 ro-llwajr en gineers now being organized aro put on duty thoro will bo 50,000 Ameri cans engaged In railroad construction and operation In France. A total oB TflGO.000,000 has been spent on railway materials alone. In cluded In tho purchases aro 1,727 locomotives, 22,630 freight cars, and 359,000 tons of steel rails. . W. C. Reynolds and son loft this morning for Omaha where they will visit for Hovofal days. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ralph. Smith wont to Omaha this morning to remain for a few days. 15 ! I THE UNIVERSAL CAR EVERY FARMER NEEDS A , Ford One-Ton Truck Every farmer at this time of the year has under consideration the way he can most cheaply bring his gram, hogs, -etc., to markets-return with coal for the winter, flour, feed lumber and bran. The Ford Worm Drive Truck is the one that is solving the problem, cost of up-keep unusually low and the greatest service the Truck world knows (FORD SERVICE.) Priced at North Platte $659.32 Your order must be placed at once to insure delivery HENDY-OGIER AUTO CO. Phone 34 Corner 4th and Dewey aurnnmtaaesaS. "Over The Top" Ten Reel feature film adopted from the hook by Arthur Guy Empey . . . YOU WILL SEE . . "Suicide Annex," a special trench dugout Back of the line Bombing . ; Gas attacks and Spies Staged under fire, a play written and acted by soldiery. Thrilling, Educational, Patriotic. Friday, June 21, Sat, June 2 Adults 50c Children 25c LOCAL ANI FEJtSONAL hbtim JtARRIED MEN ARE PLACED IN CLASS ONE. Sammy Girls Theatre John fiurko, who had hooh visiting In Denver, roturncd yesterday to at tend tho funeral of tho lato John Bratt, ' For sale Mowing machlno, wagon and harness. Phono Black 1132. 2t Word received Saturday announcod the safe arrival overseas of Arthur BarracloughjvvHo Is a mombor of a BlgtfdYc6rp3. Molino two -row machlno for salo. Inqfuiro at C20 oast 4th stroot, North Platte. 45-6 Miss ' Goorglna McKay left this morning for Greeley, Col., whoro she will attend a normal school during tho summer months. Wanted WasliAng .brought to tlio house, 1721 West Third street. 44-2 Sfpt. Tout will bo at tho Franklin school Wednesday from 3 to 4 p. m. with tho Palmer penmanship certi ficates and progress pins. "Luthoran, Girls club will bo ontor talned Thursday ovonlng by Miss Ida Wolnbarg at her country homo. Moot at the parsonage at 7:15 sharp. Tho North Platto Electric Mills needs a fow loads of rj'o for milling. Chas. Ilondy, of Denver, was called hero yestorday by tho death of his fathor-in-law the lato John Dratt. Mrs. Hondy arrived before Mr. Bratt passed aWay. Tho forms for threo of tho ten arches of tho now south river bridge havo boon placed. After tho fourth form is in iplace workmen will begin pouring the concrete Cnn accept orders for limited supply of llaiuin Lump Coal. First conto first served. W. IV. BIRGE CO. Archdeacon J. J. Bowkcr arrived from Laramie yesterday, having been called hero to, conduct tho funoral of mo laio jonn. .uraix, xno iwo men having been closo friends. Norfih iPlatto rooplo scorn to bo toring their wlntor supply of coal as rapidly as tlio doalcrs recoivo it from the mines. Tho reclpts from mines howover, havo not been very heavy. Corporal Walter Hazoncamnf, of Co. E, stationed at Camp Cody, 1b in town visiting his wife and other relatives. Ho was called home by tho death of his wife's grandmother, Mrs. B. F. Kricr, of Lexington. Tho Lincoln county teachers' ex amination will ha held in Wallaco and North Patte Friday and Saturday, Juno 128th and ,23th. The mext Reading Circle, examination will 'not' be'lield until tfuly 27th. For fui.ln nulek Imnroved lrrlcated SO aero farm, mostly In cultivation, somo airalia, closo to Norm lJiauo, Romftthlmr cood. omlv S100 ner ncro. qUICK, O. tit THUiULilliUllliJ. Yesterday was tho announced date of salo tho Briscoe car "by tho Homo Guards, but on account of an Insur flc'ent number pf the tlckots having been sold tho date of sale has been postponed and will be announced later. A girl baby was born yestorday morning to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Herrod. Both the mother and daughter aro ro- ported to bo getting along nicely. Mr. lierrod had hoped for a son to tho end that tho name of Herrod might bo perpetuated. Wo will receive sovornl cars of Ibinnn Lump Coal soon. 1'laco orders nt onco If you want somo of this coal ,UOATES LUMBER & COAL CO. The temperature Saturday reached 103, which Is within,. ono degree of tlio record at the local weather bureau. A rather hot wind provailod during tho day and in somo sections of the cflunty wheat and rye was damaged to somo extent. A man who was In Chappell yestor day learned while thoro that on the Chappell flats wheat has beon serious ly injured by tho hot dry weather These Chappell flats havo beon for soveral years tho greatest wheat pro duclng section of western Nebraska. Tho barn on tho promises of Cor nollus Drnko, Who lives n the" 1900 block on west Second street hurned Saturday, togother with four head of horses, soveral hogs, harness and othor property. Tho origin of tho flro is unknown and when discovered tlio building was a mass of flames. Streot Commissioner Salisbury has graded Fourth and Sixth streots through to tho county road leading from the Hlnman. land north to tho railroad. This makes a driveway on thoso two streets about thlrty-ifour blocks long from east and west and should prove popular with auto drivers. S. C. Wills, who was up from Buch anan precinct yestorday, said that whllo on hard land whoat had beon flrod to somo extent by tho hot dry weather a rain within two or threo days will bring it through without much damage. However, rain must como within a weok If tho whoat cron is to do saved. Similar reports of beginning to flro comes from many of tno precincts. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Short, of Salt Lako City, visited In town with rol atlves over Sunday whllo enrouto to Omaha, whore they go to tnko ovor an automobile buslnoss of tholr son who has been called to tho colors. Mr. and Mrs. Short woro formor North Phvtto residents. At that time Mr. Short was a railroad fireman and a woll known ball player. For sovon yearn past ho has boon an onginoor Tho forty-throo Lincoln county reg istrants who havo beon married slnco May 18th, 1017, and whoso nnraos woro ordored reported to tho district exemption board of Omaha, havo boon re-classified bv tho district board and all Iplnccd In. class ono. Tho names of theso registrants wero forwarded to Omaha tho latter part of last week, arid tlio xo-classl- ucation mado anil Returned to tho local hoard, tlio roturns having beon received by Clerk Allon yesterday morning. Notldo that they havo boon placed m class ono woro mailed to the registrants. That these men have beon placod In class ono means that they will soon bo called to tho colors, probably somo pf them will bo sont to training camps within tho next thirty days. Tho ro-cln88lflcatIon of mon In cldrfses two, threo and four which will Boon tako place, will also place In class ono a number of mon who at first woro assigned to tho othor classes. ' Eory wjeok tho war Is coming closer homo to tho "peoplo of North Platto and Lincoln county, and will continue to come closer. STATE l E. 0. CONVENTION MEETS HERE THIS WEEK. Sammy Girls aro Thankful. Mrs. John McGraw, mother of tho Sammy Girls reported this morning tha't she had banked $498.50 from the receipts of tho Homo Guards Minstrel show with a fow straggling dollars yet to como In. Tho exponsos of tho two entertainments will not oxeced J2ff so tho Sammy Girls will not about $475. Tho Sammy Girls ask Tho Trlbuno to convey their thanks to tho Homo Guards, to thoso Who took part In tho show, and to tho genoral public for low efforts and pntrhnatto -twltlch resulted in bringing this money Into tho treasury, which at this tlrao is badly needed In order that tho boys called to tho colors may bo provldod wjtji sweaters and comfort kits. tt ::o:: v Army Boys to Iho Harrest. Camp Funston, Kas., Juno 1C The furloughs granted to soldier-farmers in training hero, it Is estimated, will add ono thousand to tho harvest armies of Kansas and adtolnlnc stales. Comparatively fow mon whose homoa are outsldo of tho stato are applying for (Wrloughs. The agricul tural furloughs run for an average of fifteen days. . Tho men forfeit all army pay whllo on j tho furloughs but thoy will earn from $4.50 to $7, a day .meanwhile In thtWbarvest Heldsi' foroniy' experienced former lads aro eligible to recoivo an agricultural furlough. Duo to tholr training here, the soldiers will bo in prlmo condition to tackle a harvesting Job ::o:i Cheoso! Fifty dollars a pound not, that is what Mary Miles Mlntor as "Peggy" chargos Roland Gardiner In tho photoplay "Peggy Leads tho Way" at tlio Sammy Girls Theatro tonight, "Tho Shell Game," will be presented at tho Sammy Girls Theatro Thursday night Exqulslto Emmy Wohlon, as Allco Sheldon in this delightful screen romance Is tho horolno of an appealing story. Allco Is persuaded to bo tho "daughter" of a wealthy man. Silk Wllltlns, c6nfldenco Mau do luxe, Is the promoter of this scheme. Ho confides in TjiAvrflnrn firnv hn IH nlwavn "hlilft ' at tho s Christmas season and Gray says that it recalls tho sad accident which reprlved him of his wife and daughtor. Ho still hones that they might ho found. Alice Sheldon Is tho "daughter" that returns to Gray and "Silk" proceeds to work his schemo of blackmail. But wait tho story closes with an unusual surprise. You can't afford to to miss it can you? : :o:: An bntertalnment held at Horshey Friday ovenlng for tho benefit of tho Hershoy Red Cross nottod 100. The ontertalnmont was glvon under the direction of Mrs. Frod Rasmussen and proved very successful. Tho annual stnto convontlon of tho Pi E. 0. SIstorhood will bo hold In North Platto this weok, and 100 or moro delegates aro oxpected to ho in attendance Tlio Bupromo president, Miss Durwnrd, of Denvor, and tho past Mupromo president, Mrs. Drake of Beatrlco will bo in attendance. A number of dolegatos arrived thlB morning, but tlio greator numbor will arrive from tho east on No. 9 this evening. On this train will bo an oxtra car out of Omaha with tlio delegates from that city and enrouto to tills city delegates will bo picked up at the different stations. The meetings will bo hold nt tho Prepbyterlnn church and tho opening session this ovenlng will bo in the nature of a reception. Business bcs- lons will bo hold tomorrow and 'Plmrcfln v Tho dolcgatcs will bo otttortninod ati tho home of tho local mombors. Weilnosilay morning at olovon o'clock is memorial hour and the public Is invited to bo prcsont. Tho P. E. O. SIstorhood wna- or ganized In 1809 and has grown to a membership of over 25,000. Thero aro now chapters In overy stato in tho union and Nebraska; alono, haft 75 chapters from oach of whom North lntto expects two dolegatos at this convention. Tho work of tho P. E. O'b. Is social philanthropic and odulationnl. Thoro Is now in tlio educational fund ovor $83,000 which has boon used to help ovor 300 girls got a collogo education. Among tho supremo off Icors present will bo Mrs. Rcoros of Keokuk, la., who Is editor of tho P. E O. Record, tho official organ of tho P, E, O. Sisterhood. Tho Homo Guards cavalry troop will not drill as usual at tho fair grounds next Saturday. Tho Cavalry will drill at tho old flcttlors' picnic on Friday and tills will tako tho placo1 of the Saturday drill. ' WHAT GREAT WARS HAVE COST ALL GERMAN EFFORTS AWE REPULSED WITH LOSS On tho front In Franco tho fighting activity has beon limited to local German attacks at isolated points. Against tho French along tho Mate rlvor tlio enomy faitod. Tlio same doault atljendedl U strong effort Ro ponotrato tho American lines at Xlvray, oast of St. Mlhicl. Tho American artillery flro broko up tho onemy attack with heavy losses and only a small forco roachod Xivray. whoro it was wiped out by tho Amer icans. An attompt to raid tho now Amorlcan sector in Alsaco Sunday was broken up by marchlno-gun and riflo flro. Tho Lys sal Ion t in Flanders Is be ing subjectod to a heavy Gorman artillery flro. Tho enemy is. paying special atontlon to tho front soiuthwost of Ypros east of Dlckobusch lako and to tho western part of tlio southern leg of tho salient whore tho British rocontly carried out a considerable local advance. Favors Extending Army Draft. Washington, Juno 17 Support for Provost Marshall Genoral Qrowdor's proposal to extend tho army draft to mon botwoon 18 and 45 years .was given today by Senator Chamberlain of Oregon, chairman of tho senato military committee nt hearings on tho $12,000,000,0p0 ' army appVopriatlon bill. ' "I havo always advocated having It apply to mon of thoso ages," said Senator Chamberlain, "ahd think wo will yet como to It Thoro nro lota of mon ovor 30 who really . aro doing nothing and ought to bo reached." . Unanimous approval of tho houso provision authorizing tho prosldont to call all mon of draft ago who can bo tralnod and eaulppod, was voted by tho military sub-commltteo considering tho appropriation bill. ' Unit , For Rontr 5 room furnished house. tlnquAro nt iSIngof Sowing Machlno. .office. tf. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Scharmann loft this morning for Minneapolis. ' The Film "Wonder Boy" Charles Ray in 'The Family Skeleton Crystal Theatre, Thurs. & FrL, June 20-21 AduIts lSc Children 10c Including War Tax "Over There" A big patriotic drama t with a real purpose. Ajnan who thought he Was a conscientious objector goes "Over There" and then sees things differently. A picture you should see at a price within your reach. Keith Theatre, Wed. & Thurs., June 19-20 Adults 25c Balcony 20c Including War Tax Children 10c Expenditures That In the Aggregate Amount to Sum Sufficient to 'Stagger Humanity." Rfipontlv tho rnnfPDRM if Mia TTnttpil n .- . - . States nnRsort. nlmnst without (lolinto. tno greatest budget In the history of the world, tnnlrlnp nvnll.lhln for TTnrlfi Snm $7,000,000,000 In order to carry on tno war on a scalo commensurate witn Its greatness. It is Interesting, there fore, to compare with this tho cost of other wars. Tho Napoleonic wnrs, which raged over Europe from 1703 to 1815. cost nnnroxlmatelv S7.000.000.000, or tho snrno amount that congress pro vided for the united wtaies 10 enier Into tho conflict, and (hat was only a l.eglnnlng. The Mexican war cost tho United Sintes nbout $100,000,000, n comparu ii fly (rifling sum. The. Civil war, howover, was a very expensive affair, of tailing tho expenditure of $8,000, 0( ') 000 from 1801 to 1S05. The Franco I'Krmlnn war cost the two nations en glared nbout $:.fi00,000,000. Tho Kocond Smith African war, from 1000 lo 1002, cmt 51.C00.000.0O0, tho conflict between Hn ln apd Japan consumed almost $4,0(10.000,000, while tho United States got off very cheaply In the Spanish Amerlcnn war with u.r.oxpondlturo of ii?-. iMinrino 'i'Ik. iwtifuitfri' Mi the out lay for the present wnr up to October . . ...An oi l Off! OAA 1 or this year wero ?yj,oj-.oiu"'" Itocky Mountain Ntws,. pray With Insecto A combination insecticide for Fruit Trets and Garden Spraying. It is the most economical to use. GOc PEER LOo t Sherwin William Paris Green for spraying Potatoes. It is a sure bug killer. 85c PER LB, A pound will spray an acre. Bugs and insects are your Profit Eaters. Go after them now and conserve food. We also carry large stocks of Fly Paper, Fly Poisons, Insect Powder and Sprayers. The $&aM, stare DRUGS PHONE NO. 4. in mo salt uiko tiro department.