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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1918)
Hlo rth sprite. mm THIRTY-FOURTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, 'NEB., JUNE 21, J.918. No. 46 A SIX BILLION LOA3T WILL COME IN OCTOllKlt. Washlngtoh dispatches announce that tonatlvo plana for tho fourth llborty loan has been made by tho treasury department. The amount ot tho loan will bo at loast six billion dollacs, tho interest rate Tvill bo 4& per cent, and tho campaign -will opon early in October. This announcement from Washing ton is probably sent 'out this early so that ipeoplo can begin arranging their financial matters so ns to he in shape to subscribe for tho loan. Based on the quota of tho second and third Lib erty loans, tho quota for Lincoln county in tho forthcoming loan will be In tho neighborhood of bIx hundred thousand dollars, or about thirty dol lars for each man, woman and child in tho county. In tho third loan Lincoln county! subscribed $586,550, and by strain ing ourselves a little wo can subscribe as much or moro next October. :::o:: We will rcceiro several cars of llanna Lump Coal soon. 1'lnco orders nt onco If you want soino of this coal. COATES LUMBER & COAL CO. Miss Georgia Hoxio, clerk in tho McDonald State Bank, loft Wednesday for Bolder, Col., where sho will spond her vacation with friends, Injured In Auto Accident. F. A. Stevenson, an agont for tho National Dotectlvo Bureau, and A. A. Stino, an insuranco agent who has been making this city his headquart ers, woro injured in an auto accident Tuesday when tho car thoy wore drlv ing wont over an embankment near Maywood. Stevenson had two ribs broken and was badly lacorated on the faco and head, whllo Stino had a, bad cut on tho back or tho head and his body oruisod, Stevenson loft for his home in Omaha last night. Wednesday night whllo driving on tho Lincoln Highway between this city and Maxwell, a car occupied by throo boys went over an embankment and ono of tho bovs. a flftoon year old Bon of Theodore Tottonhbff suffered a compound fracturo of a leg. Tho Injured lad was brought to town by a tourist and placed in a hospital. : :o: : Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Doollttlo, Jr., arrived tho early part of tho week from Long Beach, Cal., and will make their homo on tho Doollttlo ranch southwest of town. For eight years past Mr. Doolittle had boon in tho employ of the Pacific Electric Co. In California. Tho best that's mado in Romper suits for little follows to fit in ages 2 to C years at 75c, 95c, v$1.25 and $1.45. See them at THE LEADER MERC. CO Hula Saves WhcnU Tho wheat croi in tho section trlb-i uatry to North Platto, whlcl was ! showing tho offects of tho extromoly I hot and dry weather, was revived last I ovonlng by a heavy rain. Indications woro that tho ruin covorcd territory,! north, south, west and cast, with uio heaviest part or tho storm in the east Somo fow Holds of grain may havo been so affected by tho dry weather as not to respond to tho moisture, but generally speaking the wuuui uiviu una ua'u oavcu, uuu. mu minds of tho fanners aro much re lieved. I!H A IIUNBBEI) DELEGATES ' ATTEND P. E. 0. CONVENTION. -::o:: Where is the Chivalry of long ago when Knights fought to death for their Ladies Fair? , Douglas Fairbanks will show you in "A Modem Musketeer 1 A. Modern Musketeer Mounted on a Fliver Keith Theatre, Mon. & Tues., June 24-25 J. C. Ferguson Blcs ot Injuries. J. O. Forsruson. who was statioi. agent at North Platto about twciity- five years ago, prior to that a pas songer conductor between Choyonno and this city died in a Denver hospital Tuesday of Injuries recclvod on his ranch near Ft. Morgan Thursday of last week. Tho deceased was riding in a wagon and whllo crossing an irrigation ditch was thrown cult and sustained injuries that resulted in his death. ITo was slxty-Rix years old and is survived by a wife. : :o: : Itemovul of Jlrtl Cross Offices. On account of Federal court begin ning Juno 24th, Mr. Stroitz secretary of the local Red Cross chaptor-Avill move his offico to the Franklin school building. Tho ladles of tho knitting department will also move to the same building, and they especially wish to call attention to the fact that next week is tho last week allowed on sweaters and request that all who havo sweaters out to hurry, them ttp (UlU UtlM nielli ill. : :o: : Sweater Knitters Exceed Quota. Red Cross workers having sweaters on hand aro requested to bring them in this week, as thoy are to bo ship ped tho first of next week. Brady so far has 81 to Its credit, and the ladies would like to make it 100, which would double tho quota of 50 asked from tho local Red Cross. Brady Vindicator. Mnxwoll Red Cross workers have ocmpleted seventy knitted, sweaters for June 21. They pledged thomsolves for fifty but exceeded that by" twenty, Thoro were fourteen hard workers at tho Red Cross room Wednesday, Wo are glad to note these members aren't summer slackors. Maxwell Tolcpost. ::o:: Reception to Boys. The seventy-one boys who leave for EtM Riloy AndCahip Funtonnext Monday night will be entertained Tiy the Sammy Girls at tho Sammy Girls theatre, Tho boys and their wives and parents will be guests at the picture snow, seats being reserved for them There will be but one show, and prior thereto a program will . bo rendered which will include a vocal solo by Mrs. 'Joseph Donegan, Jr., whose hus band Is under the colors In Franco, selections by tho Loininger quartette anu an address by C. L. Baskins. Fol lowing this the boys will .be presented with comfort kitB-and sweaters. Tho show will then be given. This Oxford as illustrated, black calf ES"b 1 nlfin. Prim 5TTij5JP We Have Other Styles,- Moderately Priced. M AMCET A. W JM. m aves you oncy on shoes I North Platte, Nebraska SHOE -::o::- For Farm Loans see Gene Crook. Room west of Vienna Cafe. Extra chairs have been provided for tho Sammv Girls thonirn tnnirM and tomorrow night when "Ovor tho Ton." Guv Bmnov'a storv will hn the feature. All who attond aro assured seats. Lots of Snappy dross hats In black and modium shades at special reduced prices, Juno 22nd at BLOCKS, Second iloor.- It is stated that only twenty-fivo members or company E now remain at Camp Cody. Those who aro loft commissioned and uon-commlsslbncd officers who will assist in drilling the 7.UUU draft men who will bo sent to that camp next week. For salo Mowing machlno, wagon and harness. Phono Black 1132. 2t -::o::- WITH Sergeant Arthur Guy Empey HIMSELF Assisted by an all Star Cast and 7,500 American Soldiers . SAMMY GIRLS TREAT RE SCO FRIDAY AND HTM SATURDAY... JUW Adults 50c E 21 simI 22 ST. E. Church. 9:45 Sunday school, Preaching 11 a. m. Tnemo: "Hidden niniio.s. Junior League 3 n. m. Enwoftli Leaguo 7 ip. m. At 8 p. m. Uio thomo win bo, "Tiie Way Un to God." A cordial invitation is extended to an. ust mo mon bo on hand for tho men's class at 9:45 a. m. :o::- Children 25c First Lutheran Church, Mornlnc Worshln nt 8:30 n'lnrif Subject "Tho Freedom Whernln Wb are l'reo." wo. ovonlng service. Sun day School at 12:30 o'clock. Friends and strangors wolcomo at all sorvlces of tho chwrch. REV. C. FANKLIN KOCH. Pastor ::o:: For Sale Two houses nnd two lots. Also two um aujtnmolbllos on A1 condition at a bargain. Seo Julius Hahlor. 4ctf Christian Church Sorrlces. Next Lord's day will bo a groat day at our sorvicos, Mon, wo arc looking for you at tho Biblo school at 9:45 o'cock. Wo want you to be one of 75 mon at tho morning service. The rajnistor will preach his last message at tho morning and night services and oxpects to loavo Sunday night for Lako Genva, Wis., where ho will attend tho special four week's War Work Courso of tho Y. M. C. A. and then proceed to tho camp Avhoro ho will bo, assigned. Service of wor ship and commwjnion will follow tho bible school, hour. Junior ondeavor meeting at 7:00 o'clock afjd tho night service will bogln at 8:00 o'clock Come, bring your friends and Btran gera and vjaitowt in tho oity to those servicofl. V' A' LIN1)BNMBYEIt, Minister. Mr.Hno two-row machlno for salo. Inquire at 020 east 4th street, North Tho Nebraska Grand Chaptor of tho P. E. O. Sisterhood hold its twenty ninth annual convention in North Platto on Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Moro than a hundred delegates woro In attendance in addition to tho officers of the grand chaptor and tho supromo pros!-! dent. Aa guests of honor thoro "woro pres ent Miss Margaret Durward, of Fort .Collins, Colorado, president of the! supremo chaptor; Mrs. Bertha C, Itughes, of Omaha, treasurer of tho' bducational fund; Miss Winona C. Reoves, of Keokuk, Iowa, editor of tho i P.E. O. Record; Mrs. Suio R. Spon bor", of North Platto, past presidont of tho NobrasUa Grand Chaptor. Attending officora of tho irrand chan ter woro Mrs. Sarah D. Roullng, of Wymoro, . presidont; Mrs. Minnio .Stuff, of Lincoln, first vlce-presldont; lra. Nora E. KlUIan, of Koarnoy, eocond vlce-precfident; Mrs. Elllnor O Renin, of Fullorton. ortranlzor: iMfes Abblo Burno, of University Placo aqtlng recording secretary; Mrs. Clara ,B, Watorhouso, of Fremont, corres- ippnding sccrotary; Mrs, Elizabeth C. Houoraon, or Beatrice, treaauror. The visitors woro met nt tho station ,wth automobiles and taken to tho various homos In tho city whoro ontor talnmont had been provided for them during their stay.. Tuesday evening a banquet, attended by 155 dolegates and members, f wa8 served by tho Presbyterian ladies aid society, and following tho banquet an open moot ing was hold in tho church auditorium at which members and their invited triondB woro present. Tho two prin cipal addressa wero dellvored by Miss DUrwaru and Mrs. Reeves. Other features woro an organ solo by Miss Flbrenco McKuv. vocal numbors lv Miss Esther Antonides, and readings bMrs. H.wghes. The local D. A. R. gejit thcur handsomo Hag to bo used b the convention during its sossions, acomplimcnt that was warmly ap pelated. Following tho program, a rcce!pton . Was held for an hour, the stiito officers and visitors from out side tho stato being in tho receiving line, together with Mrs Hattio W. RIncker, prosldent of tho local chap te'r. Mrs. RIncker also presided over tho presentation of tho public pro gram, and dolivored the address of welcome, which was responded to by Mrs, Robertson, of Beatrice -. The .Wednesday morning sossion was devoted 'to buslno3 matters and tpS Memorial hour.'MIss Anna B. McClellanif of Fullorton, gave tho memorial address, and tributes -wore read to tho iouteen members who have doparted life within tho Ipast year. A report of tho war relief committee showed that individual mcraborsi of P. E.-O. havo bought $523,785.00 worth of liberty bonds and $71,361.80 worth of saving stamps. Various chapters havo bought in addition $1, 510.00 of bonds. Tho report of tho educational fund showed that tho Dutnd now contains nbout fGO.OOO.OO and. that nearly 300 girls Jiavo received loans from tho tund for educational purposes. Musical and elocutionary numbers by members and dolegates added to tho enjoyment of all sessions. An important point mado clear to tho dologates by tho stato officers, to wit, that communication had been had with Washington on tho question of whother it would bo best to abandon tho holding of the convention on ac count of tho war conditions, and that tho national council of dofenso had ad vised that such gatherings bo not abandoned, as thoy furnished ono of th most effective means whoroby patriotic advlca and instructions could bo sent to tho states and in telligently distributed by tho dolegates who come from all parts of tho state. Anothor point that Is of gcnoral pulbllc" intorost was contained in an ftddroHS by Mrs. Maude Goodwin, of Omaha, Mrs. Goodwin was a dolegato to the convention and she is also stato chairman of ihe surgical supply work of tho Red Cross Sho urged tho Im portance of keeping up tho supply of surgical dressings by steady work, not by excessive output at times. At timos tho production has been groator than was necessary, our troops not yot being ongagod in tho war to any con sldorablo extent, but tho time is close at hand when tho need will bo greatly Increased, and an adequate supply can bo had only by a steady output from all tho workors every week. Wednesday the dologatos and visl tors woro taken on an auto trip thru tho historic and boaultlful valley south of tho river, tho trip Including a stop at tho Stato Farm, whoro all hands woro sorvod Iced buttermilk by Mrs. W. P. Snydor, a mcmbor of Chaptor A. K. Tho B. I, L. (husbands of P. E O. mombers) rendered horolc service throughout tho convention, and as a climax to their holpful activities thoy presented tho convention a gorgeous i-.ouquot of roaos, of hugo dimensions, . nd as beautiful as it was groat, Chaptor A. K.' presented flowers l Mrs, RInckor, its Iprosidont, who t esidod ovor tho sessions with groat ( 'atlnction and to tho stato president a id tho supromo presidont. Tho convention in all particulars was a conspicuous success and Chap ter A. K. wishes to oxproes to tho pnplo of North Platto Its gratoful arprcolntlon of tho assistance rond ered by thorn In various ways toward achieving this success. NELLIE A. BARRON, Reporter : :o If you cannot oat heartily without an attack of indlgostinn, yaw stomach is weak. You need Prickly Ash Bit 'tora. it l a fint dlsrc i mi tonic. Bo sidori. It rids tho stomach and bowels of tho impurities which nuiko you fool I bad. Prico ?l 25 por bottlo Gummoro D'tu L 'i.T ro Sp flil V1; Comrades Itcnd This. Tho Commissioner of Pensions In a circular lottor tn'ys in part: "Tho increase of pension undor tlfo Smoot law of Juno 10, 1318, cannot bo adjust ed for tho July payment, but will bo for tho next ono. No application Tor this iuctroasb 1b ncessary Do hot writo tho dopaf tmont, it causes moro work. A pensioner undor law of May 11, 1912, will bo paid undor thig now law as follows: 90 days sqrvlco or over, $30.00 per month. If 72 years old or moro find served C months, $32.00; 1 year $35.00; 1 years $38.00; 2 years $40.00. Thoso ponsloncd mnder tho old lnw or by uncial act and on titld to this iucreaso must mako ap plication under tho law of May 11th, 1912. Thoro aro 208,000 ponslonors under this act. They aro passing away at tho rato of 100 a day or ono evory 15 minutes. J. E. EVANS, Post Adjt, ::o:: lied Snapper Plant Food ninkos sick plants well. At STONliS DRUG STORE, twcnty.flvo ccnta tho box. Mra. F. W. Cross roturned yester day from Camp Cody whoro sho visit ed for a weok or moro with her son Liout. Morlo Cross. WEAK GLASSES THAT ARE ADAPTABLE TO YOUlt 1TOKK. You can't oxpoct to accomplish your best work with -ipoor eyesight, nor with glasses that aro not adapt able to your work. If your vision rcqulroa near and far glasses and you aro now wearing two pairs, reading glasses, or old stylo bifocals, you should, for tho sake' of comfort, convenience and offlclbncy, wear Uio Invisible bifocals. KRYPTOKS (prounced Crlp-tooks) aro dfaublo vlsljbn 'without showing it, becauso thb twp sections aro. Invisi bly united no soams nor humpy separating thorn. YoM can Increaso your ofCicJoncy and at tho aamo ttmo enjoy real Oyo slght comfort by wearing thoso all day glasses. , Whether you need bifocals or any other kind of glasses, you will flndvlt to your advantage, both In prlco Snd in tho rosults obtained, to havo us dp your work for you. Trust your oyos to our carfi. HARRY DIXON & SON, Optometrists :;o:: For quick action and satisfactory tnlc list your Innd with Thoclockc tt The Combination Bridges Plate Just atop a moment and think. Which would you prefer-false teeth with their acknow ledge dobjections or teeth to replace nature's original equipment which are as solid and satisfactory as "your own.'' Combination Bridge and Plate enables you to secure supreme satisfaction, s to eat anything you want and to practically feel that every tooth grew in your mouth. I can give you this satisfaction, provided. only -; efti and the results are guaranteed. I use SOMNOFORM for the painless ex traction jof teeth. Dr. Walter Crook, Dentist Phone 97 McDonald Bank Building, North Platte i Willi a well balanced engine developing 72 horse power, In a Chassis which weighs less than 3,000 pounds, yon have Iho reason for the wonderful flexi bility of (he CHANDLER CAIt. Light weight, fine workmanship and balance of every part gives o Iho driver of a CHANDLER tho ability to lake most any sort of road at speed, without strain or road weariness. This same light weight and balance means economy on tires, gas and oil Tho best way lo prove to yourself tho uotlcenblo difference in the driving of a CHANDLER is to accept my invitation lo lako ono of thoso cars out and drive it yourself, with no ono to bother you by trying to sell yon anything. J.V.RsSMISli 0 "Service for Our BwNErts' NORTH PLATTE.ftEU. s 1 lF 1 i HEHH