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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 14, 1918)
IF YOUR ts- f Brother, Son, Husband, Cousin, Sweetheart, Or Friend Is in the Service of Uncle Sam you are entitled to wear a Service Pin or Ring in his or their honor. We have a complete line of Service Pins and Rings. HARFfY DIXON 8c SON JEWELER AND OPTOMETRIST NORTH PLATTE, NEB. CHAtfTAVQUA WILL mrilELIl JULY Sth TO IStli INCLUSIVE. "Will be Under (lie Management Of Tlic Hoy Scouts. SEVENTEEN BOYS LEAVE SATURDAY 3I0KNING AT 7:55. Seventeen Lincoln county boys "will leave on train. No. 1G tomorrow morn ing at 7:55 for Lincoln where they will take special training at the state university for sixty days. In enlist ing tHese boys specified the special training they desired to tako up and they will he assigned to the vocation they specified. The boys who go are: Howard P. Wright Joe H. Rauch Archie J. Stenner Joe. L. Souder Claude O. Wilson Roy Van Buskirk Ivan Berry Wm. W. Burke Bills Barraclough Geo. F. CaBe Vores F. Curtis Julius Foratelt Earl Calhoun Harry Lannln George Meyers Amell I. Traub Lucius O'Brien ' tin: : Harold Duko in Washington. Writing to home folks from Wash ington, D. C, under date of June 9th, Harold Duko In part says: "I want to thank you and the Sammy Girls for the comfort kit you gave me when I Dassed through North Platte. Words .cannot express my appreciation and It was wun a reeling or priue inai i left my old home town, and to know that my old friends remembered me and every one who goes to tho col ors was a great comfort. The Sam my Girls cprtainly have the right spirit and I can say with pride that I como from North Platte, Lincoln Countv. Nebraska. Tho first thing I did on leaving North Platte was to show mv kit to tho twenty railroaders who were with mo and I was envied bv the wholo bunch. Wo arrived In Washington last Wednesday evening and as yet don't know whero wo will be placed. The other North Platte boys have been shipped out already, leaving the day I camo In, so I didn't CIT AND COTTNTY NEWS. Albert Muldoon and Sam Souder returned Wednesday from a bass fish ing trip to Rat lake. They report good success. Strayed or Stolen large black and white Lewellen dog. Suitable reward for return. Claude Delaney, No. Platte. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Armstr6ng and children leave soon for Portland, Ore., where they will make their home. Theodore Elrdam had the llttlo fin ger on his left hand amputated -as a result of blood poisoning. The in fection started from a light bruise on the finger. Prize gardeners In North Platte are now eatimr neas and potatoes out of their gardens, thus reducing the cost of living and conserving food for the other follow. - The county commissioners will meot In session next Tuesday as a board of equalization and will continue In ses sion nitntil all complaints on taxauon are made and adjusted. Hundreds of beautiful wash skirts to choose from at this store made in '. gabardines, fine piques and wash satin positively guaranteed not to shine. All priced very reasonable at BLOCKS. C. H. Swift and Gurdon Eells, of Peckham precinct, were in town yes terday transacting business. They report corn and wheat in fine condi , tion in their section of tho county. ' Emll Palmer, who has beorf- In the employ of the Harcourt Clothing Co. for a couple of months, expects to leave next week for his home in Wau sa,Neb., to join tho registrants who leave for a training camp. Gertrude Berkley who played tho mother in War Brides Is to make her appearance again at the Keith in "Ovor There" next Wednesday and Thursday.' Again she plays tho part of the mother in a patriotic picture. Largest assortment In the city of COOL 'summer rrocKS ana aressea m inens,, .light vile3, gnghanrs- and tisues now on sale at BLOCK S. Ket to see them, but here Is hoping I Engineer Jim Golden has been off Join them before long. Well, here is duty for tjn days, due to an. injured to the Sammy Girls and. may the good hand received while cranking a Ford work go on, and when we go Into the TJ T ,ro mrnmont tho fight wo will go In with the same crank handle struck hin on tho back spirit the Sammy Girls have shown of the hand mulcting a painful injury. , us and I know we cajr't help MM win." A "foino chance" to see charming yew class One Hen Loft. Vlvinn Martin and Hal Ford in "MOliy Tn nnniHntr nut 111 nnlla tn tlin 1017 Entangled" a delightful story of Ould registrants, the registration board ex Ireland. Romance thrills a bit of hausted all of class ono men. Out of blarney and the love tnat lingers tll0 m notified, seventy-three will be at the Keith Saturday night in addi- BOiected to fill the call mado for1 the tion to the comedy "Ruined py a uumu flvo ,jay period beginning June 24th Walter." land seventeen will leavo tomorrow. m, ,.a n iirivon hv n. woman : This leaves all told twenty-one in the other by a man. collided at Fifth i class one, but of tho 111 notified, some nnd Dewey yesterday. In order to, have claimed exemption on the ground h ?ii fnmo nf tho imnfiiuUntr of being actively engaged in farming crash tho woman drovo her car up on; and that they own tho crops which tha Kidewalk at tho Dickey store. The i they put in, and it is probable that to ioia i, wna nvntiUnir rimnlnc ' some of these temporary exemptions down a bicycle rider and did not notice will be allowed. There will bo to thn ntimr rn.r annroaching. Neither of draw iu,pon tho 140 young men who the cars were badly damaged. W. R. Harcourt, who had been in Omaha for eix weeks attending a government accredited school brush ing up on higher mathematics and other studies required of men in the aero branch, returned home yesterday and will remain until called into ser vice. Mr. Harcourt made application for enlistment in the balloon section several months ago and successfully passed tho initial pxamination. Platte Valley Lodge No. 32 installed the newly elected officers Tuesday evening at tho regular meeting as follows: J. B. Redfleld, W. M.; S. C. ' Mecomber, S. W.; D. J. Frederick, .T. W.: Robt Armstrong, Sec'y; Clamdo Weingand, treasurer; Arthur Tramp, S. D,; Frank Powers, J. u.; E. J. Elsasser. S. S.; John Vernon, J. S.; T. J. Lindenmoyer, Chaplin; P. J. Gllman, Tyler. Marguerite Clark is coming on Monday and Tuesday of next week to tho Keith in tho Paramount vorsion of Mary Roberts RInehart's story "Bab's Matinee Idol." "Bab's Matinee Idol" is a whimsically funny story of a boarding school girl's first affair du coour, as Bab grandiloquently vails it herself, and will appeal to ' girls of all ages who will recognize themselves in Miss Clark's winsome screen portrayal of Bab. BUiousnss Is a condition that breeds diseaso in tho vital organs and ought tn ha corrected promptly. Prickly ' Ash Bitters Is tho true remedy. It ! vitalizes tho blood, drives out impur ities in the bowels, makes you feel iirirrht. ntrnnir and hearty. Price $1.25 nor bottle. Gummoro-Dent. Special Agents. Tho Boy Scouts of North Platte have secdred the Standard Chautauqua System of Lincoln, to put on its blgg eit tslx day courso, beginning July Sth and ending July 13th, at North Platte, Nebraska. This will bo tho only Cliautaukiua in North Plaato during tho year. Tho Standard Chautauqua Is the third largest In tho world, running threo hundred and fifty chautauquas this season. It may also bo of Interest to know- that It owns tho University School of Music at Lincoln, Nebraska, and operates tho same. The Scouts havo secured tho very best course ob tainable, as shown by tho summary of attractions below. Seating capacity and other accomodations will be amplo In as much ns the tent used Is 70 x 110 feet and will comfortably hold 1000 or more people at a time. Tho entire course is under the mamagoment of the Boy Scouts, who will receive a per centage of all recolpts. Pleaso read tho following condensed summary or .attractions which are of Immedlato Interest to ycM Further announce ments will appear later. . J. C. IIOLLMAN, Scout Master. The attractions for the six days are as follows: Musical Compnnles. - Dunbar's MALE QUARTET & BELL RINGERS, one of the famous quartets of the country, carrying the most com plete and expensive peal of bells ever cast. REES CONCERT COMPANY, quar tet of ladles, each an artist, a charm ing, talented group .of young ladles each a finished performer In her par ticular line. ERNEST GAMBLE CONCERT CO., an internationally known attraction, a company not so "popular as to bo musically chea'p and not so severely classical as not to be popular. PAMAHASIKA AND HIS PETS, carrying tho greatest troup of educa ted pets the world has seen. Pror, Pamahaslka Is recognized as one of the most successful animal and bird educators In America THE LOCKHART TRIO, a company of vocal and Instrumental artists who are winners. Trios, duets, mimslcal sketches in pleasing costume. THE CATHEDRAL CHOIR, pro gram divided Into three 'parts, using threo complete changes of costume, First part in cathedral robes, singing the most beautiful religious music the world has over known. Second part modern costumes, popular music and the third part ono of the light operas in costume, Lecturers. BOOTH LOWERY, popular humorist of the highest type, a Chautauqua within himself. Subject "Simon Says Wig-wag." Back from tho Battlefields of Eur opo" CHARLES r. liAYLiia, writer traveler, orator; refused to be the guest of tho Kaiser, but was entertain ed by ambassadors and the distin guished Cardinal Mercler of Mllans. Lecture "The Oriental Ohess-board"i POOR MARY By MILDRED WHITE. registered last week, but, of course a number of theso are certain to en list, so that the available young men of class ono is not largo. With tho rapidity with which calls for men are being mado, the order for a re-clas- Blflcatlon of tho other classes seems absolutely necessary. ::o:: Stackliouso Resigns. B. M)i StackhouiH aodoupftint at tho state farm, has resigned to ac cept tho secretaryship of tho Farm ers Insurance Co., and will havo his headquarters in Denver. Mr. Stack house has been at tho farm for nine years and has proven a valuablo member of the force. Not only at the farm has his influence been felt, but he has been identified with tho work of tho Chamber of Commerco, tho fair association and other work for tho betterment of tho county and city.' Tho Tribune regrets tho departure of Mr, Stackhouse. . o:: Thanks for Patronage. Having disposed of our business to tho Gummore-Dont Co. wo desiro to thank tho peoplo of North Platte and surrounding country for their liberal patronngo, Wo kindly ask thoso who are in debted to us to call at tho Gummoro Dent store and liquidate at an early date. RINCKER BOOK & DRUG CO Wanted to buy An Electric Fan Call at North Platto General Hospital When food gives you distress you need a doso of Prickly Ash Blttors to relievo tho stomach ad help dlges Hon. It is a fine stomach and bowel purifier. Price $1.25 per bottle. Gum. mere-Dent, Special Agents (Copyright, 191S, "Western Newapoper Union.) Jack Townsend'E father sent him out to Wellington to purchase a fruit farm providing that farm should bo us promising ns its advertisement. "Where?" asked Jack, of the ten ant, "shnll I be ntye to get a meal In this dead hole? Tho thing they call Hotel, Isn't inviting." "Sorry my wife is too busy moving to nceominodato you," nuswered Graves, tho tenant, "but perhaps Mrs. Mnltby will. You'd be suro of a good meal there; she is particular about having her guests , recommended, so I will speak for you over tho 'phone." "Seems to bo all right," ho said, returnlug presently. "First houso at the foot of tho hill." "Mrs. Maltby was not at home," n neat maid told him. "Her husband who was deaf hnd misunderstood tho message." Jack cast an approving glance ut the girl who waited In tho doorway; sho was good to look upon In her trim, dark blue dress with Its white collar and cuffs. The milled apron and pcrklsh cap, gavo her the appearance of a screen picture maid. "Couldn't you?" ho began, and Btopped. Tho girl dimpled. "Well," sho agreed, "come In and I will get you something to cat." The something was very satisfactory. Jack had never tasted raoro delicious. "How much?" asked Jack, when the last excuse for lingering had been ex hausted. ' "Fifty cents," tlio maid answered briskly. "It's too little," he said, smiling. "Mrs. Mnltby's usual price," tho girl replied. Uncertainly, Jack fingered a quarter, then laid It besldo his plate, "For sat isfactory service," ho said. The maid placed tho quarter and tho half dollar In a table drawer. "That was for you," ho told her, sho continued brushing tho table. "I am working for Mrs. Mnltby," sho explained. "Well, thank you then," Jack's eyes met hers. "What may I call you?" The girl's own lovely eyes wero cast down demurely. "Just, Mary," she said. "Who is the maid," ho later demand' ed of the tenant, who works for Mrs. Maltby?" "The Carson girl helps her out omr slonally," Graves informed him, "sho's an orphan and works out her board whero sho can." - "Mast beautiful girl I ever saw,1 DR. HOMER B. HULBURT. Twenty Jncic entnusinsticauy uecinreu. years in the employ of the Korean! '"Think so?" Graves explained, his government, an authority on affairs tone expressed astonishment. In ihn T?nr TCnat. I TAnl. .11.1 nrs . ..nn.lnM4..11 Entertainment by TOM CORWINE, nttr.irHvn fnoo lmnntort him for dnvs. ployphonic Imitator who Imitates himntPfI ,,Im lin(1i ln ,losnCratIon. he domestic fowls, birds, dogs, railroad trains, steamboats and numerous other objects. Lecture by ono of our own American boys, JuBt homo from France. Said to banged shut his desk. "I'm going out again to look that farm over," ho told his father. Sho was sitting out benenth a troe, bo ono of the best war talkers on our' upon his second visit, and sho still wore platform today, SERGEANT WAYMANj tho pretty apron, though tho .cap wue uuitu ifix "huuivb uviiunx, a veryi missing. charming little lady, but ono of Undo Sams best war talkers. Toured the principal cities In Interests of tho Liberty Loan. A genuine headllner. : :o: : Sergeant Jorgensen Will Lecture. Sergeant A. O. Jorgonson, lato of tno Canadian army, who sorved two years in the trenches in France nnd Bolglum, will deliver a free lecturo at the Court house park tomorrow afternoon at three o'clock. Sergeant Jorgenscn fought all over the sectors whero tho present great battle Is rag Ing, and will show how thoy "go ovor tho toV' bomb raids, gas attacks. Ger man atrocities and tho methods and inpiements used in modern warfare, This lecturo will prove interesting to all, and everyone who can possibly arrange to attend should do so Soldler' lloy Weds. A vory pretty homo wedding oc curred at tno homo of Mrs. M. E, Thols and Mrs. Leonard Robinson on east Second street Wednesday evening, June rziu at anout 7:30 o'clock, when Mr. Leonard Murphy of Genova, Ne braska, and Mrs. Nelllo M. Hart of Lowellen, attended bv Mr. Chaster Gersaw nnd Miss LaGIrlla Robinson as groomsman and bridesmaid stood udner a bower decorated with tho American flag and flowers from tho state farm and plighted their matri monial vows. Tho ring ceromony was ulsed, performed by T. A. Llndenmeyer, minister of tho Christian church, Fred erick Robinson nctod as ring bearor attended with Mario Thles who carried tho bridal flowers. Tho groom has en listed In tho war service of the gov ernment and expects to bo called into active sorvtco hoforo ninny days. Pressed flowers wore received from Franco of tho same color as tho brldo's gown on tho morning of the wedding day. These were sent by Mr. Leonard Robinson. XXX ;:o::- Dr. Morrill, Dentist. "You?" she cried, nnd nil the dimples came Into play. Jack fancied tho demure eyes twink led In welcome. "My nuto Is out there on tho road," ho began abruptly. "I havo been think ing of you ever since I wns here. 1 want to talk to you. Can't you slip out and ride a little way?" Mary promptly stuffed her knitting Into the apron pocket. "All right," sho ngreed. "Now, I am Jack Townsend of the city " ho began. Mary nodded "Mr. Graves has told n?e all about you," sho said. And that afternoon's enchanted ride through country fields wns but the beginning of many. Thereafter, Jack's business hours wero a feverish rush to comple tion, that ho might hasten to his dlvliv Ity. He realized tlio shock this mar riage would bring to his 'society-loving' mother. For Jack's mnrrlago was q thing settled and decided upon. It had all been very simple. "I am just dippy about you, Mary,' ho had fervently declared. "I lovo you too, Jack," sho had mi raculously replied. Carson was rot Mary's nnmo, Graves had been mistaken in that. Though sho was an orphan, her name was Burns. Jack knew nothing con cerning tho family of tho girl ho loved, but what mntter, she warf his choice, It was upon tho afternoon of thclj last ride, that ho discerned n limousine waiting beforo Maltby's door as h helped Mary to alight "Mercy I" cried tho girl, "It's Aunt Lois." And immediately sho was en folded. in an elderly woman's embrace "Poor Mary I out here ln tho country alone," sympathized the aunt, then hei gaze suddenly fell upon Jack. "Mary," sho burst out, "havo you been running around und tiring yourself again Your undo nnd I hoped when wo sen! you to board In this quiet spot that you would rest after your gny season." "I am," said Mary, she turned to the bewildered Jack. "I havo a lot ol tlresomo money," sho confessed, "whlcl mado mo suspicious of every suitor bul you." "Tho money makes it all seem dlf ferent," ho said, "to me you havo al ways been 'poor Mary.' "Then it was only pity," sho flashefl ut him, but Jack had her ln his arms "It was love," ho murmured "love. And Mary laughed bnck at her aunt "My own husband may tell mo ho lovci me," sho said. "Wo wero married at hour ago." "OVER THERE" The Patriotic pict ure ol the decade, with the same title as Goo. N. Cohan's song, Featuring Charles Rich man, Anna Nilsson and Gertrude Berkley. Keith Theatre, Wed. & Thurs., June 18-20 Adults 25c Balcony 20c Children 10c Including War Tax Christian Science Society of North Platte, announces a Free Lecture on Christian Science by Dr. Francis J. Fluno, C. S. C. Oakland, Cal. Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. At the Masonic Hall, on Friday evening, June 14, 1918, at 8:30 o'clock. The" Public is cordially invited to attend. Safety Deposit Boxes One Dollar Per Year. FIRST NATIONAL BANK. JDR. J. S. TWINEM, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. Physician, Surgeon, Obstetrician. X-Ray. For your comfort and accommodation The Nurse Brown Memorial Homeopathic Hospital? Homeopathic medicine for acute and chronic diseases. A trial will convince you that there isno system of treatment its equal. Office phone 183. Residence phone 283. Hospitol Phone 110. WE BUY YOUR HAY, GRAIN, SEEDS AND LIVESTOCK. We sell Coal, Flour, Graham, Whole Wheat, Corn Meal, Corn Chop, Barley, Chop, Salt, Shorts, Bran, Tankage and Cotton, Linseed and Alfalfa Meal, mixed Chicken Feed and all kinds of Grain. Quality guaranteed and SERVICE THE BEST. Leypoldt & Pennington, EAST FRONT ST. PHONE 99. Union Pacific Train Service EFFECTIVE JUNE 2, 1918 No. 1- No. 19- No. 0 No. 15 No. 2 No. 20- No. 4- No. 10- No. G No. 2G No. 13- From North-PIatte Leav -To San Francisco, Lob Angoloa, Portland. Standard sleepers only 3:30 p. .m. -To San Francisco, Portland, Los Angeles, Donvor. Standard sleepers, Tourist sleepers and chair cars 8:55 a. m. -To Ogdcn. Chair cars only .' 5:05 p. in. -To Denver. Standard sleepers and chair carB....ll:50 p. m. -To Omaha and Chicago. Standard sleepers only.... 2:15 ip. m. -To Omaha and Chicago. Standard sleepers, Tourist sleepers and chair cars 0:25 p, m. -To. Omaha. Standard sleopors, Tourist sleepers and chair cars '..11; 40 p. m. -To Omaha and Chicago. Standard sleepers and chair cars , 7:55 a. m. -To Omaha. Chair cars only 9:30 a. m. -To Omaha. Chair carB only 0:00 a. m. -To Denver, Standard sleepers and chair cars 8:50 a. m. F. T. Redmond, Agent NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA IT'S A LASTING l'ltOl'OSITION With us that until you are satisfied we don't consider a transaction end ed, So you will bo doipg us a favpr If you will toll us of anything you don't like about our FEED and our service. Don't hesitate bocauso tho matter may soom a trifling ono. "Wo want to correct tho fault bo It llttlo or big. Perfect shorvlco Is tho aim of this establishment. LEYPOLDT '& PENNINGTON rnoNE 09.