The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, February 26, 1918, Image 7

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Win the War byx Preparing the Land
Sowing the Seed and Producing Bigger Crops
Work in Joint Effort the Soil of the United States and Canada
The Food Controllers of the United States and Canada are asking for
greater food production. Scarcely 100,000,000 bushels of wheat arc avail
able to be sent to the allies overseas before the crop harvest Upon tht
efforts of the United States and Canada rests the burden of supply.
Every Available Tlllablo Acre Must Contribute; Evory Available
Farmer and Farm Hand Must Assist
Western Canada has an enormous acreage to be seeded, but man power
Is short, and an appeal to the United States allies is for more men for seed
ing operation.
Canada's Wheat Production Last Year was 225,000,000 Bushels) the
Demand From Canada Aiono for 1910 Is 400,000,000 Bushels
To secure this she must have assistance. She has the land but needs
the men. The Government of the United States wants every man who can
effectively help, to do farm work this year. It wants the land in the United
States developed first of course; but it also wants to help Canada. When
ever we find a son we can spare to Canada's fields after ours are supplied,
wc want to direct him there.
Apply to our Employment Service, and we will tell you where you cin
best serve the combined interest.
Western Canada's help will be required not later than April 5th. Wages
to competent help, $50.00 a month and up, board and lodging.
Those who respond to this appeal will get a warm welcome, good wage,
good board and find comfortable homes. They will get a rate of one cent
a mile from Canadian boundary points to destination and return.
For particulars as to routes and places where employment may be had
Mystic Letters on Invitation to Dinner
Had Been Misunderstood by
the Invited.
Ho hnd Just been mndo vice presi
dent In chnrgo of production of a big
manufacturing plant
"Ed, now that you'ro vice president
In charge of the producing end you
should get all your foremen together
nnd talk things over," tho president
Buggestcd. "Invito them downtown to
dinner and have nn evening with them.
Issue invitations. Do the thing up in
The new vice president thought It a
bully Idea. So he got out the Invita
tions and arranged for a big feed. At
the bottom of tho Invitations he placed
tho usual "please respond" stuff. It. S.
V. P.
Days passed and there were no re
sponses. Vice President Ed decided to
And out why his foremen were not
coming to his party.
"What's tho matter with you fel
lows?" ho asked one of his foremen.
"I've Invited you to dinner, nnd not
a man among you has sent n word
about it Didn't you see that It. S.
V. P. at tho bottom of the Invita
tion?" "Yes, I saw that," one foreman re
plied. "Of course we'ro nil coming,
but us fellows thought that It. S. V.
P. stood for Recently Selected VIco
What the Barber Thought
As illustrating tho slight esteem in
which scientlOc men nro held, Profes
sor Sir H. S. Jackson, one of tho now
knights commanders of the order of
tho British empire, told n story recent
ly of nn experience that befell him
somo time back at a certain large town
In tho Midlands, wheco he had gone In
order to bo present nt n meeting of the
British association. On tho morning
following his arrival ho went to a bnr
ber's shop to get his hair cut, and the
man who wuited on him, after somo
preliminary convernstlon, asked :
"What exactly is this British associa
tion that's meeting hero today?"
Tho professor explained that it was
a society of learned scientific men.
"Oh," said the barber, In tones of
evident disgust, "I thought it was a
football team."
Tied His Dog to "Flivver."
When Henry Wurd, prominent in Su
llna (Ean.i) business affairs, tied his
vicious bulldog to his ."illvver," merely'
as a protection to uogs with better dis
positions, ho was arrested.
"Guilty?" asked tho court, after In
forming tho defendant ho was charged
with violating n city ordinance ugulnst
attaching n tin can to a dog's tall.
"Yes, sir," was tho reply.
"Eleven dollnrs," said the court. And
Mr. Ward paid.
"Is she very pretty?"
"Very. Sho keeps her father broke
buying gowns to equal her face."
Proof That They Know When They
Are Doing Wrong, and Seek to
Evade Consequences.
In military stables horses are known
to have pretended to be lnmo In order
to avoid going to a military exercise.
A chimpanzee had been fed on cilko
when sick. After his recovery ho
often feigned coughing In order to pro
cure dnlntles.
Tho cuckoo, ns Is well known, lays
Its eggs In another bird's nest, nnd, to
mnko tho deception surer, It takes
away one of tho other bird's eggs. Anl
mnls are conscious of their deceit, as
Is shown by the fact that they try to
act secretly and noiselessly; they show
a sense of guilt If detected ; they tnko
precautions In ndvanco to avoid dis
covery; In some cases they manifest
regret and repentance. Thus, bees
which stenl hesitate often before nnd
after their exploits, as If they feared
A naturalist describes how his mon
key committed theft. While lie pre
tended to sleep tho nnlmal regarded
him with hesitation, and stopped every
time his master moved or seemed on
the point of awakening. "
Oyster Beds for Great Salt Lake.
Plans have been made to begin the
propagation of oysters in Bear Itlvcr
bay, Salt Lake, Utah, this spring, says
Popular Mechanics Magazine In an
illustrated article. Experiments and
scientific study of local conditions havo
Indicated, to tho satisfaction of tho
state fish and game commissioner, that
tho enterprise Is n thoroughly feasible
one. Analysis has shown that the per
centage of salt in the water is prac
tically tho same ns in ocean oyster
beds. In searching for a desirable sec
tlon of tho bay to commence opera
tions, those In chnrgc of the work used
an amphibious craft built particularly
for nnvlgatlng shallow waters and ne
gotiating salt and mud bars. The boat,
a long, narrow motor-driven scow, is
provided with side wheels that propel
It through the water and across mud.
"This prohibition proposition," com
mented. Broncho Bob, "won't be work
In' right for Crimson Gulch until Jug
vllle gets just ns dry as we are."
"yiiy should you care about a neigh'
boring settlement?"
"Well, It's n little too close. Some o'
tho boys nre drlftln Into tho way ol
spending their money for liquor In Jug
vllle and usln old Crimson Gulch ns o
sort of dormitory to sleep It off."
Sugar for One.
Tho announcement of Mr. Justice
Bray thnt bigamy Is rampant at the
present time has been drawn to tho
notlco of the food controller, who
wishes It to bo clearly understood thnt
under no circumstances will the head
of n family bo allowed a sugar ration
for more than one wife. London
When n fox occupies tho judge's
bench the goose on trlnl had no earthly
Tho highest liberty is the liberty to
do right
The mnn who sees nothing in life
hut tolling and existing hns renched
tho brain force of the chipmunk.
The good should bo merry. Snlntll
ness doesn't go around making faces
nt Itself.
Carter's Little Liver Pills
You Cannot be fev A Remedy lhat
Makes Life
Worth Living
and Happy
Small Pill
Small Dote
Small Price
.MaV I out V W X I
Genuine beara signature
many colorless faces but vfc,' wui crcatiy ncip most paie-iaccu people
You can prevent thin loathsome dUease from running
through your stable nnd euro all the colts suffering with
It when you begin tho treatmpnt. No matter how young,
Sl'OHN'S In safe to use on any colt. It Is wonderful how
It prevents all dlatotnpors. no matter how colts or horses
at any nso are "exposed." All good druffKlats and turf
goods houHea and manufacturers sell STOIIN'S at 50 centi
and II a bottln. Jj unii $10 a dozen.
Sl'OHN MUDICAL, CO., Mfrs., Coshes, Iud., V. 9. At
6 (&&
I0 A 1 m
Entitled to Protection Because of In
slstent Warfare on Various Ro
dents In Orchards.
Tho red-tnllcd hawk, or "hcn-hnwk,1
ns It Is commonly called, is ouo of th
best known of nil our birds of prcyj
nnd Is n widely distributed species ol
great economic importance. It hub
It of sitting on somo prominent Unit:
or polo in the open, or flying with meas
ured wing bent over prairies nnc,
sparsely wooded areas on tho lookouf
Red-Tailed Hawk.
for its fnvorlto prey, causes It to hi
iiiotlced by tho most Indifferent obser
rver. Although not as omnivorous ni
the red-shouldered hawk, it feeds os
a variety of food, ns small mammals,
snnk'es, frogs, Insects, birds, crnwflsli,
centipedes, nnd oven carrion. In re
glons where rattlesnakes abound i(
destroys considerable numbers of th
reptiles. Although it feeds to n cer
tain extent on poultry nnd birds, it is
nevertheless entitled to general pro
tection on account of the insistent
warfare it wages ngalnst field mice and
other small rodents nnd insects thai
nro so destructive to young orchards,
nursery stock, and farm produce. Out
of G30 stomachs examined, 457, or 80
per cent, contained tho remains of
mammal pests such ns field mice, plna
mice, rabbits, several species of ground
squirrels, pocket gophers, nnd cotton
rats, nnd only G2 contnlned tho re-
mnlns of poultry or garao birds.
Additional Profit of 61,000 Secured
From Orchard of '200 Trees
by Nebraska Man.
Another convincing showing for
good returns from spraying trees has
Just como to hnnd from n Nebrnsku
fruit grower, J. Italph Cooper, who has
completed three years of spraying
work under the direction of his state
experiment, station. During tho threo
years' period the unsprnyed trees ma
tured only 18.4 per cent of marketable
fruit This left 80.0 per cent of tho
fruit thnt was lit only for vinegar, nnd
gave nn annual averago income of only
S1.C7 for the unsprnyed trees. In con
trast, tho fruit trees that were sprayed
four times ench season for the conlrAl
of fungous diseases nnd insect pests,
nt n cost of 21 cents per tree for labor
nnd spray material, returned nn nn
nunl average Income of 57.38 per tree.
This means nn nddltlonnl profit of over
$1,000 fromnn orchard of only 200
Mice and Rabbits Will Do Consider
able Damage During Winter Sen
son In Orchard.
Every cure should bo taken to pro
tect tho young fruit trees from ravages
this winter by mice nnd rabbits. Hun
dreds of young trees were destroyed
last winter. There is going to be profit
In every benrlng tree for years to
come. And when npples get senrca and
dear is no time to rush into planting.
Bo rendy for tho prices. Wrapping
tho trees with crumpled newspapers
tied with binder twlno Is n chenp way
Good for Grapes, and Half Bushel to a
Vine Is About Right Prune
Second Season.
Wood ashes make n good fertilizer
for grapes, and half n bushel to tho
vine will not be too much. No prun
ing will be required tho first season,
but tho second Benson cut bnck tha
strongest ennes to three or four buds
nnd remove tho others.
pr mu nw prairifs
One cannot prune trees on the
prnlrics In the winter ns touch
:ib u a molstcr climate. A tree
butcher who has gained Ills
knowledge of pruning in Ontario
v or Nova Scotln will bo a danger-
Z ous man to turn loose in Muni-
tobn for Instnnc?. Cnro nnd
X watchfulness of tho grpwing
troo will make Uio cutting off of
big limbs unnecessary.
has been n household remedy nil ovar
tho civilized world for more than half
n century for constipation, intestinal
troubles, torpid liver nnd tho generally
depressed feeling that accompanies
such disorders. It Is a most vnluablo
remedy for Indigestion or nervous dys
pepsia nnd liver troublo, bringing on
headache, coming up of food, palpita
tion of heart nnd many other symp
toms. A few doses of AugUBt Flower
will Immediately relievo you. It 1b n
gcntlo laxative. Ask your druggist
Bold in all clvlllzwl countries. Adv.
Call Again.
Tho young "prldo of tho family" hnd
been to school for tho first time in his
short six years.
"what did you learnf' nsked his
mother, ns mothers always ask ono tho
nfternoon after tho morning before
Llttlo Johnny frowned.
"I didn't lenrn nothln'," bo replied.
I havo to go back tomorrow."
Went Down With the Ship.
Attention hns been officially called
to tho signal bravery of llobert Aus
burno, a navy radio clcctrlclnn of tho
first class, who went down when the
United Stntes army trnnsport Antilles
was sunk. When tho ship wns struck
Ausburno nnd n fellow electrician nam
ed MacMnhon wcro nslccp In tho ra
dio room. Ausburnc, realizing the se
riousness of tho sltuntlon, told his fel
low worker to get on his Ufa preser
ver. As ho left to tnko his emergency
station at tho radio key ho shouted to
his companion, "Good-bye, Mac." This
was the last seen of him. Going to tho
radio room MacMahon found it locked,
and realizing thnt tho ship was fast
sinking attempted to get Ausburno
out, but without success.
To half pint of water add 1 oz. Bay
Rum, a small box of Barbo Compound,
and Yt. os. of glycerine. Any druggist can
put this up or you can mix it at home at
very little cost. Full directions for mak
ing and use como in each box of Barbo
Compound. It will gradually darken
streaked, faded nrav hair, and make it soft
and glossy. It will not color the scalp, is not
sticky or greasy, and does not rub off. Adr.
Too Fast for tho Dictionaries.
Judge Ituppenthnl says the language
continues to outrun tho dictionnrlcs.
In the Judge's own Knnsas dictionary,
which ho has complied through many
years In shortgrass courts, thero nro
moro than 1,000 western words and
phrases which are not la any other dic
tionary. Judgo Ituppenthnl also re
ports that tho latest Standard and
Webster lexicons do not seem to hnvc
heard of Colonel Roosevelt's familiar
"Jugo-Slav," or of tho army "barrage."
Kansas City Stnr.
Fiery Red Plmnles.
A hot bath with Outlcurn Soap followed
by an application of Cutlcura Oint
ment to distressing eczemns. etc.
proves their wonderful properties. For
free samples address "Cutlcura, Dept
X, Boston." At druggists nnd by mnll
Soap 25, Ointment 25 and CO. Adv.
Thought Ownership Changed.
A Httlo boy nnd his mother were
seated across tho nlslc from me in the
car and I asked tho mother to let the
boy rldo with me. After sitting beside
mo a few minutes, he nsked: "Do
belong to you now?" Exchnngc.
Arent's Hobos Extinct?
Ono thing Mr. McAdoo will find ho
can't control, and that Is the hobo
transportation. The trnmp will rldo
ns ho pleases nnd travel where he list
eth. Memphis Commercial AppcnL
Alfalfa, 0; Red Clover, $8; Sweet
Glover. $17: Pedigreed Barley, S2. J.
Mulhall, Sioux City, la. Adv.
Seems Impossible.
"I can Imnglno many things, but-
"But what?" "But n Russlnn making
Red Cross Ball Blue, made In America,
11 f II A .11 ' 1. 1 1 1. I. .... C jt
Uiercioro UlC UCBt, UUllgluu wc uuuic.huc,
All good grocers, auv.
When somo people are praying for
sunshine nnd others- for ruin nothing
much happens.
Good Reason.
Tvo cut out smoking lately."
"How'd thnt hoppen?"
'Going with n different crowd now."
Two editors fought n duel In Spnln.
Both wcro roundly npplauded by tho
No excuso will serve when he who
hnB been snved to service fails to serve.
I Net flnntrmts lSPluidPraohi
"L U nonnT -n run cent, a
Based On
Cost Per
It Saves 9V2C.P
No advance to price for tljlt 30-yti-old
remedy 3Sc for 34 tablets Some
cnld tablet now 30c for 31 tablet
Figured on proportionate cent per
tsGlet, you asve 9Kc when you buy
Hill's Cures Cold
In 34 hours srip
In 3 days Money
24 TabUts for 2Se.
At any Drug Stor
W. N. U., OMAHA, NO. 7--1910.
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
rfiPf.rfninr ana uc5twuw-1
neither Onlam,Morphlncnori
Mncral. NoTNA3G'tIcjl
It..iinn nnri Diarrhoea
andVcvcrlshncss nnd H
rcsulunc mcrci rem"i -
1 Tactile SijnatK'
Always .
the M
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Thirty Years
TNI ottmun aoMMNT. Hiw vorr crrr. '
For Constipation, Biliousness, Liver and
Kidney troubles, tako Garfield Ten. Adv.
One thorn of experience Is worth n
whole wilderness of warning. Lowell,
Where in Western Canada you can buy at from
$15 to $38 per aero good (am land that will raise
20 to 45 bushels to tkc aero ef $2 wheat its
easy to figure the profits. Many Western Canadian
farmers (scores of them from the U. S.) have paid for their land from a
single crop. Such an opportunity for 100 profit on labor and investment
is worth investigation. ,
Canada extends to you a hearty Invitation to settle on her
Free Homestead Lands of 160 Acres Each
or secure some of the low priced lands in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or
Alberta. Think what yea can nahe with wheat at $2 a bashel and land so
easy to get Wonderful yields also of oats, uaricy ana
Flax. Mixed farming and cattle raising.
The climate is healthful and agreeable; railway fa
cilities excellent; good schools and churches convenient
Write for literature and particulars as to reduced railway
rates to Supt Immigration, Ottawa. Canada, or to
Room 4, Dee Dldg., Omaha. Neb.
Canadian Government Asent
Id Nervous Mothers I
Should Profit by the Experience
of These Two Women
Buffalo, N. Y. "I am tho mother of four children, and for
nearly tureo years x aunorctt irom a lomaio troublo with paina
in my bacic ana siuo, ana a gonoral -weakness. I had pro
fessional, attendance most of that time but did not seem to
get "well As a last resort I decided to try Lydia B.
Pinkham'a Vegetablo Compound -which I had seen
advertised in the nowsnapers, and in two -weeks noticed
a marked improvement I continued its uso and am
now frcd from pain and able to do all my house
work." Mrs. B. B. Zizunska, 202 vvelsa Street,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Portland, Ind.- MI had a displacement and suffered
bo badly from it at times I could not bo on my feet
at all. I was all run down and so weak I could not
do my housework, was nervous and could not lio
uown at nlgnt. I took treatments from a physician
duc tnoy aiu noc ueip mo. my, Aunt recommended.
Lvdin, K. Pinlcl
it and now I am strong and well again and do
I my own work and I give Lydia E. Pinkham's
Compound tho credit." Mrs. Josephine
Kimule, 935 West Raco Street, Portland, Ind.
Every Sick Woman Should Try