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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1917)
"""hi;.,,,. The Christmas for Ev MB OVERALLS Hoys' r,c and fli)c. Men's. Fitz Make, eavy blue bibs on rule at $1.25. YLJt)ISS The good kind; GJngnam of Per cales, nt before the war price, 70c. Extra ervice! Store erybody In the Store m 3 Choice Holiday Apparel!! Where the Holiday Spirit Shines! ' 1 i f 1:1 M i. It ' ! Whatever you select In this store, whether as Gifts or for per sonal use, will be found of the opiend'd quality that glvos the utmost service for the money. Here with jreat stock and best asortment for Men, Women and Children for the home and for out of doors You can shop here with confidence in the goods and the prices. SWEATERS For Litte Tots For P.oys and Girls For the Women For the Men MUFFLERS Thread Silk Fiber Silk Mercerized Silk Wool Knit Attractive Vaues ROYS' SUITS Ages 2 VL'.tQ Shears on sal.ei; $ $8.00, ,,$4.85, $4.90 Ages 8 tb 10 years on sale ' S1.85, $5.85j,l$0.85. Scmt-BJccklu Sribunc. IKA L. BARE, Kdltor anil Publisher SUBSCRIPTION HATES: Olio Year by Hull in Advance. . . .$1.25 Ono l'eur by .Currier In Advance $1.50 EntordA nt North Rlntto, Nobraaka, Postofllcu as Second Clusa Matter. FBI BA Y, DECEMBER 7, 1017. Illg Day For Itcd Cross. Wodnosday, Mr. L. W. Trostor, Ahb'L Director for tho Htato was hero and hold two very Interesting meetings. In tho afternoon, Mr. Trostor addross od tho oftlcorB nud worlcora of tho local chapter and ropronuntntlvuH of tho branch chaptorB In tho Federal Cowt room. IIo gave InstruetloiiH In the work and Hhowod how nocosHury tho work of tho women of tho country in, Wo hnvo not fumlshd half enough of lulppllon Hitch iiH knitted goodn and surgical droHulngH as art neuded. Ilo wants Uh to upuod up. Tho demand Iiuh not commoncod. We hava not u boI dter in tho troncheB, that 1b gonorally apoaklng, and Htlll wo cannot keep up with tho domnnd. Tlio Hod OroHs made a largo ship inont of uupplloH Including knit goodB and Biirgkal droHBlngB yesterday. ::o:: IIiiko Christmas Cake. Now York, Dec. C. A ChrlHtmaa fruit oako four foot In diameter, ono foot high and weighing 3G0 pounds, was completed lu tho kitchen of tho Waldorf-Astoria hotol horo todny and will bo Bont to Franco aB purt of tho liesBort for tho Christmas dinner to ho served by tho Young Men's Christian Association 'Aiuorlcan soldlors and sailors In and about Paris. It Is surmounted with a gilded statuo of liberty which holdB 100 trl-colorod ribbons uttachod to trl-colorod silk candy bags. Tho cako Is tho gift of a woalthv nuost of tho hotel. It is big enough to servo 2400 luon. An escort aafoly In Franco. HOSIERY Mercerized Hose iloc and 45c Fiber Silk Hose 59, 75, 95c Pure Silk Hose $1 25, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 FUR SETS The most complete line of all kinds of Fur Sets, Mink, Fox, Seal, Wolf. Marmot, Lynx, Con ey and may other popular furs. Sets $1,90 and upwards; Muffs or Scarfs $8,85 and upwards. WOMEN'S TAILORED SUITS. Late arrivals of the last minute styles and fabrics in garments mich as can be worn now and later for spring, all being sold at prices that means a big sav ing of dollars to you. Selling now at $11.85, $14.05, $10.85. $18.(1.':; sizes run from 16 and up. COATS FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN Never before have we shown such a groat line of Coats late arrivals of manufacturers sam pled enables us to sell Coats at priqes below the cost of materi als. All kinds of newest materi als and styh s. On sale now at $7.85, $9.85, $11.85, $14.05, $17.0;- aim up. Save money, buy now ' GLOVES ' Chamois Gdves 13; 05, 75, 95, $1.25 Kid Goves $1.45, $1.95, $2.45. All kinds and colors NECK WEAR For Women, in all the new creations, 85, 45, 95, $1.45. Neckwear for Men 50, 75, $1, $1.50 GOVERNMENT MAY TAKE HAIIjIIOADS BUMNO WAIt Washington. Government oporntlon of tho railroads for tho duration of tho war, If unification of tho transpor tation Hystoms Is not permitted by congross, was recommended by tho IntorBtato Commorco commission. I An increase in rates, a government loan of money and tho susponslon of tho anti-trust and anti-pooling laws as far us railroads hro concerned for tho duration of tho war wore rocom mondod by tho commission as an al ternative. Tho alternative for such voluntary unification of tho railroads, tho com- miBBlon declared, would bo govern ment operation with suitable guar anty of an adequate annual return, as woll aB for upkoop with fair tonus, on which improvements during tho pe riod of govommont operation could bo paid for by tho roads upon roturn of tholr proporty. Tho rocommcndatlons, signed by Chairman Hull, -woro accompanied by a supplementary report by Commis sioner McChord, who said ho bo llovod that If tho president would take over oporntlon of tho railroads, "vast ly Improved transportation conditions can bo promptly socurod." Wall streot's vlow of tho rocominon datton of tho Interstate Commorco commission In rospoct to tho operation of railroads was that of approval Inso far as sentiment can bo gauged by tho movement of Btocks. Ralls rose from 1 to :i points and Industrials followed suit. limi C. V, Spencer, room G, Reynolds building, real ostnto, farm loans, and all kinds of lnsuranco and .bonds. Agont for tho old lino Bankers' Auto mobllo lnsuranco Co., of Lincoln, Nob. Thoy insuro you against loss by flro, theft, tornado, liability and property damago and collision. In fnct a com ploto coverage A apodal policy for ofr,co 1)latk 394- residence Black 580. Our lar"e slock and beautiful nssort-nont of Women's and Mioses' aiiprrel meet every possible requirement as Gifts or for personal use. The qualities are all our established high standard, despite difiicuties in procuring good merchandise. The prices wil be found low for the iiia;h character of the gooda Always dependable. it ....... : gll Siylo. fj 1213 Y Gifts for Our Soldier Boys This otore is fully prepared to send parcels to cantonments or camps where our soldier boy? are in camp. Never was there a better ment tor Home and friend to the boys in camp. Early selection must be made for distant deliveries. Trrr 1 1 i i n i in n in w n i DRY GOODS-WOMEN'S READY ONE PRICE TO EVERYBODY SI IPPEUS .Felt or Leather Child's Felt, sizes 3 to 5, sale 05c. Sizes to 8, sale!, 75c. Pb.cs 8y to 2, sale 95c H Immediate War on Austria. Immediate declaration of war against Austrla-Ilungnry was recommended to congress Monday by President Wil son. Tho president did not, howovor, re commend a declaration of war against Turkey and Bulgaria at this tlmo. Immodiato war against Austria, tho president told congress, wns necessary to moot tho anomalous situation tho Unltod States faces in its war with Germany, oven though Austria wns not her own mistrcBS and merely n vassal of Germany. Tho Bamo logic, ho said, would load to war against Turkey and ugahiBt Bulgaria, but thoy do not yet. ho" said, stand In tho path of tho United States In Its war against Prussian autoc racy. A Joint roBolutlon declaring war on Austria has already boon Introduced. : :o: : Evory pattern or street hat to bo closed out at Tho Loader Morcantllo Co.'s in two lots, $2.50 and $5.00; your pick of hats worth up $10.50 on sale at $5.00. -::o: An Heirloom. A prcrovolutionnry mansion Is to bo preserved in Albany ns n historic shrlno, snys the Brooklyn Standard Union. This was tho home of Gen. Philip Schuyler, who was In command of tho continental troops In the victory of Saratoga In 1777. Tho houso hnd been erected 35 years boforo nnd stood In tho open country within what nro now the city limits. Tho estate, with Its nmplo grounds nnd negro slnvo quarters, was known ns "The Pasture. After their surrender nt Saratoga Gen eral Burgoyno nnd other British olll cers were held ns wnr prisoners at his honjo by General Schuylor. Wnshlng ton, Frnnklln and Lnfnyctto wero en tertained there, nnd In tho mnln pnr lor General Schuyler's daughter, Eliza beth, was ninrrled to Alexander Ham ilton, whom Bho long survived after tho fatal bullet fired by Anron Burr nt Wechawkcn ended the life of Washing ton's 'secretary of tlw treasury, time for an expression of senti Ti n 1 1 n 1 1 n m urn hum i i n tim TO WEAR - CLOTHING - SHOES J. E.NELSON. MANAGER UNDERWEAR Roys' Union Suits For boys of 6 to 1G tears of age, all sizes, 50c, G5c, 75c, 85c. 110 l'KHISH WHEN U-BOAT SINKS STEAMER. Tho British steamer Apapa, accord torpedoed and sunk, acording to tho London morning papers. Eighty pas sengers and tho crow of tho vessel porished. About 120 passengers wore saved. It is reported that the submurluo fired on womon and children in open boats. Tho British steamer Ppapa, accord ing to the' Dally Mall, was Hearing homo uftor a two months' voyage when she was torpedoed without warning. Tho lifeboats wore manned immediate ly and all would have been rescued, I but tho submartno flrod a socond tor pedo while the women and children woro bolng loworod to tho boats, caus ing tho ship to sink Immediately with SO passengers and tho crow. ::o: : An electric elenner would make a useful Christmas gift. I hnvo tho Rellnblo for salo and ront. Mrs. M. V. Mltcholl, phono Red 104. 94-2 :o: :- K0RNIL0FF IS A BRAINY MAN Noted Russian General Has at His Finger-Ends the Literature of Fully Fifteen Countries. Whntever may bo Bald or thought of Kornlloff, there can bo no doubt that he Is brilliantly clever, says n correspondent. IIo might bo termed a "self-mndo man." At the age of thir teen iio was tending sheep on tho Steppes; today, at forty-seven, ho hns at his finger-ends tho literature of 15 countries nnd all manner of military lore. At one period of his meteoric career he coinblnedwflic two Ill-matched pur suits of sclonce nnd spying. Though ho enn converge In 15 lan guages, Kornlloff Is a great believer In the maxim that "silence Is golden." On one occnslon ho snld: "I nm a lighting general, accustomed to net nnd not to talk. In Petrogrnd most of tho tlmo Is .spent tn tnlklng." The Holiday spirit shines throughout every aisle in our store. Tn our broad assortments and rreater Milues that can be found gifts for the home or person- gifts suitablel for every taste and overv purse. Early shopping' is advisable for stocks are fresh and full, and the last minute rush with its attendant disappointments, is avoided. High quality goods that assure satisfaction. RATH ROBES Bath Robe Blank ets $8.90, $1.85 $0.85 Bath Robes on sale $1.90, $5.85, $7.45. HAND RAGS All that's new are being shown. Pock et book style, Car riage style, on sale 45, 05, 95c and up WAISTS 41 the WaWs now on sale are new and of the later style, sizes 34 to 4G, Georgette Crepes, f!repe De Chine. Chiffon, Taf feta, Voiles and Tub Silks. On rale at 87'- 95c, $1.45, $1.95, $2.85 $?.!)(), $8.90, $5.95. SKIRTS Tn rjur sonarate Skirt section, we feature tho newest creations for utility and dress wear. ( Pretty llnred mofjps, full pleated styles an 1 farcy pockets, belt and but ton trimmed, all sizes for women and misses and extra sizes for lare wome.i. On sale $8.85, $4.90, $5.85, $(5.85. $7.45 and up. MILLINERY Closing: out r.11 the late arrivals of pattern hats you women now can buy two hats for the price of one, in other words a pattern hat that sold for $7.50 now on sale $8.75. All the best pattern hats go at half price. Pattern Hat Sale, two hats for the price of opp. RJBBONS On Special Snlo Lut 1 1 7c per yard worth up to 35c. Lot 2 29c per yard worth up to 50c. BLANKETS I&st January's purhase enables us to sell blankets at old prices. Cotton Bankets 95c to $3.85 Wool Blankets $4.90 and upwards. Here Prof. Fling tonight, Franklin Auditorium. There is only one PIAE MARSH and she will appear in "POLLY OF THE CIRCUS" A photoplay classic of the big tops. Keith Theatre, Wed. and Ttmrs. DECEMBER 12-13. FIRST SHOW 7:15. ADULTS 25c CHILDREN 10c CORSETS The noted R. & G. Corset on sale. Nemo Corsets. None better, $8.50, $5.00, $7.50. MACKINAWS For'Boy.4, size 5 to it) years, $2.90, $3.35, $3.90, $4.35. Boys' 9 to 18 years, on sale at $8.90, $4.35, $4.90, $5.85. If P Q Style 4O0O 1 tuts