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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1917)
Crtb u n c. WW- THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. NQHTH PLATTE, NEB., ltECEMDER 11, 1917. No. 95 DEPOSITS IX THE COUKTV RASKS KXCMKH $1,000,000 Notwithstanding that tho people of Lincoln county hnvo Invested practi cally a half million dolars In Liberty bonds during the past six months, we find that by the statements published within tho past week that on Novem ber 20th they had doposlts In tho finan cial institutions of the county the sum of $4,035,995.94. With one oxceptlon every bank in the county shows nn lncreaso in de posits over the last former statement published, and this one exception 1b due to the fact that the head of the in stitution pushed tho sale of Liberty bonds which resulted fn some of his patrons withdrawing doposlts to buy bonds. Those deposits were distributed among the banks as follows: First National, North Platto $871,G47.07 McDonald State Bank 495,930.39 Platte Valley State Hank.. 517,883.41 Bank of Brady 7.... 252.122.C0 State Bank of Brady ....... 212,816.78 First State Bank, Dickens. 81,856.93 Bank of Lincoln Ca.Hershey 239,931.55 First kational of Hershoy.. 60,941.11 Maxwell Stato Bank 139,835.41 Farmers' St. Bank, Stith'd.. 218,319.01 Am. State Bank, Sutherland 84.GG7.73 Citizens' Security, Wallaco 253,749.17 Bank of Wellfleet 104,278.78 Total in banks $3,593,995.94 Paid up stock in Mutual Building & Loan Ass'n, North Platto 441,000.00 Total Deposits $4,035,995.94 These statements show that the total loans and investments held by the banks at the time were $3,217,755.01. and that the cash on hand or due from other banks totaled $946,279.57. : :u WOMEN'S COMMITTEE NEEDS J FUNDS I'OH ITS WORK1 To the Editor of Tho Tribune: Tho Women's Committee of tho Stato Council of Defense Is this week en tering n campaign to secure funds to carry on Its 'work. Twenty thousand dollars nre to bo raised in tho stato. Half to remain In tho counties to cover local expenses and tho other halt to bo sent to State Troasurer. Mrs. Keith Neville. Lincoln county's Quota Is $280.00. Tho women of this county have reg istered for sorvico; they have signed tho food conservation cards; they havo bought Liberty bonds; they aro plan ning a class in citizonshlp for the ben efit of our alien mon and women; they havo assisted v& In evory campaign for raising funds slnco tho war began and they have sowed nnd knitted, and made comfort kits for the soldiers who havo been called. This 1h the first time that thoy havo asked financial assistance for their own organization nnd I urge patriotic men and women to give liberally and, cheer fully when called upon, that our County and State Council of Defense may bo helped In tho most efficient manner by this army of loyal workers. T. C. PATTERSON, Chairman, County Defense Council : :o: : Sturges Arrives Safely. A very brief but satisfactory cable gram was received at the North Platto postofflco at 8:30 this morning. It read : "Arrived. . Sturges." This conveys the information that L. C. Sturges, who sailed for France a week ago Saturday had arlved safe ly at his port in that country. Mr. Sturges has gone to France as an employe of the American postal ser vice and will presumably bo located in Paris. That tho vessel on which ho took passage escaped the German subs and that lie did not become "food for the fishes," is a matter of congratu- :o: : The holiday spirit shines through out every aisle at The Leader Mercan tile Co.'s, with big assortments and great varieties to select from. Don't forget the mualcale to be giv en by the pupils of Miss Florence McKay at the Presbyterian ihurch at 8 Lieut. Goodman Marries. Lieut. Walter F. Goodman, brother latlon to all his Lincoln county friends. of E. It. Goodman and at one time a North Platte boy, was married at Lin coln Saturday evening to Miss Clarice Breece, of that city. Lleu.t, Goodman, the youngest of the Goodman family, has been making hls home at Cody, Vfyo.jjor a number of years. He at tended tlfe first reserve officers trdln lng camp at Fort Snelling and at the close was commissioned a lieutenant, and since then has been stationed at Ft. Russell. A few days ago he re ceived orders to prepare to go south with his regiment, and the wedding, which had been set for the holidays occurred Saturday. Lieut and Mrs. Goodman, following tho ceremony left for Ft. Russell, and reaching North Platto Sunday morning stopped over until today to visit Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Goodman. Lieut. Goodman is in the cavalry branch of the service, and the troop to which he belongs will soon leave for Douglas, Ariz., and later ex pects a. call to France. RAILHOAIIS PAY OVEU $100,000 INTO THE (WNTV TKEASITKY. The financial condition of the county was Improved Inst week when tho Union Pacific and tho Burlington paid their personal taxes for tho year 1917. Tho toUil paid by tho two companies was ono hundred nnd two thousand, throe hundrod and olghty-slx dollnrs and fifty-eight cents. Tho Union Pacific paid $84,546.39 and tho Burling ton $17,822.19. Tho receipt of thoao taxes plnco tho county funds in good shape, and materially incrense the bal ances of those school districts through which tho roads run. Tho total personal tax lovled for 1917 amounted to $202,000, and up to last Saturday ovenlng $176,241.04 had been collected by County Treasurer Soudcr. Probably soventy-fivo per cent of the remninlng $25,000 will be collected before tho end of thin month. This promptness with which tho per sonal tax is being paid is evidence that money is plentiful among all classos of our residents. LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. II. Hawthorne, from Ognlalla, visited friends in town yesterday. Tho club Noyita will meet Wednes day afternoon with Mrs. Carl Brod-beck. KEVOIiUTION IN THE RETAIL (UtOCKItlT STORE METHODS GERMANS MASSING TROOPS ALLIES GREATEST MENACE human-hair switches, $5.50. Coatos Beauty Guaranteed $10 value at Parlor. Mr. Warren Doollttlo is home on a two weeks' furlough from Camp Fun ston. The S. W. S. dnnclng club will hold their bi-weekly dance tomorow even ing at the Masonic hall. Supt. W. P. Snyder, of tho state sub station, has returned from Chicago whore ho attended tho International stock show. j Only fifteen more days until XmaB! Don't delay your shopping. I E. T. TRAMP & SONS. , The Episcopal guild will hold an exchange In the' window of t.ho Walker Music store Saturday, December 15th. District 39 will give a program and pio supper at the school Friday even ing, December 14th. Ladies pleaso bring pies. Ina E. Gondrlnger, teacher. The regular meeting of the Method 0.olnoU4tliIaj)yenlnK1iew AaH3WarfaUliiiUJjoi..hold next All donations for Sammy Girls box os are to be brought to McGraw's res idence, 221 south Locust, or left at the IdetiL Bakery 'by Wednesday noon, December 12th. This is the last week of the milli nery sale in best pattern and street hats going out at $2.50 and $5.00; hats worth up to $16.50, at The Leader Mercantile Co.'s. Word was received that M. Harris, formerly a mechanic of tho Hendy Ogier garage, left yesterday for France, being transferred from Camp Funston to that place, and being plac ed in tho transportation division of the army, as an automobile mechanic. There is only one MAE MARSH and she will appear in "POLLY OF THE CIRCUS" A photoplay classic of the big tops. Keith Theatre, Wed. and Thurs. DECEMBER 12-13. FIRST SHOW 7:15. ADULTS 25c. CHILDREN 10c. Christmas G ilttS Within the Reach of ivesryone You may wish to spend a little or a great deal. Just because you have many friends to remember this V .,..,' .vmnr, Viol lmn twill finrl it fliffinnlt IV of nt nil feVlHUS UUUail l II1CUII UIUI iuu um iiiiu n .v. v. . it you will let as help you. The main though in mind buying our Christmas stock this year was to select the largest possible number of gifts to sell at moderate prices. XMAS GIFTS 25c to $1.00 STATIONERY CANDY IVORY TOILET ARTICLES PERFUMES TOILET SETS The 1?eaE Drug Store Thursday afternoon at the church Members and Visitors cordially in vited. Bo a Spug! Don't buy useles's sifts. Fill your homo with musical hannlncss. uuy a Plana or Phonocranh. tho uift or permanence, w. R. Maloney Co. John Corbott and family, who had been spending several days with friends In town, have returned to their homo in Wallaco. Everyone ordering Sammy Girls Xmns edition that have not nald for them, please leave the monoy at the meal uaKcry or call Red 188 and mnke arsangemonts, as the papers will Do reaay lor delivery Thursday, If you mailed that package five days before Christmas last year, mall It eight days before this year that is, If you want It to reach its destination on time. Shortngo of mall cars and rush of govorment business calls for early snipment or packages. Don't neglect. Peter Falan, who wa3 struck by train No. 1 at Ogalalla Inst Tuesday and brought to a hospital In this city, died Sunday evening. The deceased, wlio was sixty years of ago, lived on a larm near 1'axton and leaves no known relatives. Friends are arrang ing to havo tho body burled in tho North Platte cemetery Ladles' Felt Slippers $1.2!) a pair: nil colors, fur and ribbon trimmed. riicy aro Just the stuff. THK II 1 11. While wo havo been having rather crimpy weather for several days past, tho temperature has been much lower in the cast part of this stato and in Iowa. Trains from tho oast which for two days havo boon running from three to six hours late havo largoly lost the time waiting In Omaha for the Chicago connection, weather con ditions In Iowa being such as to inako running tlmo Impossible on tho North western and other ronds. Supt. W. P. Snyder, who has boon appointed committeeman for increased hog production, is now organizing tho counties over which his Jurisdiction oxtonds. Theso counties aro Deuel, Keith, Arthur, McPhorson, Logan and tho north part of Lincoln. If each farmer or hog grower In theso coun ties can bo Induced to breed oven ono moro sow than customary, the increase Jn tho number of marketablo hogs next year would bo many hundreds. The food administrator has recom mended the following prices for Om aha: Sugar per pound 9 cents, Nebras ka No. 1 patent Hour, sack $2.90, corn, meal per pound G cents; best Nebras ka potatoes 3 cents per pound; best storage eggs 42 cents por dozon; No, 1 creamery butter 51 cents por pound; slxtoen ounco loaf of bread 9 cents; twonty-four ounce loaf 13 cents. An additional charge may bo made for de livery or credit to customers. Friday night tho temperature drop ped to nine degrees below zero, Just crimpy enough to causa tho blood to tingle and mako u fifty year old man feel as though ho were but twenty five. What is moro delightful than a crisp, frosty morning in western Ne braska? ' J. Q. Wilcox rotrned Snturday from Omaha, whoro ho as county chairman of the retail grocery section of tho stnto food administration along with other county chairmen nttondod n con ference with Stato Food Administrator Wnttlos. Under tho roconmiondatlons made and which will bo carried Into offect almost n rovolutlon will be on acted In tho retail grocory trade. Goods will bo sold on n cash and non dollverablo basis; that la, If tho pur chaser wishes his goods delivered ho must pay for the delivery, nnd if ho does not pay cash tho retailer can charge him a certain per cent for tho book-keeping entailed and for lntoreBt on the account. It will thus be seen that tho man who pays cash and car ries homo his goods has a distinct 11 nnnclal advantngo over the man who has a book account nnd orders his purchases delivered. Grocorymon say that tho avorago cost of making a dollvory, taking tho large order with tho small, Is ton conts, hut -whethor this will bo tho charge is nnt yet known. It is also figured that tho cost of kooplng books and tho Interest on tho accounts will ran from two to threo per cent of tho bill. At this meeting the retail grocors tentatively agreed on the following percentages of prollts thoy considered fair to mako on tho principal staples: (Sugar 12Vfc per cont; Hour and corn meal 12 per cent, potatoes 33 1-3 por cont, butter and eggs 12 per cent. This does not mean that theso profits will Immediately obtain, but It means that this la the recommenda tion they mado to Mr. Wattles who will in turn tako tho mnttor tin with Federal Food Administrator Hoover. County Food Administrator Good man will soon nppolnt a commlttoo and a conference with tho local gro cers will bo hold, and prices arranged subject to tho approval of tho stato administration. Tho cash and non-delivery feat ures of tho new method will bo more equitable than tho mothods heretofore used. For lnstanco tho man who has paid spot cash for his purchases has bought his goods at hto same prico as tho man who ran an account; and tho rarmers and others who carried their goods homo paid tho same prico nB did those who had their goods dellvored, which method has been unfair to tho cash buyer and to the man who de- i nib uuiuvuiiuu in uio grocery uus Inass is ono of tho many re-arrangements of business methods which are certain to occur during tho war and which will probably continuo for a number of years after tho war ceases. : :o: : Don't fall to take advantngo of the millinery salo of all the best pattern and street hats; only two prices dur ing tlio sale, $2.50 and $5.00; hats worth from $0.50 to $10.50; on salo In the millinery department of Tho Leader Mercantile Co. a, $125 Columbia phonograph for salo 'No reasonable offer will bo refused This phonograph is now and was tak en in exchange on a Druswick phono grnph. Walker Music Co. Tho W. C. T. U. will moot at tho homo of Mrs. W. II. LoDIoyt, 403 west Sixth street, this afternoon. :o: : SCHOOL NOTES. Geography classes in tho First Year Junior High are just taking up tho study of European countries and are learning from the books about the countries before tho war and from oth er sources what has been going on dur ing the wnr. Holland and lieltrium were tho topics last week und many pictures aim newspaper illustrations wero brought in. Grace liirsch has a perfect record in spoiling lor tne past six weeks In thj Junior High. Boys and girls basket ball started in tho gymnasium this week and there was a good attendance nt each. The boys will practice from 7 to 9 and the girls from 4 to G each day. Tho girls havo just bought anuw basket ball, Miss wells js using soma unique studies in her botany classes to review and emphasize the importance of her edity in plants. The studies arc in the nature of a nuizz on the different phases of the subject and the answers are to be found m tho references men tioned and in other books. Sinco Christmas is lanrelv a religious holiday, the schools givo oyor tho ex-J tensive celebration of Christinas to the churches und Sunday Schools. Iiut tho pupils aro taught Christmas songs, Christmas stories and Christmas games but no special programs nro arranged. Tho third grade in Miss Grimm's room in making whisk-broom holdors of rafia for Christmas gifts. These holders are made at home and taken to school for correction or commendation. Tho rooms taught by Misi Toole, Miss Dnluls and Miss Dianer wero given special montion in Penmanship this week. Miss Lav ton and the cirlB of the 'Sonior High Sewing Classes are doing lied Cross work this week. Une class is knitting and tho other is making bandages. All pupils in the Modern History and American History classes were re quired to road the President's massage to Congress last week. Class discussion followed which brought out tht historical setting for many of tho references contained in th message The pupils of the Washington School are preparing a proganr lor tn pur pose of catting money to buy u phono graph for that school. This program will bo given at the Franklin Auditorium I next Friday evening at 8 o'jlock. Tho admission is 25c. Secretary linker, In IiIb war sum mary issued yesterday, warns the peo ple of tho country not to mlntinlzu tho danger of Germany massing her troops on tho western front. Ho ro fers to tho giant massing of Touton hoi'dos along the cntlro western lino, air Indication that nn extended offen sive will bo launched and tho winter campaign will bo sovoro. With troops drawn from tho Rua shui front, all votorans In the sorvico and fully equipped and capablo of withstanding tho rigors of a winter campaign, Germany constitutes today n gravor menace than at any tlmo dur ing tho past two and a half years. Tho secretary warns that Anierlcn imiBt speed up her program, must got men in tho Hold with nocessary oquipmont and must mako it possible for her allies to meet tho oxpectcd ruah. In tho moantlmo ho calls upon all Americans to stand solidly behind their army and administration. JIM) CHOSS HKIVK WILL HEflLV NEXT MONDAY. Volunteer Clerks Needed. Tho Lincoln county oxomptlon board needs tho services of a uumbor ofj clorks to sorvo without pay from Do comber 20th until Jnnuary 20th. This sorvico nood not bo continuous. Ono man may Borvo a half day this wcok and a half day noxt wcok, but enough volunteers aro needed bo that threo or four aro at work all tho tlnio. When Tho drivo for momborB of tho Hod Cross will begin Monday of noxt wcok nnd continue until Chrlstmns ovo. Propitiatory to tho drive, each minister of tho city will bo asked to dollver a Rod Cross sermon next" Sunday oven lng, In which will bo outlined tho work of tho organization and why peoplo should beconio moinbors. Tho stand ing commlttoo on membership compos ed of P. II. McEvoy, It. D. Dirge, Sam Soudor, Miss Gantt and Mrs. Moroy will meet in a day or two, plan tho campaign nnd appoint sub-commlttccs to nsslst in tho work. It la aimed to lncron8o tho North Platto membership by from 300 to 500 nnd by diligent work it la believed this roault can bo obtained. Yoaterday a big bunch of supplloa for tho campaign woro rccolvcd, in cluding postora, window cards, pamph lets and tho lnrgo transparent crossoa which are to ho dlsplnyod Christmas ovo in a window In every houso whoro a Red Cross mombor lives. : :o: : Wanted A young man of around seventeen ycais or upwards to work after school nnd Saturdnvs. Must ln tno qucstionnairoa begin to como in, j a hustler and ono willing to lonrn, Call wzhlch wil bo nbout December 22d or which will bo, nbout December 22d or 23d, the hoard will bo overwhelmed with work, and tills work must not bo delayed, It must bo put through ns at onco on Manager Tho Leader Mer cantile Co.'s store. A committee has boon appointed to bo at tho Hod Cross work room Thura- fnai no It nrrtvnu rPlin imvnriminnl linu I day aftornoon to direct tho work on not fumlshod sufflolont funds to carry PnJnnmfl. The i commlttoo 1b composed on this work, hence men and women of Mcsdnmcs Hare, Forbes and Hatch, of clerical ability aro needed as volun- Tho postmnstor wiBhos us to Bay teera. Who will respond? thnt It is against tho law to Bond out ::o:: aiu continue tho Red CroBS English Whntover you solect at Tho Leader, dhaln of dobUiIb that has been atart- Morcantlle Co.'s, whether ns a gift or ed. A numbor of those chain noatnla for poraonal use, will be found of tho have boon received at tho local office splendid quality that gives you tho nt- and as soon as found nro thrown aaldo moBt sorvico for the monoy paid. ( and not sent out of tho office If you A small down payment places tho havo rocolvod ono of these chnln poa- great gift of mualc In your homo. Sec tals It would Just bo a waste of tlmo W. R. Maloney Co. and money to notnor with it. THE UNIVERSAL CAR FORD OWNERS NOTICE We have added and installed for the convenience of Ford Owners, Machinery costing $500.00 in the last month. The most important of which is our Magnet Tester and Charger. By this wo can tell you if your Crank Shaft has too much lateral, if your Coil is broke down. These things being ok. can bring your magneto up to full charge in 20 minutes without removing engine. Making your engine Easy to Start and Lights Stronger. We aro equipped with genuine Ford Parts and Good Mechanics to do. your work. HENDY-OGIER AUTO CO. FORD SALES AND SERVICE. Corner 4th and Dewey St. We want Fat Turkeys Ducks and Geese WILL BUY NOW FOR DELIVERY December 15 to 18. Call on us or Phone us for Prices. North Platte Produce Co.