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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1917)
8t, t9 lo rtlt 'f0 wx- So e THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., OCTOBER 12, IQ17. No. 78 ramie. : k OVEV ANT) COUNTY NEWS. Mrs. B. A. Crnm loft Wednesday for a visit with friends In Omaha. Misses Amy and Dorothy Eldor re turned yostorday from a visit In Ar kansas. Mrs. J. P. Mang loft Tuesday after noon for JoClot, Illinois, whore sho will visit relatives. Mrs. R. II. Dill Is vlBltlng friends In Cheyenne, having left far that city Wednesday morning. Now Bucllla Fancy Work packages at Wilcox Department Store. W. E. Shuman went to Alliance Wod nosday to conduct a contest caso In the U. S. land office Involving a section of land. I Mr. and Mrs. Cass and daughter loft Wednesday for Tryon to visit their farm for a few dnys and harvest a big acreage of potatoes. A lot of misses' and women's coats worth up to $1C, on sale at $7.45 at The Leader Mercantlo Co.'s. Direct from a New York manufac turer, a lot of women's pf.ush coats made to &&U up to $36.50, on salo at The Leader Mercantile Co.'s for $23.85. Save money and buy your coat now. Miss Mattlo Hail, who made her home with her sister, Mrs. Chas. Burko when thja latter was a resident of North Platte, was married at Omaha Wednesday to a resident of that city. Bradley Sweaters for Men, Women and Children at Wilcox Departmont Store. J. RosMH, of Fox Creek, was in town Wcdnosday visiting Fred Fredrickson. The two men Wore born in the same Gorman province, and onjoy talking a bout the incidtents which occurod when they were boys. Woman with little girl wants work at onco. Inquire at 316 east Sixth street. Llllle M. Briggs has filed a petition in tho district court praying for.a dir vorco from her husband, Levi S. Briggs on the grounds of abandonment for more than two yclars, and failure to support her and the five children.- A lot of children's school dresses, values up to 90c, on salo at 57c at The Leader Mercantile Co.'s. Rather than see a Add of beans go to wasto for want of labor to harvest thorn, a bunch of women went out to tho state farm a few days ago and as sisted in thja work. Theso women wore strongly impregnated with tho belief that all articles of food should bo conserved, and by doing this work they porformed part of "their bit." 'Men who admire good clothes will instantly recog nize the merits of our NEW FALL SUITS It has never been our pleasure to offer a better selec tion of more stylish and becoming models than we are show ing this season and in spite of increasing cost the quality is up to our usual high standard. Novel belt ideas, patch pockets, military style shoulders these are some of the newest features young men will admire while more conservative styles are here in abundance for men of more subdued tastes. Furnishings You'll Like Too Smart ties to match your suits; shirts in the newest patterns; gloves that give just the right "touch"; etc. they're all here in splendid assortments at right prices. Superb Neckwear 50c, 65c, $1.00. Platto Whlto returned last evonlng from a two wo&TtB' Visit In Omirtia and Kansas City. Now lots of children's Coats on dis play at Wilcox Department Store. MIsb Hntfiold, who had been a guoet n the Oglor home whfllo onrouto oast, left for Hnstlngs yesterday. I now havo funds at 5V& per cent on choice bottom tablo land. Gono Crook, Room 4, Keith theatre Bldg. C. A. Liston, of Dickons, and Everett Ware, of Horshoy, who worte In Oma ha attending tho 'bankers!' iconvon tlon, nro in town today while, on routo homo. Goorgo Rodgorfy engineer at the waterworks, left this morning for Corn ing, Iowa, where ho was callotl by the death of his father who was eighty throe years old. Cholco vegetables and cut flowers at North Platto Floral Co. Phono 1023 tf A' bunch of very livoly high school students gavo an auto parade yostor day aftornoon to advertise and awaken Interest in the gnmlc today with Lin coln. Tony Pushman, formerly of this city, now living on a homestead north of Ogalalla, has sent to H. N. Smith samples of his potatoes, ono of which weighs thirty ounces. Dr. Smith, Chiropractor, . Building & Loan Building.. ROtf A sixteen car train with three bat teries of Washington light artillery on board, passed through at seven this morning. They wore onroutla to a concentration camp in South Caro lina. During the Romoval Salo at Block's wo wllfi havo some special prices on millinery In order to make room for new goods arriving for our opening in tho new store. ARVILLA WHITTAKER. PrJceB are bfeing slashed on wearing apparol coming in late to move out quickly. Suts coats and dosse)3 that should have been Herein Sep tember are now coming in and are being sold at prices that means a big saving to you. Buy early is our advice. Tho Leador Merfcantllo Co. For Sale Rooming house, closo in. Phono Black 513. 70-2 The Now York Giants won from tho Chicago White Sox In- tho third of tho world series games Wednesday by a score of two to nothing, and In tho gamd yesterday woro again winners by a five to nothing score. Tho sorics Is now two and two. The fifth gamo will bcl played )in Chicago tomorrow. "Columbus discovered America buL the greatest discovery from a style and quality standpoint ever made in North Platte, is Harcourt Clothing Go's $20.00 Suits." ' Adlsrs $15 to $35 Trencher Overcoats -20.00 Double and Single Breasted. Harcourt Clothing Co. HUN OYIJlt RV WAOON A NO INSTANTLY KIMjKI) Richard Tittorlngton, adopted sou ol Mr. and Mrs. Delmur Tittorlngton, net his death Aodnesday aftornoon whon a heavily loaded farm wagon ran ov.i him. Thos boy hail loft town lato In tho nftornoon driving a four-horso tuam' attached to a big load of salt, onrouto to tho rnnch homo a dozen miles south east of town. It was noticed that he was sitting on the front, end' of, tho wagon with his foot hanging ovor. The nccldont occurred in the "draw" on tho angling southeast road a quartor of a mllo from the residence of Ernest Dan leT.son. Hero on her way homo from hor school work In tho ovonlng Miss Mar gory Mapos notlcod this team without a driver Idlng about and a short dls tanco away camo upon tho body of young Tittorlngton in tho road. Ex amination of the body later disclosed tho fact that wo whccT.s of tho wag on had passed ovor tho loy's nock, breaking It, and that tho head was somowhat crushed. Evidontly ho had fallen off the wagon in such a way aa to bo caught by tho wheels before ho could get icloar. Tho boy was eighteen years of ago, and had been adopted by tho Tlttor Ingtons when ho was cloven. Mr. and Mrs. Tittterlngton naturally fool keen ly tho shock of tho death of their boy. Sutherland Free Lanco. : :o: : Judgo and Mrs. J. S. Hoaglan'd went to Lincoln this morning and Sunday morning will leave that city for Vlcks- burg, Miss., to attend' tho cf.d soldiers' celebration- Judged lloagland Is. a member of tho committee who will have charge of tho excursion. Five, hundred and forty old soldiers of tho state will attend and two trains out of Lincoln havo been provided. Tho last loglslaturo made an appropriation to cover tho railroad faro of theso old soldiers on this trip. Harry Brlnkley, local agent for the Colo eight car, .roturnlEid yesterday from Omaha with a new car. He, with Harry Fleishman as a passenger,' loft Omaha at about tho game tlmo'No. 13 loft that city Wedntfsay night, and thoy arrived yesterday morning but a short time after tho arrival of that train, which moans that they woro touching tho high spots all the tlmn About seven o'clock last ovonlng Sarah Welch, twellvo year old daughtor of II. C. Welch, living in tho 1100 block on west Sixth street was struck by ono of Splcor's dolivory cars; knocked down, run ovelr and very so voroly bruised, requiring tho atten tion of a physician. Clothes. S15to$35 to bo continued Four .Mlimlo Talks .The conuuttUo on public Informa tion of tho United States govqrnnttnt created by tha pros Id on I of the Onlted .Stato In April of this yoar. There are tcur lmmibers of this com mittee lndluding the necroturles of vpvr, navy and state. One division of this commltteo Is the Four Minute $lon. Nlwtcon hundrotl local organi zations havo boon porfocted with state organizations In ovory state. Profos aor M. M. Fogg, of tho University of Nebraska, Is Nobraska statin chairman. Ho has appointed local chalrmon in 160 cities and towns and tho local or ganizations aro being porfoctied. The object of thp Four Mlnuto Mini Is to give tho truth about mnttora of na tional Importance to motion iplcturo audiences and other gatherings. Tho spoakors aro limited to four minutes and tho Information is authentic nnd furnished diroctly by the govornmont. The 'local committee with Wilson Tout as chairman, Is bolng organized this Wfieik. : :o: ! Millions In Potash If tho war keops up 'long onough Ne braska will havo a flaw potash million aires. Ono Omaha man of wealth who Invested $5,000 with ono company oper- atlng in western Nebraska has boon 'drawing $5,000 a month dividends for several months. A formor harnessmak- cr in Alilancp who turned real estate man was omploycd by on!a of theso companlos to look up tho land on which lakes aro located and to handlo tho leasing ond of It. Ho was given .$10,000 in common stock for his work. His Juno dividend, according to an M'liance man, was $5,000 and It is growing with each month. Two ranch ers who own a largo area In that sec tion nro said to bo getting $1,000 a "ny as a result of an agreement whi&roby thoy got a 20 per cent royalty. : :o: : Tho annual meeting of tho Lincoln County Red Cross Chapter will bo hcM Saturday evening, Octobor 13th). at eight o'clock at tho fodoral building, North Platte, Nebraska. Election of officers" wEl bo hold at this timo and also the year's work reported on. As largo an attendance ag posslblo of tho members throughout tho county Is do- sired. The village of Brady is now without physician, Dr. Johnson who Ipur chased tho Dr. Fottor practice lust spring having moved to Kcarnely this week. ' It would seem that with tho woll sottlcd soctlon south of Brady and a largo territory north to draw from that.vlllago should bo a good oponlng for a physician. Dr. Morrill, Dontist. Yartcr & Clark sold 800 bushels of potatoes, two tons of cabbage, a lot of onions and squash to a Cambrldgo man last woek. Tho potatoes were contracted for at $1.40 per bushel. This 800 bushdls Is only a beginning on their big patch. It is not known yet just what kind of a "car" George Clark will buy. Brady Vindicator. In order to take caro of tho Increas ed business on tho North River branch, an additional telegraph wiro for com pany business wiU bo strung at onco between ths city and Ilnlg. Foreman Murphy, of tho B. & B. department,1 wont to Ilnlg this nvbrning to makoj arrangements for putting in a bat- tory plant. Mrs. Ralph Carman rMurnod Monday night from Malvern, Iowa, where she; visited her mothor for sovoral days, A family neHinlon was held Sunday, at which twonty-throo rolatlvo were proaant. -: :o: : Church of Our Saviour . . Rov. Arthur Dittos Jonoa, Rector . . Octobor 14, 1917, 19th Sunday after Trinity. 8 n. m Holy communion. 9:45 a. in., Sunday school. 11 a. m., morning prayer and sor- inon, 7.30 p.m. ovonlng prnyer and ad- droNS. St. Paul's chapol, North eldo, 3.00 p. in., Sunday school. : .o: : Farm and Ranch loans at lowest liitt'H nnd best temiH. Moiicy on hand to closo loans promptly, imr BUCHANAN & PATTERSON. BLOCK'S FINAL REMOVAL SALE OF LADIES 'SUITS, COATS, DRESSES, ETC. A WHIRLWIND OF BARGAINS. BEGINS TOMORROW LET NOTHING KEEP YOU AWAY ASKS SCHOOL STUOKNTS TO AIO IN CORN HAKVHST Governor Novillo yesterday iiauod a proclamation relating to tho gather ing of the 11)17 corn crop. VnrlouH me: hod gays tlie governor, havo boon sugxemed for making students avail ab.e for this work, among othors to declare a gonernl holiday of throo week in November, shifting to that month tho regular holiday season. In conclusion, his proclamation reads as,. "I, thorcforo, call upon tho Board tf Rogonts of tho State university, tho state normal board, tho govornlng boards of tho various colleges, tho Boards of Education In tho cities and towns of Nebraska, tho school au thorities in the rural districts and all county suporlntondonts tonuopt tho method tlint will, first, mako avail able; tho greatest numbor of corn buskers at tho "proper season; second, that will protect tho studonta enlist ing In this work against loss of credits, to tho ond that no ponrilty bo 'placed upon tholr patriotism." ::o:: Land Sold at Auction. Quito a numbor of pooplo Tuesday onjoyod the novolty of witnessing tho salo of a tract of land at auction. Tho land, tho southwest quarter of section ?, township 13, ranga 33, and lying east of tho Kolth ranch, brought tho oxcollont price of $31.50 por aero. It Is ono of tho best quartors of tho south sldo country. Th'ei first bid was $25, and John Mapos, who owns numerous acres south of tho river, added It to his holdings. Tho rpnt corn on tho Innd sold for $17 por acre, Frank Colt er buying It Sutherland Froo Lnnctf. To correct a wrong report: Tho for mor Wnlkor proporty on west Fourth stroot occupied by tho City Hospital, was purchased somo tlmo ago by W. R. MaConoy. It is probablo that at somo tlmo In tho futuro Mr. Malonoy will mako changes an occupy It as his hom'a Dr. Brock, Dentist, ovar Stonn Drug Store. County Judgo French pfeirformcd a dcmblo wrildlng at his office Wednes day afternoon. Ono couple was Morlo Benson of Qlltnor and Gracco Carl ol Juniata, and tho othtor Ray Cox and Margaret BlorboWor, both of GUtnor. Tho Et-a-VIrp club hold an enjoy ablo Kensington at ho homo of Mrs. Glcmn Ferguson Thursday aftornoon, A guessing contost was ono of tho feat ures of tho aftornoon and tho prize was awarded to Mrs. Edmund Dickey. I SCENE f-KOM amng THOS. H. INCES ffir?) IClViLlZATlQN Kaith Theatre, Monday and Tuesday, October 15th ond 18th. Reserved seat sale opans Saturday morning, Oct. 13. Prices 25c, 50c, 75c. (Hold Awnrd In ordor that tlra gonoral public may know moro of the oxtont and character- of tho buHlnoas of Loypotdt & l'onnlngton, aJl boys and girls of tho 6th, Oth, 7th and 8th grndos aro invited to visit tholr eixtonslvo plant on oast Front street between tho hours of 9:30 and 10:30 a. m., tomorrow, (Saturday, Octobor 13th), nt which tlmo-thoy will bo shown ovor tho ontlro plant by cotnpotnt employes, after which any boy or girl of tho nbovo grades may propar.o a description of what thoy havo seen, to consist of not loss than 150 words and not ovor 500 words, sub mit tho satnet to Loypoldt & Ponnington prior to nlno o'clock Snturday, Octob or 20th, at which tlmo disinterested and competent Judges will docldo which doscrlpton Is tho Uttst and to tho wrltor thoroot will bo awarded $G In gold, nnd to tho next best $2.50 In gold. In caso thoro Is a Het tho con testants shall dlvldo tho prlzo money. Romombor tho date, Saturday, Oc tobor 13th, between 0:30 and 10:30 a. m. Demand Germany o End AVar. It whs soml-offlclally given out hi Rome yestordny that Bulgaria, Tur key and possibly Austria will prosont nn ultlmntum to Gormany at an early datie domandlng that tho kaiser tako definite Btops to bring tho war to an ond. Gonoral dlssatlsfacton Is known to bo tho abaro of Austria and Bulgar ia and tho Turks havo not fared well frlnoo ontorng tho Avar. Tholr losses havo boon exceedingly heavy of late, thlo British ovorwholmlng big Ottoman forces In Africa, Austrlans havo pub ( llcly oxprossed tholr roadlnoss to lot ; go of tho war, tho steady drain on men nnd money tolling on tho country's ro j sources. Tho ultlmntum Is oxpectod I to bo Jointly draftod and may bo fol lowed by dosortlon of Germany by hor three allies. Committee Appointed ' Tho Woman's State Council of De fonso has appolntod Mrs. Roy Mohl tnnnn, Mrs. W. II. McDonald and Miss GraCo Mooncy as a icommlltco to aid In llio soiling of Llborty Bonds in North Platte. Similar committees havo boon appolntod In all towns of tho county, and it Is urgently requested and hoped all ladles contemplating tho purchaso of bonds mako apllcation through t.io3 comnflttoes. 3rjjc!lal forms nno bolng used for womon's ap plications and all business will ro colvo cnrcPul and prompt attention. :o: :- Qucvn Quality Shoos for women at Wilcox Department Store. i