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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1917)
THIRTY-THIRD YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEB., OCTOBER 9, 1917. No. 77 NI3W DAILY MAIL HOCTK TO NOIITII SIDH IS nitANTHD I'ostmaBtor McEvoy rocolvod word yesterday that the application for u new dally mall routo which will cover n large territory north of tho river has been granted. TIiIb coiiioh after live years of effort on tho part of the post master and tho peoplo to bo served. The routo goes east on Fourth street, serving families on that street not Berved by city delivery, crossing tho Lincoln highway bridge and goes east to tho former JJaccy place, thence north to tho I'urdy ranch, thenco west along the foothills to tho O. 15. McNeel ranch, thenco south to tho south rlvor road, thenco east to tho bridge and south on Locust, serving tho houses on north Locust not covered by city delivery. In the neighborhood of one hundred fam ilies will be served. The servlco will uogin as soon as me roaas arc re paired, boxes placed and othor prelimi nary work completed. Old No. 1 route, which runB up be tween the rivers will be consolidated with this new route, and one carrier will serve tho entire district, and in do ing so will cover slxty-thrco miles daily. Tho carrier will make the be tween the river route In tho morning and upon his return will start out on tho other routo, which will be known as Motor Route B. Tho carrier, who now receives $1200 a year will receive $1800 when tho routes nro consolidated. The consolidation will call for an examina tion for carrier. . Fred Spurrier la tho carrier on Itouto One. ::o:: Freliilit In Slow. ..Freight traflic on the Union Pacific is so heavy as to congest tho yards at terminal points. The latter part of last week tho conditions in tho local yards wore such as to keep tho yard men "up In tho air." Sidetracks along tho lino are nrettv well filled with cars and tho movement of local frojght is extremely slow. Delayed shipments of paper has caused Tho Trlouno to cut out two pages and thereby omit much Vlocal news. ::o:: FOR SALE. 21 Mucks of prnlrle liny and about 100 Htuckw of cane near Herslu-y. See UltATT, GOODMAN fc IIUCICLMY. : :o: : AVnlter O'Connor In n llnl A telegram received from Omaha yes terday by Mrs. Caldwell announced the uirtn or a iiaugntcr to air. nnu airs. Walter J. O'Connor of this city. Mrs. O'Connor has been In Omahah for about a month, and Mr. O'Connor and Mr. and Mrs. T. Wilcox were there to welcome the arrival of the daughter and granddaughter. : :o: : APPLES FOIl SALE At the Spurrier farm eleven miles west of North Platte. Winter tipples iiiul late crnl tipples. Order taken for cider. Phone 7S7F22. 77-1 Enjoy Picnic Dinner Fifteen or more members of the Do mestlc Science department of the 20th Century club and their husbands were present at the annual picnic dinner blv en at tho home of Mrs. J. S. Davis last evenlnc. The dinner was served ca feteria style, and tho menu was such .as to elicit many compliments. During the evening a well prepared program was ronuereu. . rt Farmers If you want clover thresh ing done- wo have rocloanlng attach-. mont. Call or write; J. If. Larklns, LOCAL AND PERSONAL Mrs. W. A. Dorton and children are visiting frlonds in Sidney this week. Mrs. Fremont Wntts rcnuests that nil bring In their Red Cross knitted articles Tho Royal Nolghbors will moot Wed nesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the K. 1. hall. e Knli clal In the church basement Thursday .ifrerno in. C. F. Spencer wont to Laxlngton this morning to transact business for a day or two. FOR SALE Five room houso, mod orn oxcept heat; located at 214 south Ash. Phono Red 388. 727 at onco or ns soon as they can be fin ished. Thoro is an urgent request for thorn at once for shipment abroad. Money to Ion n on rent estate. No lo Iny If elenr title. UltATT, GOODMAN & 1SUCKLEY. Ray Murray, of Lincoln, is spondlng today In town visiting relatives and transacting business with the lumber dealers. Tho regular meeting of tho O. B. S. Thursday evening at 7:30 will bo fol lowed by initiation and a program. Julius Plzer and son Harry left last night for Omaha, whore Harry will probably take a course in a buslnoss college. Suits and coats now at the season's heighth, nnd we are prepared to lit out your needs. H. T. TRAMP & SONS. "Bustor"' Cummlnirs. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cummlngs, antortalucd a num ber or his little rricniis nt a party -Tidal" afternoon in honor of his fifth birthday. Arthur Tramp had an operation per formed for quinsy last night. Ho had been confined to thfe house for sovoral days prior to tho oporatlon by tho se verity of the trouble. Mrs. O. R. Robinson and children, who wore visiting her mother, Mrs. Herman Otton at Nampa. Ida., for a couple of months, returned Sunday. Marlon Carson, who Is Tanning ono of the Buchanan & Patorson tractB of land southwest of town, estimates his corn crop at six thousand bushels. We have a big new line of serge dresses, tho vory best, now, nifty mer chandise. Bo sure to see them. 13. T. TRAMP & SONS. By order of the Grand Worthy Mat ron all O. 13. S. Chapters will discontin ue banquets and luncheons while tho country Is engaged in tho war. I3rlc Broeker, Jim Hart and Will Friend brought In seventy-five ducks Sunday, which can ho classed as lino shooting. All but ten were teal. J. V. Romlgh left Sunday night for Derolt to visit the Dodge automobilo plant and also seo if It Is not possible to secure shipments of Dodge cars. Ho finds it rather dllllcult to 1111 his orders'. in fact he has quite a number of orders that are untitled. Owing to tho prevalence of small pox among tho children In tho Fourth ward, the Lincoln school has been closed upon recommendation of City Physician Slmmf. It is believed that there are umttn irnftf ltirlif nn ttna r f tliu I I u i i ci i-. that navo not Deen reported Sutherland, Neb. 75-3 The Municipal Chorus That North Platte is to have n munic ipal ladlos' chorus Is an assured fact. At a recent meeting, at which twonty flvo or thirty wore present, tho follow ing olllcors wore elected: Mrs. Harry Cramer prosldent, Mrs. George Frator vlco-presldont, Mr. G. T. Thompson secretary and treasurer, and Mrs. Ralph North librarian. A director will bo ap pointed at the next mooting. If ar rangements can be made for heating the Franklin auditorium Sunday afternoons tho meeting will bo held there. If not,, othor arrangements will be made. All women of the city who are vocal ists, or who desire to becomo such are Invited to Join the chorus. n Farewell to Itev. lliirninn. Fifty or more mcmhors of tho Men's Brotherhood of the Lutheran church mot at the Clinton York residence last evening and tendored n farewolt to Rov. Harnian, who goes to Omaha No vembor llrst. Several mombers mado addresses speaking very regretfully of tho fact that on account of tho health of both Mr. and Mrs. Harmnn It was necessary to make tho change, and spoke feelingly of the pleasant rela tionship which had existed between pastor and congregation. To these kind words, Rov. Harmnn replied In ap preciation. A purse of $35 was present ed to Mr. Harmnn. At tho conclusion of the meeting the men adjourned to the Sebasthin home, whore a supper was served by Mrs, Sebastion. Mrs. Shilling and Mrs. York. .(j Wm. fibrlght aml'b. H. Walter re turned this morning from Omaha, whore' they transacted business yesterday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Elliott returned this morning from a visit with their sons in Omaha. A farmer In town yesterday said ho was offering ten cents n bushel for husking corn and was experiencing some trouble in getting takers, The Catholic ladlos will hold an ex change at tho Malonoy & Co. storo Sat urday, offering for sale broad, cakes, pies, etc. Street Commissioner Salisbury lias boon operating tho city grading outfit ory diligently for tho past throo weeks Practically every street run n'ntr north and south in tho Fourth ward lias been graded and will bo In good shapo when thoroughly settled and packed. Plans and specltlcaftons for tho Hcn-dy-Ogler garage east of tho Elk build ing will be comploted today and It Is hoped to havo tho contract awarded by the 18th or 20th and work started by November llrst. Tho firm hopes to bo able to occupy tho building shortly af ter January ilrst. Tr tinf Inan uttrlit if Mm fnnl flint wn Yinvn linnn Innlrv onnllcrli In nMnln Mnnltnil nVftr tllll ItYllltlt1 nild lfnfmil f,firVgarmsfVoCVTnef ou7S.?i naor counts t land In that vicln- only iirst-ciass manner, Dq not ran ity. to visit our garment department. , IS. T. TRAMP re HONS. The monthly meeting, of tho Twenti eth Century club will bo held tonight In tho adltorium of the Franklin building. Beside the rogulnr work planned, two interesting spocchos will bo made, one by Mrs. Roddy on "Food Conservation" and ono by Mrs. Mehlmann on "Liberty Bonds," A large attendance iu doslrcd. Travolers nro warned against using tho Lincoln highway from the cemetery west to the turn at the Plzer farm. The grader has been at work on this str,etch of road, and through a break down of the tractor the work has not been completed and Is In bad shapo. It Is the Intention to cover this road with gravel. C. O. Welngand will go to Lincoln next week to attend tho hotel men's convention and also attend n mooting of the committees of tho state food ad ministration. Mr. Wolngnnd was last week appointed chairman for tho C8th and 77th representative districts of tho hotel nnd restaurant branch of tho food administration. We notice that ono class of Colo rado coal has been advanced from $-.70 at tho mines to $4.00, and this under, and probably by consent, of tho powers regulating coal prices. Local dealors, though not fully advised ns to what Is expected of them or of tholCOiintV. ion or Lutherans Call Minister. Loynoldt & Pennington nro now shlp- At a congregational mooting ot tho ping out an avorago of flvo cars of Iiay Lutheran church Sunday a will was per day fnom tho North Platto station, oxtondod to Rov. C. F. Koch, of Omaha, Tho price for hay yesterday was $14.50 to boconio pastor of tho ohurch. Rev. Koch has Upon associate paster of the Kountze Memorial church In Omaha, and filled tho pulpit at tho looal church a week ago Sunday, The congregation was so woll pleased with him that tho call was unanimous. It Is hoped by tho congregation that Rov. Koch will actir'pt, though at this tlmo it is Men Wanted for Engineer Corps. A Wnshlncton dispatch dated yester day says: Tho engineer corps is looking not known definitely whothor ho will 1UI l.U,UUVJ IIIUU V 1111 IUU1I vWllnH UI.HUII I , , , , , oxporience to servo In an engineer brl- Rov. Hnrninn's resignation takes ot gnde which Is soon to go to Franco to f . Mnvkinhnr 1nt mid If la (hn will it do road building work with Goneral lect Nowmuor 1st nnu it is tho Will or Pershing's expeditionary rorcos. tho tho congrogation that Rov. Koch ar voluntoors. rlvo to assumo tho pastoral duties Rapid advancement is promised moll hvlthniit n l.rnnk in ihn .anrvlnrv. witn special quainications, ami a row concgo men preioraniy witn inuunrj- Sion,.T SnfroM0 wnmo1 ,lH ncom,18- Tho high scltool students aro icvlnc lug great lntorost in tho foot ball gama Friday betwoon Lincoln nnd tho local toam, and by thin intorost hopo to Staiulunl Bores Tor 011. Tho Prairio Statitf Oil and GaH com pany, a subsidiary of tho Standard arouslo enthusiasm among tho cltlona OH company, Is proparlng to drill for gonornrly. Much depends on tho on oil about four miles from Ilarrisburg. couragemont given tho boys at tho It haa lonBod 80,000 acres of Bannor initial game; a cold rocoptlon on tho county land thought to contain oil. part of our people will dampen tho Automobilo trucks havo boon hauling ontliusiasm of tho team and tond to building matorlals for tho last three dishearten them, whllo a big and on weoks from KImbaM and a carload of thuslastlc crowd will lnsplro them to woll casings and nnothor car of boilers light tllco tlgors throughout tho sea aro now on tho trade Oil mon from son """D"i'' " .JU..b ...v.- . M-,1n ,. -..w ,i .UU1I ,,j forrcd. Phono 013 School children of Uik fifth, Blxth, sovontli nnd olghth grados will bo ln- Soveral residents of tho cast end vltod to visit tho Loypoldt & Penning' havo filed a petition Int ho district ton Want next Saturday and aftor bo durt praying that Uio Artiflciill loo lng shown through will bo asked to Company bo compollod to abate nul- writa a descriptive artlclo of what thoy snnces which Uio residents claim tho saw. To tho ono giving tho boat, des company maintains. criptlon a prlzo of flvo dollars "will bo I now havo funds at 5 per cent rded, and Uio Avrlto-up will bo pub- Coats for tho klddlos: wo havo espo- will lie moro than pleased with tho stylo anu prices or tuese garments. 13. T. TRAMP & SONS on chotco bottom table land. Gono Crook, Room 4, Kolth thoatro Bldg. For Sale Four-room cottage. Six hundred cash and bof.ancoo on easy tonus. Phono 798-F 14. E. W. Wright. A marrlago llccnsitf was Issued Sat- GRADE PIANO FOR SALE uruay to uusiav Dansirom anu usuier Pintto a now nlano for which no iea MKTolmson, both, of this city, and yes- sonablo offer will bo deciMnod 1r taken torday to Chas. A. Howard and Flor- at onco. Quality guaranteed. If In- onco M. Young, both of Wclllloet. ll,lnlr TZ C. F. Templo has consented to act as particulars. 74-8 -----------IM-WM local chairman to push tho salo of Lib erty bonds in North Platto and Lincoln por ton. Four moro residences woro quaran tined for smnll-jiox tho lattor part of last wcok. Ono caso has developed south of tho track witli Miss Nell Hartmnn, a tonchor In tho north, sldo schiool, as Uio afflicted. Under a coatract recently mado, Loypoldt & Pennington, of this city, bo- ,como distributors for tho Washburn- Crosby "Gold Modal" Hour. Their ter ritory oxtonds along tho Union Pacific from Kearney to Choyonno. Try Dr. Smith, tho Chiropractor. BOtf In tho foot ball ganw Friday by tho high school and alumni teams, tho formor won by a scortel of tldrty to nothing. Tho high school team show ed nip strong, and thoy wore oxcoptlou ally good on Uio forward pass. Bayard McMulIon, formorly clork In tho U. P. round houso, but of late years a brakoman on tho First dis trict, wont Uirough to Laramlo yester day whoro ho has been transferred. Ho is a son of C. W. McMulIon of this city. "Tho first killing frost," somowhnt dolaycd. arrived Sunday night. It was not only a frost, but freeze. Gar don plants and flowors covored wlUi shoots and .newspapers succumbed and under tho rays of Uio warm sun wilted badl " County Commissioner Springer has purchased a Studobakor six touring car of tho Durbln Auto Co. nnd will hore nftor como to town by car Instead of by train. On his bl-yoartp trips to Philadelphia in tho futurla ho will al so uso tho car. Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Redmond return ed Saturday from a two weoks' visit with tholr son Claronco In Los Angolos. Thoy woro prtesont at tho funornl of tho lato J. II. Cunningham, for nianLy years a NorUi Platto resident, and at this cervlco Uioy mot qulto a number of formor rtesldonts of this. city. Tho funornl was largely attended and Uio floral trlbutas woro bonnrtful. Scene in Bayard Veiller3 great play "The 13th Chair," which has been pronounced by press and public the greatest drama written in many years. It comes to Keiths' Theatre, Friday Evening, Oct. 12th. producers, say that tho regulatl prices will not apparently reduco tho prices in xvortn I'latte. Tho corn crop In Lincoln county lias so far advanced that the frost and freeze of Sunday night will Injure but a very few fields. Samples of corn from different sections of the county are oxhlbltcu at several business nous es, and they afo woll matured and ex ceptionally large. It Is gonerally con ceded that tho corn crop In Lincoln county this yenr will be tho greatest over known In tho history of the coun ty- pinna tnr Hio rAiiirwlnllnir nf Mm Hnn- ond floor of tho McCabo building at the corner of Fourth and Dewey and the addition of a third story havo been submitted to Dr. .Mccabo ror his ap proval. It Is probable that tho Doctor will approve, In which cuso the work will start early In tho spring. Roth up per lloors will becomo part of tho Ho tel McCabe. giving tho additional rooms that arc needed, and maKing a notei juBt such as North Platte should and must later possoss. : :o: : FOR HUNT Newly deeorateil, Nteiim heated Mtorc liulldliig. Mine three room modern 01 lice. Choice locution. linA'lT, (UM)I)MAN & IIUCICI.KV. A new shipment of suits and coats. Do not fall to compare our morchan- nlBO and also prices, 13. T. TRAMP & SONS. J. B. Hemphill wont to Sumner yos- torday to dispose of some proporty ho owns iu that town. Farm and Ranch loans nt lowest rates and best terms. Moiicy on hand to cIoho loans promptly. iatf HUCJIANAN & PATTERSON. A large number of farmers and stock raisers have had satisfactory dealings with the McDonald State Bank for years. Most ot them started here by making a loan. Our liberal and reasonable loan service is offered to you whether or not you have an account here or have ever done business with us before. N Come in and let us discuss your needs. McDonald State Bank. I.KCAI. NOTICI Hannah McUlnnls, and tho unknown heirs, devlsoes. legatees, and personal roproBontatlvos of Ilannuh McOinnls. and all other persons Interested In tho estate of Hannah McUlnnls. Mary Mar tha McUlnnls and the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees and porwonal repre sentatives ot Alary Marina jvicuiujiih, and all othor persons Interested In tho estate Of Marv Martha McUlnnls. and Ueorgu Duncan McMcOlnnls, and the unknown holrs, dovlsoes, legatees and personal representatives of George Duncan McUlnnls. and all othor per sons Interested iu tho ostato OS. George I.ICUAI NOTIOM F. C. Lathrop. tho unknown heirs, de visees, legatees and personal represent atives of 1 C. Lathrop and all other persons interested in uio estato ot i C. Lathron. T. J. Mackcy. tho unknown lielis, dovlsoes, legatees and personal representatives of T. J Mackoy, und all othor persons Interested In tho es tato of T. J. Mackoy. will hereby take notice that on the nth duy of October, 11)17. Wesley T. AVllcox In an action wherein tho said Wesloy T, Wilcox Is nlalntllf and tho abovo named defend ants aro defendants, tiled his petition in the District court oc Lincoln coun ty, Nobraska, against said defendants and each of them. Plaintiff alleges In his petition that ho Is tho owner in fee simnio and in uio possession or. uio ioi- lowlng described real estate, to-wlt: Tho Hast half of tho Northwest quar ter, and the Kant half of tho Southwest uuarted of Section 21, township !), range Z'J, and tiie North half of tho North half of Section 20, township 10. range 20, all iu Lincoln County, Nebraska, that the above named defendants havo or claim to havo some lntorost In and to said abovo described real estate by virtue of two certain mortgago deeds, one of which said mortgago deeds was exe cuted upon said laud by lSlmor 10. lteeco, hIiikIo to Low IS. Darrow, May 18th, ixhu, and recorded way ism, iu, in Have You Bought A Liberty - Bond? If you have not, do it today. We will be glad to take your sub scription for any amount, from $50.00 up. FIRST NATIONAL BANK North Platte, Nebraska. mIPh IMS Coupon Wor i 25 Cents Duncuii McUlnnls. And the unknown owners and unknown claimants of Lota Alortgago record 0, Pago lfl'J to 172, real seven and olghht (7 and 8) In Block olKhty-elght (SS). of tho original town of North i'latte, Nebraska, as tho same is platted and of record In tho olllco of tno county uioric oi jincoin uouniy, Nebraska, Defendants, will horoby take notice that on tho 8tn day of October. 11U7. William 11. i'acka. piaintiit. in an action wherein the suld William 11 l'acka is plaintiff and the above named defendants nro defendants, tiled his pe tition In tho district court of Lincoln County, Nebraska, against said defend ants and oach of tiiem. l'lalntlff al leges In his petition that he is tho own er in leo simple anu in me poHsession of lots seven and eight (7 nnd 8) In block eluhty-o Kht (88). of the origi nal town of North I'latte, Nebraska, as tho same Is platted und or record in the olllce of the county uieric oi Lin coin County, Nobraska, ond that the suld plaintiff nnd his grantors before him havo been in tho opon, and "ad- Verne possession of tho samo as against tho defendants and as against all nor- sous claiming by or through tho defend ants and each of them, mid against the whole world ror more than ton consec- utlvo years last past: tho' oblect and prayer of plaintiff's potltlon Is to quiet title In tho plaintiff In and to lots sev en anu eight (7 and 8), in niocic oighty-i eight (88), oi tno original town or North Platto, Nobraska, as tho Hamo is platted and of record in the olllco of tho County Clork of Lincoln County. Nebraska, and to oxcludo each and all of tho said dofondants from all right, title, Interest, claim and demand in and to said land of whatsoever kind or na ture and for such other nnd further relief as may bo just and equltablo. You aro further notlflod that said District Court on the 8th day of Oc tober, 1917, mado and entered an or der permitting service by publication upon ench of tho said defendants for four consecutive weoks, as roqlred by law. And said defendants aro further notified that they are required to ans wer said petition on or before tho 19th uay oe iNovomuor, ivn. WILLIAM H PACICA. Uy WILCOX & HALLIGAN, o9-4w , Ills Attorneys estate records of Lincoln County, No- I'l'HHKa. wiucn mortgage was atier wards assigned by Lew 13. Darrow to I)1. C. Lathron.. the abovo defendant. which assignment was dated Juno 28th, 1889. and recorded July 6th, 1889, Hook it of mortgages. 1'iiko 308. real estate records of Lincoln County, Nobraska, mid which Nald mortgage deed appears of recoiil as a lieu upon the title to the Kast half of the Northwost quarter, and the Kant half of tho Southwest quarter of said section 21, ami tho othor of which said mortgagoH was executed up- ,.,., i .... .1 ... IlriTtl.... t. ii..,.ui..t. ... uu nuiu itiuu uy yv iiimm ju, j uitmuy, un married, to the above named defend ant T. .1. Mackoy, under date of Decem ber 10, 1895, and recorded December 23d, ifi'JG, uooit is, i'ago yd. mortgage ro- ..... 1 .. r I .. .. 1 .. rnn.nt. T.,l.H.iuta -.Jllin U L IJllli-iMU UUH Hilly, unnn, nnd which said mortgage nppeurs of M-cord as a lien upon tho North half of the North half of said section 26. Plaintiff further alleges that said ii ortgago doeds and each of thorn are wholly barred by tho stntuto of Llml uons of tho State of Nobraska. and i uve ceaseil to bo a Hon upon the said ;.l.ovo described real estate. l'lalntlff prays that his title to said r tl estate bo forever continued, and quieted in him as against tho claims of the defendants and each of thorn under and bv virtue of said mortgago deeds or othorwlso, and that tho dofomlants and each of thorn bo forovor enjoined from sotting un or claim ne any right. tltl-, Interest, estate or demand in or to ciiia real ostato. or rrom over inter fering with tho possession or onjoy. men' of tho nlntntlff In said real es tate, and for such othor relief as may bo JuHt and equltablo. You urn further notified that on tho 8th day of October, 1917, said District court inauo ona onierea an oruor per- mlttlnir servlco bv publication upon you and each of you for four consecu tlvo weoks ns required by law, and said defendants aro further notlflod that thoy .iro required to unswor said peti tion on or beforo tho 19th day of No- vember, 1917. By WILCOX & HALLIGAN. o9-4w Ills Attorneys, IF USED BEHORE OCTOBER 20th. Sign your imiiio Jiolow nnd Inlto with 25c to our dculcr, THE KEXALL DttUG ST011I2, nt XOItTIl I'LATTE, anil rocolvo n full-slzo Jnr of Egg-o. latum sufficient for preserving i() dozen eggs for winter use. liggs ivlll bo very high next winter. Egg-o-latum keens 11 fresh egg sweet and fresh for ono year. A soft, antiseptic wnx, It Is slmitly rubbed ovor tho egg nnd then put In nn egg caso or carton In a cool cellar until wanted for use. Can eng. Ily fix n half dozen to a dozen per. minute. Its tho easiest, surest, cheap, est and best egg preserver over Invented. Hook, "All About Eggs, Is free. Sign Below Not Good aftor October 20th. I havo received from my dealer, us abovo, for 25 cents', ono Jar of Egg-o-latiim and will uso It at onco on eggs for next winter's uso. I havo not pro viously used Egg-o-lntum. NA3IE. APDItESS. THE FIRST POUND OF OUR CREAMERY BUTTER you buy will begin your acquaintance with tho best butter made. It has all tho body of tho richest cream, wlUi a flavor that recalls sweet smelling clover or now mown hay. Don't full to try u pound today. Why put off enjoying ono of Uio best of tablo lux uries. Ask for Alfalfa Quoou Butter. North Platte Creamery. 1'IIONE 63.