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About The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1917)
St IRA L. HAItE, Editor and Publisher. . subscription rates; One Year bj Mall In Advnnce. .,.$1.23 Oiic Year by Carrier In Advnuco. . IJiO Entered at North Plfttie, Nebraska, PoetoUlco as Second Class Matter. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5. 1017. Old Timor Hero. Wm. Dlkoman, who loft this county twonty-two ycara ago, and wont to tho northwest British possessions, spent a day or two in town this wcok. Short ly aftor roachlng tho British mining country Mr. Dlkoman struck a rlcliJ vein of oro, and lator,.sod tho claim flor $250,000. Ho thon moved to Soat tlo, whoro ho has slnco rosldod. lie owns a 40-ncro country homo noar Soattlo, has money lnvostcd In good soourltlos, has rel-nmrrlod and Is tho father of two chdron. Undor those favorablo conditions It is probabto that "Bill" Is onjoying tho full moas ural of a pleasant life. : ;o: : Sutherland Free Lhiico Items. AtlMH Clan Channel, who for two years past has lfeld tho position of . principal of tho local schools, handed, I.. lnllnn lm lnat of thn WOOk . and iloft Monday Hot hor homo in Kearney. Miss Nora Nelson of Omaha is in chargo of tho work at present. Whllo at work on his father's farm' TUn.lnv nfinrnnnn ArUmr Smith mot with an accidit, tho seriousness 0f( ,,t vl nsPArtiLlneil.l V i 1 1 W L lllill II J r,w ( Tho young man was working with a threshing enow and in making a hasty Jump a separator alighted on a pitchfork. Ilo was takon to Omaha, Tuosdny night for oxamlnatlon and troatmont. nntwonn TTorahnv nnd North Platto . i t..i.i nxri .i' fn(,,H A T. ncrur In n nmtnmnbSlo .mashup that could woll havo been ' , arl,n A TTftr,1 .Irlvnn liv .T. .Purbaugh of tho Paxton vicinity, crash-! t.,i l,l. nnli.Hf ATrMiwC'h Marion ' nt A9K ml,,. Thn nccunants of! tho'vehiclos wore unhurt, but tho ma- chinos woro badlp wrcccked, tho llghtnf car of course getting much tho! worst of it. McNcol had turned out nnd otowod down but in tho darknosB and diist tho other drlvor evidently was unablo to gauge distances v'ory accurately. A Scnsutloiial Play Tlioatro-goors who havo waited pa tiently for tlio coming of "Tlio Thir- ' toonth Chair" will lie well rowardod .this season whoil New York's -sonsa-tlonil molodramn will bo presented horo Friday, Octobor 1., by William Harris, Jr., In tho samo sotting In , which it, was shown nt tho Forty 'b.lghth Stroot Thoatro, New York. ' To attempt a. do3crlptlon of "Tho -Tlilrtocnth Chair" in a Jk'w brlof Bon- , toneoa would bo vroV nigh mposslblo. . Sufflco It, to say that from tho moment tho curtain descondod on tho last act o tho play on Its opening night, it was tli! most talkod of ptay soon in tw York In an ontlro theatrical soa- ''som"' It continuous run nt tho Forty Eli;lith Stroot Thoatro for more than a yoar boars olcqont t03tlmony tn tho inthirost takon In tho play by thoso who 1ovo tho drama. "Tho Thlrtleonth Chair" ia by Bayard VoIVor, tho author of "Within t,ho Law" who Is known to theatro-goers . Mho A-orld over as a mastor hand at -wtnltlng Bonsatlonal dramatic lplays. Pricos $2.00, $1.G0 and $1.00. ? "Produce vm i i says Mr. Wilson. "Snvo tho Produce adds 3Ir. Hoover. "Save jour 3Ioiu" MigtfOKts air. aicAdoo. ';Pr()duco Checks Cashed Here'' an nutinros (ho Platto Ynfjoy State Hank, abvajH ready to travel in good com. pauy. Wo ultio havo a Savings Department fort hose who vould fully hwd good advice and tho dictates of good Judg ment. ' ' "Platte Valley State Bank 2 ,jSjm NORTH PLATTE 1$T AT KEARNEY NEXT THURSDAY Tho Tribune i3 in recolpt of tho fol lowing communication from the Kaufmann-WornlcTt Co. of Kcarnoy: Editor Tribuno: Wo aro going to hq'd our annual Good Roads Fair and Fall Stylo show noxt wcok and have set asldo Thursday, Octobor 11th, as North I'latto Day, in kooplng with tho many suggestions tnadle by your boost ers during our visit whllo you had your cobratlon In North Platto. Thoro aro many highly interesting foat. tiros giolng to bo tried for tho first time in a town of size of Koarnoy and wo aro suro that tho trip will provo both entertaining and profitable for all that will accept our hearty in vltatlon. Owing to our many connoc tlons and formor association with North Platto business people, wo weTe Instructed by tlm commltteo in charge to sond out this Invitation, nnd wo in turn thought you to bo tho best suited to convey our msango Do tho Boosters of Lincoln county. Wo would BUggost that you arrive horo on No. 10 nnd leavo on No. 1C You will bo nblo to Uko In aM tho dlfforont features and not krao any BUe'op. Wo shall bo vory glad to receive a reply of acceptance and hope to see y " ' On LI10 HUUVU uuuj, , Obituary. Mrs. John Sorenaon passed away Sept. 23rd, aftor n prolonged Illness cau8CU which for a number of years graduo-l- y reuueuu nur w u vuiy vvo.ui u dltlon. Ltum Stoltonborg was born in Koll, Gormany. July 31st 18GG, coming with .''" in 1SU4. iioro siio spent nor giriuoou and was married to John Soronaon No- vembor 21st, 1870, making North Platte Ikt homo for many years. In sll an llcr famlly nlovod Cheyenne, Wyo, remaining there u"wr vuiuuur, xv,, vvmrn mi. compelled to move to Los Angeles on "ucumii Sho wn8 a chartor member iof UlO p'P8t BvangoHcal Lutheran church of 0n a misji -uarnesi worker; Instrumental In building the same. Her aim was to do good to a l Sho is survived by hor husband and flvo chlldron; Mrs. Mlnnlo Fries, Oma ha. Mrs. Anna nankin. Los, Mrs. Ruby Hallott, Los Angolos, Ed ward Soronson, Los Angolos and Dr. Alfrod Soronson, Chicago. Sho was laid to rWst at Forest Lawn cemetery, a l'arglft gathering of frlonds attending, many being ol'.d North Platte frlonds. rrltmls. Literary Department 3Ieets Mrs. W. H. .Cramer, assisted by Mrs I. L. Stobblns, pCoasantly ontortalnod tho 1'Itornturo department ' of tlio Twontloth Century qlub on Tuosdny afternoon. An IntoroHtlng pnoigram was ron- dorod. Mrs. York Illnmnn gavo an aocount of "Tint Northmon," nCso the discovery of Grconland. Mrs. Frator road an ac count of Christopher Columbus. Mrs. Cram'tr gavo a talk on tho proposed "Municipal Chorus" planned by tho music and art department Roll cal1. wns responded to In tho usaml manner, by relating Interesting facts about as s!gnld stales. Brokon oyo glass lenses can bo re placed tlio same day as order Is given In our lonso. grinding dopartmont. HARRY DIXON & SON, tf Graduate Optometrists. and Save" I I I I I tmmmm 1 I 7 mm i mmmmm mmmmmmmm i ! i i " - - - : i II I in ii ii iMi ' " 1 1 1 . 1 1.1 1 lie North? latte Electric (Three blocks west PHONE ow Phone Us. Write Us. We Want to Get Cow Brand Flour and is Made from RED CROSS WILL SOON SHIP GOODS Tho Red ross Socloty will soon mako a shipment tof thiei goods on which thoy havo so dJlgontly worked during tho past sixty or more days. Tho numbor of artlclos will run Into tho hundreds and include bed shirts, Ipajamas, oporatlng gowns, dressings, knitted gjoods, and other artlclos need ed by tho wounded soldlors In hosplt nfs. Slnco July tho society has had.Bev- oral wbrk days each week, meeting in a room In tho federal building. The avorago attondanco of workors oach day has been about fifteen; sometimes reaching twenty-flvte "and with eight sowing machines in operation. In nddtion ,to tho work dono by the society Inthls city, thoro aro branches at Maxwell, Brady, Horshcy, Suther land nnd otlifer points. Tho Maxwell piaclcty brought up two big suit ca&os nilod with nrtltfos last SaturdayTho othor towns havo not yot sent In their donations. In a few days auxiliaries to tho North Platto society will bo organized In town. Thoro will be ono formed in the Fourth ward to mako somo partic ular garmont, tho Baptist Sunday schlool wiV organlzo to mako somo otlwir articlo, and tho lndlos' societies of itho dlfforont churches will engage In tho work as organizations. Tills formation of nuxllarles! means got- Ung moro women interested nnd thorfe- foro a greator output of" garments. With tho soldlor bkys now enrouto to tho trenches, tho demand for hospital clothing wl soon bo enormous, and every womnn will need do hor bit. -t in! i FOR SALE Modern houso and' lot, west 0th St Will glvo good terms. Phono Rod 10C0. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Tatum aro nmong tho North Platto people who! havo boon soondlne this wfcok In Om- nha attending tho Ak-Sar-Bon."' r W. A. CAUFFMAN, AUCTIONEER. Terms reasonable guarantee satisfaction.. For dates call at any bank in North Platte. Is N T Buy Wheat BRING ALONG THE WHEAT Mills of the U. P. Depot.) 1074 Readly Bring In a Sample. Acquainted. is Quality Flour Quality Wheat Raptfst Church Notes Next Sunday morning thero will be tho Promotion Day exercises at the Baptist church, Sunday School at 9:45. At 10 o'clock the Sunday School, which is completely graded from cradle roV, beginners, primary, and Junior depart ments up to Intermediate and adult classes, will assemble In the auditorium and receivo tholr diplomas. A pro gram will be glvtn and tho pastor will preach a Sunday school"baccalaufcato' sermon. Parents Q3peclaily aro re quested to bring tholr babes for tho beautiful consecration sorvlco some t'wes known as "1041033 of infants. North Side Sunday Schoof. 3 p. m. B. Y. P. U. 0:30 p. m. Evonlng worship at 7:30 p m.. The congregation is requested to tako noto of tho change of hour from 8 p. m. to 7:30 p. m. for evonlng worship. A general church and Sunday school social will be held In tho basement of tho Baptist church this Friday evening at 8 o'clock. All members of tho church and congregation and friends aro invited. This social Is under tho auspices of tho advlsery commltteo of tho church. Christian Church Noxt Lord's day Is "Como to Sun day School1. Day" In Nebraska, Let ov ory member or tho classes or our school bo In his or her place prompt ly at the beginning of tho sorvlco at 9:45 d'clock The theme1 of tho morning sormon will bo "Tho Preacher's Helpers." please notico that tlio time of tho boglnnlng of tho night strvice from this on wllti bo 7:30 o'clock. Tho mombors of tho chorus are preparing somo spdcal music for tho services on next Lord's day. Tho Ultimo of tho sermon ai nigni wim ux a neiu- 0(1 "fo." This is tho fourth of tho sorlos. You aro cordially wolcomo to como and onjoy thtko services with us. T. A. LINDSNMEYER, Mlnistor, -: :o: :- Lutheran Announcements 9:16 a. m. Sunday School Sorvlco 11 o'clock Morning Worship. Ser nion Subjoot. Tho Law for tho Christ lan Spooch and Conduct 7:30 p. in. Evonlng Worship. Luthor Longuo Topic. "Tho Rotormntlon in Ono Man's Life." Plcaso noto tho changia in tho hour for sorvlco. Thoro will bo a congrogatlona mooting nt tho closo of tho morning sorvlco for tho purposo of considering tho calling of another pastor. Thei Brothorhtood will moot nt tho homo of Mr. C, M. York, noxt Monday evening. A full turn out is desired. ;:o:: Congregational Meeting Notico Isioroby glvon that thoro wlfl bo n-mooting of tho congregation of tlio Presbyterian church on Sun day, Octobor 7th, nt 11 o'clock a, m , Hollowing tho Sunday school) for tlio purposo of considering a proposition for tho salo of tlio manso and also for tlid election of a trustoo for said church. WM. E. SHUMAN. Pros, of Board of Trustoos. 100 Years Old Lochlol Johnston, who recently ro- turnedfrom Now York state, visited an need aunt whllo thero. This woek ho redelnvcd a plcturo taken of hor when 100 years of age. A birthday party was given In hor honor nnd groatly onjoyed by hor. Sho received hor guosts sitting by a tab-'te. 100 years l'.d, and In a chair 80 years old; and woro a skirt whvon by her mother 110 years ago. Mr. Jonnston says ner mmu Is very clear and actlvo and It Is a pleasure to convcrso with her. Her oycslght Is dim through ago, but sho KEITH THEATRE FRIDAY EVENING, OCT. 12. Kathsrine Grey, as "Madam La Grange" Buchanan & Patterson's Bargain .List of Cottages and Bungalows. G01. Nice four room, cottage and lot in the 1200 block, G18 Washington Street. Price $1000.00. 602. Neat four room cottage, 415 West 8th Street, close in. $1500.00. 603. Pour room cottage, 302 South Pine St. Price $1850. 604. Good six room cottage, modern except heat, 615 East Sixth St. $2100.00. 605. Fairly good cottage of six rooms with toilet, 620 Grant Street. $1200.00. 606. Nice 6 room cottage, corner lot, shade trees,, 721 west 7th Street. Price $2000.00. 607. Handsome new cottage, five rooms, modern except heat, 214 South Ash Street. Price $2500.00. 608. Dandy new bungalow, five rooms, modern except heat. Price $2800.00. 609. Nice cottage, five rooms, modern except heat, with gas range, in 800 block East Third Street. Price $2800.00. 610. Handsome new bungalow of five rooms, full mod ern; lot 66x132. This is one of the best built and best looking in the city. Located in 1300 block West Sixth. Price $3500.00. 611. Nice new 7 room .cottage, 1015 East 4th,'modern ex cept heat. Price $3650.00. If you are paying rent, come and let us show you how easy you can buy any of the above list of homes and make the money you now pay for rent, help pay for one of these homes. Every one of these 'places are selected bargains ,and are being offered at 10 to 25 per cent less than they can be reproduced for. BUCHANAN & PATTERSON, f SOLE AGENTS. ' is happy and contented. She mado ji vow sonio years gago sho woujd hot" say an unkind word to any ono, no I matt)? r what might be said to hor. Rel atives and friend?' camo 200 mjles to attend tho birthday party at Kings ton, N. Y., tho state whore hor wholo life has boon passed. O - Soft wnlcr shampoo, electric mns. sago nnd luimnn Imlr switches nt the Conlcs Roauly Parlor. J. C. Askwig has been spondjng tho past few days in Omaha transacting business and seeing tho parades. TWELVE AND A HALF TIMES AS GOOD AS "WITHIN THE LAW" New York Tribune. "IT WILL CAPTURE THE TOWN." Chicago Journal. "The cast is splendid, headed by Katherino Grey, whose subtle manner and intense emotionalism makes her an effective lead." Columbus, O., Dispatch. SEAT SALE TUESDAY 4 OCT, 9. 7:30 P. M. , The first increase in price on these cleaners is coming soon. We still sell this revolving brush machine for $30. Come in and see it.. North Platte & Power Co. Torrmgton